11 letter word starting with ext

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
extemporary adjective Extemporaneous., Made for the occasion; for the time being.
extemporize verb i. To speak extempore; especially, to discourse without special preparation; to make an offhand address., To do, make, or utter extempore or off-hand; to prepare in great haste, under urgent necessity, or with scanty or unsuitable materials; as, to extemporize a dinner, a costume, etc.
extensional adjective Having great extent.
extensively adverb To a great extent; widely; largely; as, a story is extensively circulated.
extenuating present participle & vb. noun of Extenuate
extenuation noun The act of axtenuating or the state of being extenuated; the act of making thin, slender, or lean, or of palliating; diminishing, or lessening; palliation, as of a crime; mitigation, as of punishment.
extenuatory adjective Tending to extenuate or palliate.
exteriority noun Surface; superficies; externality.
exterminate verb t. To drive out or away; to expel., To destroy utterly; to cut off; to extirpate; to annihilate; to root out; as, to exterminate a colony, a tribe, or a nation; to exterminate error or vice., To eliminate, as unknown quantities.
externalism noun The quality of being manifest to the senses; external acts or appearances; regard for externals., That philosophy or doctrine which recognizes or deals only with externals, or objects of sense perception; positivism; phenomenalism.
externality noun State of being external; exteriority, separation from the perceiving mind.
externalize verb t. To make external; to manifest by outward form.
extillation noun Distillation.
extirpating present participle & vb. noun of Extirpate
extirpation noun The act of extirpating or rooting out, or the state of being extirpated; eradication; excision; total destruction; as, the extirpation of weeds from land, of evil from the heart, of a race of men, of heresy.
extirpative adjective Capable of rooting out, or tending to root out.
extirpatory adjective Extirpative.
extortioner noun One who practices extortion.
extractable adjective Alt. of Extractible
extractible adjective Capable of being extracted.
extraditing present participle & vb. noun of Extradite
extradition noun The surrender or delivery of an alleged criminal by one State or sovereignty to another having jurisdiction to try charge.
extravagant adjective Wandering beyond one’s bounds; roving; hence, foreign., Exceeding due bounds; wild; excessive; unrestrained; as, extravagant acts, wishes, praise, abuse., Profuse in expenditure; prodigal; wasteful; as, an extravagant man., One who is confined to no general rule., Certain constitutions or decretal epistles, not at first included with others, but subsequently made a part of the canon law.
extravagate verb i. To rove.
extravasate verb t. To force or let out of the proper vessels or arteries, as blood.
extravenate adjective Let out of the veins.
extremeless adjective Having no extremes; infinite.
extremities plural of Extremity
extricating present participle & vb. noun of Extricate
extrication noun The act or process of extricating or disentangling; a freeing from perplexities; disentanglement., The act of sending out or evolving.
extrinsical adjective Extrinsic.
extuberance noun A swelling or rising; protuberance.
extuberancy noun Extuberance.