11 letter word starting with ma

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
maara shell A large, pearly, spiral, marine shell (Turbo margaritaceus), from the Pacific Islands. It is used as an ornament.
macadamized imp. & past participle of Macadamize
machaerodus noun Alt. of Machairodus
machairodus noun A genus of extinct mammals allied to the cats, and having in the upper jaw canine teeth of remarkable size and strength; — hence called saber-toothed tigers.
machicoulis noun Same as Machicolation.
machinating present participle & vb. noun of Machinate
machination noun The act of machinating., That which is devised; a device; a hostile or treacherous scheme; an artful design or plot.
macrobiotic adjective Long-lived.
macrochires noun pl. A division of birds including the swifts and humming birds. So called from the length of the distal part of the wing.
macrocosmic adjective Of or pertaining to the macrocosm.
macrocystis noun An immensely long blackish seaweed of the Pacific (Macrocystis pyrifera), having numerous almond-shaped air vessels.
macrodactyl noun One of a group of wading birds (Macrodactyli) having very long toes.
macropodian noun A macropod.
macropodous adjective Having long legs or feet.
macropteres noun pl. A division of birds; the Longipennes.
macroscopic adjective Alt. of Macroscopical
macrosporic adjective Of or pertaining to macrospores.
madefaction noun Alt. of Madefication
madisterium noun An instrument to extract hairs.
madreporian adjective Alt. of Madreporic
madreporite noun A fossil coral., The madreporic plate of echinoderms.
madrigalist noun A composer of madrigals.
madrilenian adjective Of or pertaining to Madrid in Spain, or to its inhabitants., A native or inhabitant of Madrid.
maggotiness noun State of being maggoty.
magisterial adjective Of or pertaining to a master or magistrate, or one in authority; having the manner of a magister; official; commanding; authoritative. Hence: Overbearing; dictatorial; dogmatic., Pertaining to, produced by, or of the nature of, magistery. See Magistery, 2.
magistrally adverb In a magistral manner.
magistratic adjective Alt. of Magistratical
magnanimity noun The quality of being magnanimous; greatness of mind; elevation or dignity of soul; that quality or combination of qualities, in character, which enables one to encounter danger and trouble with tranquility and firmness, to disdain injustice, meanness and revenge, and to act and sacrifice for noble objects.
magnanimous adjective Great of mind; elevated in soul or in sentiment; raised above what is low, mean, or ungenerous; of lofty and courageous spirit; as, a magnanimous character; a magnanimous conqueror., Dictated by or exhibiting nobleness of soul; honorable; noble; not selfish.
magnetician noun One versed in the science of magnetism; a magnetist.
maneticness noun Magneticalness.
magnetizing preposition & adverb of Magnetize
magnifiable adjective Such as can be magnified, or extolled.
magnificate verb t. To magnify or extol.
magnificent adjective Doing grand things; admirable in action; displaying great power or opulence, especially in building, way of living, and munificence., Grand in appearance; exhibiting grandeur or splendor; splendid’ pompous.
magnificoes plural of Magnifico
mahon stock An annual cruciferous plant with reddish purple or white flowers (Malcolmia maritima). It is called in England Virginia stock, but the plant comes from the Mediterranean.
maidservant noun A female servant.
maid’s hair The yellow bedstraw (Galium verum).
main-gauche noun The dagger held in the left hand, while the rapier is held in the right; — used to parry thrusts of the adversary’s rapier.
main-hamper noun A hamper to be carried in the hand; a hand basket used in carrying grapes to the press.
mainprising present participle & vb. noun of Mainprise
maintaining present participle & vb. noun of Maintain
maintenance noun The act of maintaining; sustenance; support; defense; vindication., That which maintains or supports; means of sustenance; supply of necessaries and conveniences., An officious or unlawful intermeddling in a cause depending between others, by assisting either party with money or means to carry it on. See Champerty.
make-belief noun A feigning to believe; make believe.
making-iron noun A tool somewhat like a chisel with a groove in it, used by calkers of ships to finish the seams after the oakum has been driven in.
malacissant adjective Softening; relaxing.
malacosteon noun A peculiar disease of the bones, in consequence of which they become softened and capable of being bent without breaking.
malamethane noun A white crystalline substance forming the ethyl salt of malamic acid.
malapropism noun A grotesque misuse of a word; a word so used.
malecontent adjective Malcontent.
maledicency noun Evil speaking.
