11 letter word starting with g

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
gag-toothed adjective Having gagteeth.
gallantness noun The quality of being gallant.
gallantries plural of Gallantry
galley-bird noun The European green woodpecker; also, the spotted woodpecker.
galley-worm noun A chilognath myriapod of the genus Iulus, and allied genera, having numerous short legs along the sides; a milliped or “thousand legs.” See Chilognatha.
galliardise adjective Excessive gayety; merriment.
gallicanism noun The principles, tendencies, or action of those, within the Roman Catholic Church in France, who (esp. in 1682) sought to restrict the papal authority in that country and increase the power of the national church.
gallicizing present participle & vb. noun of Gallicize
gallimaufry noun A hash of various kinds of meats, a ragout., Any absurd medley; a hotchpotch.
gallinaceae noun pl. Same as Gallinae.
gallinacean noun One of the Gallinae or gallinaceous birds.
gallinipper noun A large mosquito.
gallopading present participle & vb. noun of Gallopade
gallotannic adjective Pertaining to the tannin or nutgalls.
gallowglass noun A heavy-armed foot soldier from Ireland and the Western Isles in the time of Edward /
galvanizing p pr. & vb. noun of Galvanize
galvanology noun A treatise on galvanism, or a description of its phenomena.
gamogenesis noun The production of offspring by the union of parents of different sexes; sexual reproduction; — the opposite of agamogenesis.
gamogenetic adjective Relating to gamogenesis.
gang-flower noun The common English milkwort (Polygala vulgaris), so called from blossoming in gang week.
ganglioform adjective Having the form of a ganglion.
ganglionary adjective Ganglionic.
ganocephala noun pl. A group of fossil amphibians allied to the labyrinthodonts, having the head defended by bony, sculptured plates, as in some ganoid fishes.
gapingstock noun One who is an object of open-mouthed wonder.
gap-toothed adjective Having interstices between the teeth.
gargoulette noun A water cooler or jug with a handle and spout; a gurglet.
garlandless adjective Destitute of a garland.
garnishment noun Ornament; embellishment; decoration., Warning, or legal notice, to one to appear and give information to the court on any matter., Warning to a person in whose hands the effects of another are attached, not to pay the money or deliver the goods to the defendant, but to appear in court and give information as garnishee., A fee. See Garnish, n., 4.
garrisoning present participle & vb. noun of Garrison
gasconading present participle & vb. noun of Gasconade
gasteropoda noun pl. Same as Gastropoda.
gastriloquy noun A voice or utterance which appears to proceed from the stomach; ventriloquy.
gastrocolic adjective Pertaining to both the stomach and the colon; as, the gastrocolic, or great, omentum.
gastromancy noun A kind of divination, by means of words seemingly uttered from the stomach., A species of divination, by means of glasses or other round, transparent vessels, in the center of which figures are supposed to appear by magic art.
gastromyces noun The fungoid growths sometimes found in the stomach; such as Torula, etc.
gastronomer noun One fond of good living; an epicure.
gastronomic adjective Alt. of Gastronomical
gastroraphy noun The operation of sewing up wounds of the abdomen.
gastroscope noun An instrument for viewing or examining the interior of the stomach.
gastroscopy noun Examination of the abdomen or stomach, as with the gastroscope.
gastrostege noun One of the large scales on the belly of a serpent.
gastrostomy noun The operation of making a permanent opening into the stomach, for the introduction of food.
gatling gun An American machine gun, consisting of a cluster of barrels which, being revolved by a crank, are automatically loaded and fired.
gatten tree A name given to the small trees called guelder-rose (Viburnum Opulus), cornel (Cornus sanguinea), and spindle tree (Euonymus Europaeus).
gat-toothed adjective Goat-toothed; having a lickerish tooth; lustful; wanton.
gauger-ship noun The office of a gauger.
gauging rod See Gauge rod, under Gauge, n.
gauntletted adjective Wearing a gauntlet.
gazingstock noun A person or thing gazed at with scorn or abhorrence; an object of curiosity or contempt.
gecarcinian noun A land crab of the genus Gecarcinus, or of allied genera.
