11 letter word starting with co

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
coachfellow noun One of a pair of horses employed to draw a coach; hence (Fig.), a comrade.
coadjutress noun Alt. of Coadjutrix
coadjuvancy noun Joint help; cooperation.
coadunation noun Union, as in one body or mass; unity.
coadunition noun Coadunation.
coadventure noun An adventure in which two or more persons are partakers., To share in a venture.
coagulating present participle & vb. noun of Coagulate
coagulation noun The change from a liquid to a thickened, curdlike, insoluble state, not by evaporation, but by some kind of chemical reaction; as, the spontaneous coagulation of freshly drawn blood; the coagulation of milk by rennet, or acid, and the coagulation of egg albumin by heat. Coagulation is generally the change of an albuminous body into an insoluble modification., The substance or body formed by coagulation.
coagulative adjective Having the power to cause coagulation; as, a coagulative agent.
coagulatory adjective Serving to coagulate; produced by coagulation; as, coagulatory effects.
coalescence noun The act or state of growing together, as similar parts; the act of uniting by natural affinity or attraction; the state of being united; union; concretion.
coalitioner noun A coalitionist.
coarctation noun Confinement to a narrow space., Pressure; that which presses., A stricture or narrowing, as of a canal, cavity, or orifice.
co-assessor noun A joint assessor.
cobblestone noun A large pebble; a rounded stone not too large to be handled; a small boulder; — used for paving streets and for other purposes.
cocciferous adjective Bearing or producing berries; bacciferous; as, cocciferous trees or plants.
coccosphere noun A small, rounded, marine organism, capable of braking up into coccoliths.
cochin fowl A large variety of the domestic fowl, originally from Cochin China (Anam).
cock-a-hoop adjective Boastful; defiant; exulting. Also used adverbially.
cockaleekie noun A favorite soup in Scotland, made from a capon highly seasoned, and boiled with leeks and prunes.
cockcrowing noun The time at which cocks first crow; the early morning.
cockleshell noun One of the shells or valves of a cockle., A light boat.
codefendant noun A joint defendant.
codicillary adjective Of the nature of a codicil.
coeducation noun An educating together, as of persons of different sexes or races.
coefficient adjective Cooperating; acting together to produce an effect., That which unites in action with something else to produce the same effect., A number or letter put before a letter or quantity, known or unknown, to show how many times the latter is to be taken; as, 6x; bx; here 6 and b are coefficients of x., A number, commonly used in computation as a factor, expressing the amount of some change or effect under certain fixed conditions as to temperature, length, volume, etc.; as, the coefficient of expansion; the coefficient of friction.
coenenchyma noun The common tissue which unites the polyps or zooids of a compound anthozoan or coral. It may be soft or more or less ossified. See Coral.
coessential adjective Partaking of the same essence.
coexecutrix noun A joint executrix.
coexistence noun Existence at the same time with another; — contemporary existence.
coextending present participle & vb. noun of Coextend
coextension noun The act of extending equally, or the state of being equally extended.
coextensive adjective Equally extensive; having equal extent; as, consciousness and knowledge are coextensive.
coffeehouse noun A house of entertainment, where guests are supplied with coffee and other refreshments, and where men meet for conversation.
cognateness noun The state of being cognate.
cognoscence noun Cognizance.
cognoscenti plural of Cognoscente
cognoscente noun A connoisseur.
cognoscible adjective Capable of being known., Liable to judicial investigation.
coincidence noun The condition of occupying the same place in space; as, the coincidence of circles, surfaces, etc., The condition or fact of happening at the same time; as, the coincidence of the deaths of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson., Exact correspondence in nature, character, result, circumstances, etc.; concurrence; agreement.
coincibency noun Coincidence.
coinheritor noun A coheir.
coinquinate verb t. To pollute.
cointension noun The condition of being of equal in intensity; — applied to relations; as, 3:6 and 6:12 are relations of cointension.
coleopteral adjective Alt. of Coleopterous
coleopteran noun One of the order of Coleoptera.
coleridgian adjective Pertaining to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, or to his poetry or metaphysics.
collagenous adjective Containing or resembling collagen.
collar bone The clavicle.
collationer noun One who examines the sheets of a book that has just been printed, to ascertain whether they are correctly printed, paged, etc.
collectanea verb t. Passages selected from various authors, usually for purposes of instruction; miscellany; anthology.
collectedly adverb Composedly; coolly.
collectible adjective Capable of being collected.
collegatary noun A joint legatee.
collenchyma noun A tissue of vegetable cells which are thickend at the angles and (usually) elongated.
colleterial adjective Of or pertaining to the colleterium of insects.
colleterium noun An organ of female insects, containing a cement to unite the ejected ova.
colliflower noun See Cauliflower.
colligating present participle & vb. noun of Colligate
colligation noun A binding together., That process by which a number of isolated facts are brought under one conception, or summed up in a general proposition, as when Kepler discovered that the various observed positions of the planet Mars were points in an ellipse.
collimating past participle & vb. noun of Collimate
collimation noun The act of collimating; the adjustment of the line of the sights, as the axial line of the telescope of an instrument, into its proper position relative to the other parts of the instrument.
colliquable adjective Liable to melt, grow soft, or become fluid.
colliquated imp. & past participle of Colliquate
collitigant adjective Disputing or wrangling., One who litigates or wrangles.
collocating present participle & vb. noun of Collocate
collocation noun The act of placing; the state of being placed with something else; disposition in place; arrangement.
collocution noun A speaking or conversing together; conference; mutual discourse.
colluctancy noun A struggling to resist; a striving against; resistance; opposition of nature.
colocynthin noun The active medicinal principle of colocynth; a bitter, yellow, crystalline substance, regarded as a glucoside.
colonelship noun Colonelcy.
colophonite noun A coarsely granular variety of garnet.
coloradoite noun Mercury telluride, an iron-black metallic mineral, found in Colorado.
color-blind adjective Affected with color blindness. See Color blindness, under Color, n.
colorimeter noun An instrument for measuring the depth of the color of anything, especially of a liquid, by comparison with a standard liquid.
columbarium noun A dovecote or pigeon house., A sepulchral chamber with niches for holding cinerary urns.
columbaries plural of Columbary
columnarity noun The state or quality of being columnar.
combination noun The act or process of combining or uniting persons and things., The result of combining or uniting; union of persons or things; esp. a union or alliance of persons or states to effect some purpose; — usually in a bad sense., The act or process of uniting by chemical affinity, by which substances unite with each other in definite proportions by weight to form distinct compounds., The different arrangements of a number of objects, as letters, into groups.
comb-shaped adjective Pectinate.
combustible adjective Capable of taking fire and burning; apt to catch fire; inflammable., Easily kindled or excited; quick; fiery; irascible., A substance that may be set on fire, or which is liable to take fire and burn.
combustious adjective Inflammable.
comessation noun A reveling; a rioting.
