11 letter word starting with ca

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cabinetwork noun The art or occupation of working upon wooden furniture requiring nice workmanship; also, such furniture.
cachectical adjective Having, or pertaining to, cachexia; as, cachectic remedies; cachectical blood.
cacodoxical adjective Heretical.
cacogastric adjective Troubled with bad digestion.
cacographic adjective Pertaining to, or characterized by, cacography; badly written or spelled.
cacophonous adjective Alt. of Cacophonious
cacophonies plural of Cacophony
caffetannic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, the tannin of coffee.
caking coal See Coal.
calamistrum noun A comblike structure on the metatarsus of the hind legs of certain spiders (Ciniflonidae), used to curl certain fibers in the construction of their webs.
calcedonian adjective See Chalcedonic.
calceolaria noun A genus of showy herbaceous or shrubby plants, brought from South America; slipperwort. It has a yellow or purple flower, often spotted or striped, the shape of which suggests its name.
calciferous adjective Bearing, producing, or containing calcite, or carbonate of lime.
calcigenous adjective Tending to form, or to become, a calx or earthlike substance on being oxidized or burnt; as magnesium, calcium. etc.
calcigerous adjective Holding lime or other earthy salts; as, the calcigerous cells of the teeth.
calcimining present participle & vb. noun of Calcimine
calcination noun The act or process of disintegrating a substance, or rendering it friable by the action of heat, esp. by the expulsion of some volatile matter, as when carbonic and acid is expelled from carbonate of calcium in the burning of limestone in order to make lime., The act or process of reducing a metal to an oxide or metallic calx; oxidation.
calcinatory noun A vessel used in calcination.
calcivorous adjective Eroding, or eating into, limestone.
calcography noun The art of drawing with chalk.
calc-sinter noun See under Calcite.
calculating present participle & vb. noun of Calculate, Of or pertaining to mathematical calculations; performing or able to perform mathematical calculations., Given to contrivance or forethought; forecasting; scheming; as, a cool calculating disposition., The act or process of making mathematical computations or of estimating results.
calculation noun The act or process, or the result, of calculating; computation; reckoning, estimate., An expectation based on circumstances.
calculative adjective Of or pertaining to calculation; involving calculation.
calculatory adjective Belonging to calculation.
calefacient adjective Making warm; heating., A substance that excites warmth in the parts to which it is applied, as mustard.
calefaction noun The act of warming or heating; the production of heat in a body by the action of fire, or by communication of heat from other bodies., The state of being heated.
calefactive adjective See Calefactory.
calefactory adjective Making hot; producing or communicating heat., An apartment in a monastery, warmed and used as a sitting room., A hollow sphere of metal, filled with hot water, or a chafing dish, placed on the altar in cold weather for the priest to warm his hands with.
calendaring present participle & vb. noun of Calendar
calendarial adjective Of or pertaining to the calendar or a calendar.
calendering present participle & vb. noun of Calender
calendrical adjective Of or pertaining to a calendar.
calibration noun The process of estimating the caliber a tube, as of a thermometer tube, in order to graduate it to a scale of degrees; also, more generally, the determination of the true value of the spaces in any graduated instrument.
californian adjective Of or pertaining to California., A native or inhabitant of California.
caligraphic adjective See Calligraphic.
calisthenis adjective Of or pertaining to calisthenics.
calligraphy noun Fair or elegant penmanship.
callosities plural of Callosity
calorifiant adjective See Calorificient.
calorimeter noun An apparatus for measuring the amount of heat contained in bodies or developed by some mechanical or chemical process, as friction, chemical combination, combustion, etc., An apparatus for measuring the proportion of unevaporated water contained in steam.
calorimetry noun Measurement of the quantities of heat in bodies.
calorimotor noun A voltaic battery, having a large surface of plate, and producing powerful heating effects.
calumniated imp. & past participle of Calumniate
calumniator noun One who calumniates.
calvessnout noun Snapdragon.
calvinistic adjective Alt. of Calvinistical
calyculated adjective Having a set of bracts resembling a calyx.
