11 letter word starting with de

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
dead-stroke adjective Making a stroke without recoil; deadbeat.
deaf-mutism noun The condition of being a deaf-mute.
dear-bought adjective Bought at a high price; as, dear-bought experience.
deathliness noun The quality of being deathly; deadliness.
debarkation noun Disembarkation.
debatefully adverb With contention.
debauchedly adverb In a profligate manner.
debauchment noun The act of corrupting; the act of seducing from virtue or duty.
debauchness noun Debauchedness.
debellation noun The act of conquering or subduing.
debilitated imp. & past participle of Debilitate
debonairity noun Debonairness.
decachordon noun An ancient Greek musical instrument of ten strings, resembling the harp., Something consisting of ten parts.
deccagynous adjective Belonging to the Decagynia; having ten styles.
decahedrons plural of Decahedron
decalcified imp. & past participle of Decalcify
decantation noun The act of pouring off a clear liquor gently from its lees or sediment, or from one vessel into another.
decapitated imp. & past participle of Decapitate
deccapodous adjective Belonging to the decapods; having ten feet; ten-footed.
decarbonate verb t. To deprive of carbonic acid.
decarbonize verb t. To deprive of carbon; as, to decarbonize steel; to decarbonize the blood.
decarburize verb t. To deprive of carbon; to remove the carbon from.
deceitfully adverb With intent to deceive.
decemvirate noun The office or term of office of the decemvirs in Rome., A body of ten men in authority.
decennaries plural of Decennary
decennovary adjective Pertaining to the number nineteen; of nineteen years.
deceptively adverb In a manner to deceive.
deceptivity noun Deceptiveness; a deception; a sham.
decerniture noun A decree or sentence of a court.
decerptible adjective That may be plucked off, cropped, or torn away.
decertation noun Contest for mastery; contention; strife.
decillionth adjective Pertaining to a decillion, or to the quotient of unity divided by a decillion., The quotient of unity divided by a decillion., One of a decillion equal parts.
decimosexto noun A book consisting of sheets, each of which is folded into sixteen leaves; hence, indicating, more or less definitely, a size of book; — usually written 16mo or 16ยก., Having sixteen leaves to a sheet; as, a decimosexto form, book, leaf, size.
deciphering present participle & vb. noun of Decipher
decipheress noun A woman who deciphers.
declamation noun The act or art of declaiming; rhetorical delivery; haranguing; loud speaking in public; especially, the public recitation of speeches as an exercise in schools and colleges; as, the practice declamation by students., A set or harangue; declamatory discourse., Pretentious rhetorical display, with more sound than sense; as, mere declamation.
declamatory adjective Pertaining to declamation; treated in the manner of a rhetorician; as, a declamatory theme., Characterized by rhetorical display; pretentiously rhetorical; without solid sense or argument; bombastic; noisy; as, a declamatory way or style.
declaration noun The act of declaring, or publicly announcing; explicit asserting; undisguised token of a ground or side taken on any subject; proclamation; exposition; as, the declaration of an opinion; a declaration of war, etc., That which is declared or proclaimed; announcement; distinct statement; formal expression; avowal., The document or instrument containing such statement or proclamation; as, the Declaration of Independence (now preserved in Washington)., That part of the process in which the plaintiff sets forth in order and at large his cause of complaint; the narration of the plaintiff’s case containing the count, or counts. See Count, n., 3.
declarative adjective Making declaration, proclamation, or publication; explanatory; assertive; declaratory.
declaratory adjective Making declaration, explanation, or exhibition; making clear or manifest; affirmative; expressive; as, a clause declaratory of the will of the legislature.
declarement noun Declaration.
declination noun The act or state of bending downward; inclination; as, declination of the head., The act or state of falling off or declining from excellence or perfection; deterioration; decay; decline., The act of deviating or turning aside; oblique motion; obliquity; withdrawal., The act or state of declining or refusing; withdrawal; refusal; averseness., The angular distance of any object from the celestial equator, either northward or southward., The arc of the horizon, contained between the vertical plane and the prime vertical circle, if reckoned from the east or west, or between the meridian and the plane, reckoned from the north or south., The act of inflecting a word; declension. See Decline, v. t., 4.
declinatory adjective Containing or involving a declination or refusal, as of submission to a charge or sentence.
declinature noun The act of declining or refusing; as, the declinature of an office.
