10 letter word starting with va

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
vaccinated imp. & past participle of Vaccinate
vaccinator noun One who, or that which, vaccinates.
vacillancy noun The quality or state of being vacillant, or wavering.
vacillated imp. & past participle of Vacillate
vacuolated adjective Full of vacuoles, or small air cavities; as, vacuolated cells.
vade mecum A book or other thing that a person carries with him as a constant companion; a manual; a handbook.
vagabondry noun Vagabondage.
vaginicola noun A genus of Infusoria which form minute vaselike or tubular cases in which they dwell.
vaginismus noun A painful spasmodic contraction of the vagina, often rendering copulation impossible.
valeramide noun The acid amide derivative of valeric acid, obtained as a white crystalline substance.
valerianic adjective Performance to, or obtained from, valerian root; specifically, designating an acid which is usually called valeric acid.
valeridine noun A base, C10H19N, produced by heating valeric aldehyde with ammonia. It is probably related to the conine alkaloids.
valerylene noun A liquid hydrocarbon, C5H8; — called also pentine.
validation noun The act of giving validity.
valleculae plural of Vallecula
valsalvian adjective Of or pertaining to Valsalva, an Italian anatomist of the 17th century.
vanadinite noun A mineral occurring in yellowish, and ruby-red hexagonal crystals. It consist of lead vanadate with a small proportion of lead chloride.
vanishment noun A vanishing.
vanquished imp. & past participle of Vanquish
vanquisher noun One who, or that which, vanquishes.
vaporation noun The act or process of converting into vapor, or of passing off in vapor; evaporation.
vaporiform adjective Existing in a vaporous form or state; as, steam is a vaporiform substance.
vaporizing present participle & vb. noun of Vaporize
vapulation noun The act of beating or whipping.
variciform adjective Resembling a varix.
varicocele noun A varicose enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord; also, a like enlargement of the veins of the scrotum.
varicosity noun The quality or state of being varicose., An enlargement or swelling in a vessel, fiber, or the like; a varix; as, the varicosities of nerve fibers.
variegated imp. & past participle of Variegate, Having marks or patches of different colors; as, variegated leaves, or flowers.
variformed adjective Formed with different shapes; having various forms; variform.
variolitic adjective Thickly marked with small, round specks; spotted., Of, pertaining to, or resembling, variolite.
varnishing present participle & vb. noun of Varnish, The act of laying on varnish; also, materials for varnish.
vaticanism noun The doctrine of papal supremacy; extreme views in support of the authority of the pope; ultramontanism; — a term used only by persons who are not Roman Catholics.
vaticanist noun One who strongly adheres to the papal authority; an ultramontanist.
vaticinate verb i. & t. To prophesy; to foretell; to practice prediction; to utter prophecies.
vaudeville noun A kind of song of a lively character, frequently embodying a satire on some person or event, sung to a familiar air in couplets with a refrain; a street song; a topical song., A theatrical piece, usually a comedy, the dialogue of which is intermingled with light or satirical songs, set to familiar airs.
vauntingly adverb In a vaunting manner.