comforting. present participle & vb. noun of Comfort
comfortable adjective Strong; vigorous; valiant., Serviceable; helpful., Affording or imparting comfort or consolation; able to comfort; cheering; as, a comfortable hope., In a condition of comfort; having comforts; not suffering or anxious; hence, contented; cheerful; as, to lead a comfortable life., Free, or comparatively free, from pain or distress; — used of a sick person., A stuffed or quilted coverlet for a bed; a comforter; a comfort.
comfortably adverb In a comfortable or comforting manner.
comfortless adjective Without comfort or comforts; in want or distress; cheerless.
comfortment noun Act or process of administering comfort.
comfortress noun A woman who comforts.
commandable adjective Capable of being commanded.
commandment noun An order or injunction given by authority; a command; a charge; a precept; a mandate., One of the ten laws or precepts given by God to the Israelites at Mount Sinai., The act of commanding; exercise of authority., The offense of commanding or inducing another to violate the law.
commandress noun A woman invested with authority to command.
commaterial adjective Consisting of the same material.
commemorate verb t. To call to remembrance by a special act or observance; to celebrate with honor and solemnity; to honor, as a person or event, by some act of respect or affection, intended to preserve the remembrance of the person or event; as, to commemorate the sufferings and dying love of our Savior by the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper; to commemorate the Declaration of Independence by the observance of the Fourth of July.
commendable adjective Worthy of being commended or praised; laudable; praiseworthy.
commendator noun One who holds a benefice in commendam; a commendatary.
commentator noun One who writes a commentary or comments; an expositor; an annotator.
commination noun A threat or threatening; a denunciation of punishment or vengeance., An office in the liturgy of the Church of England, used on Ash Wednesday, containing a recital of God’s anger and judgments against sinners.
comminatory adjective Threatening or denouncing punishment; as, comminatory terms.
commingling present participle & vb. noun of Commingle
comminuting present participle & vb. noun of Comminute
comminution noun The act of reducing to a fine powder or to small particles; pulverization; the state of being comminuted., Fracture (of a bone) into a number of pieces., Gradual diminution by the removal of small particles at a time; a lessening; a wearing away.
commiserate verb t. To feel sorrow, pain, or regret for; to pity.
commissural adjective Of or pertaining to a commissure.
committable adjective Capable of being committed.
committible adjective Capable of being committed; liable to be committed.
commodities plural of Commodity
commonition noun Advice; warning; instruction.
commonitive adjective Monitory.
commonitory adjective Calling to mind; giving admonition.
commonplace adjective Common; ordinary; trite; as, a commonplace person, or observation., An idea or expression wanting originality or interest; a trite or customary remark; a platitude., A memorandum; something to be frequently consulted or referred to., To enter in a commonplace book, or to reduce to general heads., To utter commonplaces; to indulge in platitudes.
commoration noun The act of staying or residing in a place.
communalism noun A French theory of government which holds that commune should be a kind of independent state, and the national government a confederation of such states, having only limited powers. It is advocated by advanced French republicans; but it should not be confounded with communism.
communalist noun An advocate of communalism.
communicant noun One who partakes of, or is entitled to partake of, the sacrament of the Lord’s supper; a church member., One who communicates., Communicating.
communicate verb i. To share in common; to participate in., To impart; to bestow; to convey; as, to communicate a disease or a sensation; to communicate motion by means of a crank., To make known; to recount; to give; to impart; as, to communicate information to any one., To administer the communion to., To share or participate; to possess or enjoy in common; to have sympathy., To give alms, sympathy, or aid., To have intercourse or to be the means of intercourse; as, to communicate with another on business; to be connected; as, a communicating artery., To partake of the Lord’s supper; to commune.
communistic adjective Of or pertaining to communism or communists; as, communistic theories., Living or having their nests in common, as certain birds.
communities plural of Community
commutation noun A passing from one state to another; change; alteration; mutation., The act of giving one thing for another; barter; exchange., The change of a penalty or punishment by the pardoning power of the State; as, the commutation of a sentence of death to banishment or imprisonment., A substitution, as of a less thing for a greater, esp. a substitution of one form of payment for another, or one payment for many, or a specific sum of money for conditional payments or allowances; as, commutation of tithes; commutation of fares; commutation of copyright; commutation of rations.
commutative adjective Relative to exchange; interchangeable; reciprocal.
compactedly adverb In a compact manner.
compactible adjective That may be compacted.
compactness noun The state or quality of being compact; close union of parts; density.
compaginate verb t. To unite or hold together; as, the side pieces compaginate the frame.
companiable adjective Companionable; sociable.
comparation noun A making ready; provision.
comparative adjective Of or pertaining to comparison., Proceeding from, or by the method of, comparison; as, the comparative sciences; the comparative anatomy., Estimated by comparison; relative; not positive or absolute, as compared with another thing or state., Expressing a degree greater or less than the positive degree of the quality denoted by an adjective or adverb. The comparative degree is formed from the positive by the use of -er, more, or less; as, brighter, more bright, or less bright., The comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs; also, the form by which the comparative degree is expressed; as, stronger, wiser, weaker, more stormy, less windy, are all comparatives., An equal; a rival; a compeer., One who makes comparisons; one who affects wit.
compartment noun One of the parts into which an inclosed portion of space is divided, as by partitions, or lines; as, the compartments of a cabinet, a house, or a garden., One of the sections into which the hold of a ship is divided by water-tight bulkheads.
compassable adjective Capable of being compassed or accomplished.
compassless adjective Having no compass.
compellable adjective Capable of being compelled or constrained.
compellably adverb By compulsion.
compendiate verb t. To sum or collect together.
compendious adjective Containing the substance or general principles of a subject or work in a narrow compass; abridged; summarized.
compendiums plural of Compendium
compensated imp. & past participle of Compensate
compensator noun One who, or that which, compensates; — a name applied to various mechanical devices., An iron plate or magnet placed near the compass on iron vessels to neutralize the effect of the ship’s attraction on the needle.
competently adverb In a competent manner; adequately; suitably.
competition noun The act of seeking, or endeavoring to gain, what another is endeavoring to gain at the same time; common strife for the same objects; strife for superiority; emulous contest; rivalry, as for approbation, for a prize, or as where two or more persons are engaged in the same business and each seeking patronage; — followed by for before the object sought, and with before the person or thing competed with.
competitive adjective Of or pertaining to competition; producing competition; competitory; as, a competitive examination.
competitory adjective Acting in competition; competing; rival.
competitrix noun A competitress.
compilation noun The act or process of compiling or gathering together from various sources., That which is compiled; especially, a book or document composed of materials gathering from other books or documents.
compilement noun Compilation.
complacence noun Alt. of Complacency
complacency noun Calm contentment; satisfaction; gratification., The cause of pleasure or joy., The manifestation of contentment or satisfaction; good nature; kindness; civility; affability.
complaining present participle & vb. noun of Complain
complainant noun One who makes complaint., One who commences a legal process by a complaint., The party suing in equity, answering to the plaintiff at common law.
complaisant adjective Desirous to please; courteous; obliging; compliant; as, a complaisant gentleman.
complexness noun The state of being complex; complexity.
compliantly adverb In a compliant manner.
