11 letter word starting with int

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
intagliated adjective Engraved in intaglio; as, an intagliated stone.
intaminated adjective Uncontaminated.
integrality noun Entireness.
integrating present participle & vb. noun of Integrate
integration noun The act or process of making whole or entire., The operation of finding the primitive function which has a given function for its differential coefficient. See Integral., In the theory of evolution: The process by which the manifold is compacted into the relatively simple and permanent. It is supposed to alternate with differentiation as an agent in development.
intellected adjective Endowed with intellect; having intellectual powers or capacities.
intelligent adjective Endowed with the faculty of understanding or reason; as, man is an intelligent being., Possessed of intelligence, education, or judgment; knowing; sensible; skilled; marked by intelligence; as, an intelligent young man; an intelligent architect; an intelligent answer., Gognizant; aware; communicate.
intemerated adjective Pure; undefiled.
intemperant adjective Intemperate.
intemperate adjective Indulging any appetite or passion to excess; immoderate to enjoyments or exertion., Specifically, addicted to an excessive or habitual use of alcoholic liquors., Excessive; ungovernable; inordinate; violent; immoderate; as, intemperate language, zeal, etc.; intemperate weather., To disorder.
intendiment noun Attention; consideration; knowledge; understanding.
intenerated imp. & past participle of Intenerate
intensating present participle & vb. noun of Intensate
intensation noun The act or process of intensifying; intensification; climax.
intensative adjective Adding intensity; intensifying.
intenseness noun The state or quality of being intense; intensity; as, the intenseness of heat or cold; the intenseness of study or thought.
intensifier noun One who or that which intensifies or strengthens; in photography, an agent used to intensify the lights or shadows of a picture.
intensified imp. & past participle of Intensify
intensitive adjective Increasing the force or intensity of; intensive; as, the intensitive words of a sentence.
intensively adverb In an intensive manner; by increase of degree.
intentation noun Intention.
intentional adjective Done by intention or design; intended; designed; as, the act was intentional, not accidental.
intentioned adjective Having designs; — chiefly used in composition; as, well-intentioned, having good designs; ill-intentioned, having ill designs.
intentively adverb Attentively; closely.
interaction noun Intermediate action., Mutual or reciprocal action or influence; as, the interaction of the heart and lungs on each other.
interagency noun Intermediate agency.
interamnian adjective Situated between rivers.
interatomic adjective Between atoms; situated, or acting, between the atoms of bodies; as, interatomic forces.
intercalary adjective Inserted or introduced among others in the calendar; as, an intercalary month, day, etc.; — now applied particularly to the odd day (Feb. 29) inserted in the calendar of leap year. See Bissextile, n., Introduced or inserted among others; additional; supernumerary.
intercalate verb t. To insert, as a day or other portion of time, in a calendar., To insert among others, as a verse in a stanza; specif. (Geol.), to introduce as a bed or stratum, between the layers of a regular series of rocks.
intercarpal adjective Between the carpal bone; as, intercarpal articulations, ligaments.
interceding present participle & vb. noun of Intercede
intercedent adjective Passing between; mediating; pleading.
intercentra plural of Intercentrum
intercepted imp. & past participle of Intercept
intercepter noun One who, or that which, intercepts.
intercessor noun One who goes between, or intercedes; a mediator. (a) One who interposes between parties at variance, with a view to reconcile them. (b) One who pleads in behalf of another., A bishop, who, during a vacancy of the see, administers the bishopric till a successor is installed.
interchange verb t. To put each in the place of the other; to give and take mutually; to exchange; to reciprocate; as, to interchange places; they interchanged friendly offices and services., To cause to follow alternately; to intermingle; to vary; as, to interchange cares with pleasures., To make an interchange; to alternate., The act of mutually changing; the act of mutually giving and receiving; exchange; as, the interchange of civilities between two persons., The mutual exchange of commodities between two persons or countries; barter; commerce., Alternate succession; alternation; a mingling.
intercident adjective Falling or coming between; happening accidentally.
intercluded imp. & past participle of Interclude
intercombat noun Combat.
intercoming noun The act of coming between; intervention; interference.
intercommon verb t. To share with others; to participate; especially, to eat at the same table., To graze cattle promiscuously in the commons of each other, as the inhabitants of adjoining townships, manors, etc.
intercostal adjective Between the ribs; pertaining to, or produced by, the parts between the ribs; as, intercostal respiration, in which the chest is alternately enlarged and contracted by the intercostal muscles.
