11 letter word starting with can

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
canaanitish adjective Of or pertaining to Canaan or the Canaanites.
canaliculus noun A minute canal.
canary bird A small singing bird of the Finch family (Serinus Canarius), a native of the Canary Islands. It was brought to Europe in the 16th century, and made a household pet. It generally has a yellowish body with the wings and tail greenish, but in its wild state it is more frequently of gray or brown color. It is sometimes called canary finch.
cancellated adjective Crossbarred; marked with cross lines., Open or spongy, as some porous bones.
canceration noun The act or state of becoming cancerous or growing into a cancer.
candelabrum noun A lamp stand of any sort., A highly ornamented stand of marble or other ponderous material, usually having three feet, — frequently a votive offering to a temple., A large candlestick, having several branches.
candescence noun See Incandescence.
candidating noun The taking of the position of a candidate; specifically, the preaching of a clergyman with a view to settlement.
candidature noun Candidacy.
candle coal See Cannel coal.
candlelight noun The light of a candle.
candlestick noun An instrument or utensil for supporting a candle.
canker rash A form of scarlet fever characterized by ulcerated or putrid sore throat.
cannel coal A kind of mineral coal of a black color, sufficiently hard and solid to be cut and polished. It burns readily, with a clear, yellow flame, and on this account has been used as a substitute for candles.
cannibalism noun The act or practice of eating human flesh by mankind. Hence; Murderous cruelty; barbarity.
cannonading present participle & vb. noun of Cannonade
cannon bone See Canon Bone.
cannonering noun The use of cannon.
canonically adverb In a canonical manner; according to the canons.
cantharidal adjective Of or pertaining to cantharides or made of cantharides; as, cantharidal plaster.
cantharides noun pl. See Cantharis., of Cantharis
cantharidin noun The active principle of the cantharis, or Spanish fly, a volatile, acrid, bitter solid, crystallizing in four-sided prisms.