complicated imp. & past participle of Complicate
complotting present participle & vb. noun of Complot
complotment noun A plotting together.
comportable adjective Suitable; consistent.
comportance noun Behavior; comport.
comportment noun Manner of acting; behavior; bearing.
composition noun The act or art of composing, or forming a whole or integral, by placing together and uniting different things, parts, or ingredients., The invention or combination of the parts of any literary work or discourse, or of a work of art; as, the composition of a poem or a piece of music., The art or practice of so combining the different parts of a work of art as to produce a harmonious whole; also, a work of art considered as such. See 4, below., The act of writing for practice in a language, as English, Latin, German, etc., The setting up of type and arranging it for printing., The state of being put together or composed; conjunction; combination; adjustment., A mass or body formed by combining two or more substances; as, a chemical composition., A literary, musical, or artistic production, especially one showing study and care in arrangement; — often used of an elementary essay or translation done as an educational exercise., Consistency; accord; congruity., Mutual agreement to terms or conditions for the settlement of a difference or controversy; also, the terms or conditions of settlement; agreement., The adjustment of a debt, or avoidance of an obligation, by some form of compensation agreed on between the parties; also, the sum or amount of compensation agreed upon in the adjustment., Synthesis as opposed to analysis.
compositive adjective Having the quality of entering into composition; compounded.
compositous adjective Belonging to the Compositae; composite.
compossible adjective Able to exist with another thing; consistent.
compotation noun The act of drinking or tippling together.
compounding present participle & vb. noun of Compound
compressing p. pr & vb. noun of Compress
compression noun The act of compressing, or state of being compressed.
compressive adjective Compressing, or having power or tendency to compress; as, a compressive force.
compressure noun Compression.
compromised imp. & past participle of Compromise
compromiser noun One who compromises.
compunction noun A pricking; stimulation., A picking of heart; poignant grief proceeding from a sense of guilt or consciousness of causing pain; the sting of conscience.
compunctive adjective Sensitive in respect of wrongdoing; conscientious.
compurgator noun One who bears testimony or swears to the veracity or innocence of another. See Purgation; also Wager of law, under Wager.
computation noun The act or process of computing; calculation; reckoning., The result of computation; the amount computed.
comradeship noun The state of being a comrade; intimate fellowship.
concamerate verb t. To arch over; to vault., To divide into chambers or cells.
concatenate verb t. To link together; to unite in a series or chain, as things depending on one another.
concavation noun The act of making concave.
concaveness noun Hollowness; concavity.
concavities plural of Concavity
concealable adjective Capable of being concealed.
concealment noun The act of concealing; the state of being concealed., A place of hiding; a secret place; a retreat frem observation., A secret; out of the way knowledge., Suppression of such facts and circumstances as in justice ought to be made known.
conceitedly adverb In an egotistical manner., Fancifully; whimsically.
conceitless adjective Without wit; stupid.
conceivable adjective Capable of being conceived, imagined, or understood.
concentered imp. & past participle of Concentre
concentring of Concentre
concentrate verb t. To bring to, or direct toward, a common center; to unite more closely; to gather into one body, mass, or force; to fix; as, to concentrate rays of light into a focus; to concentrate the attention., To increase the strength and diminish the bulk of, as of a liquid or an ore; to intensify, by getting rid of useless material; to condense; as, to concentrate acid by evaporation; to concentrate by washing; — opposed to dilute., To approach or meet in a common center; to consolidate; as, population tends to concentrate in cities.
conceptacle noun That in which anything is contained; a vessel; a receiver or receptacle., A pericarp, opening longitudinally on one side and having the seeds loose in it; a follicle; a double follicle or pair of follicles., One of the cases containing the spores, etc., of flowerless plants, especially of algae.
conceptible adjective Capable of being conceived; conceivable.
conceptious adjective Apt to conceive; fruitful.
concernedly adverb In a concerned manner; solicitously; sympathetically.
concertante noun A concert for two or more principal instruments, with orchestral accompaniment. Also adjectively; as, concertante parts.
conchometer noun An instrument for measuring shells, or the angle of their spire.
conchometry noun The art of measuring shells or their curves; conchyliometry.
conchylious adjective Conchylaceous.
conciliable noun A small or private assembly, especially of an ecclesiastical nature., Capable of being conciliated or reconciled.
conciliated imp. & past participle of Conciliate
conciliator noun One who conciliates.
concionator noun An haranguer of the people; a preacher., A common councilman.
conciseness noun The quality of being concise.
concitation noun The act of stirring up, exciting, or agitating.
concludency noun Deduction from premises; inference; conclusion.
conclusible adjective Demonstrable; determinable.
concolorous adjective Of the same color throughout.
concomitant adjective Accompanying; conjoined; attending., One who, or that which, accompanies, or is collaterally connected with another; a companion; an associate; an accompaniment.
concordable adjective Capable of according; agreeing; harmonious.
concordance noun Agreement; accordance., Concord; agreement., An alphabetical verbal index showing the places in the text of a book where each principal word may be found, with its immediate context in each place., A topical index or orderly analysis of the contents of a book.
concordancy noun Agreement.
concrescive adjective Growing together, or into union; uniting.
concubinacy noun The practice of concubinage.
concubinage noun The cohabiting of a man and a woman who are not legally married; the state of being a concubine., A plea, in which it is alleged that the woman suing for dower was not lawfully married to the man in whose lands she seeks to be endowed, but that she was his concubine.
concubinary adjective Relating to concubinage; living in concubinage., One who lives in concubinage.
concubinate noun Concubinage.
concultated imp. & past participle of Conculcate
concurrence noun The act of concurring; a meeting or coming together; union; conjunction; combination., A meeting of minds; agreement in opinion; union in design or act; — implying joint approbation., Agreement or consent, implying aid or contribution of power or influence; cooperation., A common right; coincidence of equal powers; as, a concurrence of jurisdiction in two different courts.
concurrency noun Concurrence.
condemnable Worthy of condemnation; blamable; culpable.
condensable adjective Capable of being condensed; as, vapor is condensable.
condensated imp. & past participle of Condensate
condensible adjective Capable of being condensed; as, a gas condensible to a liquid by cold.
condignness noun Agreeableness to deserts; suitableness.
condisciple noun A schoolfellow; a fellow-student.
conditioned imp. & past participle of Condition, Surrounded; circumstanced; in a certain state or condition, as of property or health; as, a well conditioned man., Having, or known under or by, conditions or relations; not independent; not absolute.
conditional adjective Containing, implying, or depending on, a condition or conditions; not absolute; made or granted on certain terms; as, a conditional promise., Expressing a condition or supposition; as, a conditional word, mode, or tense., A limitation., A conditional word, mode, or proposition.
conditionly adverb Conditionally.
conditories plural of Conditory
condolatory adjective Expressing condolence.
condolement noun Condolence., Sorrow; mourning; lamentation.
condonation noun The act of condoning or pardoning., Forgiveness, either express or implied, by a husband of his wife or by a wife of her husband, for a breach of marital duty, as adultery, with an implied condition that the offense shall not be repeated.
