11 letter word starting with ha

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
haberdasher noun A dealer in small wares, as tapes, pins, needles, and thread; also, a hatter., A dealer in drapery goods of various descriptions, as laces, silks, trimmings, etc.
habituating present participle & vb. noun of Habituate
habituation noun The act of habituating, or accustoming; the state of being habituated.
hadrosaurus noun An American herbivorous dinosaur of great size, allied to the iguanodon. It is found in the Cretaceous formation.
haemachrome noun Hematin.
haemacyanin noun A substance found in the blood of the octopus, which gives to it its blue color.
haemaphaein noun A brownish substance sometimes found in the blood, in cases of jaundice.
haemapodous adjective Having the limbs on, or directed toward, the ventral or hemal side, as in vertebrates; — opposed to neuropodous.
haematocrya noun pl. The cold-blooded vertebrates. Same as Hematocrya.
haematoidin noun Same as Hematoidin.
haematology noun The science which treats of the blood. Same as Hematology.
haematozoon noun A parasite inhabiting the blood, Certain species of nematodes of the genus Filaria, sometimes found in the blood of man, the horse, the dog, etc., The trematode, Bilharzia haematobia, which infests the inhabitants of Egypt and other parts of Africa, often causing death.
haemochrome noun Same as Haemachrome.
haemocyanin noun Same as Haemacyanin.
haemoglobin noun Same as Hemoglobin.
haemolutein noun See Hematoidin.
haemostatic adjective Same as Hemostatic.
hagiographa noun pl. The last of the three Jewish divisions of the Old Testament, or that portion not contained in the Law and the Prophets. It comprises Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Canticles, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles., The lives of the saints.
hagiography noun Same Hagiographa.
hagiologist noun One who treats of the sacred writings; a writer of the lives of the saints; a hagiographer.
hail-fellow noun An intimate companion.
hairbrained adjective See Harebrained.
hairbreadth Alt. of Hair’sbreadth, Having the breadth of a hair; very narrow; as, a hairbreadth escape.
hairdresser noun One who dresses or cuts hair; a barber.
hake’s-dame noun See Forkbeard.
halfcocking present participle & vb. noun of Halfcock
half-decked adjective Partially decked.
half-hourly adjective Done or happening at intervals of half an hour.
half-length adjective Of half the whole or ordinary length, as a picture.
half-sister noun A sister by one parent only.
half-tounue noun A jury, for the trial of a foreigner, composed equally of citizens and aliens.
half-witted adjective Weak in intellect; silly.
half-yearly adjective Two in a year; semiannual. — adv. Twice in a year; semiannually.
haliography noun Description of the sea; the science that treats of the sea.
hallucinate verb i. To wander; to go astray; to err; to blunder; — used of mental processes.
halter-sack noun A term of reproach, implying that one is fit to be hanged.
hamadryades plural of Hamadryad
hammer-beam noun A member of one description of roof truss, called hammer-beam truss, which is so framed as not to have a tiebeam at the top of the wall. Each principal has two hammer-beams, which occupy the situation, and to some extent serve the purpose, of a tiebeam.
hammercloth noun The cloth which covers a coach box.
hammer-less adjective Without a visible hammer; — said of a gun having a cock or striker concealed from sight, and out of the way of an accidental touch.
hand staves plural of Hand
handbreadth noun A space equal to the breadth of the hand; a palm.
handcuffing present participle & vb. noun of Handcuff
handfasting present participle & vb. noun of Handfast
handicapped imp. & past participle of Handicap
handicapper noun One who determines the conditions of a handicap.
handkercher noun A handkerchief.
handselling of Handsel
hand-winged adjective Having wings that are like hands in the structure and arrangement of their bones; — said of bats. See Cheiroptera.
handwriting noun The cast or form of writing peculiar to each hand or person; chirography., That which is written by hand; manuscript.
handystroke noun A blow with the hand.
hangmanship noun The office or character of a hangman.
hankeringly adverb In a hankering manner.
harangueful adjective Full of harangue.
harbingered imp. & past participle of Harbinger
hard-fisted adjective Having hard or strong hands; as, a hard-fisted laborer., Close-fisted; covetous; niggardly.
hard-fought adjective vigorously contested; as, a hard-fought battle.
hard-handed adjective Having hard hands, as a manual laborer.
hard-headed adjective Having sound judgment; sagacious; shrewd.
hardwaremen plural of Hardwareman
hardwareman noun One who makes, or deals in, hardware.
harengiform adjective Herring-shaped.
hare’s-tail noun A kind of grass (Eriophorum vaginatum). See Cotton grass, under Cotton.
harioiation noun Prognostication; soothsaying.
harmoniphon noun An obsolete wind instrument with a keyboard, in which the sound, which resembled the oboe, was produced by the vibration of thin metallic plates, acted upon by blowing through a tube.
harmonizing present participle & vb. noun of Harmonize
harpsichord noun A harp-shaped instrument of music set horizontally on legs, like the grand piano, with strings of wire, played by the fingers, by means of keys provided with quills, instead of hammers, for striking the strings. It is now superseded by the piano.
hart-tongue noun A common British fern (Scolopendrium vulgare), rare in America., A West Indian fern, the Polypodium Phyllitidis of Linnaeus. It is also found in Florida.
harvestless adjective Without harvest; lacking in crops; barren.
hatchelling of Hatchel
hatchettine noun Alt. of Hatchettite
hatchettite noun Mineral t/ low; a waxy or spermaceti-like substance, commonly of a greenish yellow color.
haughtiness noun The quality of being haughty; disdain; arrogance.
haustellata noun pl. An artificial division of insects, including all those with a sucking proboscis.
haustellate adjective Provided with a haustellum, or sucking proboscis., One of the Haustellata.
hawser-laid adjective Made in the manner of a hawser. Cf. Cable-laid, and see Illust. of Cordage.