geitonogamy noun Fertilization of flowers by pollen from other flowers on the same plant.
gelatinated imp. & past participle of Gelatinate
gelder-rose noun Same as Guelder-rose.
gemmiferous adjective Producing gems or buds, multiplying by buds.
gemmiparity noun Reproduction by budding; gemmation. See Budding.
gemmiparous adjective Producing buds; reproducing by buds. See Gemmation, 1.
gemmulation noun See Gemmation.
genealogist noun One who traces genealogies or the descent of persons or families.
genealogize verb i. To investigate, or relate the history of, descents.
genealogies plural of Genealogy
generalized imp. & past participle of Generalize, Comprising structural characters which are separated in more specialized forms; synthetic; as, a generalized type.
generalizer noun One who takes general or comprehensive views.
generalness noun The condition or quality of being general; frequency; commonness.
generalship noun The office of a general; the exercise of the functions of a general; — sometimes, with the possessive pronoun, the personality of a general., Military skill in a general officer or commander., Fig.: Leadership; management.
generically adverb With regard to a genus, or an extensive class; as, an animal generically distinct from another, or two animals or plants generically allied.
genethliacs noun The science of calculating nativities, or predicting the future events of life from the stars which preside at birth.
genetically adverb In a genetical manner.
geniculated imp. & past participle of Geniculate, Same as Geniculate.
genouillere noun A metal plate covering the knee., That part of a parapet which lies between the gun platform and the bottom of an embrasure.
genteelness noun The quality of being genteel.
gentianella noun A kind of blue color.
gentilitial adjective Alt. of Gentilitious
gentlefolks noun pl. Persons of gentle or good family and breeding.
gentlemanly adjective Of, pertaining to, resembling, or becoming, a gentleman; well-behaved; courteous; polite.
gentlewomen plural of Gentlewoman
gentlewoman noun A woman of good family or of good breeding; a woman above the vulgar., A woman who attends a lady of high rank.
genuflected imp. & past participle of Genuflect
geodiferous adjective Producing geodes; containing geodes.
geographies plural of Geography
geologizing present participle & vb. noun of Geologize
geomantical adjective Pertaining or belonging to geomancy.
geometrical adjective Pertaining to, or according to the rules or principles of, geometry; determined by geometry; as, a geometrical solution of a problem.
geometrized imp. & past participle of Geometrize
germanizing present participle & vb. noun of Germanize
germinating present participle & vb. noun of Germinate
germination noun The process of germinating; the beginning of vegetation or growth in a seed or plant; the first development of germs, either animal or vegetable.
germinative adjective Pertaining to germination; having power to bud or develop.
germiparity noun Reproduction by means of germs.
gerocomical adjective Pertaining to gerocomy.
gerrymander verb t. To divide (a State) into districts for the choice of representatives, in an unnatural and unfair way, with a view to give a political party an advantage over its opponent.
gerundively adverb In the manner of a gerund; as, or in place of, a gerund.
gesticulate verb i. To make gestures or motions, as in speaking; to use postures., To represent by gesture; to act.
gestureless adjective Free from gestures.
gesturement noun Act of making gestures; gesturing.
ghastliness noun The state of being ghastly; a deathlike look.
ghostliness noun The quality of being ghostly.
giddy-paced adjective Moving irregularly; flighty; fickle.
gier-falcon noun The gyrfalcon.
gigantesque adjective Befitting a giant; bombastic; magniloquent.
giganticide noun The act of killing, or one who kills, a giant.
gigantology noun An account or description of giants.
gillyflower noun A name given by old writers to the clove pink (Dianthus Caryophyllus) but now to the common stock (Matthiola incana), a cruciferous plant with showy and fragrant blossoms, usually purplish, but often pink or white., A kind of apple, of a roundish conical shape, purplish red color, and having a large core.
gingerbread noun A kind of plain sweet cake seasoned with ginger, and sometimes made in fanciful shapes.
girdlestead noun That part of the body where the girdle is worn., The lap.
gladioluses plural of Gladiolus
glaringness noun A dazzling luster or brilliancy.
