11 letter word starting with enc

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
encarnalize verb t. To carnalize; to make gross.
encephaloid adjective Resembling the material of the brain; cerebriform., An encephaloid cancer.
encephalous adjective Having a head; — said of most Mollusca; — opposed to acephalous.
enchainment noun The act of enchaining, or state of being enchained.
enchantment noun The act of enchanting; the production of certain wonderful effects by the aid of demons, or the agency of supposed spirits; the use of magic arts, spells, or charms; incantation., The effect produced by the act; the state of being enchanted; as, to break an enchantment., That which captivates the heart and senses; an influence or power which fascinates or highly delights.
enchantress noun A woman versed in magical arts; a sorceress; also, a woman who fascinates.
enchiridion noun Handbook; a manual of devotions.
enchondroma noun A cartilaginous tumor growing from the interior of a bone.
enclavement noun The state of being an enclave.
encomiastic adjective Alt. of Encomiastical, A panegyric.
encompassed imp. & past participle of Encompass
encorporing noun Incorporation.
encountered imp. & past participle of Encounter
encounterer noun One who encounters; an opponent; an antagonist.
encouraging present participle & vb. noun of Encourage, Furnishing ground to hope; inspiriting; favoring.
encrinoidea noun pl. That order of the Crinoidea which includes most of the living and many fossil forms, having jointed arms around the margin of the oral disk; — also called Brachiata and Articulata. See Illusts. under Comatula and Crinoidea.
encroaching present participle & vb. noun of Encroach
encrustment noun That which is formed as a crust; incrustment; incrustation.
encumbering present participle & vb. noun of Encumber
encumbrance noun That which encumbers; a burden which impedes action, or renders it difficult and laborious; a clog; an impediment. See Incumbrance., Same as Incumbrance.
encystation noun Encystment.