10 letter word starting with v

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
vaccinated imp. & past participle of Vaccinate
vaccinator noun One who, or that which, vaccinates.
vacillancy noun The quality or state of being vacillant, or wavering.
vacillated imp. & past participle of Vacillate
vacuolated adjective Full of vacuoles, or small air cavities; as, vacuolated cells.
vade mecum A book or other thing that a person carries with him as a constant companion; a manual; a handbook.
vagabondry noun Vagabondage.
vaginicola noun A genus of Infusoria which form minute vaselike or tubular cases in which they dwell.
vaginismus noun A painful spasmodic contraction of the vagina, often rendering copulation impossible.
valeramide noun The acid amide derivative of valeric acid, obtained as a white crystalline substance.
valerianic adjective Performance to, or obtained from, valerian root; specifically, designating an acid which is usually called valeric acid.
valeridine noun A base, C10H19N, produced by heating valeric aldehyde with ammonia. It is probably related to the conine alkaloids.
valerylene noun A liquid hydrocarbon, C5H8; — called also pentine.
validation noun The act of giving validity.
valleculae plural of Vallecula
valsalvian adjective Of or pertaining to Valsalva, an Italian anatomist of the 17th century.
vanadinite noun A mineral occurring in yellowish, and ruby-red hexagonal crystals. It consist of lead vanadate with a small proportion of lead chloride.
vanishment noun A vanishing.
vanquished imp. & past participle of Vanquish
vanquisher noun One who, or that which, vanquishes.
vaporation noun The act or process of converting into vapor, or of passing off in vapor; evaporation.
vaporiform adjective Existing in a vaporous form or state; as, steam is a vaporiform substance.
vaporizing present participle & vb. noun of Vaporize
vapulation noun The act of beating or whipping.
variciform adjective Resembling a varix.
varicocele noun A varicose enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord; also, a like enlargement of the veins of the scrotum.
varicosity noun The quality or state of being varicose., An enlargement or swelling in a vessel, fiber, or the like; a varix; as, the varicosities of nerve fibers.
variegated imp. & past participle of Variegate, Having marks or patches of different colors; as, variegated leaves, or flowers.
variformed adjective Formed with different shapes; having various forms; variform.
variolitic adjective Thickly marked with small, round specks; spotted., Of, pertaining to, or resembling, variolite.
varnishing present participle & vb. noun of Varnish, The act of laying on varnish; also, materials for varnish.
vaticanism noun The doctrine of papal supremacy; extreme views in support of the authority of the pope; ultramontanism; — a term used only by persons who are not Roman Catholics.
vaticanist noun One who strongly adheres to the papal authority; an ultramontanist.
vaticinate verb i. & t. To prophesy; to foretell; to practice prediction; to utter prophecies.
vaudeville noun A kind of song of a lively character, frequently embodying a satire on some person or event, sung to a familiar air in couplets with a refrain; a street song; a topical song., A theatrical piece, usually a comedy, the dialogue of which is intermingled with light or satirical songs, set to familiar airs.
vauntingly adverb In a vaunting manner.
vegetality noun The quality or state of being vegetal, or vegetable., The quality or state of being vegetal, or exhibiting those physiological phenomena which are common to plants and animals. See Vegetal, a., 2.
vegetarian noun One who holds that vegetables and fruits are the only proper food for man. Strict vegetarians eat no meat, eggs, or milk., Of or pertaining to vegetarianism; as, a vegetarian diet.
vegetating present participle & vb. noun of Vegetate
vegetation noun The act or process of vegetating, or growing as a plant does; vegetable growth., The sum of vegetable life; vegetables or plants in general; as, luxuriant vegetation., An exuberant morbid outgrowth upon any part, especially upon the valves of the heart.
vegetative adjective Growing, or having the power of growing, as plants; capable of vegetating., Having the power to produce growth in plants; as, the vegetative properties of soil., Having relation to growth or nutrition; partaking of simple growth and enlargement of the systems of nutrition, apart from the sensorial or distinctively animal functions; vegetal.
vehemently adverb In a vehement manner.
vehiculary adjective Vehicular.
vehiculate verb t. & i. To convey by means of a vehicle; to ride in a vehicle.
veliferous adjective Carrying or bearing sails.
velitation noun A dispute or contest; a slight contest; a skirmish.
velivolant adjective Flying with sails; passing under full sail.
vellicated imp. & past participle of Vellicate
velocipede noun A light road carriage propelled by the feet of the rider. Originally it was propelled by striking the tips of the toes on the roadway, but commonly now by the action of the feet on a pedal or pedals connected with the axle of one or more of the wheels, and causing their revolution. They are made in many forms, with two, three, or four wheels. See Bicycle, and Tricycle.
