11 letter word starting with do

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
docibleness noun Aptness for being taught; teachableness; docility.
doctrinable adjective Of the nature of, or constituting, doctrine.
doctrinaire noun One who would apply to political or other practical concerns the abstract doctrines or the theories of his own philosophical system; a propounder of a new set of opinions; a dogmatic theorist. Used also adjectively; as, doctrinaire notions.
doctrinally adverb In a doctrinal manner or for; by way of teaching or positive direction.
documentary adjective Pertaining to written evidence; contained or certified in writing.
dodecagynia noun pl. A Linnaean order of plants having twelve styles.
dodecandria noun pl. A Linnaean class of plants including all that have any number of stamens between twelve and nineteen.
dodecastyle adjective Having twelve columns in front., A dodecastyle portico, or building.
dog fancier One who has an unusual fancy for, or interest in, dogs; also, one who deals in dogs.
dog-hearted adjective Inhuman; cruel.
dogmatician noun A dogmatist.
dogmatizing present participle & vb. noun of Dogmatize
dolabriform adjective Shaped like the head of an ax or hatchet, as some leaves, and also certain organs of some shellfish.
dolorifical adjective Causing pain or grief.
domableness noun Tamableness.
domesticant adjective Forming part of the same family.
domesticate adjective To make domestic; to habituate to home life; as, to domesticate one’s self., To cause to be, as it were, of one’s family or country; as, to domesticate a foreign custom or word., To tame or reclaim from a wild state; as, to domesticate wild animals; to domesticate a plant.
domesticity noun The state of being domestic; domestic character; household life.
domicillary adjective Of or pertaining to a domicile, or the residence of a person or family.
domiciliate verb t. To establish in a permanent residence; to domicile., To domesticate.
domiculture noun The art of house-keeping, cookery, etc.
domineering present participle & vb. noun of Domineer, Ruling arrogantly; overbearing.
dormitories plural of Dormitory
dorsiferous Bearing, or producing, on the back; — applied to ferns which produce seeds on the back of the leaf, and to certain Batrachia, the ova of which become attached to the skin of the back of the parent, where they develop; dorsiparous.
dorsiparous adjective Same as Dorsiferous.
dotting pen See under Pun.
douay bible A translation of the Scriptures into the English language for the use of English-speaking Roman Catholics; — done from the Latin Vulgate by English scholars resident in France. The New Testament portion was published at Rheims, A. D. 1582, the Old Testament at Douai, A. D. 1609-10. Various revised editions have since been published.
double-bank verb t. To row by rowers sitting side by side in twos on a bank or thwart.
double-dyed adjective Dyed twice; thoroughly or intensely colored; hence; firmly fixed in opinions or habits; as, a double-dyed villain.
double-eyed adjective Having a deceitful look.
double-hung adjective Having both sashes hung with weights and cords; — said of a window.
double-lock verb t. To lock with two bolts; to fasten with double security.
doubtlessly adverb Unquestionably.
dough-baked adjective Imperfectly baked; hence, not brought to perfection; unfinished; also, of weak or dull understanding.
dough-faced adjective Easily molded; pliable.
doughtiness noun The quality of being doughty; valor; bravery.
douroucouli noun See Durukuli.
dove’s-foot noun A small annual species of Geranium, native in England; — so called from the shape of the leaf., The columbine.
dovetailing present participle & vb. noun of Dovetail
downfalling adjective Falling down.
downhearted adjective Dejected; low-spirited.
downsitting noun The act of sitting down; repose; a resting.
downtrodden adjective Trodden down; trampled down; abused by superior power.
doxological adjective Pertaining to doxology; giving praise to God.
doxologized imp. & past participle of Doxologize