11 letter word starting with mul

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
mulierosity noun A fondness for women.
multangular adjective Having many angles.
multanimous adjective Many-minded; many-sided.
multicavous adjective Having many cavities.
multicuspid adjective Multicuspidate; — said of teeth.
multiferous adjective Bearing or producing much or many.
multijugate adjective Having many pairs of leaflets.
multijugous adjective Consisting of many parts., Same as Multijugate.
multilineal adjective Having many lines.
multinodate adjective Having many knots or nodes.
multinodous adjective Same as Multinodate.
multinomial noun & adjective Same as Polynomial.
multiparous adjective Producing many, or more than one, at a birth.
multiplying present participle & vb. noun of Multiply
multipotent adjective Having manifold power, or power to do many things.
multiramose adjective Having many branches.
multiscious adjective Having much or varied knowledge.
multiserial adjective Arranged in many rows, or series, as the scales of a pine cone, or the leaves of the houseleek.
multisonous adjective Having many sounds, or sounding much.
multispiral adjective Having numerous spiral coils round a center or nucleus; — said of the opercula of certain shells.
multivagant adjective Alt. of Multivagous
multivagous adjective Wandering much.
multivalent adjective Having a valence greater than one, as silicon., Having more than one degree of valence, as sulphur.