declivitous adjective Alt. of Declivous
declivities plural of Declivity
decollating present participle & vb. noun of Decollate
decollation noun The act of beheading or state of one beheaded; — especially used of the execution of St. John the Baptist., A painting representing the beheading of a saint or martyr, esp. of St. John the Baptist.
decomposing present participle & vb. noun of Decompose
decomposite adjective Compounded more than once; compounded with things already composite., See Decompound, a., 2., Anything decompounded.
decorticate verb t. To divest of the bark, husk, or exterior coating; to husk; to peel; to hull.
decrepitate verb t. To roast or calcine so as to cause a crackling noise; as, to decrepitate salt., To crackle, as salt in roasting.
decrepitude noun The broken state produced by decay and the infirmities of age; infirm old age.
decrescendo adjective & adverb With decreasing volume of sound; — a direction to performers, either written upon the staff (abbreviated Dec., or Decresc.), or indicated by the sign.
decretorial adjective Decretory; authoritative.
decretorily adverb In a decretory or definitive manner; by decree.
decumbently adverb In a decumbent posture.
decumbiture noun Confinement to a sick bed, or time of taking to one’s bed from sickness., Aspect of the heavens at the time of taking to one’s sick bed, by which the prognostics of recovery or death were made.
decurionate noun The office of a decurion.
decursively adverb In a decursive manner.
decurtation noun Act of cutting short.
decussating present participle & vb. noun of Decussate
decussately adverb In a decussate manner.
decussation noun Act of crossing at an acute angle, or state of being thus crossed; an intersection in the form of an X; as, the decussation of lines, nerves, etc.
decussative adjective Intersecting at acute angles.
dedentition noun The shedding of teeth.
deductively adverb By deduction; by way of inference; by consequence.
deerstalker noun One who practices deerstalking.
defalcating present participle & vb. noun of Defalcate
defalcation noun A lopping off; a diminution; abatement; deficit. Specifically: Reduction of a claim by deducting a counterclaim; set- off., That which is lopped off, diminished, or abated., An abstraction of money, etc., by an officer or agent having it in trust; an embezzlement.
defatigable adjective Capable of being wearied or tired out.
defeasanced adjective Liable to defeasance; capable of being made void or forfeited.
defensative noun That which serves to protect or defend.
defenseless adjective Destitute of defense; unprepared to resist attack; unable to oppose; unprotected.
defensively adverb On the defensive.
deferential adjective Expressing deference; accustomed to defer.
defeudalize verb t. To deprive of the feudal character or form.
defibrinate verb t. To deprive of fibrin, as fresh blood or lymph by stirring with twigs.
defibrinize verb t. To defibrinate.
defiliation noun Abstraction of a child from its parents.
deflagrable adjective Burning with a sudden and sparkling combustion, as niter; hence, slightly explosive; liable to snap and crackle when heated, as salt.
deflagrated imp. & past participle of Deflagrate
deflagrator noun A form of the voltaic battery having large plates, used for producing rapid and powerful combustion.
deflectable adjective Capable of being deflected.
defloration noun The act of deflouring; as, the defloration of a virgin., That which is chosen as the flower or choicest part; careful culling or selection.
defoedation noun Defedation.
defoliation noun The separation of ripened leaves from a branch or stem; the falling or shedding of the leaves.
deforcement noun A keeping out by force or wrong; a wrongful withholding, as of lands or tenements, to which another has a right., Resistance to an officer in the execution of law.
deformation noun The act of deforming, or state of anything deformed., Transformation; change of shape.
deformities plural of Deformity
defraudment noun Privation by fraud; defrauding.
degarnished imp. & past participle of Degarnish
degenerated imp. & past participle of Degenerate
deglutinate verb t. To loosen or separate by dissolving the glue which unties; to unglue.
deglutition noun The act or process of swallowing food; the power of swallowing.
deglutitory adjective Serving for, or aiding in, deglutition.
degradation noun The act of reducing in rank, character, or reputation, or of abasing; a lowering from one’s standing or rank in office or society; diminution; as, the degradation of a peer, a knight, a general, or a bishop., The state of being reduced in rank, character, or reputation; baseness; moral, physical, or intellectual degeneracy; disgrace; abasement; debasement., Diminution or reduction of strength, efficacy, or value; degeneration; deterioration., A gradual wearing down or wasting, as of rocks and banks, by the action of water, frost etc., The state or condition of a species or group which exhibits degraded forms; degeneration., Arrest of development, or degeneration of any organ, or of the body as a whole.
