11 letter word starting with me

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
meadowsweet noun Alt. of Meadowwort
measureless adjective Without measure; unlimited; immeasurable.
measurement noun The act or result of measuring; mensuration; as, measurement is required., The extent, size, capacity, amount. or quantity ascertained by measuring; as, its measurement is five acres.
mechanician noun One skilled in the theory or construction of machines; a machinist.
mechanizing present participle & vb. noun of Mechanize
mechitarist noun One of a religious congregation of the Roman Catholic Church devoted to the improvement of Armenians.
mediaevally adverb In the manner of the Middle Ages; in accordance with mediaevalism.
mediastinal adjective Of or pertaining to a mediastinum.
mediastinum noun A partition; a septum; specifically, the folds of the pleura (and the space included between them) which divide the thorax into a right and left cavity. The space included between these folds of the pleura, called the mediastinal space, contains the heart and gives passage to the esophagus and great blood vessels.
mediateness noun The state of being mediate.
mediatizing present participle & vb. noun of Mediatize
mediatorial adjective Of or pertaining to a mediator, or to mediation; mediatory; as, a mediatorial office.
medicinable adjective Medicinal; having the power of healing.
medicinally adverb In a medicinal manner.
medievalism Alt. of Medievalist
medievalist Same as Medi/val, Medi/valism, etc.
medioxumous adjective Intermediate.
megacoulomb noun A million coulombs.
megalomania noun A form of mental alienation in which the patient has grandiose delusions.
megalopolis noun A chief city; a metropolis.
megasthenic adjective Having a typically large size; belonging to the megasthenes.
megatherium noun An extinct gigantic quaternary mammal, allied to the ant-eaters and sloths. Its remains are found in South America.
megatheroid noun One of a family of extinct edentates found in America. The family includes the megatherium, the megalonyx, etc.
mekhitarist noun See Mechitarist.
melainotype noun See Melanotype.
melampyrite noun The saccharine substance dulcite; — so called because found in the leaves of cowwheat (Melampyrum). See Dulcite.
melanagogue noun A medicine supposed to expel black bile or choler.
melancholia noun A kind of mental unsoundness characterized by extreme depression of spirits, ill-grounded fears, delusions, and brooding over one particular subject or train of ideas.
melancholic adjective Given to melancholy; depressed; melancholy; dejected; unhappy., One affected with a gloomy state of mind., A gloomy state of mind; melancholy.
melanochroi noun pl. A group of the human race, including the dark whites.
melanoscope noun An instrument containing a combination of colored glasses such that they transmit only red light, so that objects of other colors, as green leaves, appear black when seen through it. It is used for viewing colored flames, to detect the presence of potassium, lithium, etc., by the red light which they emit.
melanosperm noun An alga of any kind that produces blackish spores, or seed dust. The melanosperms include the rockweeds and all kinds of kelp.
melanterite noun A hydrous sulphate of iron of a green color and vitreous luster; iron vitriol.
melic grass A genus of grasses (Melica) of little agricultural importance.
melicratory noun A meadlike drink.
meliorating present participle & vb. noun of Meliorate
melioration noun The act or operation of meliorating, or the state of being meliorated; improvement.
meliphagous adjective Eating, or feeding upon, honey.
melissylene noun See Melene.
melliferous adjective Producing honey.
mellifluent adjective Flowing as with honey; smooth; mellifluous.
mellifluous adjective Flowing as with honey; smooth; flowing sweetly or smoothly; as, a mellifluous voice.
melligenous adjective Having the qualities of honey.
melliphagan noun See Meliphagan.
meloplastic adjective Of or pertaining to meloplasty, or the artificial formation of a new cheek.
membraneous adjective See Membranous.
memorabilia noun pl. Things remarkable and worthy of remembrance or record; also, the record of them.
memorandums plural of Memorandum
memorialist noun One who writes or signs a memorial.
memorialize verb t. To address or petition by a memorial; to present a memorial to; as, to memorialize the legislature.
menaccanite noun An iron-black or steel-gray mineral, consisting chiefly of the oxides of iron and titanium. It is commonly massive, but occurs also in rhombohedral crystals. Called also titanic iron ore, and ilmenite.