intercourse noun A commingling; intimate connection or dealings between persons or nations, as in common affairs and civilities, in correspondence or trade; communication; commerce; especially, interchange of thought and feeling; association; communion.
intercrural adjective Between crura; — applied especially to the interneural plates in the vertebral column of many cartilaginous fishes.
interdashed imp. & past participle of Interdash
interdental adjective Situated between teeth; as, an interdental space, the space between two teeth in a gear wheel., Formed between the upper and lower teeth; as, interdental consonants.
interdentil noun The space between two dentils.
interdicted imp. & past participle of Interdict
interesting present participle & vb. noun of Interest, Engaging the attention; exciting, or adapted to excite, interest, curiosity, or emotion; as, an interesting story; interesting news.
interfacial adjective Included between two plane surfaces or faces; as, an interfacial angle.
interferant noun One of the contestants in interference before the Patent Office.
interfering present participle & vb. noun of Interfere
interfluent adjective Alt. of Interfluous
interfluous adjective Flowing between or among; intervening.
interfolded p. adjective Intertwined; interlocked; clasped together.
interfusion noun The act of interfusing, or the state of being interfused.
intergraved imp. of Intergrave, of Intergrave
intergraven of Intergrave
interhaemal adjective Between the hemal arches or hemal spines., An interhemal spine or cartilage.
interiority noun State of being interior.
interjacent adjective Lying or being between or among; intervening; as, interjacent isles.
interjangle verb i. To make a dissonant, discordant noise one with another; to talk or chatter noisily.
interjected imp. & past participle of Interject
interjoined imp. & past participle of Interjoin
interlacing present participle & vb. noun of Interlace
interlarded imp. & past participle of Interlard
interlaying present participle & vb. noun of Interlay
interleaves plural of Interleaf
interleaved imp. & past participle of Interleave
interlining present participle & vb. noun of Interline, Correction or alteration by writing between the lines; interlineation.
interlineal adjective Alt. of Interlinear
interlinear adjective Contained between lines; written or inserted between lines already written or printed; containing interlineations; as, an interlinear manuscript, translation, etc.
interloping present participle & vb. noun of Interlope
interlucate verb t. To let in light upon, as by cutting away branches.
interlucent adjective Shining between.
interluency noun A flowing between; intervening water.
interlunary adjective Belonging or pertaining to the time when the moon, at or near its conjunction with the sun, is invisible.
intermeddle verb i. To meddle with the affairs of others; to meddle officiously; to interpose or interfere improperly; to mix or meddle with., To intermix; to mingle.
intermediae noun pl. The middle pair of tail feathers, or middle rectrices.
intermedial adjective Lying between; intervening; intermediate.
intermedian adjective Intermediate.
intermedium noun Intermediate space., An intervening agent or instrument., The bone or cartilage between the radiale and ulnare in the carpus, and between the tibiale and fibulare in the tarsus. It corresponds to the lunar in the carpus, and to a part of the astragalus in the tarsus of man and most mammals.
intermicate verb i. To flash or shine between or among.
interminate adjective Endless; as, interminate sleep., To menace; to threaten.
intermingle verb t. To mingle or mix together; to intermix., To be mixed or incorporated.
intermitted imp. & past participle of Intermit
intermuring present participle & vb. noun of Intermure
intermutual adjective Mutual.
internality noun The state of being internal or within; interiority.
internecine adjective Involving, or accompanied by, mutual slaughter; mutually destructive.
internecion noun Mutual slaughter or destruction; massacre.
internecive adjective Internecine.
interneural adjective Between the neural arches or neural spines., An interneural spine or cartilage.
internodial adjective Internodal.
internuncio noun A messenger between two parties., A representative, or charge d’affaires, of the pope at a foreign court or seat of government, ranking next below a nuncio.
interocular adjective Between, or within, the eyes; as, the interocular distance; situated between the eyes, as the antennae of some insects.
interosseal adjective Alt. of Interosseous
interpledge verb t. To pledge mutually.
interpolate verb t. To renew; to carry on with intermission., To alter or corrupt by the insertion of new or foreign matter; especially, to change, as a book or text, by the insertion of matter that is new, or foreign to the purpose of the author., To fill up intermediate terms of, as of a series, according to the law of the series; to introduce, as a number or quantity, in a partial series, according to the law of that part of the series.
interponent noun One who, or that which, interposes; an interloper, an opponent.
interposing present participle & vb. noun of Interpose
interposure noun Interposition.
interpreted imp. & past participle of Interpret
interpreter noun One who or that which interprets, explains, or expounds; a translator; especially, a person who translates orally between two parties.
