11 letter word starting with n

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
nail-headed adjective Having a head like that of a nail; formed so as to resemble the head of a nail.
namby-pamby noun Talk or writing which is weakly sentimental or affectedly pretty., Affectedly pretty; weakly sentimental; finical; insipid.
napha water A perfume distilled from orange flowers.
naphthalate noun A salt of naphthalic acid; a phthalate.
naphthalene noun A white crystalline aromatic hydrocarbon, C10H8, analogous to benzene, and obtained by the distillation of certain bituminous materials, such as the heavy oil of coal tar. It is the type and basis of a large number of derivatives among organic compounds. Formerly called also naphthaline.
naphthaline noun See Naphthalene.
naphthalize verb t. To mingle, saturate, or impregnate, with naphtha.
napoleonist noun A supporter of the dynasty of the Napoleons.
narcissuses plural of Narcissus
narcotizing present participle & vb. noun of Narcotize
narratively adverb In the style of narration.
nasicornous adjective Bearing a horn, or horns, on the nose, as the rhinoceros.
nasofrontal adjective Of or pertaining to the nose and the front of the head; as, the embryonic nasofrontal process which forms the anterior boundary of the mouth.
nasopalatal adjective Alt. of Nasopalatine
natalitious adjective Of or pertaining to one’s birth or birthday, or one’s nativity.
natatorious adjective Adapted for swimming; — said of the legs of certain insects.
nationalism noun The state of being national; national attachment; nationality., An idiom, trait, or character peculiar to any nation., National independence; the principles of the Nationalists.
nationalist noun One who advocates national unity and independence; one of a party favoring Irish independence.
nationality noun The quality of being national, or strongly attached to one’s own nation; patriotism., The sum of the qualities which distinguish a nation; national character., A race or people, as determined by common language and character, and not by political bias or divisions; a nation., Existence as a distinct or individual nation; national unity and integrity., The state or quality of belonging to or being connected with a nation or government by nativity, character, ownership, allegiance, etc.
nationalize verb t. To make national; to make a nation of; to endow with the character and habits of a nation, or the peculiar sentiments and attachment of citizens of a nation.
naturalized imp. & past participle of Naturalize
naturalness noun The state or quality of being natural; conformity to nature.
naughtiness noun The quality or state of being naughty; perverseness; badness; wickedness.
near-legged adjective Having the feet so near together that they interfere in traveling.
nearsighted adjective Seeing distinctly at short distances only; shortsighted.
necessarian noun An advocate of the doctrine of philosophical necessity; a nacessitarian., Of or pertaining to necessarianism.
necessarily adverb In a necessary manner; by necessity; unavoidably; indispensably.
necessaries plural of Necessary
necessitate verb t. To make necessary or indispensable; to render unaviolable., To reduce to the necessity of; to force; to compel.
necessitied adjective In a state of want; necessitous.
necessitous adjective Very needy or indigent; pressed with poverty., Narrow; destitute; pinching; pinched; as, necessitous circumstances.
necessitude noun Necessitousness; want., Necessary connection or relation.
necessities plural of Necessity
neckerchief noun A kerchief for the neck; — called also neck handkerchief.
necrobiosis noun The death of a part by molecular disintegration and without loss of continuity, as in the processes of degeneration and atrophy.
necrobiotic adjective Of or pertaining to necrobiosis; as, a necrobiotic metamorphosis.
necrologist noun One who gives an account of deaths.
necrologies plural of Necrology
necromancer noun One who practices necromancy; a sorcerer; a wizard.
necromantic noun Conjuration., Alt. of Necromantical
necrophagan adjective Eating carrion., Any species of a tribe (Necrophaga) of beetles which, in the larval state, feed on carrion; a burying beetle.
necrophobia noun An exaggerated fear of death or horror of dead bodies.
necroscopic adjective Alt. of Necroscopical
nectarizing present participle & vb. noun of Nectarize
needlestone noun Natrolite; — called also needle zeolite.
needlewomen plural of Needlewoman
needlewoman noun A woman who does needlework; a seamstress.
negligently adverb In a negligent manner.
negotiating present participle & vb. noun of Negotiate
negotiation noun The act or process of negotiating; a treating with another respecting sale or purchase. etc., Hence, mercantile business; trading., The transaction of business between nations; the mutual intercourse of governments by diplomatic agents, in making treaties, composing difference, etc.; as, the negotiations at Ghent.
negotiatory adjective Of or pertaining to negotiation.
negotiatrix noun A woman who negotiates.
negotiosity noun The state of being busy; multitude of business.
neighboring present participle & vb. n of neighbor, Living or being near; adjacent; as, the neighboring nations or countries.
