11 letter word starting with ae

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
aeolotropic adjective Exhibiting differences of quality or property in different directions; not isotropic.
aerodynamic adjective Pertaining to the force of air in motion.
aerographer noun One versed in aeography: an aerologist.
aerographic adjective Alt. of Aerographical
aerological adjective Of or pertaining to aerology.
aeronautics noun The science or art of ascending and sailing in the air, as by means of a balloon; aerial navigation; ballooning.
aerostatics noun The science that treats of the equilibrium of elastic fluids, or that of bodies sustained in them. Hence it includes aeronautics.
aerostation noun Aerial navigation; the art of raising and guiding balloons in the air., The science of weighing air; aerostatics.
aesculapian adjective Pertaining to Aesculapius or to the healing art; medical; medicinal.
aesculapius noun The god of medicine. Hence, a physician.
aesthesodic adjective Conveying sensory or afferent impulses; — said of nerves.
aesthetical adjective Of or Pertaining to aesthetics; versed in aesthetics; as, aesthetic studies, emotions, ideas, persons, etc.
aesthetican noun One versed in aesthetics.
aestivation noun The state of torpidity induced by the heat and dryness of summer, as in certain snails; — opposed to hibernation., The arrangement of the petals in a flower bud, as to folding, overlapping, etc.; prefloration.