11 letter word starting with cu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cubicalness noun The quality of being cubical.
cucurbitive adjective Having the shape of a gourd seed; — said of certain small worms.
culs-de-sac plural of Cul-de-sac
cullibility noun Gullibility.
culmiferous adjective Having jointed stems or culms., Containing, or abounding in, culm or glance coal.
culminating present participle & vb. noun of Culminate
culmination noun The attainment of the highest point of altitude reached by a heavently body; passage across the meridian; transit., Attainment or arrival at the highest pitch of glory, power, etc.
culpability noun The state of being culpable.
cultivating present participle & vb. noun of Cultivate
cultivation noun The art or act of cultivating; improvement for agricultural purposes or by agricultural processes; tillage; production by tillage., Bestowal of time or attention for self-improvement or for the benefit of others; fostering care., The state of being cultivated; advancement in physical, intellectual, or moral condition; refinement; culture.
cultureless adjective Having no culture.
culverhouse noun A dovecote.
cunningness noun Quality of being cunning; craft.
cupellation noun The act or process of refining gold or silver, etc., in a cupel.
cupriferous adjective Containing copper; as, cupriferous silver.
curatorship noun The office of a curator.
curialistic adjective Pertaining to a court., Relating or belonging to the ultramontane party in the Latin Church.
curiosities plural of Curiosity
curiousness noun Carefulness; painstaking., The state of being curious; exactness of workmanship; ingenuity of contrivance., Inquisitiveness; curiosity.
currentness noun The quality of being current; currency; circulation; general reception., Easiness of pronunciation; fluency.
curriculums plural of Curriculum
cursitating adjective Moving about slightly.
cursoriness noun The quality of being cursory; superficial performance; as, cursoriness of view.
curtail dog A dog with a docked tail; formerly, the dog of a person not qualified to course, which, by the forest laws, must have its tail cut short, partly as a mark, and partly from a notion that the tail is necessary to a dog in running; hence, a dog not fit for sporting.
curtailment noun The act or result of curtailing or cutting off.
curvilinead noun An instrument for drawing curved lines.
curvilineal adjective Alt. of Curvilinear
curvilinear adjective Consisting of, or bounded by, curved lines; as, a curvilinear figure.
curvinerved adjective Having the ribs or the veins of the leaves curved; — called also curvinervate and curve-veined.
curviserial adjective Distributed in a curved line, as leaves along a stem.
cushionless adjective Hot furnished with a cushion.
customarily adverb In a customary manner; habitually.
customhouse noun The building where customs and duties are paid, and where vessels are entered or cleared.
cuttle bone The shell or bone of cuttlefishes, used for various purposes, as for making polishing powder, etc.