degradement noun Deprivation of rank or office; degradation.
degradingly adverb In a degrading manner.
degravation adjective The act of making heavy.
degustation noun Tasting; the appreciation of sapid qualities by the taste organs.
dehonestate verb t. To disparage.
dehortation noun Dissuasion; advice against something.
dehortative adjective Dissuasive.
dehortatory adjective Fitted or designed to dehort or dissuade.
dehydration noun The act or process of freeing from water; also, the condition of a body from which the water has been removed.
deictically adverb In a manner to show or point out; directly; absolutely; definitely.
deification noun The act of deifying; exaltation to divine honors; apotheosis; excessive praise.
deintegrate verb t. To disintegrate.
deistically adverb After the manner of deists.
delactation noun The act of weaning.
delapsation noun See Delapsion.
delassation noun Fatigue.
del credere An agreement by which an agent or factor, in consideration of an additional premium or commission (called a del credere commission), engages, when he sells goods on credit, to insure, warrant, or guarantee to his principal the solvency of the purchaser, the engagement of the factor being to pay the debt himself if it is not punctually discharged by the buyer when it becomes due.
delectation noun Great pleasure; delight.
delenifical adjective Assuaging pain.
deleterious adjective Hurtful; noxious; destructive; pernicious; as, a deleterious plant or quality; a deleterious example.
deletitious adjective Of such a nature that anything may be erased from it; — said of paper.
deliberated imp. & past participle of Deliberate
deliberator noun One who deliberates.
delibrating present participle & vb. noun of Delibrate
delibration noun The act of stripping off the bark.
deliciously adverb Delightfully; as, to feed deliciously; to be deliciously entertained.
delightable adjective Capable of delighting; delightful.
delightedly adverb With delight; gladly.
delightless adjective Void of delight.
delightsome adjective Very pleasing; delightful.
delineament /. Delineation; sketch.
delineating present participle & vb. noun of Delineate
delineation noun The act of representing, portraying, or describing, as by lines, diagrams, sketches, etc.; drawing an outline; as, the delineation of a scene or face; in drawing and engraving, representation by means of lines, as distinguished from representation by means of tints and shades; accurate and minute representation, as distinguished from art that is careless of details, or subordinates them excessively., A delineated picture; representation; sketch; description in words.
delineatory adjective That delineates; descriptive; drawing the outline; delineating.
delineature noun Delineation.
delinquency noun Failure or omission of duty; a fault; a misdeed; an offense; a misdemeanor; a crime.
deliquation noun A melting.
deliquesced imp. & past participle of Deliquesce
delitescent adjective Lying hid; concealed.
deliverable adjective Capable of being, or about to be, delivered; necessary to be delivered.
deliverance noun The act of delivering or freeing from restraint, captivity, peril, and the like; rescue; as, the deliverance of a captive., Act of bringing forth children., Act of speaking; utterance., The state of being delivered, or freed from restraint., Anything delivered or communicated; esp., an opinion or decision expressed publicly., Any fact or truth which is decisively attested or intuitively known as a psychological or philosophical datum; as, the deliverance of consciousness.
deliverness noun Nimbleness; agility.
deltohedron noun A solid bounded by twelve quadrilateral faces. It is a hemihedral form of the isometric system, allied to the tetrahedron.
demagnetize verb t. To deprive of magnetic properties. See Magnetize., To free from mesmeric influence; to demesmerize.
demagogical adjective Relating to, or like, a demagogue; factious.
demarcation noun The act of marking, or of ascertaining and setting a limit; separation; distinction.
demarkation noun Same as Demarcation.
dementation noun The act of depriving of reason; madness.
demephitize verb t. To purify from mephitic or foul air.
demesmerize verb t. To relieve from mesmeric influence. See Mesmerize.
demibastion noun A half bastion, or that part of a bastion consisting of one face and one flank.
demibrigade noun A half brigade.
demicadence noun An imperfect or half cadence, falling on the dominant instead of on the key note.
demigoddess noun A female demigod.
demigration noun Emigration.
demi-island noun Peninsula.
deminatured adjective Having half the nature of another.
demirelievo noun Half relief. See Demi-rilievo.
democracies plural of Democracy
democratism noun The principles or spirit of a democracy.