glass-faced adjective Mirror-faced; reflecting the sentiments of another.
glass maker noun Alt. of Glassmaker
glass-snail noun A small, transparent, land snail, of the genus Vitrina.
glass-snake noun A long, footless lizard (Ophiosaurus ventralis), of the Southern United States; — so called from its fragility, the tail easily breaking into small pieces. It grows to the length of three feet. The name is applied also to similar species found in the Old World.
glaucescent adjective Having a somewhat glaucous appearance or nature; becoming glaucous.
glaucometer noun See Gleucometer.
glaucophane noun A mineral of a dark bluish color, related to amphibole. It is characteristic of certain crystalline rocks.
gleucometer noun An instrument for measuring the specific gravity and ascertaining the quantity of sugar contained in must.
globeflower noun A plant of the genus Trollius (T. Europaeus), found in the mountainous parts of Europe, and producing handsome globe-shaped flowers., The American plant Trollius laxus.
globiferous adjective Having a round or globular tip.
globigerin/ plural of Globigerina
globigerina noun A genus of small Foraminifera, which live abundantly at or near the surface of the sea. Their dead shells, falling to the bottom, make up a large part of the soft mud, generally found in depths below 3,000 feet, and called globigerina ooze. See Illust. of Foraminifera.
globularity noun The state of being globular; globosity; sphericity.
glochidiate adjective Having barbs; as, glochidiate bristles.
glomerating present participle & vb. noun of Glomerate
glomeration noun The act of forming or gathering into a ball or round mass; the state of being gathered into a ball; conglomeration., That which is formed into a ball; a ball.
glossocomon noun A kind of hoisting winch.
glossolalia noun Alt. of Glossolaly
glutinating present participle & vb. noun of Glutinate
glutination noun The act of uniting with glue; sticking together.
glutinative adjective Having the quality of cementing; tenacious; viscous; glutinous.
glutinosity noun The quality of being glutinous; viscousness.
gluttonized imp. & past participle of Gluttonize
glycocholic adjective Pertaining to, or composed of, glycocoll and cholic acid.
glycyrrhiza noun A genus of papilionaceous herbaceous plants, one species of which (G. glabra), is the licorice plant, the roots of which have a bittersweet mucilaginous taste., The root of Glycyrrhiza glabra (liquorice root), used as a demulcent, etc.
glyphograph noun A plate made by glyphography, or an impression taken from such a plate.
glyptotheca noun A building or room devoted to works of sculpture.
gnathonical adjective Flattering; deceitful.
gnathostoma noun pl. A comprehensive division of vertebrates, including all that have distinct jaws, in contrast with the leptocardians and marsipobranchs (Cyclostoma), which lack them.
gnathotheca noun The horney covering of the lower mandible of a bird.
gnomonology noun A treatise on gnomonics.
goddaughter noun A female for whom one becomes sponsor at baptism.
god-fearing adjective Having a reverential and loving feeling towards God; religious.
goggle-eyed adjective Having prominent and distorted or rolling eyes.
gold-beaten adjective Gilded.
gold-hammer noun The yellow-hammer.
gonfalonier noun He who bears the gonfalon; a standard bearer, An officer at Rome who bears the standard of the Church., The chief magistrate of any one of several republics in mediaeveal Italy., A Turkish general, and standard keeper.
goniometric adjective Alt. of Goniometrical
gonoblastid noun A reproductive bud of a hydroid; a simple gonophore.
gonochorism noun Separation of the sexes in different individuals; — opposed to hermaphroditism., In ontogony, differentiation of male and female individuals from embryos having the same rudimentary sexual organs., In phylogeny, the evolution of distinct sexes in species previously hermaphrodite or sexless.
gonorrhoeal adjective Of or pertaining to gonorrhea; as, gonorrheal rheumatism.
goody-goody adjective Mawkishly or weakly good; exhibiting goodness with silliness.
goosewinged adjective Having a “goosewing.”, Said of a fore-and-aft rigged vessel with foresail set on one side and mainsail on the other; wing and wing.
gopher wood A species of wood used in the construction of Noah’s ark.