mendacities plural of Mendacity
mendication noun The act or practice of begging; beggary; mendicancy.
menispermic adjective Pertaining to, or obtained from, moonseed (Menispermum), or other plants of the same family, as the Anamirta Cocculus.
menorrhagia noun Profuse menstruation., Any profuse bleeding from the uterus; Metrorrhagia.
menostation noun Same as Menostasis.
men-pleaser noun One whose motive is to please men or the world, rather than God.
menstruated imp. & past participle of Menstruate
mensuration noun The act, process, or art, of measuring., That branch of applied geometry which gives rules for finding the length of lines, the areas of surfaces, or the volumes of solids, from certain simple data of lines and angles.
mentionable adjective Fit to be mentioned.
mercenarian noun A mercenary.
mercenarily adverb In a mercenary manner.
mercenaries plural of Mercenary
merchandise noun The objects of commerce; whatever is usually bought or sold in trade, or market, or by merchants; wares; goods; commodities., The act or business of trading; trade; traffic., To trade; to carry on commerce., To make merchandise of; to buy and sell.
merchantmen plural of Merchantman
merchantman noun A merchant., A trading vessel; a ship employed in the transportation of goods, as, distinguished from a man-of-war.
mercurially adverb In a mercurial manner.
mercurified imp. & past participle of Mercurify
merithallus noun Same as Internode.
meritmonger noun One who depends on merit for salvation.
meritorious adjective Possessing merit; deserving of reward or honor; worthy of recompense; valuable.
meroblastic adjective Consisting only in part of germinal matter; characterized by partial segmentation only; as, meroblastic ova, in which a portion of the yolk only undergoes fission; meroblastic segmentation; — opposed to holoblastic.
merostomata noun pl. A class of Arthropoda, allied to the Crustacea. It includes the trilobites, Eurypteroidea, and Limuloidea. All are extinct except the horseshoe crabs of the last group. See Limulus.
merovingian adjective Of or pertaining to the first Frankish dynasty in Gaul or France., One of the kings of this dynasty.
merrymaking adjective Making or producing mirth; convivial; jolly., The act of making merry; conviviality; merriment; jollity.
mesalliance noun A marriage with a person of inferior social position; a misalliance.
mesmerizing present participle & vb. noun of Mesmerize
mesoblastic adjective Relating to the mesoblast; as, the mesoblastic layer.
mesogastric adjective Of or pertaining to the middle region of the abdomen, or of the stomach., Of or pertaining to the mesogaster., Of or pertaining to the middle gastric lobe of the carapace of a crab.
mesometrium noun The fold of the peritoneum supporting the oviduct.
mesomyodian noun A bird having a mesomyodous larynx.
mesomyodous adjective Having the intrinsic muscles of the larynx attached to the middle of the semirings.
mesonephric adjective Of or pertaining to the mesonephros; as, the mesonephric, or Wolffian, duct.
mesonephros noun The middle one of the three pairs of embryonic renal organs developed in most vertebrates; the Wolffian body.
mesophyllum noun The parenchyma of a leaf between the skin of the two surfaces.
mesopodiale noun One of the bones of either the carpus or tarsus.
mesoscapula noun A process from the middle of the scapula in some animals; the spine of the scapula.
mesosternal adjective Of or pertaining to the mesosternum.
mesosternum noun The middle portion, or body, of the sternum., The ventral piece of the middle segment of the thorax in insects.
mesothelium noun Epithelial mesoderm; a layer of cuboidal epithelium cells, formed from a portion of the mesoderm during the differetiation of the germ layers. It constitutes the boundary of the c/lum.
mesotrochal adjective Having the middle of the body surrounded by bands of cilia; — said of the larvae of certain marine annelids.
messiahship noun The state or office of the Messiah.
metabolisis noun Metabolism.
metachloral noun A white, amorphous, insoluble substance regarded as a polymeric variety of chloral.
metachrosis noun The power og changing color at will by the expansion of special pigment cells, under nerve influence, as seen in many reptiles, fishes, etc.
