11 letter word starting with ar

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
arachnidial adjective Of or pertaining to the Arachnida., Pertaining to the arachnidium.
arachnidium noun The glandular organ in which the material for the web of spiders is secreted.
arachnoidal adjective Pertaining to the arachnoid membrane; arachnoid.
arachnoidea noun pl. Same as Arachnida.
arachnology noun The department of zoology which treats of spiders and other Arachnida.
arbitrament noun Determination; decision; arbitration., The award of arbitrators.
arbitrarily adverb In an arbitrary manner; by will only; despotically; absolutely.
arbitrating present participle & vb. noun of Arbitrate
arbitration noun The hearing and determination of a cause between parties in controversy, by a person or persons chosen by the parties.
arbitratrix noun A female who arbitrates or judges.
arborescent adjective Resembling a tree; becoming woody in stalk; dendritic; having crystallizations disposed like the branches and twigs of a tree.
arbor vitae An evergreen tree of the cypress tribe, genus Thuja. The American species is the T. occidentalis., The treelike disposition of the gray and white nerve tissues in the cerebellum, as seen in a vertical section.
archaeology noun The science or study of antiquities, esp. prehistoric antiquities, such as the remains of buildings or monuments of an early epoch, inscriptions, implements, and other relics, written manuscripts, etc.
archaeozoic adjective Like or belonging to the earliest forms of animal life.
archangelic adjective Of or pertaining to archangels; of the nature of, or resembling, an archangel.
archdiocese noun The diocese of an archbishop.
archduchess noun The consort of an archduke; also, a princess of the imperial family of Austria. See Archduke.
archdukedom noun An archduchy.
archebiosis noun The origination of living matter from non-living. See Abiogenesis.
archegonial adjective Relating to the archegonium.
archegonium noun The pistillidium or female organ in the higher cryptogamic plants, corresponding to the pistil in flowering plants.
archenteric adjective Relating to the archenteron; as, archenteric invagination.
archenteron noun The primitive enteron or undifferentiated digestive sac of a gastrula or other embryo. See Illust. under Invagination.
archer fish A small fish (Toxotes jaculator), of the East Indies; — so called from its ejecting drops of water from its mouth at its prey. The name is also applied to Chaetodon rostratus.
archimedean adjective Of or pertaining to Archimedes, a celebrated Greek philosopher; constructed on the principle of Archimedes’ screw; as, Archimedean drill, propeller, etc.
archipelago noun The Grecian Archipelago, or Aegean Sea, separating Greece from Asia Minor. It is studded with a vast number of small islands., Hence: Any sea or broad sheet of water interspersed with many islands or with a group of islands.
architector noun An architect.
architraved adjective Furnished with an architrave.
archmarshal noun The grand marshal of the old German empire, a dignity that to the Elector of Saxony.
archprelate noun An archbishop or other chief prelate.
archprimate noun The chief primate.
archtraitor noun A chief or transcendent traitor.
arduousness noun The quality of being arduous; difficulty of execution.
arenicolite noun An ancient wormhole in sand, preserved in the rocks.
areopagitic adjective Pertaining to the Areopagus.
areosystyle adjective & noun See Intercolumniation, and Araeosystyle.
argand lamp A lamp with a circular hollow wick and glass chimney which allow a current of air both inside and outside of the flame.
argentation noun A coating or overlaying with silver.
argumentize verb i. To argue or discuss.
argus shell A species of shell (Cypraea argus), beautifully variegated with spots resembling those in a peacock’s tail.
aristocracy noun Government by the best citizens., A ruling body composed of the best citizens., A form a government, in which the supreme power is vested in the principal persons of a state, or in a privileged order; an oligarchy., The nobles or chief persons in a state; a privileged class or patrician order; (in a popular use) those who are regarded as superior to the rest of the community, as in rank, fortune, or intellect.
aristotelic adjective Pertaining to Aristotle or to his philosophy.
armamentary noun An armory; a magazine or arsenal.
arminianism noun The religious doctrines or tenets of the Arminians.
armipotence noun Power in arms.
aromatizing present participle & vb. noun of Aromatize
arquebusade noun The shot of an arquebus., A distilled water from a variety of aromatic plants, as rosemary, millefoil, etc.; — originally used as a vulnerary in gunshot wounds.
arquebusier noun A soldier armed with an arquebus.
arraignment noun The act of arraigning, or the state of being arraigned; the act of calling and setting a prisoner before a court to answer to an indictment or complaint., A calling to an account to faults; accusation.
arrangement noun The act of arranging or putting in an orderly condition; the state of being arranged or put in order; disposition in suitable form., The manner or result of arranging; system of parts disposed in due order; regular and systematic classification; as, arrangement of one’s dress; the Linnaean arrangement of plants., Preparatory proceeding or measure; preparation; as, we have made arrangement for receiving company., Settlement; adjustment by agreement; as, the parties have made an arrangement between themselves concerning their disputes; a satisfactory arrangement., The adaptation of a composition to voices or instruments for which it was not originally written., A piece so adapted; a transcription; as, a pianoforte arrangement of Beethoven’s symphonies; an orchestral arrangement of a song, an opera, or the like.
arrentation A letting or renting, esp. a license to inclose land in a forest with a low hedge and a ditch, under a yearly rent.
arrestation noun Arrest.
arrhythmous adjective Being without rhythm or regularity, as the pulse.
arriere-ban noun A proclamation, as of the French kings, calling not only their immediate feudatories, but the vassals of these feudatories, to take the field for war; also, the body of vassals called or liable to be called to arms, as in ancient France.
arrow grass noun An herbaceous grasslike plant (Triglochin palustre, and other species) with pods opening so as to suggest barbed arrowheads.
arrowheaded adjective Shaped like the head of an arrow; cuneiform.
arsenicated imp. & past participle of Arsenicate
arterialize verb t. To transform, as the venous blood, into arterial blood by exposure to oxygen in the lungs; to make arterial.
arteriology noun That part of anatomy which treats of arteries.
arteriotomy noun The opening of an artery, esp. for bloodletting., That part of anatomy which treats of the dissection of the arteries.
arthritical adjective Pertaining to the joints., Of or pertaining to arthritis; gouty.
arthrodynia noun An affection characterized by pain in or about a joint, not dependent upon structural disease.
arthrodynic adjective Pertaining to arthrodynia, or pain in the joints; rheumatic.
articularly adverb In an articular or an articulate manner.
articulated imp. & past participle of Articulate, United by, or provided with, articulations; jointed; as, an articulated skeleton., Produced, as a letter, syllable, or word, by the organs of speech; pronounced.
articulator noun One who, or that which, articulates; as: (a) One who enunciates distinctly. (b) One who prepares and mounts skeletons. (c) An instrument to cure stammering.
artificious adjective Artificial.
artillerist noun A person skilled in artillery or gunnery; a gunner; an artilleryman.
artlessness noun The quality of being artless, or void of art or guile; simplicity; sincerity.
artocarpous adjective Of or pertaining to the breadfruit, or to the genus Artocarpus.
arundineous adjective Abounding with reeds; reedy.