campaniform adjective Bell-shaped.
campanology noun The art of ringing bells, or a treatise on the art.
campanulate adjective Bell-shaped.
campbellite noun A member of the denomination called Christians or Disciples of Christ. They themselves repudiate the term Campbellite as a nickname. See Christian, 3.
campestrian adjective Relating to an open fields; drowing in a field; growing in a field, or open ground.
canaanitish adjective Of or pertaining to Canaan or the Canaanites.
canaliculus noun A minute canal.
canary bird A small singing bird of the Finch family (Serinus Canarius), a native of the Canary Islands. It was brought to Europe in the 16th century, and made a household pet. It generally has a yellowish body with the wings and tail greenish, but in its wild state it is more frequently of gray or brown color. It is sometimes called canary finch.
cancellated adjective Crossbarred; marked with cross lines., Open or spongy, as some porous bones.
canceration noun The act or state of becoming cancerous or growing into a cancer.
candelabrum noun A lamp stand of any sort., A highly ornamented stand of marble or other ponderous material, usually having three feet, — frequently a votive offering to a temple., A large candlestick, having several branches.
candescence noun See Incandescence.
candidating noun The taking of the position of a candidate; specifically, the preaching of a clergyman with a view to settlement.
candidature noun Candidacy.
candle coal See Cannel coal.
candlelight noun The light of a candle.
candlestick noun An instrument or utensil for supporting a candle.
canker rash A form of scarlet fever characterized by ulcerated or putrid sore throat.
cannel coal A kind of mineral coal of a black color, sufficiently hard and solid to be cut and polished. It burns readily, with a clear, yellow flame, and on this account has been used as a substitute for candles.
cannibalism noun The act or practice of eating human flesh by mankind. Hence; Murderous cruelty; barbarity.
cannonading present participle & vb. noun of Cannonade
cannon bone See Canon Bone.
cannonering noun The use of cannon.
canonically adverb In a canonical manner; according to the canons.
cantharidal adjective Of or pertaining to cantharides or made of cantharides; as, cantharidal plaster.
cantharides noun pl. See Cantharis., of Cantharis
cantharidin noun The active principle of the cantharis, or Spanish fly, a volatile, acrid, bitter solid, crystallizing in four-sided prisms.
capableness noun The quality or state of being capable; capability; adequateness; competency.
capacitated imp. & past participle of Capacitate
caparisoned imp. & past participle of Caparison
capillament noun A filament., Any villous or hairy covering; a fine fiber or filament, as of the nerves.
capillarity noun The quality or condition of being capillary., The peculiar action by which the surface of a liquid, where it is in contact with a solid (as in a capillary tube), is elevated or depressed; capillary attraction.
capillation noun A capillary blood vessel.
capillature noun A bush of hair; frizzing of the hair.
capilliform adjective In the shape or form of, a hair, or of hairs.
capitalized imp. & past participle of Capitalize
capitalness noun The quality of being capital; preeminence.
capitellate adjective Having a very small knoblike termination, or collected into minute capitula.
capitularly adverb In the manner or form of an ecclesiastical chapter.
capitulated imp. & past participle of Capitulate
capitulator noun One who capitulates.
caprigenous adjective Of the goat kind.
captainship noun The condition, rank, post, or authority of a captain or chief commander., Military skill; as, to show good captainship.
captivating present participle & vb. noun of Captivate, Having power to captivate or charm; fascinating; as, captivating smiles.
captivation noun The act of captivating.
caravansary noun A kind of inn, in the East, where caravans rest at night, being a large, rude, unfurnished building, surrounding a court.
carbazotate noun A salt of carbazotic or picric acid; a picrate.
carbonadoed imp. & past participle of Carbonade
carbonadoes plural of Carbonado
carbonarism noun The principles, practices, or organization of the Carbonari.
carbonizing present participle & vb. noun of Carbonize
carbostyril noun A white crystalline substance, C9H6N.OH, of acid properties derived from one of the amido cinnamic acids.
