11 letter word starting with el

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
elaborating present participle & vb. noun of Elaborate
elaboration noun The act or process of producing or refining with labor; improvement by successive operations; refinement., The natural process of formation or assimilation, performed by the living organs in animals and vegetables, by which a crude substance is changed into something of a higher order; as, the elaboration of food into chyme; the elaboration of chyle, or sap, or tissues.
elaborative adjective Serving or tending to elaborate; constructing with labor and minute attention to details.
elaboratory adjective Tending to elaborate., A laboratory.
elapidation noun A clearing away of stones.
elastically adverb In an elastic manner; by an elastic power; with a spring.
elasticness noun The quality of being elastic; elasticity.
elatrometer noun An instrument for measuring the degree of rarefaction of air contained in the receiver of an air pump.
el doradoes plural of El Dorado
electioneer verb i. To make interest for a candidate at an election; to use arts for securing the election of a candidate.
electorship noun The office or status of an elector.
electrician noun An investigator of electricity; one versed in the science of electricity.
electricity noun A power in nature, a manifestation of energy, exhibiting itself when in disturbed equilibrium or in activity by a circuit movement, the fact of direction in which involves polarity, or opposition of properties in opposite directions; also, by attraction for many substances, by a law involving attraction between surfaces of unlike polarity, and repulsion between those of like; by exhibiting accumulated polar tension when the circuit is broken; and by producing heat, light, concussion, and often chemical changes when the circuit passes between the poles or through any imperfectly conducting substance or space. It is generally brought into action by any disturbance of molecular equilibrium, whether from a chemical, physical, or mechanical, cause., The science which unfolds the phenomena and laws of electricity; electrical science., Fig.: Electrifying energy or characteristic.
electrified imp. & past participle of Electrify
electrition noun The recognition by an animal body of the electrical condition of external objects.
electrizing present participle & vb. noun of Electrize
electrocute verb t. To execute or put to death by electricity. — E*lec`tro*cu”tion, n. [Recent; Newspaper words]
electrogeny noun A term sometimes applied to the effects (tetanus) produced in the muscles of the limbs, when a current of electricity is passed along the spinal cord or nerves.
electrolier noun A branching frame, often of ornamental design, to support electric illuminating lamps.
electrology noun That branch of physical science which treats of the phenomena of electricity and its properties.
electrolyte noun A compound decomposable, or subjected to decomposition, by an electric current.
electrolyze verb t. To decompose by the direct action of electricity.
electrotype noun A facsimile plate made by electrotypy for use in printing; also, an impression or print from such plate. Also used adjectively., To make facsimile plates of by the electrotype process; as, to electrotype a page of type, a book, etc. See Electrotype, n.
electrotypy noun The process of producing electrotype plates. See Note under Electrotype, n.
electuaries plural of Electuary
elementally adverb According to elements; literally; as, the words, “Take, eat; this is my body,” elementally understood.
elenchtical adjective Same as Elenctic.
elephantiac adjective Affected with elephantiasis; characteristic of elephantiasis.
elephantine adjective Pertaining to the elephant, or resembling an elephant (commonly, in size); hence, huge; immense; heavy; as, of elephantine proportions; an elephantine step or tread.
elephantoid adjective Alt. of Elephantoidal
elicitation noun The act of eliciting.
eligibility noun The quality of being eligible; eligibleness; as, the eligibility of a candidate; the eligibility of an offer of marriage.
eliminating present participle & vb. noun of Eliminate
elimination noun The act of expelling or throwing off, the act of discharging or excreting waste products or foreign substances through the various emunctories., Act of causing a quantity to disappear from an equation; especially, in the operation of deducing from several equations containing several unknown quantities a less number of equations containing a less number of unknown quantities., The act of obtaining by separation, or as the result of eliminating; deduction. [See Eliminate, 4.]
eliminative adjective Relating to, or carrying on, elimination.
elinguation noun Punishment by cutting out the tongue.
elizabethan adjective Pertaining to Queen Elizabeth or her times, esp. to the architecture or literature of her reign; as, the Elizabethan writers, drama, literature., One who lived in England in the time of Queen Elizabeth.
ellengeness n Alt. of Ellingeness
ellingeness n See Elenge, Elengeness.
ellipsoidal adjective Pertaining to, or shaped like, an ellipsoid; as, ellipsoid or ellipsoidal form.
ellipticity noun Deviation of an ellipse or a spheroid from the form of a circle or a sphere; especially, in reference to the figure of the earth, the difference between the equatorial and polar semidiameters, divided by the equatorial; thus, the ellipticity of the earth is /.
elmo’s fire See Corposant; also Saint Elmo’s Fire, under Saint.
elsewhither adverb To some, or any, other place; as, you will have to go elsewhither for it.
elucidating present participle & vb. noun of Elucidate
elucidation noun A making clear; the act of elucidating or that which elucidates, as an explanation, an exposition, an illustration; as, one example may serve for further elucidation of the subject.
elucidative adjective Making clear; tending to elucidate; as, an elucidative note.
elucidatory adjective Tending to elucidate; elucidative.
elutriating present participle & vb. noun of Elutriate
elutriation noun The process of elutriating; a decanting or racking off by means of water, as finer particles from heavier.