malediction noun A proclaiming of evil against some one; a cursing; imprecation; a curse or execration; — opposed to benediction.
malefaction noun A crime; an offense; an evil deed.
maleficence noun Evil doing, esp. to others.
maleficiate verb t. To bewitch; to harm.
maleficient adjective Doing evil, harm, or mischief.
malevolence noun The quality or state of being malevolent; evil disposition toward another; inclination to injure others; ill will. See Synonym of Malice.
malfeasance noun The doing of an act which a person ought not to do; evil conduct; an illegal deed.
malgracious adjective Not graceful; displeasing.
malignantly adverb In a malignant manner.
malignified imp. & past participle of Malignify
malingering present participle & vb. noun of Malinger
mallee bird The leipoa. See Leipoa.
malposition noun A wrong position.
malpractice noun Evil practice; illegal or immoral conduct; practice contrary to established rules; specifically, the treatment of a case by a surgeon or physician in a manner which is contrary to accepted rules and productive of unfavorable results.
maltreating present participle & vb. noun of Maltreat
maltreament noun Ill treatment; ill usage; abuse.
mammalogist noun One versed in mammalogy.
mammiferous adjective Having breasts; of, pertaining to, or derived from, the Mammalia.
mammillated adjective Having small nipples, or small protuberances like nipples or mammae., Bounded like a nipple; — said of the apex of some shells.
mammothrept noun A child brought up by its grandmother; a spoiled child.
managership noun The office or position of a manager.
mancipation noun Slavery; involuntary servitude.
mandarinate noun The collective body of officials or persons of rank in China.
mandarining noun The process of giving an orange color to goods formed of animal tissue, as silk or wool, not by coloring matter, but by producing a certain change in the fiber by the action of dilute nitric acid.
mandarinism noun A government mandarins; character or spirit of the mandarins.
mandibulate adjective Alt. of Mandibulated, An insect having mandibles.
mandlestone noun Amygdaloid.
manducating present participle & vb. noun of Manducate
manducation noun The act of chewing.
manducatory adjective Pertaining to, or employed in, chewing.
maneuvering present participle & vb. noun of Manoeuvre
manoeuvring of Manoeuvre
manganesate noun A manganate.
manganesian adjective Manganic.
manganesium noun Manganese.
manganesous adjective Manganous.
manichaeism noun Alt. of Manicheism
manichordon The clavichord or clarichord; — called also dumb spinet.
manifesting present participle & vb. noun of Manifest
manifestoes plural of Manifesto
manifolding present participle & vb. noun of Manifold
manipulated imp. & past participle of Manipulate
manipulator noun One who manipulates.
manna croup The portions of hard wheat kernels not ground into flour by the millstones: a kind of semolina prepared in Russia and used for puddings, soups, etc. — called also manna groats., The husked grains of manna grass.
manstealing noun The act or business of stealing or kidnaping human beings, especially with a view to e/slave them.
mantelpiece noun Same as Mantel.
mantelshelf noun The shelf of a mantel.
mantologist noun One who is skilled in mantology; a diviner.
mantuamaker noun One who makes dresses, cloaks, etc., for women; a dressmaker.
manuduction noun Guidance by the hand.
manufactory noun Manufacture., A building or place where anything is manufactured; a factory., Pertaining to manufacturing.
manufacture noun The operation of making wares or any products by hand, by machinery, or by other agency., Anything made from raw materials by the hand, by machinery, or by art, as cloths, iron utensils, shoes, machinery, saddlery, etc., To make (wares or other products) by hand, by machinery, or by other agency; as, to manufacture cloth, nails, glass, etc., To work, as raw or partly wrought materials, into suitable forms for use; as, to manufacture wool, cotton, silk, or iron., To be employed in manufacturing something.
manumission noun The act of manumitting, or of liberating a slave from bondage.
manumitting present participle & vb. noun of Manumit
manutenency noun Maintenance.
many-minded adjective Having many faculties; versatile; many-sided.
marbleizing present participle & vb. noun of Marbleize
marcescible adjective Li/ble to wither or decay.
marchioness noun The wife or the widow of a marquis; a woman who has the rank and dignity of a marquis.
mare’s-nest noun A supposed discovery which turns out to be a hoax; something grosaly absurd.
mare’s-tail noun A long streaky cloud, spreading out like a horse’s tail, and believed to indicate rain; a cirrus cloud. See Cloud., An aquatic plant of the genus Hippuris (H. vulgaris), having narrow leaves in whorls.