gor-bellied adjective Bog-bellied.
gorgoniacea noun pl. One of the principal divisions of Alcyonaria, including those forms which have a firm and usually branched axis, covered with a porous crust, or c/nenchyma, in which the polyp cells are situated.
gormandized imp. & past participle of Gormandize
gormandizer noun A greedy, voracious eater; a gormand; a glutton.
gospelizing present participle & vb. noun of Gospelize
gothicizing present participle & vb. noun of Gothicize
gradational adjective By regular steps or gradations; of or pertaining to gradation.
gradualness noun The quality or state of being gradual; regular progression or gradation; slowness.
grallatores noun pl. See Grallae.
grama grass The name of several kinds of pasture grasses found in the Western United States, esp. the Bouteloua oligostachya.
grammalogue noun Literally, a letter word; a word represented by a logogram; as, it, represented by |, that is, t. pitman.
grammarless adjective Without grammar.
grammatical adjective Of or pertaining to grammar; of the nature of grammar; as, a grammatical rule., According to the rules of grammar; grammatically correct; as, the sentence is not grammatical; the construction is not grammatical.
grandeeship noun The rank or estate of a grandee; lordship.
grand-ducal adjective Of or pertaining to a grand duke.
grandfather noun A father’s or mother’s father; an ancestor in the next degree above the father or mother in lineal ascent.
grandiosity noun The state or quality of being grandiose,
grand mercy See Gramercy.
grandmother noun The mother of one’s father or mother.
grandnephew noun The grandson of one’s brother or sister.
graniferous adjective Bearing grain, or seeds like grain.
granitiform adjective Resembling granite in structure or shape.
granivorous adjective Eating grain; feeding or subsisting on seeds; as, granivorous birds.
granolithic noun A kind of hard artificial stone, used for pavements.
granulating present participle & vb. noun of Granulate
granulation noun The act or process of forming or crystallizing into grains; as, the granulation of powder and sugar., The state of being granulated., One of the small, red, grainlike prominences which form on a raw surface (that of wounds or ulcers), and are the efficient agents in the process of healing., The act or process of the formation of such prominences.
granuliform adjective Having a granular structure; granular; as, granuliform limestone.
grape fruit The shaddock.
graphically adverb In a graphic manner; vividly.
graphicness noun Alt. of Graphicalness
graphiscope noun See Graphoscope.
graphoscope noun An optical instrument for magnifying engravings, photographs, etc., usually having one large lens and two smaller ones.
grapplement noun A grappling; close fight or embrace.
graptolitic adjective Of or pertaining to graptolites; containing graptolites; as, a graptolitic slate.
grass-green adjective Green with grass., Of the color of grass; clear and vivid green.
grass-grown adjective Overgrown with grass; as, a grass-grown road.
grasshopper noun Any jumping, orthopterous insect, of the families Acrididae and Locustidae. The species and genera are very numerous. The former family includes the Western grasshopper or locust (Caloptenus spretus), noted for the great extent of its ravages in the region beyond the Mississippi. In the Eastern United States the red-legged (Caloptenus femurrubrum and C. atlanis) are closely related species, but their ravages are less important. They are closely related to the migratory locusts of the Old World. See Locust., In ordinary square or upright pianos of London make, the escapement lever or jack, so made that it can be taken out and replaced with the key; — called also the hopper.
gtratuities plural of Gratuity
grqatulated imp. & past participle of Gratulate
gratulating present participle & vb. noun of Gratulate
gratulation noun The act of gratulating or felicitating; congratulation.
gratulatory adjective Expressing gratulation or joy; congratulatory.
gravedigger noun A digger of graves., See Burying beetle, under Bury, v. t.
gravenstein noun A kind of fall apple, marked with streaks of deep red and orange, and of excellent flavor and quality.
graveolence noun A strong and offensive smell; rancidity.
gravidation noun Gravidity.
gravimetric adjective Of or pertaining to measurement by weight; measured by weight.
gravitating present participle & vb. noun of Gravitate
gravitation noun The act of gravitating., That species of attraction or force by which all bodies or particles of matter in the universe tend toward each other; called also attraction of gravitation, universal gravitation, and universal gravity. See Attraction, and Weight.
