11 letter word starting with li

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
liabilities plural of Liability
libelluloid adjective Like or pertaining to the dragon flies.
liberalized imp. & past participle of Liberalize
liberalizer noun One who, or that which, liberalizes.
libertarian adjective Pertaining to liberty, or to the doctrine of free will, as opposed to the doctrine of necessity., One who holds to the doctrine of free will.
liberticide noun The destruction of civil liberty., A destroyer of civil liberty.
libertinage noun Libertinism; license.
libertinism noun The state of a libertine or freedman., Licentious conduct; debauchery; lewdness., Licentiousness of principle or opinion.
libethenite noun A mineral of an olive-green color, commonly in orthorhombic crystals. It is a hydrous phosphate of copper.
licheniform adjective Having the form of a lichen.
lichenology noun The science which treats of lichens.
lick-spigot noun A tapster.
liedertafel noun A popular name for any society or club which meets for the practice of male part songs.
lieutenancy noun The office, rank, or commission, of a lieutenant., The body of lieutenants or subordinates.
life-giving adjective Giving life or spirit; having power to give life; inspiriting; invigorating.
life-saving adjective That saves life, or is suited to save life, esp. from drowning; as, the life-saving service; a life-saving station.
ligamentous adjective Composing a ligament; of the nature of a ligament; binding; as, a strong ligamentous membrane.
light-armed adjective Armed with light weapons or accouterments.
lighthouses plural of Lighthouse
ligniferous adjective Yielding or producing wood.
like-minded adjective Having a like disposition or purpose; of the same mind.
lilliputian noun One belonging to a very diminutive race described in Swift’s “Voyage to Lilliput.”, A person or thing of very small size., Of or pertaining to the imaginary island of Lilliput described by Swift, or to its inhabitants., Of very small size; diminutive; dwarfed.
lilly-pilly noun An Australian myrtaceous tree (Eugenia Smithii), having smooth ovate leaves, and panicles of small white flowers. The wood is hard and fine-grained.
lily-handed adjective Having white, delicate hands.
limitaneous verb t. Of or pertaining to a limit.
limitedness noun The quality of being limited.
lingeringly adverb With delay; slowly; tediously.
lingoa wood Amboyna wood.
linguacious adjective Given to the use of the tongue; loquacious.
linguistics noun The science of languages, or of the origin, signification, and application of words; glossology.
link motion A valve gear, consisting of two eccentrics with their rods, giving motion to a slide valve by an adjustable connecting bar, called the link, in such a way that the motion of the engine can be reversed, or the cut-off varied, at will; — used very generally in locomotives and marine engines.
lion’s foot A composite plant of the genus Prenanthes, of which several species are found in the United States., The edelweiss.
lion’s leaf A South European plant of the genus Leontice (L. leontopetalum), the tuberous roots of which contain so much alkali that they are sometimes used as a substitute for soap.
lion’s tail A genus of labiate plants (Leonurus); — so called from a fancied resemblance of its flower spikes to the tuft of a lion’s tail. L. Cardiaca is the common motherwort.
lipocephala noun pl. Same as Lamellibranchia.
lipothymous adjective Pertaining, or given, to swooning; fainting.
liquefiable adjective Capable of being changed from a solid to a liquid state.
liquescency noun The quality or state of being liquescent.
liquidambar noun A genus consisting of two species of tall trees having star-shaped leaves, and woody burlike fruit. Liquidambar styraciflua is the North American sweet qum, and L. Orientalis is found in Asia Minor., The balsamic juice which is obtained from these trees by incision. The liquid balsam of the Oriental tree is liquid storax.
liquidamber noun See Liquidambar.
liquidating present participle & vb. noun of Liquidate
liquidation noun The act or process of liquidating; the state of being liquidated.
liquidizing present participle & vb. noun of Liquidize
lirelliform adjective Like a lirella.
liriodendra plural of Liriodendron
literalized imp. & past participle of Literalize
literalizer noun A literalist.
literalness noun The quality or state of being literal; literal import.
lithargyrum noun Crystallized litharge, obtained by fusion in the form of fine yellow scales.
lithodomous adjective Like, or pertaining to, Lithodomus; lithophagous.
lithofellic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, a crystalline, organic acid, resembling cholic acid, found in the biliary intestinal concretions (bezoar stones) common in certain species of antelope.
lithogenesy noun The doctrine or science of the origin of the minerals composing the globe.
lithogenous adjective Stone-producing; — said of polyps which form coral.
lithography noun The art or process of putting designs or writing, with a greasy material, on stone, and of producing printed impressions therefrom. The process depends, in the main, upon the antipathy between grease and water, which prevents a printing ink containing oil from adhering to wetted parts of the stone not covered by the design. See Lithographic limestone, under Lithographic.
lithologist noun One who is skilled in lithology.
lithophytic adjective Of or pertaining to lithophytes.
lithotomist noun One who performs the operation of cutting for stone in the bladder, or one who is skilled in the operation.
lithotripsy noun The operation of crushing a stone in the bladder with an instrument called lithotriptor or lithotrite; lithotrity.
lithotritor A lithotriptor.
lithotyping present participle & vb. noun of Lithotype
litigiously adverb In a litigious manner.
litterateur noun One who occupies himself with literature; a literary man; a literatus.
little-ease noun An old slang name for the pillory, stocks, etc., of a prison.
liver-grown adjective Having an enlarged liver.
lixiviating present participle & vb. noun of Lixiviate
lixiviation noun Lixiviating; the process of separating a soluble substance form one that is insoluble, by washing with some solvent, as water; leaching.