11 letter word starting with fo

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
focillation noun Comfort; support.
folliculous adjective Having or producing follicles.
fomentation noun The act of fomenting; the application of warm, soft, medicinal substances, as for the purpose of easing pain, by relaxing the skin, or of discussing tumors., The lotion applied to a diseased part., Excitation; instigation; encouragement.
foolhardily adverb In a foolhardy manner.
foolhardise noun Foolhardiness.
foolishness noun The quality of being foolish., A foolish practice; an absurdity.
footbreadth noun The breadth of a foot; — used as a measure.
foot guards pl. Infantry soldiers belonging to select regiments called the Guards.
footmanship noun Art or skill of a footman.
foraminated adjective Having small opening, or foramina.
foraminifer noun One of the foraminifera.
forbearance noun The act of forbearing or waiting; the exercise of patience., The quality of being forbearing; indulgence toward offenders or enemies; long-suffering.
forbiddance noun The act of forbidding; prohibition; command or edict against a thing.
forbiddenly adverb In a forbidden or unlawful manner.
forcipation noun Torture by pinching with forceps or pinchers.
forealleged imp. & past participle of Foreallege
foreappoint verb t. To set, order, or appoint, beforehand.
foreclosing present participle & vb. noun of Foreclose
foreclosure noun The act or process of foreclosing; a proceeding which bars or extinguishes a mortgager’s right of redeeming a mortgaged estate.
foredispose verb t. To bestow beforehand.
foreholding noun Ominous foreboding; superstitious prognostication.
foreignness noun The quality of being foreign; remoteness; want of relation or appropriateness.
foreknowing present participle & vb. noun of Foreknow
forerecited adjective Named or recited before.
foreshorten verb t. To represent on a plane surface, as if extended in a direction toward the spectator or nearly so; to shorten by drawing in perspective., Fig.: To represent pictorially to the imagination.
foresighted adjective Sagacious; prudent; provident for the future.
foresignify verb t. To signify beforehand; to foreshow; to typify.
forespurrer noun One who rides before; a harbinger.
forestalled imp. & past participle of Forestall
forestaller noun One who forestalls; esp., one who forestalls the market.
foretelling present participle & vb. noun of Foretell
forethought adjective Thought of, or planned, beforehand; aforethought; prepense; hence, deliberate., A thinking or planning beforehand; prescience; premeditation; forecast; provident care.
foretokened imp. & past participle of Foretoken
forevouched adjective Formerly vouched or avowed; affirmed in advance.
forewarning present participle & vb. noun of Forewarn
forgetfully adverb In a forgetful manner.
forgettable adjective Liable to be, or that may be, forgotten.
forgiveness noun The act of forgiving; the state of being forgiven; as, the forgiveness of sin or of injuries., Disposition to pardon; willingness to forgive.
fork-tailed adjective Having the outer tail feathers longer than the median ones; swallow-tailed; — said of many birds.
forlornness noun State of being forlorn.
formalities plural of Formality
formalizing present participle & vb. noun of Formalize
formicaroid adjective Like or pertaining to the family Formicaridae or ant thrushes.
formication noun A sensation resembling that made by the creeping of ants on the skin.
formidolose adjective Very much afraid.
formularize verb t. To reduce to a forula; to formulate.
formularies plural of Formulary
formulating present participle & vb. noun of Formulate
formulation noun The act, process, or result of formulating or reducing to a formula.
formulizing present participle & vb. noun of Formulize
fornication noun Unlawful sexual intercourse on the part of an unmarried person; the act of such illicit sexual intercourse between a man and a woman as does not by law amount to adultery., Adultery., Incest., Idolatry.
forstraught past participle & adjective Distracted.
forswearing present participle & vb. noun of Forswear
forthcoming adjective Ready or about to appear; making appearance.
forthputing adjective Bold; forward; aggressive.
fortifiable adjective Capable of being fortified.
fortnightly adjective Occurring or appearing once in a fortnight; as, a fortnightly meeting of a club; a fortnightly magazine, or other publication., Once in a fortnight; at intervals of a fortnight.
fortunately adverb In a fortunate manner; luckily; successfully; happily.
fortuneless adjective Luckless; also, destitute of a fortune or portion.
forwardness noun The quality of being forward; cheerful readiness; promtness; as, the forwardness of Christians in propagating the gospel., An advanced stage of progress or of preparation; advancement; as, his measures were in great forwardness., Eagerness; ardor; as, it is difficult to restrain the forwardness of youth., Boldness; confidence; assurance; want of due reserve or modesty., A state of advance beyond the usual degree; prematureness; precocity; as, the forwardnessof spring or of corn; the forwardness of a pupil.
fossilizing present participle & vb. noun of Fossilize
foul-spoken adjective Using profane, scurrilous, slanderous, or obscene language.
fourdrinier noun A machine used in making paper; — so named from an early inventor of improvements in this class of machinery.
four-poster noun A large bedstead with tall posts at the corners to support curtains.
fox-hunting adjective Pertaining to or engaged in the hunting of foxes; fond of hunting foxes.