10 letter word starting with ve

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
vegetality noun The quality or state of being vegetal, or vegetable., The quality or state of being vegetal, or exhibiting those physiological phenomena which are common to plants and animals. See Vegetal, a., 2.
vegetarian noun One who holds that vegetables and fruits are the only proper food for man. Strict vegetarians eat no meat, eggs, or milk., Of or pertaining to vegetarianism; as, a vegetarian diet.
vegetating present participle & vb. noun of Vegetate
vegetation noun The act or process of vegetating, or growing as a plant does; vegetable growth., The sum of vegetable life; vegetables or plants in general; as, luxuriant vegetation., An exuberant morbid outgrowth upon any part, especially upon the valves of the heart.
vegetative adjective Growing, or having the power of growing, as plants; capable of vegetating., Having the power to produce growth in plants; as, the vegetative properties of soil., Having relation to growth or nutrition; partaking of simple growth and enlargement of the systems of nutrition, apart from the sensorial or distinctively animal functions; vegetal.
vehemently adverb In a vehement manner.
vehiculary adjective Vehicular.
vehiculate verb t. & i. To convey by means of a vehicle; to ride in a vehicle.
veliferous adjective Carrying or bearing sails.
velitation noun A dispute or contest; a slight contest; a skirmish.
velivolant adjective Flying with sails; passing under full sail.
vellicated imp. & past participle of Vellicate
velocipede noun A light road carriage propelled by the feet of the rider. Originally it was propelled by striking the tips of the toes on the roadway, but commonly now by the action of the feet on a pedal or pedals connected with the axle of one or more of the wheels, and causing their revolution. They are made in many forms, with two, three, or four wheels. See Bicycle, and Tricycle.
velocities plural of Velocity
velutinous adjective Having the surface covered with a fine and dense silky pubescence; velvety; as, a velutinous leaf.
velvetleaf noun A name given to several plants which have soft, velvety leaves, as the Abutilon Avicennae, the Cissampelos Pareira, and the Lavatera arborea, and even the common mullein.
venatorial adjective Or or pertaining to hunting; venatic.
veneficial adjective Alt. of Veneficious
venerating present participle & vb. noun of Venerate
veneration noun The act of venerating, or the state of being venerated; the highest degree of respect and reverence; respect mingled with awe; a feeling or sentimental excited by the dignity, wisdom, or superiority of a person, by sacredness of character, by consecration to sacred services, or by hallowed associations.
ventilated imp. & past participle of Ventilate
ventilator noun A contrivance for effecting ventilation; especially, a contrivance or machine for drawing off or expelling foul or stagnant air from any place or apartment, or for introducing that which is fresh and pure.
ventricose adjective Alt. of Ventricous
ventricous adjective Swelling out on one side or unequally; bellied; ventricular; as, a ventricose corolla.
ventriculi plural of Ventriculus
verbalized imp. & past participle of Verbalize
verbenated imp. & past participle of Verbenate
verdingale noun See Farthingale.
veretillum noun Any one of numerous species of club-shaped, compound Alcyonaria belonging to Veretillum and allied genera, of the tribe Pennatulacea. The whole colony can move about as if it were a simple animal.
vergeboard noun The ornament of woodwork upon the gable of a house, used extensively in the 15th century. It was generally suspended from the edge of the projecting roof (see Verge, n., 4), and in position parallel to the gable wall. Called also bargeboard.
verifiable adjective Capable of being verified; confirmable.
vermeology noun A discourse or treatise on worms; that part of zoology which treats of worms; helminthology.
vermicelli noun The flour of a hard and small-grained wheat made into dough, and forced through small cylinders or pipes till it takes a slender, wormlike form, whence the Italian name. When the paste is made in larger tubes, it is called macaroni.
vermicious adjective Of or pertaining to worms; wormy.
vermicular adjective Of or pertaining to a worm or worms; resembling a worm; shaped like a worm; especially, resembling the motion or track of a worm; as, the vermicular, or peristaltic, motion of the intestines. See Peristaltic.
vermifugal adjective Tending to prevent, destroy, or expel, worms or vermin; anthelmintic.
vernacular adjective Belonging to the country of one’s birth; one’s own by birth or nature; native; indigenous; — now used chiefly of language; as, English is our vernacular language., The vernacular language; one’s mother tongue; often, the common forms of expression in a particular locality.
verrayment adverb Verily; truly.
versicolor adjective Alt. of Versicolored
versicular adjective Of or pertaining to verses; designating distinct divisions of a writing.
versifying present participle & vb. noun of Versify
versionist noun One who makes or favors a version; a translator.
vertebrata noun pl. One of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom, comprising all animals that have a backbone composed of bony or cartilaginous vertebrae, together with Amphioxus in which the backbone is represented by a simple undivided notochord. The Vertebrata always have a dorsal, or neural, cavity above the notochord or backbone, and a ventral, or visceral, cavity below it. The subdivisions or classes of Vertebrata are Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia, Amphibia, Pisces, Marsipobranchia, and Leptocardia.
vertebrate noun One of the Vertebrata., Alt. of Vertebrated
vertically adverb In a vertical manner, position, or direction; perpendicularly; as, to look down vertically; to raise a thing vertically.
vertigines plural of Vertigo
vesicating present participle & vb. noun of Vesicate
vesication noun The process of vesicating, or of raising blisters.
vesicatory adjective Tending, or having power, to raise a blister., A blistering application or plaster; a vesicant; an epispastic.
vesiculata noun pl. The campanularian medusae.
vesiculate adjective Bladdery; full of, or covered with, bladders; vesicular., To form vesicles in, as lava.
vesiculose adjective Alt. of Vesiculous
vesiculous adjective Bladdery; vesicular; vesiculate; composed of vesicles; covered with vesicles; as, a vesiculose shell.
vespertine adjective Of or pertaining to the evening; happening or being in the evening., Blossoming in the evening.
vespilloes plural of Vespillo
vesselfuls plural of Vesselful
vestiarian adjective Of or pertaining to a vestiary or vestments.
vestibular adjective Of or pertaining to a vestibule; like a vestibule.
vestibulum noun A cavity into which, in certain bryozoans, the esophagus and anus open.
veteranize verb i. To reenlist for service as a soldier.
veterinary adjective Of or pertaining to the art of healing or treating the diseases of domestic animals, as oxen, horses, sheep, etc.; as, a veterinary writer or school.