margarodite noun A hidrous potash mica related to muscovite.
margraviate noun The territory or jurisdiction of a margrave.
marinership noun Seamanship.
marketstead noun A market place.
marmoration noun A covering or incrusting with marble; a casing of marble; a variegating so as to resemble marble.
marquisship noun A marquisate.
marseillais adjective f. Alt. of Marseillaise, Alt. of Marseillaise
marshalling of Marshal
marshalship noun The office of a marshal.
marshbanker noun Alt. of Marsebanker
marsebanker noun The menhaden.
marsupialia noun pl. A subclass of Mammalia, including nearly all the mammals of Australia and the adjacent islands, together with the opossums of America. They differ from ordinary mammals in having the corpus callosum very small, in being implacental, and in having their young born while very immature. The female generally carries the young for some time after birth in an external pouch, or marsupium. Called also Marsupiata.
martialized imp. & past participle of Martialize
martialness noun The quality of being martial.
martinetism noun The principles or practices of a martinet; rigid adherence to discipline, etc.
martyrologe noun A martyrology.
martyrology noun A history or account of martyrs; a register of martyrs.
marvelously adverb In a marvelous manner; wonderfully; strangely.
masculinity noun The state or quality of being masculine; masculineness.
masoretical adjective Of or relating to the Masora, or to its authors.
masqueraded imp. & past participle of Masquerade
masquerader noun One who masquerades; a person wearing a mask; one disguised.
masseterine adjective Masseteric.
massiveness noun The state or quality of being massive; massiness.
masterfully adverb In a masterful manner; imperiously.
masterpiece noun Anything done or made with extraordinary skill; a capital performance; a chef-d’oeuvre; a supreme achievement.
masticating present participle & vb. noun of Masticate
mastication noun The act or operation of masticating; chewing, as of food.
masticatory adjective Chewing; adapted to perform the office o/ chewing food., A substance to be chewed to increase the saliva.
mastigopoda noun pl. The Infusoria.
mastodontic adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, a mastodon; as, mastodontic dimensions.
masula boat Same as Masoola boat.
match-cloth noun A coarse cloth.
matchmaking noun The act or process of making matches for kindling or burning., The act or process of trying to bring about a marriage for others., Busy in making or contriving marriages; as, a matchmaking woman.
mateotechny noun Any unprofitable science.
materialism noun The doctrine of materialists; materialistic views and tenets., The tendency to give undue importance to material interests; devotion to the material nature and its wants., Material substances in the aggregate; matter.
materialist noun One who denies the existence of spiritual substances or agents, and maintains that spiritual phenomena, so called, are the result of some peculiar organization of matter., One who holds to the existence of matter, as distinguished from the idealist, who denies it.
materiality noun The quality or state of being material; material existence; corporeity., Importance; as, the materiality of facts.
materialize verb t. To invest with material characteristics; to make perceptible to the senses; hence, to present to the mind through the medium of material objects., To regard as matter; to consider or explain by the laws or principles which are appropriate to matter., To cause to assume a character appropriate to material things; to occupy with material interests; as, to materialize thought., To make visable in, or as in, a material form; — said of spirits., To appear as a material form; to take substantial shape.
materiarian noun See Materialist.
materiation noun Act of forming matter.
mathematics noun That science, or class of sciences, which treats of the exact relations existing between quantities or magnitudes, and of the methods by which, in accordance with these relations, quantities sought are deducible from other quantities known or supposed; the science of spatial and quantitative relations.
matriarchal adjective Of or pertaining to a matriarch; governed by a matriarch.
matriculate verb t. To enroll; to enter in a register; specifically, to enter or admit to membership in a body or society, particularly in a college or university, by enrolling the name in a register., To go though the process of admission to membership, as by examination and enrollment, in a society or college., Matriculated., One who is matriculated.
matrimonial adjective Of or pertaining to marriage; derived from marriage; connubial; nuptial; hymeneal; as, matrimonial rights or duties.
matronizing present participle & vb. noun of Matronize
maturescent adjective Approaching maturity.
maudlinwort noun The oxeye daisy.
mauvaniline noun See Mauve aniline, under Mauve.
mawkishness noun The quality or state of being mawkish.
maxilliform adjective Having the form, or structure, of a maxilla.
mazological adjective Of or pertaining to mazology.