11 letter word starting with en

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
enarthrodia noun See Enarthrosis.
enarthrosis noun A ball and socket joint, or the kind of articulation represented by such a joint. See Articulation.
encarnalize verb t. To carnalize; to make gross.
encephaloid adjective Resembling the material of the brain; cerebriform., An encephaloid cancer.
encephalous adjective Having a head; — said of most Mollusca; — opposed to acephalous.
enchainment noun The act of enchaining, or state of being enchained.
enchantment noun The act of enchanting; the production of certain wonderful effects by the aid of demons, or the agency of supposed spirits; the use of magic arts, spells, or charms; incantation., The effect produced by the act; the state of being enchanted; as, to break an enchantment., That which captivates the heart and senses; an influence or power which fascinates or highly delights.
enchantress noun A woman versed in magical arts; a sorceress; also, a woman who fascinates.
enchiridion noun Handbook; a manual of devotions.
enchondroma noun A cartilaginous tumor growing from the interior of a bone.
enclavement noun The state of being an enclave.
encomiastic adjective Alt. of Encomiastical, A panegyric.
encompassed imp. & past participle of Encompass
encorporing noun Incorporation.
encountered imp. & past participle of Encounter
encounterer noun One who encounters; an opponent; an antagonist.
encouraging present participle & vb. noun of Encourage, Furnishing ground to hope; inspiriting; favoring.
encrinoidea noun pl. That order of the Crinoidea which includes most of the living and many fossil forms, having jointed arms around the margin of the oral disk; — also called Brachiata and Articulata. See Illusts. under Comatula and Crinoidea.
encroaching present participle & vb. noun of Encroach
encrustment noun That which is formed as a crust; incrustment; incrustation.
encumbering present participle & vb. noun of Encumber
encumbrance noun That which encumbers; a burden which impedes action, or renders it difficult and laborious; a clog; an impediment. See Incumbrance., Same as Incumbrance.
encystation noun Encystment.
endangering present participle & vb. noun of Endanger
endaspidean adjective Having the anterior scutes extending around the tarsus on the inner side; — said of certain birds.
endeavoring present participle & vb. noun of Endeavor
endemically adverb In an endemic manner.
endemiology noun The science which treats of endemic affections.
endlessness noun The quality of being endless; perpetuity.
endoblastic adjective Relating to the endoblast; as, the endoblastic layer.
endocardiac adjective Alt. of Endocardial
endocardial adjective Pertaining to the endocardium., Seated or generated within the heart; as, endocardial murmurs.
endocardium noun The membrane lining the cavities of the heart.
endogenesis noun Endogeny.
endogenetic adjective Endogenous.
endognathal adjective Pertaining to the endognath.
endometrium noun The membrane lining the inner surface of the uterus, or womb.
endoneurium noun The delicate bands of connective tissue among nerve fibers.
endophloeum noun The inner layer of the bark of trees.
endophragma noun A chitinous structure above the nervous cord in the thorax of certain Crustacea.
endorhizous adjective Having the radicle of the embryo sheathed by the cotyledon, through which the embryo bursts in germination, as in many monocotyledonous plants.
endorsement noun Same as Indorsement.
endosmosmic adjective Endosmotic.
endospermic adjective Relating to, accompanied by, or containing, endosperm.
endosporous adjective Having the spores contained in a case; — applied to fungi.
endothecium noun The inner lining of an anther cell.
endothelial adjective Of, or relating to, endothelium.
endothelium noun The thin epithelium lining the blood vessels, lymphatics, and serous cavities. See Epithelium.
endotheloid adjective Like endothelium.
enepidermic adjective Applied to the skin without friction; — said of medicines.
energetical adjective Having energy or energies; possessing a capacity for vigorous action or for exerting force; active., Exhibiting energy; operating with force, vigor, and effect; forcible; powerful; efficacious; as, energetic measures; energetic laws.
enfeoffment noun The act of enfeoffing., The instrument or deed by which one is invested with the fee of an estate.
enflowering present participle & vb. noun of Enflower
enforceable adjective Capable of being enforced.
enforcement noun The act of enforcing; compulsion., A giving force to; a putting in execution., That which enforces, constraints, gives force, authority, or effect to; constraint; force applied.
enfranchise verb t. To set free; to liberate from slavery, prison, or any binding power., To endow with a franchise; to incorporate into a body politic and thus to invest with civil and political privileges; to admit to the privileges of a freeman., To receive as denizens; to naturalize; as, to enfranchise foreign words.
engagedness noun The state of being deeply interested; earnestness; zeal.
engendering present participle & vb. noun of Engender
engineering present participle & vb. noun of Engineer, Originally, the art of managing engines; in its modern and extended sense, the art and science by which the mechanical properties of matter are made useful to man in structures and machines; the occupation and work of an engineer.
englishable adjective Capable of being translated into, or expressed in, English.
engorgement noun The act of swallowing greedily; a devouring with voracity; a glutting., An overfullness or obstruction of the vessels in some part of the system; congestion., The clogging of a blast furnace.