condottieri plural of Condottiere
condottiere noun A military adventurer of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, who sold his services, and those of his followers, to any party in any contest.
conductible adjective Capable of being conducted.
conductress noun A woman who leads or directs; a directress.
condylomata plural of Condylome
cone pulley A pulley for driving machines, etc., having two or more parts or steps of different diameters; a pulley having a conical shape.
confabulate verb i. To talk familiarly together; to chat; to prattle.
confederacy noun A league or compact between two or more persons, bodies of men, or states, for mutual support or common action; alliance., The persons, bodies, states, or nations united by a league; a confederation., A combination of two or more persons to commit an unlawful act, or to do a lawful act by unlawful means. See Conspiracy.
confederate adjective United in a league; allied by treaty; engaged in a confederacy; banded together; allied., Of or pertaining to the government of the eleven Southern States of the United States which (1860-1865) attempted to establish an independent nation styled the Confederate States of America; as, the Confederate congress; Confederate money., One who is united with others in a league; a person or a nation engaged in a confederacy; an ally; also, an accomplice in a bad sense., A name designating an adherent to the cause of the States which attempted to withdraw from the Union (1860-1865)., To unite in a league or confederacy; to ally., To unite in a league; to join in a mutual contract or covenant; to band together.
conferrable adjective Capable of being conferred.
confessedly adverb By confession; without denial.
confidently adverb With confidence; with strong assurance; positively.
configurate verb i. To take form or position, as the parts of a complex structure; to agree with a pattern.
configuring present participle & vb. noun of Configure
confineless adjective Without limitation or end; boundless.
confinement noun Restraint within limits; imprisonment; any restraint of liberty; seclusion., Restraint within doors by sickness, esp. that caused by childbirth; lying-in.
confirmable adjective That may be confirmed.
confirmance noun Confirmation.
confirmator noun One who, or that which, confirms; a confirmer.
confirmedly adverb With confirmation.
confiscable adjective Capable of being confiscated; liable to forfeiture.
confiscated imp. & past participle of Confiscate
confiscator noun One who confiscates.
conflagrant adjective Burning together in a common flame.
conflicting present participle & vb. noun of Conflict, Being in conflict or collision, or in opposition; contending; contradictory; incompatible; contrary; opposing.
conflictive adjective Tending to conflict; conflicting.
confluxible adjective Inclined to flow or run together.
conformable adjective Corresponding in form, character, opinions, etc.; similar; like; consistent; proper or suitable; — usually followed by to., Disposed to compliance or obedience; ready to follow direstions; submissive; compliant., Parallel, or nearly so; — said of strata in contact.
conformably adverb With conformity or in conformity; suitably; agreeably.
conformance noun Conformity.
confounding present participle & vb. noun of Confound
confronting present participle & vb. noun of Confront
confutation noun The act or process of confuting; refutation.
confutative adjective Adapted or designed to confute.
confutement noun Confutation.
congealable adjective Capable of being congealed.
congealment noun The act or the process of congealing; congeliation., That which is formed by congelation; a clot.
congelation noun The act or process of passing, or causing to pass, from a fluid to a solid state, as by the abstraction of heat; the act or process of freezing., The state of being congealed., That which is congealed.
congeneracy noun Similarity of origin; affinity.
congenerous adjective Allied in origin or cause; congeneric; as, congenerous diseases.
congenially adverb In a congenial manner; as, congenially married or employed.
conglaciate verb t. & i. To turn to ice; to freeze.
conglobated imp. & past participle of Conglobate
congo snake An amphibian (Amphiuma means) of the order Urodela, found in the southern United States. See Amphiuma.
congregated imp. & past participle of Congregate
congression noun A coming or bringing together, as in a public meeting, in a dispute, in the act of comparing, or in sexual intercourse.
congressive adjective Encountering, or coming together.
congressmen plural of Congressman
congressman noun A member of the Congress of the United States, esp. of the House of Representatives.
congruities plural of Congruity
congruously adverb In a congruous manner.
conicalness noun State or quality of being conical.
conirostral adjective Belonging to the Conirostres.
conirostres noun pl. A tribe of perching birds, including those which have a strong conical bill, as the finches.
conjectural adjective Dependent on conjecture; fancied; imagined; guessed at; undetermined; doubtful.
conjectured imp. & past participle of Conjecture
conjecturer noun One who conjectures.
conjubilant adjective Shouting together for joy; rejoicing together.
conjugality noun The conjugal state; sexual intercourse.
conjugating present participle & vb. noun of Conjugate
conjugation noun the act of uniting or combining; union; assemblage., Two things conjoined; a pair; a couple., The act of conjugating a verb or giving in order its various parts and inflections., A scheme in which are arranged all the parts of a verb., A class of verbs conjugated in the same manner., A kind of sexual union; — applied to a blending of the contents of two or more cells or individuals in some plants and lower animals, by which new spores or germs are developed.
conjunction noun The act of conjoining, or the state of being conjoined, united, or associated; union; association; league., The meeting of two or more stars or planets in the same degree of the zodiac; as, the conjunction of the moon with the sun, or of Jupiter and Saturn. See the Note under Aspect, n., 6., A connective or connecting word; an indeclinable word which serves to join together sentences, clauses of a sentence, or words; as, and, but, if.
conjunctiva noun The mucous membrane which covers the external surface of the ball of the eye and the inner surface of the lids; the conjunctival membrane.
conjunctive adjective Serving to unite; connecting together., Closely united.
conjuncture noun The act of joining, or state of being joined; union; connection; combination., A crisis produced by a combination of circumstances; complication or combination of events or circumstances; plight resulting from various conditions.
conjuration noun The act of calling or summoning by a sacred name, or in solemn manner; the act of binding by an oath; an earnest entreaty; adjuration., The act or process of invoking supernatural aid by the use of a magical form of words; the practice of magic arts; incantation; enchantment., A league for a criminal purpose; conspiracy.
conjurement noun Serious injunction; solemn demand or entreaty.
connascence noun Alt. of Connascency
connascency noun The common birth of two or more at the same tome; production of two or more together., That which is born or produced with another., The act of growing together.
connectedly adverb In a connected manner.
connoisseur noun One well versed in any subject; a skillful or knowing person; a critical judge of any art, particulary of one of the fine arts.
connotation noun The act of connoting; a making known or designating something additional; implication of something more than is asserted.
connotative adjective Implying something additional; illative., Implying an attribute. See Connote.
conquadrate verb t. To bring into a square.
conquassate verb t. To shake; to agitate.
conquerable adjective Capable of being conquered or subdued.
conscienced adjective Having a conscience.
consciously adverb In a conscious manner; with knowledge of one’s own mental operations or actions.
consecrated imp. & past participle of Consecrate
consecrater noun Consecrator.
consecrator noun One who consecrates; one who performs the rites by which a person or thing is devoted or dedicated to sacred purposes.
consecution noun A following, or sequel; actual or logical dependence., A succession or series of any kind.