democratist noun A democrat.
democratize verb t. To render democratic.
demolishing present participle & vb. noun of Demolish
demoniacism noun The state of being demoniac, or the practices of demoniacs.
demonianism noun The state of being possessed by a demon or by demons.
demonocracy noun The power or government of demons.
demonolatry noun The worship of demons.
demonologer noun One versed in demonology.
demonologic adjective Alt. of Demonological
demonomania noun A form of madness in which the patient conceives himself possessed of devils.
demonstrate verb t. To point out; to show; to exhibit; to make evident., To show, or make evident, by reasoning or proof; to prove by deduction; to establish so as to exclude the possibility of doubt or denial., To exhibit and explain (a dissection or other anatomical preparation).
demoralized imp. & past participle of Demoralize
demosthenic adjective Pertaining to, or in the style of, Demosthenes, the Grecian orator.
denarcotize verb t. To deprive of narcotine; as, to denarcotize opium.
dendrachate noun Arborescent or dendritic agate.
dendritical adjective Pertaining to a dendrite, or to arborescent crystallization; having a form resembling a shrub or tree; arborescent.
dendrometer noun An instrument to measure the height and diameter of trees.
denigration noun The act of making black., Fig.: A blackening; defamation.
denitration noun A disengaging, or removal, of nitric acid.
denizenship noun State of being a denizen.
denominable adjective Capable of being denominated or named.
denominated imp. & past participle of Denominate
denominator noun One who, or that which, gives a name; origin or source of a name., That number placed below the line in vulgar fractions which shows into how many parts the integer or unit is divided., That part of any expression under a fractional form which is situated below the horizontal line signifying division.
denticulate adjective Alt. of Denticulated
dentiferous adjective Bearing teeth; dentigerous.
dentigerous adjective Bearing teeth or toothlike structures.
dentilabial adjective Formed by the teeth and the lips, or representing a sound so formed., A dentilabial sound or letter.
dentilation noun Dentition.
dentiroster noun A dentirostral bird.
dentistical adjective Pertaining to dentistry or to dentists.
denunciator noun One who denounces, publishes, or proclaims, especially intended or coming evil; one who threatens or accuses.
denutrition noun The opposition of nutrition; the failure of nutrition causing the breaking down of tissue.
deobstruent adjective Removing obstructions; having power to clear or open the natural ducts of the fluids and secretions of the body; aperient., A medicine which removes obstructions; an aperient.
deoxidation noun The act or process of reducing from the state of an oxide.
deoxygenate verb t. To deoxidize.
deoxygenize verb t. To deoxidize.
depauperate verb t. & i. To make poor; to impoverish., Falling short of the natural size, from being impoverished or starved.
depauperize verb t. To free from paupers; to rescue from poverty.
dependently adverb In a dependent manner.
dependingly adverb As having dependence.
deperditely adverb Hopelessly; despairingly; in the manner of one ruined; as, deperditely wicked.
deperdition noun Loss; destruction.
dephlegmate verb t. To deprive of superabundant water, as by evaporation or distillation; to clear of aqueous matter; to rectify; — used of spirits and acids.
depicturing present participle & vb. noun of Depicture
deplication noun An unfolding, untwisting, or unplaiting.
deploration noun The act of deploring or lamenting; lamentation.
deplorement noun Deploration.
deploringly adverb In a deploring manner.
deplumation noun The stripping or falling off of plumes or feathers., A disease of the eyelids, attended with loss of the eyelashes.
depolarized imp. & past participle of Depolarize
depolarizer noun A substance used to prevent polarization, as upon the negative plate of a voltaic battery.
depolishing noun The process of removing the vitreous glaze from porcelain, leaving the dull luster of the surface of ivory porcelain.
depopulated imp. & past participle of Depopulate
depopulator noun One who depopulates; a dispeopler.
deportation noun The act of deporting or exiling, or the state of being deported; banishment; transportation.
depravation noun Detraction; depreciation., The act of depraving, or making anything bad; the act of corrupting., The state of being depraved or degenerated; degeneracy; depravity., Change for the worse; deterioration; morbid perversion.
depravement noun Depravity.
depravingly adverb In a depraving manner.
deprecating present participle & vb. noun of Deprecate
deprecation noun The act of deprecating; a praying against evil; prayer that an evil may be removed or prevented; strong expression of disapprobation., Entreaty for pardon; petitioning., An imprecation or curse.
