11 letter word starting with la

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
labefaction noun The act of labefying or making weak; the state of being weakened; decay; ruin.
labidometer noun A forceps with a measuring attachment for ascertaining the size of the fetal head.
labiodental adjective Formed or pronounced by the cooperation of the lips and teeth, as f and v., A labiodental sound or letter.
labradorite noun A kind of feldspar commonly showing a beautiful play of colors, and hence much used for ornamental purposes. The finest specimens come from Labrador. See Feldspar.
labyrinthal adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, a labyrinth; intricate; labyrinthian.
labyrinthic adjective Alt. of Labyrinthical
lacertilian adjective & noun Same as Lacertian.
lacertiloid adjective Like or belonging to the Lacertilia.
lace-winged adjective Having thin, transparent, reticulated wings; as, the lace-winged flies.
lachrymable adjective Lamentable.
laciniolate adjective Consisting of, or abounding in, very minute laciniae.
laconically adverb In a laconic manner.
lactescence noun The state or quality of producing milk, or milklike juice; resemblance to milk; a milky color., The latex of certain plants. See Latex.
lactiferous adjective Bearing or containing milk or a milky fluid; as, the lactiferous vessels, cells, or tissue of various vascular plants.
lactoabumin noun The albumin present on milk, apparently identical with ordinary serum albumin. It is distinct from the casein of milk.
lactucarium noun The inspissated juice of the common lettuce, sometimes used as a substitute for opium.
lady-killer noun A gallant who captivates the hearts of women.
lady’s comb An umbelliferous plant (Scandix Pecten-Veneris), its clusters of long slender fruits remotely resembling a comb.
lady’s hair A plant of the genus Briza (B. media); a variety of quaking grass.
lady’s seal The European Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum verticillatum)., The black bryony (Tamus communis).
laemodipoda noun pl. A division of amphipod Crustacea, in which the abdomen is small or rudimentary and the legs are often reduced to five pairs. The whale louse, or Cyamus, and Caprella are examples.
lambskinnet noun See Lansquenet.
lamellicorn adjective Having antennae terminating in a group of flat lamellae; — said of certain coleopterous insects., Terminating in a group of flat lamellae; — said of antennae., A lamellicorn insect.
lamelliform adjective Thin and flat; scalelike; lamellar.
lamentation noun The act of bewailing; audible expression of sorrow; wailing; moaning., A book of the Old Testament attributed to the prophet Jeremiah, and taking its name from the nature of its contents.
lamentingly adverb In a lamenting manner.
lammergeier noun A very large vulture (Gypaetus barbatus), which inhabits the mountains of Southern Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa. When full-grown it is nine or ten feet in extent of wings. It is brownish black above, with the under parts and neck rusty yellow; the forehead and crown white; the sides of the head and beard black. It feeds partly on carrion and partly on small animals, which it kills. It has the habit of carrying tortoises and marrow bones to a great height, and dropping them on stones to obtain the contents, and is therefore called bonebreaker and ossifrage. It is supposed to be the ossifrage of the Bible. Called also bearded vulture and bearded eagle.
lamplighter noun One who, or that which, lights a lamp; esp., a person who lights street lamps., The calico bass.
lacasterian adjective Of or pertaining to the monitorial system of instruction followed by Joseph Lancaster, of England, in which advanced pupils in a school teach pupils below them.
lanceolated adjective Rather narrow, tapering to a point at the apex, and sometimes at the base also; as, a lanceolate leaf.
lancepesade noun An assistant to a corporal; a private performing the duties of a corporal; — called also lance corporal.
lanciferous adjective Bearing a lance.
lancinating present participle & vb. noun of Lanciname, Piercing; seeming to pierce or stab; as, lancinating pains (i.e., severe, darting pains).
lancination noun A tearing; laceration.
landgravine noun The wife of a landgrave.
landlordism noun The state of being a landlord; the characteristics of a landlord; specifically, in Great Britain, the relation of landlords to tenants, especially as regards leased agricultural lands.
landlouping adjective Vagrant; wandering about.
landscapist noun A painter of landscapes.
langteraloo noun An old game at cards. See Loo (a).
langue d’oc The dialect, closely akin to French, formerly spoken south of the Loire (in which the word for “yes” was oc); Provencal.
languishing present participle & vb. noun of Languish, Becoming languid and weak; pining; losing health and strength., Amorously pensive; as, languishing eyes, or look.
laniariform adjective Shaped like a laniary, or canine, tooth.
lapidarious adjective Consisting of stones.
lapidescent adjective Undergoing the process of becoming stone; having the capacity of being converted into stone; having the quality of petrifying bodies., Any substance which has the quality of petrifying other bodies, or of converting or being converted into stone.
lapidifical adjective Forming or converting into stone.
lapidifying present participle & vb. noun of Lapidify
lapillation noun The state of being, or the act of making, stony.
lap-jointed adjective Having a lap joint, or lap joints, as many kinds of woodwork and metal work.
large-acred adjective Possessing much land.
largifluous adjective Flowing copiously.
lark’s-heel noun Indian cress.
larviparous adjective Depositing living larvae, instead of eggs; — said of certain insects.
larypgismus noun A spasmodic state of the glottis, giving rise to contraction or closure of the opening.
laryngology noun Systematized knowledge of the action and functions of the larynx; in pathology, the department which treats of the diseases of the larynx.
laryngotome noun An instrument for performing laryngotomy.
laryngotomy noun The operation of cutting into the larynx, from the outside of the neck, for assisting respiration when obstructed, or for removing foreign bodies.
lasciviency noun Lasciviousness; wantonness.
latchstring noun A string for raising the latch of a door by a person outside. It is fastened to the latch and passed through a hole above it in the door.
lateritious adjective Like bricks; of the color of red bricks.
lath-shaped adjective Having a slender elongated form, like a lath; — said of the feldspar of certain igneous rocks, as diabase, as seen in microscopic sections.
latibulized imp. & past participle of Latibulize
laticostate adjective Broad-ribbed.
latidentate adjective Broad-toothed.
latifoliate adjective Alt. of Latifolious
latifolious adjective Having broad leaves.
latirostral adjective Alt. of Latirostrous
latirostres noun pl. The broad-billed singing birds, such as the swallows, and their allies.
latisternal adjective Having a broad breastbone, or sternum; — said of anthropoid apes.
latitudinal adjective Of or pertaining to latitude; in the direction of latitude.
latreutical adjective Acting as a hired servant; serving; ministering; assisting., Of or pertaining to latria.
latticework noun Same as Lattice, n., 1.
laudability noun Laudableness; praiseworthiness.
laughworthy adjective Deserving to be laughed at.
lauriferous adjective Producing, or bringing, laurel.
lavoltateer noun A dancer of the lavolta.
law-abiding adjective Abiding the law; waiting for the operation of law for the enforcement of rights; also, abiding by the law; obedient to the law; as, law-abiding people.