carbuncular adjective Belonging to a carbuncle; resembling a carbuncle; red; inflamed.
carburetted of Carburet
carbureting present participle & vb. noun of Carburet
carburetant noun Any volatile liquid used in charging illuminating gases.
carburizing present participle & vb. noun of Carburize
carcavelhos noun A sweet wine. See Calcavella.
carcel lamp A French mechanical lamp, for lighthouses, in which a superabundance of oil is pumped to the wick tube by clockwork.
carcinology noun The department of zoology which treats of the Crustacea (lobsters, crabs, etc.); — called also malacostracology and crustaceology.
cardiagraph noun See Cardiograph.
cardinalate noun The office, rank, or dignity of a cardinal.
cardinalize verb t. To exalt to the office of a cardinal.
cardiograph noun An instrument which, when placed in contact with the chest, will register graphically the comparative duration and intensity of the heart’s movements.
cardiometry noun Measurement of the heart, as by percussion or auscultation.
carefulness noun Quality or state of being careful.
caressingly ad. In caressing manner.
caricatured imp. & past participle of Caricature
carminative adjective Expelling wind from the body; warming; antispasmodic., A substance, esp. an aromatic, which tends to expel wind from the alimentary canal, or to relieve colic, griping, or flatulence.
carnalizing present participle & vb. noun of Carnalize
carnationed adjective Having a flesh color.
carnivorous adjective Eating or feeding on flesh. The term is applied: (a) to animals which naturally seek flesh for food, as the tiger, dog, etc.; (b) to plants which are supposed to absorb animal food; (c) to substances which destroy animal tissue, as caustics.
carousingly adverb In the manner of a carouser.
carpologist noun One who describes fruits; one versed in carpology.
cartography noun The art or business of forming charts or maps.
cartularies plural of Cartulary
carunculous adjective Of, pertaining to, or like, a caruncle; furnished with caruncles.
carunculate adjective Alt. of Carunculated
carvelbuilt adjective Having the planks meet flush at the seams, instead of lapping as in a clinker-built vessel.
cascarillin noun A white, crystallizable, bitter substance extracted from oil of cascarilla.
cashmerette noun A kind of dress goods, made with a soft and glossy surface like cashmere.
casse paper Broken paper; the outside quires of a ream.
cassioberry noun The fruit of the Viburnum obovatum, a shrub which grows from Virginia to Florida.
cassiterite noun Native tin dioxide; tin stone; a mineral occurring in tetragonal crystals of reddish brown color, and brilliant adamantine luster; also massive, sometimes in compact forms with concentric fibrous structure resembling wood (wood tin), also in rolled fragments or pebbly (Stream tin). It is the chief source of metallic tin. See Black tin, under Black.
cassowaries plural of Cassowary
cassumuniar noun A pungent, bitter, aromatic, gingerlike root, obtained from the East Indies.
castellated adjective Inclosed within a building; as, a fountain or cistern castellated., Furnished with turrets and battlements, like a castle; built in the style of a castle.
castigating present participle & vb. noun of Castigate
castigation noun Corrective punishment; chastisement; reproof; pungent criticism., Emendation; correction.
castigatory adjective Punitive in order to amendment; corrective., An instrument formerly used to punish and correct arrant scolds; — called also a ducking stool, or trebucket.
castor bean The bean or seed of the castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis, or Palma Christi.)
castrensial adjective Belonging to a camp.
castrensian adjective Castrensial.
casuistieal adjective Of or pertaining to casuists or casuistry.
catabaptist noun One who opposes baptism, especially of infants.
catacaustic adjective Relating to, or having the properties of, a caustic curve formed by reflection. See Caustic, a., A caustic curve formed by reflection of light.
catachresis noun A figure by which one word is wrongly put for another, or by which a word is wrested from its true signification; as, “To take arms against a sea of troubles”. Shak. “Her voice was but the shadow of a sound.” Young.
cataclysmal adjective Alt. of Cataclysmic
cataclysmic adjective Of or pertaining to a cataclysm.