nemathecium noun A peculiar kind of fructification on certain red algae, consisting of an external mass of filaments at length separating into tetraspores.
nematoblast noun A spermatocyte or spermoblast.
nematocalyx noun One of a peculiar kind of cups, or calicles, found upon hydroids of the family Plumularidae. They contain nematocysts. See Plumularia.
nematognath noun one of the Nematognathi.
nematoidean adjective & noun Nematoid.
nematophora noun pl. Same as Coelenterata.
nemophilist noun One who is fond of forest or forest scenery; a haunter of the woods.
neologistic adjective Alt. of Neologistical
neomenoidea noun pl. A division of vermiform gastropod mollusks, without a shell, belonging to the Isopleura.
neoplatonic adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, Neoplatonism or the Neoplatonists.
neotropical adjective Belonging to, or designating, a region of the earth’s surface which comprises most of South America, the Antilles, and tropical North America.
nephritical adjective Of or pertaining to the kidneys or urinary organs; renal; as, a nephritic disease., Affected with a disease of the kidneys; as, a nephritic patient., Relieving disorders of the kidneys; affecting the kidneys; as, a nephritic medicine.
nephrostome noun The funnelshaped opening of a nephridium into the body cavity.
nereocystis noun A genus of gigantic seaweeds.
nervimotion noun The movement caused in the sensory organs by external agents and transmitted to the muscles by the nerves.
nervousness noun State or quality of being nervous.
neithermore adjective Lower, nether.
neurenteric adjective Of or pertaining to both the neuron and the enteron; as, the neurenteric canal, which, in embroys of many vertebrates, connects the medullary tube and the primitive intestine. See Illust. of Ectoderm.
neurography noun A description of the nerves.
neurologist noun One who is versed in neurology; also, one skilled in the treatment of nervous diseases.
neuropathic adjective Of or pertaining to neuropathy; of the nature of, or suffering from, nervous disease.
neuropodium noun The ventral lobe or branch of a parapodium.
neuropodous adjective Having the limbs on, or directed toward, the neural side, as in most invertebrates; — opposed to haemapodous.
neuropteran noun A neuropter.
neuropteris noun An extensive genus of fossil ferns, of which species have been found from the Devonian to the Triassic formation.
neurotomist noun One who skilled in or practices neurotomy.
neutralized imp. & past participle of Neutralize
neutralizer noun One who, or that which, neutralizes; that which destroys, disguises, or renders inert the peculiar properties of a body.
newfanglist noun One who is eager for novelties or desirous of change.
news-letter noun A circular letter, written or printed for the purpose of disseminating news. This was the name given to the earliest English newspapers.
news-writer noun One who gathered news for, and wrote, news-letters.
new zealand A group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean.
nickar tree Same as Nicker nut, Nicker tree.
nicker tree The plant producing nicker nuts.
nicknackery noun See Knickknackery.
nicotianine noun A white waxy substance having a hot, bitter taste, extracted from tobacco leaves and called also tobacco camphor.
nictitation noun The act of winking.
nidificated imp. & past participle of Nidificate
niggardness noun Niggardliness.
niggardship noun Niggardliness.
nightertale noun period of night; nighttime.
nightingale noun A small, plain, brown and gray European song bird (Luscinia luscinia). It sings at night, and is celebrated for the sweetness of its song., A larger species (Lucinia philomela), of Eastern Europe, having similar habits; the thrush nightingale. The name is also applied to other allied species.
nigraniline noun The complex, nitrogenous, organic base and dyestuff called also aniline black.
nigromancie noun Necromancy.
nimbiferous adjective Serving to bring clouds or stormy weather.
nine-killer noun The northern butcher bird.
ninnyhammer noun A simpleton; a silly person.
nitraniline noun Any one of a series of nitro derivatives of aniline. In general they are yellow crystalline substances.
nitriferous adjective Bearing niter; yielding, or containing, niter.
nitrobenzol noun Alt. of Nitrobenzole
nitrocarbol noun See Nitromethane.
nitrogenize verb t. To combine, or impregnate, with nitrogen or its compounds.
nitrogenous adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, nitrogen; as, a nitrogenous principle; nitrogenous compounds.
nitroquinol noun A hypothetical nitro derivative of quinol or hydroquinone, not known in the free state, but forming a well defined series of derivatives.
noctiferous adjective Bringing night.
noctilionid noun A South American bat of the genus Noctilio, having cheek pouches and large incisor teeth.
noctilucine adjective Of or pertaining to Noctiluca.
noctilucous adjective Shining in the night.
noctivagant adjective Going about in the night; night-wandering.
noctivagous adjective Noctivagant.
nocturnally adverb By night; nightly.