consecutive adjective Following in a train; succeeding one another in a regular order; successive; uninterrupted in course or succession; with no interval or break; as, fifty consecutive years., Following as a consequence or result; actually or logically dependent; consequential; succeeding., Having similarity of sequence; — said of certain parallel progressions of two parts in a piece of harmony; as, consecutive fifths, or consecutive octaves, which are forbidden.
consentient adjective Agreeing in mind; accordant.
consequence noun That which follows something on which it depends; that which is produced by a cause; a result., A proposition collected from the agreement of other previous propositions; any conclusion which results from reason or argument; inference., Chain of causes and effects; consecution., Importance with respect to what comes after; power to influence or produce an effect; value; moment; rank; distinction.
conservable adjective Capable of being preserved from decay or injury.
conservancy noun Conservation, as from injury, defilement, or irregular use.
conservator noun One who preserves from injury or violation; a protector; a preserver., An officer who has charge of preserving the public peace, as a justice or sheriff., One who has an official charge of preserving the rights and privileges of a city, corporation, community, or estate.
considering present participle & vb. noun of Consider
considerate adjective Given to consideration or to sober reflection; regardful of consequences or circumstances; circumspect; careful; esp. careful of the rights, claims, and feelings of other., Having respect to; regardful.
consignment noun The act of consigning; consignation., The act of consigning or sending property to an agent or correspondent in another place, as for care, sale, etc., That which is consigned; the goods or commodities sent or addressed to a consignee at one time or by one conveyance., The writing by which anything is consigned.
consilience noun Act of concurring; coincidence; concurrence.
consimility noun Common resemblance.
consistence noun Alt. of Consistency
consistency noun The condition of standing or adhering together, or being fixed in union, as the parts of a body; existence; firmness; coherence; solidity., A degree of firmness, density, or spissitude., That which stands together as a united whole; a combination., Firmness of constitution or character; substantiality; durability; persistency., Agreement or harmony of all parts of a complex thing among themselves, or of the same thing with itself at different times; the harmony of conduct with profession; congruity; correspondence; as, the consistency of laws, regulations, or judicial decisions; consistency of opinions; consistency of conduct or of character.
consociated imp. & past participle of Consociate
consolation noun The act of consoling; the state of being consoled; allevation of misery or distress of mind; refreshment of spirit; comfort; that which consoles or comforts the spirit.
consolatory adjective Of a consoling or comforting nature., That which consoles; a speech or writing intended for consolation.
consolidant adjective Serving to unite or consolidate; having the quality of consolidating or making firm.
consolidate adjective Formed into a solid mass; made firm; consolidated., To make solid; to unite or press together into a compact mass; to harden or make dense and firm., To unite, as various particulars, into one mass or body; to bring together in close union; to combine; as, to consolidate the armies of the republic., To unite by means of applications, as the parts of a broken bone, or the lips of a wound., To grow firm and hard; to unite and become solid; as, moist clay consolidates by drying.
consonantal adjective Of the nature of a consonant; pertaining to consonants.
consonantly adverb In a consonant, consistent, or congruous manner; agreeably.
consortable adjective Suitable for association or companionship.
consortship noun The condition of a consort; fellowship; partnership.
conspecific adjective Of the same species.
conspersion noun The act of sprinkling.
conspicuity noun The state or quality of being clear or bright; brightness; conspicuousness.
conspicuous adjective Open to the view; obvious to the eye; easy to be seen; plainly visible; manifest; attracting the eye., Obvious to the mental eye; easily recognized; clearly defined; notable; prominent; eminent; distinguished; as, a conspicuous excellence, or fault.
conspirator noun One who engages in a conspiracy; a plotter.
conspurcate verb t. To pollute; to defile.
constablery noun The constabulary., The district or jurisdiction of a constable.
constabless noun The wife of a constable.
constellate verb i. To join luster; to shine with united radiance, or one general light., To unite in one luster or radiance, as stars., To set or adorn with stars or constellations; as, constellated heavens.
constipated imp. & past participle of Constipate
constituent adjective Serving to form, compose, or make up; elemental; component., Having the power of electing or appointing., The person or thing which constitutes, determines, or constructs., That which constitutes or composes, as a part, or an essential part; a component; an element., One for whom another acts; especially, one who is represented by another in a legislative assembly; — correlative to representative., A person who appoints another to act for him as attorney in fact.
constituted imp. & past participle of Constitute
constituter noun One who constitutes or appoints.
constrained imp. & past participle of Constrain, Marked by constraint; not free; not voluntary; embarrassed; as, a constrained manner; a constrained tone.
constrainer noun One who constrains.
constricted imp. & past participle of Constrict, Drawn together; bound; contracted; cramped., Contracted or compressed so as to be smaller in certain places or parts than in others.
constrictor noun That which constricts, draws together, or contracts., A muscle which contracts or closes an orifice, or which compresses an organ; a sphincter., A serpent that kills its prey by inclosing and crushing it with its folds; as, the boa constrictor.
constringed imp. & past participle of Constringe
constructed imp. & past participle of Construct
constructer noun One who, or that which, constructs or frames.
constructor noun A constructer.
constuprate verb t. To ravish; to debauch.
consumingly adverb In a consuming manner.
consummated imp. & past participle of Consummate
consumption noun The act or process of consuming by use, waste, etc.; decay; destruction., The state or process of being consumed, wasted, or diminished; waste; diminution; loss; decay., A progressive wasting away of the body; esp., that form of wasting, attendant upon pulmonary phthisis and associated with cough, spitting of blood, hectic fever, etc.; pulmonary phthisis; — called also pulmonary consumption.
consumptive adjective Of or pertaining to consumption; having the quality of consuming, or dissipating; destructive; wasting., Affected with, or inclined to, consumption., One affected with consumption; as, a resort for consumptives.
contagioned adjective Affected by contagion.
containable adjective Capable of being contained or comprised.
containment noun That which is contained; the extent; the substance.
contaminate verb t. To soil, stain, or corrupt by contact; to tarnish; to sully; to taint; to pollute; to defile., Contaminated; defiled; polluted; tainted.
contamitive adjective Tending or liable to contaminate.
contemplant adjective Given to contemplation; meditative.
contemplate verb t. To look at on all sides or in all its bearings; to view or consider with continued attention; to regard with deliberate care; to meditate on; to study., To consider or have in view, as contingent or probable; to look forward to; to purpose; to intend., To consider or think studiously; to ponder; to reflect; to muse; to meditate.
contendress noun A female contestant.
contenement noun That which is held together with another thing; that which is connected with a tenement, or thing holden, as a certain quantity of land adjacent to a dwelling, and necessary to the reputable enjoyment of the dwelling; appurtenance.
contentious adjective Fond of contention; given to angry debate; provoking dispute or contention; quarrelsome., Relating to contention or strife; involving or characterized by contention., Contested; litigated; litigious; having power to decide controversy.
contentless adjective Discontented; dissatisfied.
contentment verb t. The state of being contented or satisfied; content., The act or process of contenting or satisfying; as, the contentment of avarice is impossible., Gratification; pleasure; satisfaction.
conterminal adjective Conterminous.