engraffment noun See Ingraftment.
engraftment noun The act of ingrafting; ingraftment.
engrailment noun The ring of dots round the edge of a medal, etc., Indentation in curved lines, as of a line of division or the edge of an ordinary.
engravement noun Engraving., Engraved work.
engrossment noun The act of engrossing; as, the engrossment of a deed., That which has been engrossed, as an instrument, legislative bill, goods, etc.
enhancement noun The act of increasing, or state of being increased; augmentation; aggravation; as, the enhancement of value, price, enjoyments, crime.
enigmatical adjective Relating to or resembling an enigma; not easily explained or accounted for; darkly expressed; obscure; puzzling; as, an enigmatical answer.
enigmatized imp. & past participle of Enigmatize
enlargement noun The act of increasing in size or bulk, real or apparent; the state of being increased; augmentation; further extension; expansion., Expansion or extension, as of the powers of the mind; ennoblement, as of the feelings and character; as, an enlargement of views, of knowledge, of affection., A setting at large, or being set at large; release from confinement, servitude, or distress; liberty., Diffusiveness of speech or writing; expatiation; a wide range of discourse or argument.
enlightener noun One who enlightens or illuminates; one who, or that which, communicates light to the eye, or clear views to the mind.
enneagynous adjective Having or producing nine pistils or styles; — said of a flower or plant.
enheahedral adjective Having nine sides.
enheahedria noun Alt. of Enheahedron
enheahedron noun A figure having nine sides; a nonagon.
enneandrian adjective Alt. of Enneandrous
enneandrous adjective Having nine stamens.
ennoblement noun The act of making noble, or of exalting, dignifying, or advancing to nobility., That which ennobles; excellence; dignity.
enoptomancy noun Divination by the use of a mirror.
enouncement noun Act of enouncing; that which is enounced.
enrapturing present participle & vb. noun of Enrapture
enslavement noun The act of reducing to slavery; state of being enslaved; bondage; servitude.
entablature noun The superstructure which lies horizontally upon the columns. See Illust. of Column, Cornice.
entablement noun See Entablature.
enterocoele noun A perivisceral cavity which arises as an outgrowth or outgrowths from the digestive tract; distinguished from a schizocoele, which arises by a splitting of the mesoblast of the embryo.
enteropathy noun Disease of the intestines.
enterpriser noun One who undertakes enterprises.
entertained imp. & past participle of Entertain
entertainer noun One who entertains.
enthronized imp. & past participle of Enthronize
entogastric adjective Pertaining to the interior of the stomach; — applied to a mode of budding from the interior of the gastric cavity, in certain hydroids.
entoglossal adjective Within the tongue; — applied to the glossohyal bone.
entomologic adjective Alt. of Entomological
entomophaga noun pl. One of a group of hymenopterous insects whose larvae feed parasitically upon living insects. See Ichneumon, 2., A group of marsupials which are partly insectivorous, as the opossum., A group of edentates, including the ant-eaters.
entoplastic adjective Pertaining to, or composed of, entoplasm; as, the entoplastic products of some Protozoa, or the entoplastic modification of the cell protoplasm, by which a nucleus is produced.
entoplastra plural of Entoplastron
entorganism noun An internal parasitic organism.
entosternum noun See Entoplastron.
entreatable adjective That may be entreated.
entreatance noun Entreaty.
entreatment noun Entreaty; invitation.
entwinement noun A twining or twisting together or round; union.
enucleating present participle & vb. noun of Enucleate
enucleation noun The act of enucleating; elucidation; exposition.
enumerating present participle & vb. noun of Enumerate
enumeration noun The act of enumerating, making separate mention, or recounting., A detailed account, in which each thing is specially noticed., A recapitulation, in the peroration, of the heads of an argument.
enumerative adjective Counting, or reckoning up, one by one.
enunciating present participle & vb. noun of Enunciate
enunciation noun The act of enunciating, announcing, proclaiming, or making known; open attestation; declaration; as, the enunciation of an important truth., Mode of utterance or pronunciation, especially as regards fullness and distinctness or articulation; as, to speak with a clear or impressive enunciation., That which is enunciated or announced; words in which a proposition is expressed; an announcement; a formal declaration; a statement.
enunciative adjective Pertaining to, or containing, enunciation; declarative.
enunciatory adjective Pertaining to, or containing, enunciation or utterance.
envelopment noun The act of enveloping or wrapping; an inclosing or covering on all sides., That which envelops or surrounds; an envelop.
environment noun Act of environing; state of being environed., That which environs or surrounds; surrounding conditions, influences, or forces, by which living forms are influenced and modified in their growth and development.
enerlasting noun Eternal duration, past of future; eternity., (With the definite article) The Eternal Being; God., A plant whose flowers may be dried without losing their form or color, as the pearly everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea), the immortelle of the French, the cudweeds, etc., A cloth fabic for shoes, etc. See Lasting.