metacrolein noun A polymeric modification of acrolein obtained by heating it with caustic potash. It is a crystalline substance having an aromatic odor.
metacromion noun A process projecting backward and downward from the acromion of the scapula of some mammals.
metagastric adjective Of or pertaining to the two posterior gastric lobes of the carapace of crabs.
metagenesis noun The change of form which one animal species undergoes in a series of successively produced individuals, extending from the one developed from the ovum to the final perfected individual. Hence, metagenesis involves the production of sexual individuals by nonsexual means, either directly or through intervening sexless generations. Opposed to monogenesis. See Alternate generation, under Generation., Alternation of sexual and asexual or gemmiparous generations; — in distinction from heterogamy.
metagenetic adjective Of or pertaining to metagenesis.
metagraphic adjective By or pertaining to metagraphy.
metaldehyde noun A white crystalline substance isomeric with, and obtained from, acetic aldehyde by polymerization, and reconvertible into the same.
metalliform adjective Having the form or structure of a metal.
metallizing present participle & vb. noun of Metallize
metalloidal adjective Metalloid.
metallurgic adjective Alt. of Metallurgical
metalogical adjective Beyond the scope or province of logic.
metamorphic adjective Subject to change; changeable; variable., Causing a change of structure., Pertaining to, produced by, or exhibiting, certain changes which minerals or rocks may have undergone since their original deposition; — especially applied to the recrystallization which sedimentary rocks have undergone through the influence of heat and pressure, after which they are called metamorphic rocks.
metanephros noun The most posterior of the three pairs of embryonic renal organs developed in many vertebrates.
metapeptone noun An intermediate product formed in the gastric digestion of albuminous matter.
metaphorist noun One who makes metaphors.
metaphrased adjective Translated literally.
metaphrasis noun Metaphrase.
metaphysics noun The science of real as distinguished from phenomenal being; ontology; also, the science of being, with reference to its abstract and universal conditions, as distinguished from the science of determined or concrete being; the science of the conceptions and relations which are necessarily implied as true of every kind of being; phylosophy in general; first principles, or the science of first principles., Hence: The scientific knowledge of mental phenomena; mental philosophy; psychology.
metapodiale noun One of the bones of either the metacarpus or metatarsus.
metasilicic adjective Designating an acid derived from silicic acid by the removal of water; of or pertaining to such an acid.
metastannic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, a compound of tin (metastannic acid), obtained, as an isomeric modification of stannic acid, in the form of a white amorphous substance.
metasternal adjective Of or pertaining to the metasternum.
metasternum noun The most posterior element of the sternum; the ensiform process; xiphisternum., The ventral plate of the third or last segment of the thorax of insects.
metatitanic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid of titanium analogous to metasilicic acid.
metavanadic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, a vanadic acid analogous to metaphosphoric acid.
metempirics noun The concepts and relations which are conceived as beyond, and yet as related to, the knowledge gained by experience.
metemptosis noun The suppression of a day in the calendar to prevent the date of the new moon being set a day too late, or the suppression of the bissextile day once in 134 years. The opposite to this is the proemptosis, or the addition of a day every 330 years, and another every 2,400 years.
meteoroidal adjective Of or pertaining to a meteoroid or to meteoroids.
meteorolite noun A meteoric stone; an aerolite; a meteorite.
meteorology noun The science which treats of the atmosphere and its phenomena, particularly of its variations of heat and moisture, of its winds, storms, etc.
methodistic adjective Alt. of Methodistical
methodizing present participle & vb. noun of Methodize
methodology noun The science of method or arrangement; a treatise on method.
methylamine noun See Methyl amine, under Methyl.
methysticin noun A white, silky, crystalline substance extracted from the thick rootstock of a species of pepper (Piper methysticum) of the South Sea Islands; — called also kanakin.
metonymical adjective Used by way of metonymy.
metopomancy noun Fortune telling by physiognomy.
metoposcopy noun The study of physiognomy; the art of discovering the character of persons by their features, or the lines of the face.
metrochrome noun An instrument for measuring colors.
metromaniac noun One who has metromania.
metropolite noun A metropolitan.
mezzotinter noun One who engraves in mezzotint.