contestable adjective Capable of being contested; debatable.
contextural adjective Pertaining to contexture or arrangement of parts; producing contexture; interwoven.
contextured adjective Formed into texture; woven together; arranged; composed.
continental adjective Of or pertaining to a continent., Of or pertaining to the main land of Europe, in distinction from the adjacent islands, especially England; as, a continental tour; a continental coalition., Of or pertaining to the confederated colonies collectively, in the time of the Revolutionary War; as, Continental money., A soldier in the Continental army, or a piece of the Continental currency. See Continental, a., 3.
continently adverb In a continent manner; chastely; moderately; temperately.
contingence noun See Contingency.
contingency noun Union or connection; the state of touching or contact., The quality or state of being contingent or casual; the possibility of coming to pass., An event which may or may not occur; that which is possible or probable; a fortuitous event; a chance., An adjunct or accessory., A certain possible event that may or may not happen, by which, when happening, some particular title may be affected.
continuable adjective Capable of being continued
continually adverb Without cessation; unceasingly; continuously; as, the current flows continually., In regular or repeated succession; very often.
continuance noun A holding on, or remaining in a particular state; permanence, as of condition, habits, abode, etc.; perseverance; constancy; duration; stay., Uninterrupted succession; continuation; constant renewal; perpetuation; propagation., A holding together; continuity., The adjournment of the proceedings in a cause from one day, or from one stated term of a court, to another., The entry of such adjournment and the grounds thereof on the record.
continuator noun One who, or that which, continues; esp., one who continues a series or a work; a continuer.
continuedly adverb Continuously.
contorniate noun Alt. of Contorniate, A species of medal or medallion of bronze, having a deep furrow on the contour or edge; — supposed to have been struck in the days of Constantine and his successors.
contrabasso noun The largest kind of bass viol. See Violone.
contracting present participle & vb. noun of Contract
contractile adjective tending to contract; having the power or property of contracting, or of shrinking into shorter or smaller dimensions; as, the contractile tissues.
contraction noun The act or process of contracting, shortening, or shrinking; the state of being contracted; as, contraction of the heart, of the pupil of the eye, or of a tendion; the contraction produced by cold., The process of shortening an operation., The act of incurring or becoming subject to, as liabilities, obligation, debts, etc.; the process of becoming subject to; as, the contraction of a disease., Something contracted or abbreviated, as a word or phrase; — as, plenipo for plenipotentiary; crim. con. for criminal conversation, etc., The shortening of a word, or of two words, by the omission of a letter or letters, or by reducing two or more vowels or syllables to one; as, ne’er for never; can’t for can not; don’t for do not; it’s for it is., A marriage contract.
contractive adjective Tending to contract; having the property or power or power of contracting.
contracture noun A state of permanent rigidity or contraction of the muscles, generally of the flexor muscles.
contradance noun A dance in which the partners are arranged face to face, or in opposite lines.
contrariant adjective Contrary; opposed; antagonistic; inconsistent; contradictory.
contrariety noun The state or quality of being contrary; opposition; repugnance; disagreement; antagonism., Something which is contrary to, or inconsistent with, something else; an inconsistency.
contrarious adjective Showing contrariety; repugnant; perverse.
contrasting present participle & vb. noun of Contrast
contratenor noun Counter tenor; contralto.
contravened imp. & past participle of Contravene
contravener noun One who contravenes.
contrayerva noun A species of Dorstenia (D. Contrayerva), a South American plant, the aromatic root of which is sometimes used in medicine as a gentle stimulant and tonic.
contretemps noun An unexpected and untoward accident; something inopportune or embarrassing; a hitch.
contributed imp. & past participle of Contribute
contributer noun One who, or that which, contributes; specifically, one who writes articles for a newspaper or magazine.
contristate verb t. & i. To make sorrowful.
contrivance noun The act or faculty of contriving, inventing, devising, or planning., The thing contrived, invented, or planned; disposition of parts or causes by design; a scheme; plan; atrifice; arrangement.
controlling present participle & vb. noun of Control
controlment noun The power or act of controlling; the state of being restrained; control; restraint; regulation; superintendence., Opposition; resistance; hostility.
controverse noun Controversy., To dispute; to controvert.
controversy noun Contention; dispute; debate; discussion; agitation of contrary opinions., Quarrel; strife; cause of variance; difference., A suit in law or equity; a question of right.
contubernal adjective Alt. of Contubernial
contumacies plural of Contumacy
convalesced imp. & past participle of Convalesce, Convalescent.
convallaria noun The lily of the valley.
convallarin noun A white, crystalline glucoside, of an irritating taste, extracted from the convallaria or lily of the valley.
convenience noun Alt. of Conveniency
conveniency noun The state or quality of being convenient; fitness or suitableness, as of place, time, etc.; propriety., Freedom from discomfort, difficulty, or trouble; commodiousness; ease; accommodation., That which is convenient; that which promotes comfort or advantage; that which is suited to one’s wants; an accommodation., A convenient or fit time; opportunity; as, to do something at one’s convenience.
conventical adjective Of or from, or pertaining to, a convent.
conventicle noun A small assembly or gathering; esp., a secret assembly., An assembly for religious worship; esp., such an assembly held privately, as in times of persecution, by Nonconformists or Dissenters in England, or by Covenanters in Scotland; — often used opprobriously, as if those assembled were heretics or schismatics.
convergence noun Alt. of Convergency
convergency noun The condition or quality of converging; tendency to one point.
conversable adjective Qualified for conversation; disposed to converse; sociable; free in discourse.
conversably adverb In a conversable manner.
conversance noun The state or quality of being conversant; habit of familiarity; familiar acquaintance; intimacy.
conversancy noun Conversance
conversible adjective Capable of being converted or reversed.
convertible adjective Capable of being converted; susceptible of change; transmutable; transformable., Capable of being exchanged or interchanged; reciprocal; interchangeable.
convertibly adverb In a convertible manner.
convexities plural of Convexity
conveyancer noun One whose business is to draw up conveyances of property, as deeds, mortgages, leases, etc.
convicinity noun Immediate vicinity; neighborhood.
convincible adjective Capable of being convinced or won over., Capable of being confuted and disproved by argument; refutable.
convivially adverb In a convivial manner.
convocating present participle & vb. noun of Convocate
convocation noun The act of calling or assembling by summons., An assembly or meeting., An assembly of the clergy, by their representatives, to consult on ecclesiastical affairs., An academical assembly, in which the business of the university is transacted.
convolution noun The act of rolling anything upon itself, or one thing upon another; a winding motion., The state of being rolled upon itself, or rolled or doubled together; a tortuous or sinuous winding or fold, as of something rolled or folded upon itself., An irregular, tortuous folding of an organ or part; as, the convolutions of the intestines; the cerebral convolutions. See Brain.
convolvulin noun A glucoside occurring in jalap (the root of a convolvulaceous plant), and extracted as a colorless, tasteless, gummy mass of powerful purgative properties.
convolvulus noun A large genus of plants having monopetalous flowers, including the common bindweed (C. arwensis), and formerly the morning-glory, but this is now transferred to the genus Ipomaea.
