11 letter word starting with ce

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
celebrating present participle & vb. noun of Celebrate
celebration noun The act, process, or time of celebrating.
celebrities plural of Celebrity
celestially adverb In a celestial manner.
celestinian noun A monk of the austere branch of the Franciscan Order founded by Celestine V. in the 13th centry.
celliferous adjective Bearing or producing cells.
celtiberian adjective Of or pertaining to the ancient Celtiberia (a district in Spain lying between the Ebro and the Tagus) or its inhabitants the Celtiberi (Celts of the river Iberus)., An inhabitant of Celtiberia.
cementation noun The act or process of cementing., A process which consists in surrounding a solid body with the powder of other substances, and heating the whole to a degree not sufficient to cause fusion, the physical properties of the body being changed by chemical combination with powder; thus iron becomes steel by cementation with charcoal, and green glass becomes porcelain by cementation with sand.
cementatory adjective Having the quality of cementing or uniting firmly.
cenobitical adjective Of or pertaining to a cenobite.
centenarian adjective Of or relating to a hundred years., A person a hundred years old.
centenaries plural of Centenary
centerboard noun Alt. of Centreboard
centreboard noun A movable or sliding keel formed of a broad board or slab of wood or metal which may be raised into a water-tight case amidships, when in shallow water, or may be lowered to increase the area of lateral resistance and prevent leeway when the vessel is beating to windward. It is used in vessels of all sizes along the coast of the United States
centerpiece noun Alt. of Centrepiece
centrepiece noun An ornament to be placed in the center, as of a table, ceiling, atc.; a central article or figure.
centifidous adjective Divided into a hundred parts.
centigramme noun The hundredth part of a gram; a weight equal to .15432 of a grain. See Gram.
centralized imp. & past participle of Centralize
centrifugal adjective Tending, or causing, to recede from the center., Expanding first at the summit, and later at the base, as a flower cluster., Having the radicle turned toward the sides of the fruit, as some embryos., A centrifugal machine.
centripetal adjective Tending, or causing, to approach the center., Expanding first at the base of the inflorescence, and proceeding in order towards the summit., Having the radicle turned toward the axis of the fruit, as some embryos., Progressing by changes from the exterior of a thing toward its center; as, the centripetal calcification of a bone.
centriscoid adjective Allied to, or resembling, the genus Centriscus, of which the bellows fish is an example.
centrobaric adjective Relating to the center of gravity, or to the process of finding it.
centumviral adjective Of or pertaining to the centumviri, or to a centumvir.
centuriator noun Alt. of Centurist
cephalalgia noun Alt. of Cephalalgy
cephalalgic adjective Relating to, or affected with, headache., A remedy for the headache.
cephalaspis noun A genus of fossil ganoid fishes found in the old red sandstone or Devonian formation. The head is large, and protected by a broad shield-shaped helmet prolonged behind into two lateral points.
cephalology noun The science which treats of the head.
cephalomere noun One of the somites (arthromeres) which make up the head of arthropods.
cephalopode noun One of the Cephalopoda.
cephalopoda noun pl. The highest class of Mollusca.
cephalosome noun The anterior region or head of insects and other arthropods.
cephalotome noun An instrument for cutting into the fetal head, to facilitate delivery.
cephalotomy noun Dissection or opening of the head., Craniotomy; — usually applied to bisection of the fetal head with a saw.
cerargyrite noun Native silver chloride, a mineral of a white to pale yellow or gray color, darkening on exposure to the light. It may be cut by a knife, like lead or horn (hence called horn silver).
cerebellous adjective Pertaining to the cerebellum.
cerebellums plural of Cerebellum
cerebralism noun The doctrine or theory that psychical phenomena are functions or products of the brain only.
cerebralist noun One who accepts cerebralism.
cerebration noun Action of the brain, whether conscious or unconscious.
cerebricity noun Brain power.
cerebriform adjective Like the brain in form or substance.
cerebrology noun The science which treats of the cerebrum or brain.
ceremonious adjective Consisting of outward forms and rites; ceremonial. [In this sense ceremonial is now preferred.], According to prescribed or customary rules and forms; devoted to forms and ceremonies; formally respectful; punctilious.
cerographic adjective Alt. of Cerographical
ceroplastic adjective Relating to the art of modeling in wax., Modeled in wax; as, a ceroplastic figure.
certainness noun Certainty.
certainties plural of Certainty
certificate noun A written testimony to the truth of any fact; as, certificate of good behavior., A written declaration legally authenticated., To verify or vouch for by certificate., To furnish with a certificate; as, to certificate the captain of a vessel; a certificated teacher.
cestraciont noun A shark of the genus Cestracion, and of related genera. The posterior teeth form a pavement of bony plates for crushing shellfish. Most of the species are extinct. The Port Jackson shark and a similar one found in California are living examples., Pertaining to, or characteristic of, the genus Cestracion.
cetological adjective Of or pertaining to cetology.