gravitative adjective Causing to gravitate; tending to a center.
greco-roman adjective Having characteristics that are partly Greek and partly Roman; as, Greco-Roman architecture.
greenbacker noun One of those who supported greenback or paper money, and opposed the resumption of specie payments.
green-broom noun A plant of the genus Genista (G. tinctoria); dyer’s weed; — called also greenweed.
greengrocer noun A retailer of vegetables or fruits in their fresh or green state.
greenlander noun A native of Greenland.
greenockite noun Native cadmium sulphide, a mineral occurring in yellow hexagonal crystals, also as an earthy incrustation.
green-stall noun A stall at which greens and fresh vegetables are exposed for sale.
gressorious adjective Adapted for walking; anisodactylous; as the feet of certain birds and insects. See Illust. under Aves.
griddlecake noun A cake baked or fried on a griddle, esp. a thin batter cake, as of buckwheat or common flour.
grippleness noun The quality of being gripple.
grossularia noun Same as Grossular.
grotesquely adverb In a grotesque manner.
grotto-work noun Artificial and ornamental rockwork in imitation of a grotto.
grugru palm A West Indian name for several kinds of palm. See Macaw tree, under Macaw.
grugru worm The larva or grub of a large South American beetle (Calandra palmarum), which lives in the pith of palm trees and sugar cane. It is eaten by the natives, and esteemed a delicacy.
grumblingly adverb In a grumbling manner.
grumousness noun The state of being grumous.
guaniferous adjective Yielding guano.
guarantying present participle & vb. noun of Guaranty
guardianage noun Guardianship.
guardianess noun A female guardian.
gubernation noun The act of governing; government
gubernative adjective Governing.
guerdonable adjective Worthy of reward.
guerdonless adjective Without reward or guerdon.
guillotined imp. & past participle of Guillotine
gummiferous adjective Producing gum; gum-bearing.
gunny cloth A strong, coarse kind of sacking, made from the fibers (called jute) of two plants of the genus Corchorus (C. olitorius and C. capsularis), of India. The fiber is also used in the manufacture of cordage.
gunsmithery noun Alt. of Gunsmith ing
gurgling-ly adverb In a gurgling manner.
guttiferous adjective Yielding gum or resinous substances., Pertaining to a natural order of trees and shrubs (Guttiferae) noted for their abounding in a resinous sap.
gutturalism noun The quality of being guttural; as, the gutturalism of A [in the 16th cent.]
gutturality noun The quality of being guttural.
gutturalize verb t. To speak gutturally; to give a guttural sound to.
gymnasiarch noun An Athenian officer who superintended the gymnasia, and provided the oil and other necessaries at his own expense.
gymnastical adjective Pertaining to athletic exercises intended for health, defense, or diversion; — said of games or exercises, as running, leaping, wrestling, throwing the discus, the javelin, etc.; also, pertaining to disciplinary exercises for the intellect; athletic; as, gymnastic exercises, contests, etc.
gymnocladus noun A genus of leguminous plants; the Kentucky coffee tree. The leaves are cathartic, and the seeds a substitute for coffee.
gymnocytode noun A cytode without either a cell wall or a nucleus.
gymnoglossa noun pl. A division of gastropods in which the odontophore is without teeth.
gymnopaedic adjective Having young that are naked when hatched; psilopaedic; — said of certain birds.
gymnophiona noun pl. An order of Amphibia, having a long, annulated, snakelike body. See Ophiomorpha.
gymnorhinal adjective Having unfeathered nostrils, as certain birds.
gymnosomata noun pl. One of the orders of Pteropoda. They have no shell.
gynecocracy noun Government by a woman, female power; gyneocracy.
gypsiferous adjective Containing gypsum.
gypsography noun The act or art of engraving on gypsum.
gyracanthus noun A genus of fossil fishes, found in Devonian and carboniferous strata; — so named from their round, sculptured spines.
gyrostatics noun The doctrine or theory of the gyrostat, or of the phenomena of rotating bodies.