cool-headed adjective Having a temper not easily excited; free from passion.
cooperating present participle & vb. noun of Cooperate
cooperation noun The act of cooperating, or of operating together to one end; joint operation; concurrent effort or labor., The association of a number of persons for their benefit.
cooperative adjective Operating jointly to the same end.
coordinance noun Joint ordinance.
coordinated imp. & past participle of Coordinate
coparcenary noun Partnership in inheritance; joint heirship; joint right of succession to an inheritance.
cope-chisel noun A narrow chisel adapted for cutting a groove.
copiousness noun The state or quality of being copious; abudance; plenty; also, diffuseness in style.
copper-nose noun A red nose.
copperplate noun A plate of polished copper on which a design or writing is engraved., An impression on paper taken from such a plate.
coppersmith noun One whose occupation is to manufacture copper utensils; a worker in copper.
copple dust Cupel dust.
copplestone noun A cobblestone.
coprophagan noun A kind of beetle which feeds upon dung.
coralliform adjective resembling coral in form.
coralligena noun pl. Same as Anthozoa.
corallinite noun A fossil coralline.
coralloidal adjective resembling coral; coralloid.
cordialness noun Cordiality.
co-relation noun Corresponding relation.
corivalship noun Joint rivalry.
cork fossil A variety of amianthus which is very light, like cork.
corking pin A pin of a large size, formerly used attaching a woman’s headdress to a cork mold.
cormophytes noun pl. Alt. of Cormophyta
corniferous adjective Of or pertaining to the lowest period of the Devonian age. (See the Diagram, under Geology.) The Corniferous period has been so called from the numerous seams of hornstone which characterize the later part of the period, as developed in the State of New York.
cornigerous adjective Horned; having horns; as, cornigerous animals.
cornsheller noun A machine that separates the kernels of corn from the cob.
cornucopias plural of Cornucopia
corollaries plural of Corollary
corporality noun The state of being or having a body; bodily existence; corporeality; — opposed to spirituality., A confraternity; a guild.
corporately adverb In a corporate capacity; acting as a corporate body., In, or as regarda, the body.
corporation noun A body politic or corporate, formed and authorized by law to act as a single person, and endowed by law with the capacity of succession; a society having the capacity of transacting business as an individual.
corporature noun The state of being embodied; bodily existence.
corporeally adverb In the body; in a bodily form or manner.
corpulently adverb In a corpulent manner.
corpuscular adjective Pertaining to, or composed of, corpuscles, or small particles.
correctible adjective Alt. of Correctable
correctable adjective Capable of being corrected.
correctness noun The state or quality of being correct; as, the correctness of opinions or of manners; correctness of taste; correctness in writing or speaking; the correctness of a text or copy.
correctress noun A woman who corrects.
correlating present participle & vb. noun of Correlate
correlation noun Reciprocal relation; corresponding similarity or parallelism of relation or law; capacity of being converted into, or of giving place to, one another, under certain conditions; as, the correlation of forces, or of zymotic diseases.
correlative adjective Having or indicating a reciprocal relation., One who, or that which, stands in a reciprocal relation, or is correlated, to some other person or thing., The antecedent of a pronoun.
corrigendum noun A fault or error to be corrected.
corrivation noun The flowing of different streams into one.
corroborant adjective Strengthening; supporting; corroborating., Anything which gives strength or support; a tonic.
corroborate verb t. To make strong, or to give additional strength to; to strengthen., To make more certain; to confirm; to establish., Corroborated.
corrovaline noun A poisonous alkaloid extracted from corroval, and characterized by its immediate action in paralyzing the heart.
corrugating present participle & vb. noun of Corrugate
corrugation noun The act corrugating; contraction into wrinkles or alternate ridges and grooves.
corrumpable adjective Corruptible.
corruptible adjective Capable of being made corrupt; subject to decay., Capable of being corrupted, or morally vitiated; susceptible of depravation., That which may decay and perish; the human body.
corruptless adjective Not susceptible of corruption or decay; incorruptible.
corruptness noun The quality of being corrupt.
corruptress noun A woman who corrupts.
corticiform adjective Resembling, or having the form of, bark or rind.
coruscation noun A sudden flash or play of light., A flash of intellectual brilliancy.
corymbosely adverb In corymbs.
corypheuses plural of Corypheus
coryphodont adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, the genus Coryphodon.
cosignitary adjective Signing some important public document with another or with others; as, a treaty violated by one of the cosignitary powers., One who signs a treaty or public document along with others or another; as, the cosignitaries of the treaty of Berlin.
cosmogonist noun One who treats of the origin of the universe; one versed in cosmogony.
cosmogonies plural of Cosmogony
cosmography noun A description of the world or of the universe; or the science which teaches the constitution of the whole system of worlds, or the figure, disposition, and relation of all its parts.
cosmologist noun One who describes the universe; one skilled in cosmology.
cosmopolite noun One who has no fixed residence, or who is at home in every place; a citizen of the world., Having no fixed residence; at home in any place; free from local attachments or prejudices; not provincial; liberal., Common everywhere; widely spread; found in all parts of the world., See Cosmopolitan.
cosmosphere noun An apparatus for showing the position of the earth, at any given time, with respect to the fixed stars. It consist of a hollow glass globe, on which are depicted the stars and constellations, and within which is a terrestrial globe.
cosmotheism noun Same as Pantheism.
cosmothetic adjective Assuming or positing the actual existence or reality of the physical or external world.
cosovereign noun A joint sovereign.
costiferous adjective Rib-bearing, as the dorsal vertebrae.
costiveness noun An unnatural retention of the fecal matter of the bowels; constipation., Inability to express one’s self; stiffness.
co-sufferer noun One who suffers with another.
cotemporary adjective Living or being at the same time; contemporary., One who lives at the same time with another; a contemporary.
coterminous adjective Bordering; conterminous; — followed by with.
cothurnated adjective Wearing a cothurn., Relating to tragedy; solemn; grave.
cotqueanity noun The condition, character, or conduct of a cotquean.
cotyledonal adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a cotyledon.
couch grass See Quitch grass.
counselling of Counsel
counselable adjective Willing to receive counsel or follow advice., Suitable to be advised; advisable, wise.
countenance verb t. To encourage; to favor; to approve; to aid; to abet., To make a show of; to pretend.
counterbore noun A flat-bottomed cylindrical enlargement of the mouth of a hole, usually of slight depth, as for receiving a cylindrical screw head., A kind of pin drill with the cutting edge or edges normal to the axis; — used for enlarging a hole, or for forming a flat-bottomed recess at its mouth., To form a counterbore in, by boring, turning, or drilling; to enlarge, as a hole, by means of a counterbore.
counterbuff verb t. To strike or drive back or in an opposite direction; to stop by a blow or impulse in front., A blow in an opposite direction; a stroke that stops motion or cause a recoil.
countercast noun A trick; a delusive contrivance.
counterdrew imp. of Counterdraw
counterdraw verb t. To copy, as a design or painting, by tracing with a pencil on oiled paper, or other transparent substance.