interradial adjective Between the radii, or rays; — in zoology, said of certain parts of radiate animals; as, the interradial plates of a starfish.
interregent noun A person who discharges the royal functions during an interregnum.
interregnum noun The time during which a throne is vacant between the death or abdication of a sovereign and the accession of his successor., Any period during which, for any cause, the executive branch of a government is suspended or interrupted.
interrogate verb t. To question formally; to question; to examine by asking questions; as, to interrogate a witness., To ask questions., An interrogation; a question.
interrupted imp. & past participle of Interrupt, Broken; intermitted; suddenly stopped., Irregular; — said of any arrangement whose symmetry is destroyed by local causes, as when leaflets are interposed among the leaves in a pinnate leaf.
interrupter noun One who, or that which, interrupts., A device for opening and closing an electrical circuit; a vibrating spring or tuning fork, arranged to make and break a circuit at rapidly recurring intervals, by the action of the current itself.
interscribe verb t. To write between.
intersecant adjective Dividing into parts; crossing; intersecting.
intersected imp. & past participle of Intersect
interseptal adjective Between septa; as, the interseptal spaces or zones, between the transparent, or septal, zones in striated muscle; the interseptal chambers of a shell, or of a seed vessel.
interserted imp. & past participle of Intersert
intersocial adjective Pertaining to the mutual intercourse or relations of persons in society; social.
interspeech noun A speech interposed between others.
intersperse verb t. To scatter or set here and there among other things; to insert at intervals; as, to intersperse pictures in a book., To diversify or adorn with things set or scattered at intervals; to place something at intervals in or among; as, to intersperse a book with pictures.
interspinal adjective Alt. of Interspinous
interstices plural of Interstice
intersticed adjective Provided with interstices; having interstices between; situated at intervals.
intertangle verb t. To entangle; to intertwine.
intertarsal adjective Between the tarsal bones; as, the intertarsal articulations.
intervallum noun An interval.
interveined adjective Intersected, as with veins.
intervening present participle & vb. noun of Intervene
interventor noun One who intervenes; a mediator; especially (Eccles. Hist.), a person designated by a church to reconcile parties, and unite them in the choice of officers.
interviewer noun One who interviews; especially, one who obtains an interview with another for the purpose of eliciting his opinions or obtaining information for publication.
intervolved imp. & past participle of Intervolve
inthralling present participle & vb. noun of Inthrall
intimidated imp. & past participle of Intimidate
intolerable adjective Not tolerable; not capable of being borne or endured; not proper or right to be allowed; insufferable; insupportable; unbearable; as, intolerable pain; intolerable heat or cold; an intolerable burden., Enormous.
intolerance noun Want of capacity to endure; as, intolerance of light., The quality of being intolerant; refusal to allow to others the enjoyment of their opinions, chosen modes of worship, and the like; want of patience and forbearance; illiberality; bigotry; as, intolerance shown toward a religious sect.
intolerancy noun Intolerance.
intolerated adjective Not tolerated.
intoxicated imp. & past participle of Intoxicate
intractable adjective Not tractable; not easily governed, managed, or directed; indisposed to be taught, disciplined, or tamed; violent; stubborn; obstinate; refractory; as, an intractable child.
intrafusion noun The act of pouring into a vessel; specif. (Med.), the operation of introducing a substance into a blood vessel; as, intrafusion of blood.
intravenous adjective Within the veins.
intreatable adjective Not to be entreated; inexorable.
intreatance noun Entreaty.
intrenching present participle & vb. noun of Intrench
intrenchant adjective Not to be gashed or marked with furrows.
intrepidity noun The quality or state of being intrepid; fearless bravery; courage; resoluteness; valor.
intricacies plural of Intricacy
intricately adverb In an intricate manner.
intrication noun Entanglement.
intrinsical adjective Intrinsic., Intimate; closely familiar.
introducing present participle & vb. noun of Introduce
introductor noun An introducer.
introflexed adjective Flexed or bent inward.
intromitted imp. & past participle of Intromit
intromitter noun One who intromits.
introverted imp. & past participle of Introvert
intrusional adjective Of or pertaining to intrusion.
intuitional adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, intuition; characterized by intuition; perceived by intuition; intuitive.
intuitively adverb In an intuitive manner.
intuitivism noun The doctrine that the ideas of right and wrong are intuitive.
intumescing present participle & vb. noun of Intumesce
intumescent adjective Swelling up; expanding.
intumulated adjective Unburied.
inturbidate verb t. To render turbid; to darken; to confuse.
intwinement noun The act of twinning, or the state of being intwined.