11 letter word starting with ad

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
adaptedness noun The state or quality of being adapted; suitableness; special fitness.
additionary adjective Additional.
addititious adjective Additive.
addle-brain noun Alt. of Addle-pate
addle-pated adjective Dull-witted; stupid.
adenography noun That part of anatomy which describes the glands.
adfiliation noun See Affiliation.
adhortation noun Advice; exhortation.
adhortatory adjective Containing counsel or warning; hortatory; advisory.
adiaphorism noun Religious indifference.
adiaphorist noun One of the German Protestants who, with Melanchthon, held some opinions and ceremonies to be indifferent or nonessential, which Luther condemned as sinful or heretical.
adiaphorite noun Same as Adiaphorist.
adiaphorous adjective Indifferent or neutral., Incapable of doing either harm or good, as some medicines.
adiathermic adjective Not pervious to heat.
adipocerate verb t. To convert into adipocere.
adipocerous adjective Like adipocere.
adiposeness noun Alt. of Adiposity
adjectional adjective Pertaining to adjection; that is, or may be, annexed.
adjectiving present participle & vb. noun of Adjective
adjectively adverb In the manner of an adjective; as, a word used adjectively.
adjournment noun The act of adjourning; the putting off till another day or time specified, or without day., The time or interval during which a public body adjourns its sittings or postpones business.
adjudicated imp. & past participle of Adjudicate
adjudicator noun One who adjudicates.
admarginate verb t. To write in the margin.
admaxillary adjective Near to the maxilla or jawbone.
adminicular adjective Supplying help; auxiliary; corroborative; explanatory; as, adminicular evidence.
admiralship noun The office or position oaf an admiral; also, the naval skill of an admiral.
admiralties plural of Admiralty
admonishing present participle & vb. noun of Admonish
adnubilated adjective Clouded; obscured.
adolescence noun The state of growing up from childhood to manhood or womanhood; youth, or the period of life between puberty and maturity, generally considered to be, in the male sex, from fourteen to twenty-one. Sometimes used with reference to the lower animals.
adolescency noun The quality of being adolescent; youthfulness.
adoptionist noun One of a sect which maintained that Christ was the Son of God not by nature but by adoption.
adorability noun Adorableness.
adscriptive adjective Attached or annexed to the glebe or estate and transferable with it.
adstrictory adjective See Astrictory.
adstringent adjective See Astringent.
adulterated imp. & past participle of Adulterate
adulterator noun One who adulterates or corrupts.
adumbration noun The act of adumbrating, or shadowing forth., A faint sketch; an outline; an imperfect portrayal or representation of a thing., The shadow or outlines of a figure.
adumbrative adjective Faintly representing; typical.
advancement verb t. The act of advancing, or the state of being advanced; progression; improvement; furtherance; promotion to a higher place or dignity; as, the advancement of learning., An advance of money or value; payment in advance. See Advance, 5., Property given, usually by a parent to a child, in advance of a future distribution., Settlement on a wife, or jointure.
advantaging present participle & vb. noun of Advantage
adventuring present participle & vb. noun of Adventure
adventuress noun A female adventurer; a woman who tries to gain position by equivocal means.
adventurous noun Inclined to adventure; willing to incur hazard; prone to embark in hazardous enterprise; rashly daring; — applied to persons., Full of hazard; attended with risk; exposing to danger; requiring courage; rash; — applied to acts; as, an adventurous undertaking, deed, song.
adverbially adverb In the manner of an adverb.
adversaries plural of Adversary
adversative adjective Expressing contrariety, opposition, or antithesis; as, an adversative conjunction (but, however, yet, etc. ); an adversative force., An adversative word.
adverseness noun The quality or state of being adverse; opposition.
adversities plural of Adversity
advertising present participle & vb. noun of Advertise
advisedness noun Deliberate consideration; prudent procedure; caution.
advisership noun The office of an adviser.