deprecative adjective Serving to deprecate; deprecatory.
deprecatory adjective Serving to deprecate; tending to remove or avert evil by prayer; apologetic.
depreciated imp. & past participle of Depreciate
depreciator noun One who depreciates.
depredating present participle & vb. noun of Depredate
depredation noun The act of depredating, or the state of being depredated; the act of despoiling or making inroads; as, the sea often makes depredation on the land.
depredatory adjective Tending or designed to depredate; characterized by depredation; plundering; as, a depredatory incursion.
deprehended imp. & past participle of Deprehend
deprivation noun The act of depriving, dispossessing, or bereaving; the act of deposing or divesting of some dignity., The state of being deprived; privation; loss; want; bereavement., the taking away from a clergyman his benefice, or other spiritual promotion or dignity.
deprivement noun Deprivation.
deprostrate adjective Fully prostrate; humble; low; rude.
depurgatory adjective Serving to purge; tending to cleanse or purify.
deracinated imp. & past participle of Deracinate
deraination noun The act of pulling up by the roots; eradication.
deraignment noun Alt. of Derainment
derangement noun The act of deranging or putting out of order, or the state of being deranged; disarrangement; disorder; confusion; especially, mental disorder; insanity.
dereliction noun The act of leaving with an intention not to reclaim or resume; an utter forsaking abandonment., A neglect or omission as if by willful abandonment., The state of being left or abandoned., A retiring of the sea, occasioning a change of high-water mark, whereby land is gained.
dermapteran noun See Dermoptera, Dermopteran.
dermatology noun The science which treats of the skin, its structure, functions, and diseases.
dermohaemal adjective Pertaining to, or in relation with, both dermal and haemal structures; as, the dermohaemal spines or ventral fin rays of fishes.
dermoneural adjective Pertaining to, or in relation with, both dermal and neural structures; as, the dermoneural spines or dorsal fin rays of fishes.
dermopathic adjective Dermatopathic.
dermopteran noun An insect which has the anterior pair of wings coriaceous, and does not use them in flight, as the earwig.
dermostosis noun Ossification of the dermis.
derotremata noun pl. The tribe of aquatic Amphibia which includes Amphiuma, Menopoma, etc. They have permanent gill openings, but no external gills; — called also Cryptobranchiata.
dertrotheca noun The horny covering of the end of the bill of birds.
descendible adjective Admitting descent; capable of being descended., That may descend from an ancestor to an heir.
describable adjective That can be described; capable of description.
description noun The act of describing; a delineation by marks or signs., A sketch or account of anything in words; a portraiture or representation in language; an enumeration of the essential qualities of a thing or species., A class to which a certain representation is applicable; kind; sort.
descriptive adjective Tending to describe; having the quality of representing; containing description; as, a descriptive figure; a descriptive phrase; a descriptive narration; a story descriptive of the age.
desecrating present participle & vb. noun of Desecrate
desecration noun The act of desecrating; profanation; condition of anything desecrated.
desiccating present participle & vb. noun of Desiccate
desiccation noun The act of desiccating, or the state of being desiccated.
desiccative adjective Drying; tending to dry., An application for drying up secretions.
desiccatory adjective Desiccative.
desiderable adjective Desirable.
desiderated imp. & past participle of Desiderate
desideratum noun Anything desired; that of which the lack is felt; a want generally felt and acknowledge.
desightment noun The act of making unsightly; disfigurement.
designating present participle & vb. noun of Designate
designation noun The act of designating; a pointing out or showing; indication., Selection and appointment for a purpose; allotment; direction., That which designates; a distinguishing mark or name; distinctive title; appellation., Use or application; import; intention; signification, as of a word or phrase.
designative adjective Serving to designate or indicate; pointing out.
designatory adjective Serving to designate; designative; indicating.
desilverize verb t. To deprive, or free from, silver; to remove silver from.
desinential adjective Terminal.
desmomyaria noun pl. The division of Tunicata which includes the Salpae. See Salpa.
desperadoes plural of Desperado
desperately adverb In a desperate manner; without regard to danger or safety; recklessly; extremely; as, the troops fought desperately.
desperation noun The act of despairing or becoming desperate; a giving up of hope., A state of despair, or utter hopeless; abandonment of hope; extreme recklessness; reckless fury.
despiciency noun A looking down; despection.