catacoustic noun That part of acoustics which treats of reflected sounds or echoes See Acoustics.
catadromous adjective Having the lowest inferior segment of a pinna nearer the rachis than the lowest superior one; — said of a mode of branching in ferns, and opposed to anadromous., Living in fresh water, and going to the sea to spawn; — opposed to anadromous, and said of the eel.
cataloguing present participle & vb. noun of Catalogue
cataphonics noun That branch of acoustics which treats of reflected sounds; catacoustics.
cataractous adjective Of the nature of a cataract in the eye; affected with cataract.
catastaltic adjective Checking evacuations through astringent or styptic qualities.
catasterism noun A placing among the stars; a catalogue of stars.
catastrophe noun An event producing a subversion of the order or system of things; a final event, usually of a calamitous or disastrous nature; hence, sudden calamity; great misfortune., The final event in a romance or a dramatic piece; a denouement, as a death in a tragedy, or a marriage in a comedy., A violent and widely extended change in the surface of the earth, as, an elevation or subsidence of some part of it, effected by internal causes.
catch-basin noun A cistern or vault at the point where a street gutter discharges into a sewer, to catch bulky matters which would not pass readily through the sewer.
catchweight adverb Without any additional weight; without being handicapped; as, to ride catchweight.
catechetics noun The science or practice of instructing by questions and answers.
catechising present participle & vb. noun of Catechise
catechismal adjective Of or pertaining to a catechism, having the form of questions and answers; catechetical.
catechistic adjective Alt. of Catechistical
categorical adjective Of or pertaining to a category., Not hypothetical or relative; admitting no conditions or exceptions; declarative; absolute; positive; express; as, a categorical proposition, or answer.
caterpillar noun The larval state of a butterfly or any lepidopterous insect; sometimes, but less commonly, the larval state of other insects, as the sawflies, which are also called false caterpillars. The true caterpillars have three pairs of true legs, and several pairs of abdominal fleshy legs (prolegs) armed with hooks. Some are hairy, others naked. They usually feed on leaves, fruit, and succulent vegetables, being often very destructive, Many of them are popularly called worms, as the cutworm, cankerworm, army worm, cotton worm, silkworm., A plant of the genus Scorpiurus, with pods resembling caterpillars.
caterwauled imp. & past participle of Caterwaul
cat-harping noun One of the short ropes or iron cramps used to brace in the shrouds toward the masts so a to give freer sweep to the yards.
cathedralic adjective Cathedral.
cathedrated adjective Relating to the chair or office of a teacher.
catheterism noun Alt. of Catheterization
catheterize verb t. To operate on with a catheter.
catholicism noun The state or quality of being catholic or universal; catholicity., Liberality of sentiment; breadth of view., The faith of the whole orthodox Christian church, or adherence thereto., The doctrines or faith of the Roman Catholic church, or adherence thereto.
catholicity noun The state or quality of being catholic; universality., Liberality of sentiments; catholicism., Adherence or conformity to the system of doctrine held by all parts of the orthodox Christian church; the doctrine so held; orthodoxy., Adherence to the doctrines of the church of Rome, or the doctrines themselves.
catholicize verb t. & i. To make or to become catholic or Roman Catholic.
catoptrical adjective Of or pertaining to catoptrics; produced by reflection.
cauda galli A plume-shaped fossil, supposed to be a seaweed, characteristic of the lower Devonian rocks; as, the cauda galli grit.
cauliflower noun An annual variety of Brassica oleracea, or cabbage, of which the cluster of young flower stalks and buds is eaten as a vegetable., The edible head or “curd” of a cauliflower plant.
causatively adverb In a causative manner.
caustically adverb In a caustic manner.
causticness noun The quality of being caustic; causticity.
cauterizing present participle & vb. noun of Cauterize
cavalierish adjective Somewhat like a cavalier.
cavalierism noun The practice or principles of cavaliers.
cavernulous adjective Full of little cavities; as, cavernulous metal.
cavillation noun Frivolous or sophistical objection.