velocities plural of Velocity
velutinous adjective Having the surface covered with a fine and dense silky pubescence; velvety; as, a velutinous leaf.
velvetleaf noun A name given to several plants which have soft, velvety leaves, as the Abutilon Avicennae, the Cissampelos Pareira, and the Lavatera arborea, and even the common mullein.
venatorial adjective Or or pertaining to hunting; venatic.
veneficial adjective Alt. of Veneficious
venerating present participle & vb. noun of Venerate
veneration noun The act of venerating, or the state of being venerated; the highest degree of respect and reverence; respect mingled with awe; a feeling or sentimental excited by the dignity, wisdom, or superiority of a person, by sacredness of character, by consecration to sacred services, or by hallowed associations.
ventilated imp. & past participle of Ventilate
ventilator noun A contrivance for effecting ventilation; especially, a contrivance or machine for drawing off or expelling foul or stagnant air from any place or apartment, or for introducing that which is fresh and pure.
ventricose adjective Alt. of Ventricous
ventricous adjective Swelling out on one side or unequally; bellied; ventricular; as, a ventricose corolla.
ventriculi plural of Ventriculus
verbalized imp. & past participle of Verbalize
verbenated imp. & past participle of Verbenate
verdingale noun See Farthingale.
veretillum noun Any one of numerous species of club-shaped, compound Alcyonaria belonging to Veretillum and allied genera, of the tribe Pennatulacea. The whole colony can move about as if it were a simple animal.
vergeboard noun The ornament of woodwork upon the gable of a house, used extensively in the 15th century. It was generally suspended from the edge of the projecting roof (see Verge, n., 4), and in position parallel to the gable wall. Called also bargeboard.
verifiable adjective Capable of being verified; confirmable.
vermeology noun A discourse or treatise on worms; that part of zoology which treats of worms; helminthology.
vermicelli noun The flour of a hard and small-grained wheat made into dough, and forced through small cylinders or pipes till it takes a slender, wormlike form, whence the Italian name. When the paste is made in larger tubes, it is called macaroni.
vermicious adjective Of or pertaining to worms; wormy.
vermicular adjective Of or pertaining to a worm or worms; resembling a worm; shaped like a worm; especially, resembling the motion or track of a worm; as, the vermicular, or peristaltic, motion of the intestines. See Peristaltic.
vermifugal adjective Tending to prevent, destroy, or expel, worms or vermin; anthelmintic.
vernacular adjective Belonging to the country of one’s birth; one’s own by birth or nature; native; indigenous; — now used chiefly of language; as, English is our vernacular language., The vernacular language; one’s mother tongue; often, the common forms of expression in a particular locality.
verrayment adverb Verily; truly.
versicolor adjective Alt. of Versicolored
versicular adjective Of or pertaining to verses; designating distinct divisions of a writing.
versifying present participle & vb. noun of Versify
versionist noun One who makes or favors a version; a translator.
vertebrata noun pl. One of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom, comprising all animals that have a backbone composed of bony or cartilaginous vertebrae, together with Amphioxus in which the backbone is represented by a simple undivided notochord. The Vertebrata always have a dorsal, or neural, cavity above the notochord or backbone, and a ventral, or visceral, cavity below it. The subdivisions or classes of Vertebrata are Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia, Amphibia, Pisces, Marsipobranchia, and Leptocardia.
vertebrate noun One of the Vertebrata., Alt. of Vertebrated
vertically adverb In a vertical manner, position, or direction; perpendicularly; as, to look down vertically; to raise a thing vertically.
vertigines plural of Vertigo
vesicating present participle & vb. noun of Vesicate
vesication noun The process of vesicating, or of raising blisters.
vesicatory adjective Tending, or having power, to raise a blister., A blistering application or plaster; a vesicant; an epispastic.
vesiculata noun pl. The campanularian medusae.
vesiculate adjective Bladdery; full of, or covered with, bladders; vesicular., To form vesicles in, as lava.
vesiculose adjective Alt. of Vesiculous
vesiculous adjective Bladdery; vesicular; vesiculate; composed of vesicles; covered with vesicles; as, a vesiculose shell.
vespertine adjective Of or pertaining to the evening; happening or being in the evening., Blossoming in the evening.
vespilloes plural of Vespillo
vesselfuls plural of Vesselful
vestiarian adjective Of or pertaining to a vestiary or vestments.
vestibular adjective Of or pertaining to a vestibule; like a vestibule.
vestibulum noun A cavity into which, in certain bryozoans, the esophagus and anus open.
veteranize verb i. To reenlist for service as a soldier.
veterinary adjective Of or pertaining to the art of healing or treating the diseases of domestic animals, as oxen, horses, sheep, etc.; as, a veterinary writer or school.
viatecture noun The art of making roads or ways for traveling, including the construction of bridges, canals, viaducts, etc.