nomenclator noun One who calls persons or things by their names., One who gives names to things, or who settles and adjusts the nomenclature of any art or science; also, a list or vocabulary of technical names.
nominatival adjective Of or pertaining to the nominative case.
nomopelmous adjective Having a separate and simple tendon to flex the first toe, or hallux, as do passerine birds.
nonagesimal adjective Of or pertaining to the ninetieth degree or to a nonagesimal., The middle or highest point of the part of the ecliptic which is at any given moment above the horizon. It is the ninetieth degree of the ecliptic, reckoned from the points in which it is intersected by the horizon.
nonchalance noun Indifference; carelessness; coolness.
noncohesion noun Want of cohesion.
nondelivery noun A neglect or failure of delivery; omission of delivery.
nondescript adjective Not hitherto described; novel; hence, odd; abnormal; unclassifiable., A thing not yet described; that of which no account or explanation has been given; something abnormal, or hardly classifiable.
nonelection noun Failure of election.
nonelectric adjective Alt. of Nonelectrical, A substance that is not an electric; that which transmits electricity, as a metal.
nonemphatic adjective Alt. of Nonemphatical
nonentities plural of Nonentity
nonexistent adjective Not having existence.
nonjurorism noun The doctrines, or action, of the Nonjurors.
nonmetallic adjective Not metallic., Resembling, or possessing the properties of, a nonmetal or metalloid; as, sulphur is a nonmetallic element.
nonplussing of Nonplus
nonresident adjective Not residing in a particular place, on one’s own estate, or in one’s proper place; as, a nonresident clergyman or proprietor of lands., A nonresident person; one who does not reside in the State or jurisdiction.
nonruminant adjective Not ruminating; as, a nonruminant animal.
nonsensical adjective Without sense; unmeaning; absurb; foolish; irrational; preposterous.
nonsolution noun Failure of solution or explanation.
nonsolvency noun Inability to pay debts; insolvency.
nonstriated adjective Without striations; unstriped; as, nonstriated muscle fibers.
nonunionist noun One who does not belong, or refuses to belong, to a trades union.
nonvascular adjective Destitute of vessels; extravascular.
noon-flower noun The goat’s beard, whose flowers close at midday.
northeaster noun A storm, strong wind, or gale, coming from the northeast.
northwardly adjective Having a northern direction., In a northern direction.
northwester noun A storm or gale from the northwest; a strong northwest wind.
nosological adjective Of or pertaining to nosology.
notableness noun The quality of being notable.
nothingness noun Nihility; nonexistence., The state of being of no value; a thing of no value.
notionality noun A notional or groundless opinion.
notochordal adjective Of or pertaining to the notochord; having a notochord.
notodontian noun Any one of several species of bombycid moths belonging to Notodonta, Nerice, and allied genera. The caterpillar of these moths has a hump, or spine, on its back.
notopodiums plural of Notopodium
nototherium noun An extinct genus of gigantic herbivorous marsupials, found in the Pliocene formation of Australia.
nott-headed adjective Having the hair cut close.
nourishable adjective Capable of being nourished; as, the nourishable parts of the body., Capable of giving nourishment.
nourishment noun The act of nourishing, or the state of being nourished; nutrition., That which serves to nourish; nutriment; food.
novatianism noun The doctrines or principles of the Novatians.
nucleolated adjective Having a nucleole, or second inner nucleus.
nucleoplasm noun The matter composing the nucleus of a cell; the protoplasm of the nucleus; karyoplasma.
nullifidian adjective Of no faith; also, not trusting to faith for salvation; — opposed to solifidian., An unbeliever.
numerically adverb In a numerical manner; in numbers; with respect to number, or sameness in number; as, a thing is numerically the same, or numerically different.
numismatics noun The science of coins and medals.
numismatist noun One skilled in numismatics; a numismatologist.
nummulation noun The arrangement of the red blood corpuscles in rouleaux, like piles of coins, as when a drop of human blood is examined under the microscope.
nuncupation noun The act of nuncupating.
nuncupative adjective Publicly or solemnly declaratory., Nominal; existing only in name., Oral; not written.
nuncupatory adjective Nuncupative; oral.
nundination noun Traffic at fairs; marketing; buying and selling.
nutrication noun The act or manner of feeding.
nutrimental adjective Nutritious.
nutritional adjective Of or pertaining to nutrition; as, nutritional changes.
nycthemeron noun The natural day and night, or space of twenty-four hours.
nyctitropic adjective Turning or bending at night into special positions.
nympholepsy noun A species of demoniac enthusiasm or possession coming upon one who had accidentally looked upon a nymph; ecstasy.
nymphomania noun Morbid and uncontrollable sexual desire in women, constituting a true disease.