counterfeit adverb Representing by imitation or likeness; having a resemblance to something else; portrayed., Fabricated in imitation of something else, with a view to defraud by passing the false copy for genuine or original; as, counterfeit antiques; counterfeit coin., Assuming the appearance of something; false; spurious; deceitful; hypocritical; as, a counterfeit philanthropist., That which resembles or is like another thing; a likeness; a portrait; a counterpart., That which is made in imitation of something, with a view to deceive by passing the false for the true; as, the bank note was a counterfeit., One who pretends to be what he is not; one who personates another; an impostor; a cheat., To imitate, or put on a semblance of; to mimic; as, to counterfeit the voice of another person., To imitate with a view to deceiving, by passing the copy for that which is original or genuine; to forge; as, to counterfeit the signature of another, coins, notes, etc., To carry on a deception; to dissemble; to feign; to pretend., To make counterfeits.
counterfoil noun That part of a tally, formerly in the exchequer, which was kept by an officer in that court, the other, called the stock, being delivered to the person who had lent the king money on the account; — called also counterstock., The part of a writing (as the stub of a bank check) in which are noted the main particulars contained in the corresponding part, which has been issued.
counterfort noun A kind of buttress of masonry to strengthen a revetment wall., A spur or projection of a mountain.
countergage noun An adjustable gage, with double points for transferring measurements from one timber to another, as the breadth of a mortise to the place where the tenon is to be made.
countermand verb t. To revoke (a former command); to cancel or rescind by giving an order contrary to one previously given; as, to countermand an order for goods., To prohibit; to forbid., To oppose; to revoke the command of., A contrary order; revocation of a former order or command.
countermark noun A mark or token added to those already existing, in order to afford security or proof; as, an additional or special mark put upon a package of goods belonging to several persons, that it may not be opened except in the presence of all; a mark added to that of an artificer of gold or silver work by the Goldsmiths’ Company of London, to attest the standard quality of the gold or silver; a mark added to an ancient coin or medal, to show either its change of value or that it was taken from an enemy., An artificial cavity made in the teeth of horses that have outgrown their natural mark, to disguise their age., To apply a countermark to; as, to countermark silverware; to countermark a horse’s teeth.
countermine noun An underground gallery excavated to intercept and destroy the mining of an enemy., A stratagem or plot by which another sratagem or project is defeated., To oppose by means of a countermine; to intercept with a countermine., To frustrate or counteract by secret measures., To make a countermine or counterplot; to plot secretly.
countermove verb t. & i. To move in a contrary direction to., Alt. of Countermovement
countermure noun A wall raised behind another, to supply its place when breached or destroyed. [R.] Cf. Contramure., To fortify with a wall behind another wall.
counterpane noun A coverlet for a bed, — originally stitched or woven in squares or figures., A duplicate part or copy of an indenture, deed, etc., corresponding with the original; — now called counterpart.
counterpart noun A part corresponding to another part; anything which answers, or corresponds, to another; a copy; a duplicate; a facsimile., One of two corresponding copies of an instrument; a duplicate., A person who closely resembles another., A thing may be applied to another thing so as to fit perfectly, as a seal to its impression; hence, a thing which is adapted to another thing, or which supplements it; that which serves to complete or complement anything; hence, a person or thing having qualities lacking in another; an opposite.
counterplot verb t. To oppose, as another plot, by plotting; to attempt to frustrate, as a stratagem, by stratagem., A plot or artifice opposed to another.
counterpole noun The exact opposite.
counterseal verb t. To seal or ratify with another or others.
countersign verb t. To sign on the opposite side of (an instrument or writing); hence, to sign in addition to the signature of a principal or superior, in order to attest the authenticity of a writing., The signature of a secretary or other officer to a writing signed by a principal or superior, to attest its authenticity., A private signal, word, or phrase, which must be given in order to pass a sentry; a watchword.
countersunk imp. & past participle of Countersink, Chamfered at the top; — said of a hole., Sunk into a chamfer; as, a countersunk bolt., Beveled on the lower side, so as to fit a chamfered countersink; as, a countersunk nailhead.
countersink verb t. To chamfer or form a depression around the top of (a hole in wood, metal, etc.) for the reception of the head of a screw or bolt below the surface, either wholly or in part; as, to countersink a hole for a screw., To cause to sink even with or below the surface; as, to countersink a screw or bolt into woodwork., An enlargement of the upper part of a hole, forming a cavity or depression for receiving the head of a screw or bolt., A drill or cutting tool for countersinking holes.
counterstep noun A contrary method of procedure; opposite course of action.
countersway noun A swaying in a contrary direction; an opposing influence.
counterterm noun A term or word which is the opposite of, or antithesis to, another; an antonym; — the opposite of synonym; as, “foe” is the counterterm of “friend”.
countertime noun The resistance of a horse, that interrupts his cadence and the measure of his manege, occasioned by a bad horseman, or the bad temper of the horse., Resistance; opposition.
counterturn noun The critical moment in a play, when, contrary to expectation, the action is embroiled in new difficulties.
countervail verb t. To act against with equal force, power, or effect; to thwart or overcome by such action; to furnish an equivalent to or for; to counterbalance; to compensate., Power or value sufficient to obviate any effect; equal weight, strength, or value; equivalent; compensation; requital.
counterview noun An opposite or opposing view; opposition; a posture in which two persons front each other., A position in which two dissimilar things illustrate each other by opposition; contrast.
countervote verb t. To vote in opposition to; to balance or overcome by voting; to outvote.
counterwait verb t. To wait or watch for; to be on guard against.
counterwork verb t. To work in opposition to; to counteract.
countrified p. adjective Having the appearance and manners of a rustic; rude.
countryside noun A particular rural district; a country neighborhood.
count-wheel noun The wheel in a clock which regulates the number of strokes.
coupe-gorge noun Any position giving the enemy such advantage that the troops occupying it must either surrender or be cut to pieces.
court-baron noun An inferior court of civil jurisdiction, attached to a manor, and held by the steward; a baron’s court; — now fallen into disuse.
court-craft noun The artifices, intrigues, and plottings, at courts.
courteously adverb In a courteous manner.
courtesying present participle & vb. noun of Courtesy
courtehouse noun A house in which established courts are held, or a house appropriated to courts and public meetings., A county town; — so called in Virginia and some others of the Southern States.
courtliness noun The quality of being courtly; elegance or dignity of manners.
covenanting present participle & vb. noun of Covenant, Belonging to a covenant. Specifically, belonging to the Scotch Covenanters.
cover-point noun The fielder in the games of cricket and lacrosse who supports “point.”
cover-shame noun Something used to conceal infamy.
cowleeching noun Healing the distemper of cows.
cow parsley An umbelliferous plant of the genus Chaerophyllum (C. temulum and C. sylvestre).
cow parsnip A coarse umbelliferous weed of the genus Heracleum (H. sphondylium in England, and H. lanatum in America).
coxcombical adjective Befitting or indicating a coxcomb; like a coxcomb; foppish; conceited.