viatometer noun A viameter.
vibraculum noun One of the movable, slender, spinelike organs or parts with which certain bryozoans are furnished. They are regarded as specially modified zooids, of nearly the same nature as Avicularia.
vibroscope noun An instrument for observing or tracing vibrations., An instrument resembling the phenakistoscope.
vicegerent adjective Having or exercising delegated power; acting by substitution, or in the place of another., Having or exercising delegated power; acting by substitution, or in the place of another., An officer who is deputed by a superior, or by proper authority, to exercise the powers of another; a lieutenant; a vicar.
vice-regal adjective Of or pertaining to a viceroy or viceroyalty.
vicontiels noun pl. Things belonging to the sheriff; especially, farms (called also vicontiel rents) for which the sheriff used to pay rent to the king.
victimized imp. & past participle of Victimize
victorious adjective Of or pertaining to victory, or a victor’ being a victor; bringing or causing a victory; conquering; winning; triumphant; as, a victorious general; victorious troops; a victorious day.
victualled of Victual
victualing present participle & vb. noun of Victual, Of or pertaining to victuals, or provisions; supplying provisions; as, a victualing ship.
victualage noun Victuals; food.
vida finch The whidah bird.
vigilantly adverb In a vigilant manner.
villainous adjective Base; vile; mean; depraved; as, a villainous person or wretch., Proceeding from, or showing, extreme depravity; suited to a villain; as, a villainous action., Sorry; mean; mischievous; — in a familiar sense.
villainies plural of Villainy
villanelle plural of Villanella, A poem written in tercets with but two rhymes, the first and third verse of the first stanza alternating as the third verse in each successive stanza and forming a couplet at the close.
villanella noun An old rustic dance, accompanied with singing.
villanette noun A small villa.
villanized imp. & past participle of Villanize
villanizer noun One who villanizes.
vincentian adjective Of or pertaining to Saint Vincent de Paul, or founded by him., Same as Lazarist., A member of certain charitable sisterhoods.
vincetoxin noun A glucoside extracted from the root of the white swallowwort (Vincetoxicum officinale, a plant of the Asclepias family) as a bitter yellow amorphous substance; — called also asclepiadin, and cynanchin.
vindemiate verb i. To gather the vintage.
vindicable adjective Capable of being vindicated.
vindicated imp. & past participle of Vindicate
vindicator noun One who vindicates; one who justifies or maintains.
vindictive adjective Disposed to revenge; prompted or characterized by revenge; revengeful., Punitive.
violaceous adjective Resembling violets in color; bluish purple., Of or pertaining to a natural order of plants, of which the violet is the type. It contains about twenty genera and two hundred and fifty species.
violascent adjective Violescent.
violescent adjective Tending to a violet color; violascent.
violet-tip noun A very handsome American butterfly (Polygonia interrogationis). Its wings are mottled with various shades of red and brown and have violet tips.
viperoidea noun pl. Alt. of Viperoides
viperoides noun pl. A division of serpents which includes the true vipers of the Old World and the rattlesnakes and moccasin snakes of America; — called also Viperina.
viraginian adjective Of or pertaining to a virago; having the qualities of a virago.
viraginity noun The qualities or characteristics of a virago.
virescence The act or state of becoming green through the formation of chlorophyll.
virginhood noun Virginity; maidenhood.
viripotent adjective Developed in manhood; hence, able to beget; marriageable.
virtuality noun The quality or state of being virtual., Potentiality; efficacy; potential existence.
virtueless adjective Destitute of virtue; without efficacy or operating qualities; powerless.
virtuosity noun The quality or state of being a virtuoso; in a bad sense, the character of one in whom mere artistic feeling or aesthetic cultivation takes the place of religious character; sentimentalism., Virtuosos, collectively., An art or study affected by virtuosos.
virulented adjective Made virulent; poisoned.
virulently adverb In a virulent manner.
viscerated imp. & past participle of Viscerate
viscountcy noun The dignity or jurisdiction of a viscount.
visibility noun The quality or state of being visible.
visionless adjective Destitute of vision; sightless.
visitation noun The act of visiting, or the state of being visited; access for inspection or examination., Specifically: The act of a superior or superintending officer who, in the discharge of his office, visits a corporation, college, etc., to examine into the manner in which it is conducted, and see that its laws and regulations are duly observed and executed; as, the visitation of a diocese by a bishop., The object of a visit., The act of a naval commander who visits, or enters on board, a vessel belonging to another nation, for the purpose of ascertaining her character and object, but without claiming or exercising a right of searching the vessel. It is, however, usually coupled with the right of search (see under Search), visitation being used for the purpose of search., Special dispensation; communication of divine favor and goodness, or, more usually, of divine wrath and vengeance; retributive calamity; retribution; judgment., A festival in honor of the visit of the Virgin Mary to Elisabeth, mother of John the Baptist, celebrated on the second of July.