despisement noun A despising.
despisingly adverb Contemptuously.
despoilment noun Despoliation.
despondence noun Despondency.
despondency noun The state of desponding; loss of hope and cessation of effort; discouragement; depression or dejection of the mind.
despumating present participle & vb. noun of Despumate
despumation noun The act of throwing up froth or scum; separation of the scum or impurities from liquids; scumming; clarification.
destination noun The act of destining or appointing., Purpose for which anything is destined; predetermined end, object, or use; ultimate design., The place set for the end of a journey, or to which something is sent; place or point aimed at.
destitutely adverb In destitution.
destitution noun The state of being deprived of anything; the state or condition of being destitute, needy, or without resources; deficiency; lack; extreme poverty; utter want; as, the inundation caused general destitution.
destroyable adjective Destructible.
destruction noun The act of destroying; a tearing down; a bringing to naught; subversion; demolition; ruin; slaying; devastation., The state of being destroyed, demolished, ruined, slain, or devastated., A destroying agency; a cause of ruin or of devastation; a destroyer.
destructive adjective Causing destruction; tending to bring about ruin, death, or devastation; ruinous; fatal; productive of serious evil; mischievous; pernicious; — often with of or to; as, intemperance is destructive of health; evil examples are destructive to the morals of youth., One who destroys; a radical reformer; a destructionist.
desultorily adverb In a desultory manner; without method; loosely; immethodically.
detenebrate verb t. To remove darkness from.
deteriorate verb t. To make worse; to make inferior in quality or value; to impair; as, to deteriorate the mind., To grow worse; to be impaired in quality; to degenerate.
deteriority noun Worse state or quality; inferiority.
determinacy noun Determinateness.
determinant adjective Serving to determine or limit; determinative., That which serves to determine; that which causes determination., The sum of a series of products of several numbers, these products being formed according to certain specified laws, A mark or attribute, attached to the subject or predicate, narrowing the extent of both, but rendering them more definite and precise.
determinate adjective Having defined limits; not uncertain or arbitrary; fixed; established; definite., Conclusive; decisive; positive., Determined or resolved upon., Of determined purpose; resolute., To bring to an end; to determine. See Determine.
determining present participle & vb. noun of Determine
determinism noun The doctrine that the will is not free, but is inevitably and invincibly determined by motives.
determinist noun One who believes in determinism. Also adj.; as, determinist theories.
deterration noun The uncovering of anything buried or covered with earth; a taking out of the earth or ground.
detersively adverb In a way to cleanse.
detestation noun The act of detesting; extreme hatred or dislike; abhorrence; loathing.
detractious adjective Containing detraction; detractory.
detractress noun A female detractor.
detrimental adjective Causing detriment; injurious; hurtful.
detruncated imp. & past participle of Detuncate
deturbation noun The act of deturbating.
deturpation noun A making foul.
deuterogamy noun A second marriage, after the death of the first husband of wife; — in distinction from bigamy, as defined in the old canon law. See Bigamy.
deuteronomy noun The fifth book of the Pentateuch, containing the second giving of the law by Moses.
devastating present participle & vb. noun of Devastate
devastation noun The act of devastating, or the state of being devastated; a laying waste., Waste of the goods of the deceased by an executor or administrator.
developable adjective Capable of being developed.
development noun The act of developing or disclosing that which is unknown; a gradual unfolding process by which anything is developed, as a plan or method, or an image upon a photographic plate; gradual advancement or growth through a series of progressive changes; also, the result of developing, or a developed state., The series of changes which animal and vegetable organisms undergo in their passage from the embryonic state to maturity, from a lower to a higher state of organization., The act or process of changing or expanding an expression into another of equivalent value or meaning., The equivalent expression into which another has been developed., The elaboration of a theme or subject; the unfolding of a musical idea; the evolution of a whole piece or movement from a leading theme or motive.
devenustate verb t. To deprive of beauty or grace.
devicefully adverb In a deviceful manner.
devil-diver noun Alt. of Devil bird
devirginate adjective Deprived of virginity., To deprive of virginity; to deflour.
devolvement noun The act or process of devolving;; devolution.
devotionist noun One given to devotion, esp. to excessive formal devotion.
devouringly adverb In a devouring manner.
devulgarize verb t. To free from what is vulgar, common, or narrow.
dexterously adverb In a dexterous manner; skillfully.