visitorial adjective Same as Visitatorial.
vitalistic adjective Pertaining to, or involving, vitalism, or the theory of a special vital principle.
vitalizing present participle & vb. noun of Vitalize
viticulose adjective Having long and slender trailing stems.
vitrescent adjective Capable of being formed into glass; tending to become glass.
vitrifying present participle & vb. noun of Vitrify
vitriolate verb t. To convert into, or change to, a vitriol; to make into sulphuric acid or a sulphate., To subject to the action of, or impregnate with, vitriol., Vitriolated., A sulphate.
vitriolize verb t. To convert into a vitriol; to vitriolate.
vitriolous adjective See Vitriolic.
vituperate verb t. To find fault with; to scold; to overwhelm with wordy abuse; to censure severely or abusively; to rate.
vivandiere noun In Continental armies, especially in the French army, a woman accompanying a regiment, who sells provisions and liquor to the soldiers; a female sutler.
vivificate verb t. To give life to; to animate; to revive; to vivify., To bring back a metal to the metallic form, as from an oxide or solution; to reduce.
viviparity noun The quality or condition of being viviparous.
viviparous adjective Producing young in a living state, as most mammals, or as those plants the offspring of which are produced alive, either by bulbs instead of seeds, or by the seeds themselves germinating on the plant, instead of falling, as they usually do; — opposed to oviparous.
vivisector noun A vivisectionist.
vocabulary noun A list or collection of words arranged in alphabetical order and explained; a dictionary or lexicon, either of a whole language, a single work or author, a branch of science, or the like; a word-book., A sum or stock of words employed.
vocabulist noun The writer or maker of a vocabulary; a lexicographer.
vocalizing present participle & vb. noun of Vocalize
vociferant adjective Noisy; clamorous.
vociferate verb i. To cry out with vehemence; to exclaim; to bawl; to clamor., To utter with a loud voice; to shout out.
vociferous adjective Making a loud outcry; clamorous; noisy; as, vociferous heralds.
volapukist noun One who is conversant with, or who favors adoption of, Volapuk.
volatility noun Quality or state of being volatile; disposition to evaporate; changeableness; fickleness.
volatilize verb t. To render volatile; to cause to exhale or evaporate; to cause to pass off in vapor.
volcanized imp. & past participle of Volcanize
volitation noun The act of flying; flight.
volitional adjective Belonging or relating to volition.
voltairean adjective Of or relating to Voltaire, the French author.
voltairism noun The theories or practice of Voltaire.
voltameter noun An instrument for measuring the voltaic electricity passing through it, by its effect in decomposing water or some other chemical compound acting as an electrolyte.
voltaplast noun A form of voltaic, or galvanic, battery suitable for use electrotyping.
volubilate adjective Alt. of Volubile
volubility noun The quality or state of being voluble (in any of the senses of the adjective).
volumetric adjective Of or pertaining to the measurement of volume.
voluminous adjective Of or pertaining to volume or volumes., Consisting of many folds, coils, or convolutions., Of great volume, or bulk; large., Having written much, or produced many volumes; copious; diffuse; as, a voluminous writer.
voluptuary noun A voluptuous person; one who makes his physical enjoyment his chief care; one addicted to luxury, and the gratification of sensual appetites., Voluptuous; luxurious.
voluptuous adjective Full of delight or pleasure, especially that of the senses; ministering to sensuous or sensual gratification; exciting sensual desires; luxurious; sensual., Given to the enjoyments of luxury and pleasure; indulging to excess in sensual gratifications.
volutation noun A rolling of a body; a wallowing.
vomitories plural of Vomitory
voraginous adjective Pertaining to a gulf; full of gulfs; hence, devouring.
vorticella noun Any one of numerous species of ciliated Infusoria belonging to Vorticella and many other genera of the family Vorticellidae. They have a more or less bell-shaped body with a circle of vibrating cilia around the oral disk. Most of the species have slender, contractile stems, either simple or branched.
vouchsafed imp. & past participle of Vouchsafe
vow-fellow noun One bound by the same vow as another.
voyageable adjective That may be sailed over, as water or air; navigable.
vulcanized imp. & past participle of Vulcanize
vulcanizer noun One who, or that which, vulcanizes; esp., an apparatus for vulcanizing caoutchouc.
vulgarized imp. & past participle of Vulgarize
vulgarness noun The quality of being vulgar.
vulnerable adjective Capable of being wounded; susceptible of wounds or external injuries; as, a vulnerable body., Liable to injury; subject to be affected injuriously; assailable; as, a vulnerable reputation.
vulnifical adjective Causing wounds; inflicting wounds; wounding.