11 letter word starting with o

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
obdormition noun Sleep.
obduredness noun Hardness.
obediential adjective According to the rule of obedience.
obfirmation noun Hardness of heart; obduracy.
obfuscating present participle & vb. noun of Obfuscate
obfuscation noun The act of darkening or bewildering; the state of being darkened.
obimbricate adjective Imbricated, with the overlapping ends directed downward.
objectivate verb t. To objectify.
objectively adverb In the manner or state of an object; as, a determinate idea objectively in the mind.
objectivity noun The state, quality, or relation of being objective; character of the object or of the objective.
objurgating present participle & vb. noun of Objurgate
objurgation noun The act of objurgating; reproof.
objurgatory adjective Designed to objurgate or chide; containing or expressing reproof; culpatory.
oblatration noun The act of oblatrating; a barking or snarling.
oblectation noun The act of pleasing highly; the state of being greatly pleased; delight.
obliquation noun The act of becoming oblique; a turning to one side; obliquity; as, the obliquation of the eyes., Deviation from moral rectitude.
obliqueness noun Quality or state of being oblique.
obliquities plural of Obliquity
obliterated imp. & past participle of Obliterate
obluctation noun A struggle against; resistance; opposition.
obscenities plural of Obscenity
obscuration verb t. The act or operation of obscuring; the state of being obscured; as, the obscuration of the moon in an eclipse.
obscurement noun The act of obscuring, or the state of being obscured; obscuration.
obscureness noun Obscurity.
obsecrating present participle & vb, noun of Obsecrate
obsecration noun The act of obsecrating or imploring; as, the obsecrations of the Litany, being those clauses beginning with “By.”, A figure of speech in which the orator implores the assistance of God or man.
obsecratory adjective Expressing, or used in, entreaty; supplicatory.
obsequience noun Obsequiousness.
observandum noun A thing to be observed.
observantly adverb In an observant manner.
observation noun The act or the faculty of observing or taking notice; the act of seeing, or of fixing the mind upon, anything., The result of an act, or of acts, of observing; view; reflection; conclusion; judgment., Hence: An expression of an opinion or judgment upon what one has observed; a remark., Performance of what is prescribed; adherence in practice; observance., The act of recognizing and noting some fact or occurrence in nature, as an aurora, a corona, or the structure of an animal., Specifically, the act of measuring, with suitable instruments, some magnitude, as the time of an occultation, with a clock; the right ascension of a star, with a transit instrument and clock; the sun’s altitude, or the distance of the moon from a star, with a sextant; the temperature, with a thermometer, etc., The information so acquired.
observative adjective Observing; watchful.
observatory noun A place or building for making observations on the heavenly bodies., A building fitted with instruments for making systematic observations of any particular class or series of natural phenomena., A place, as an elevated chamber, from which a view may be observed or commanded., A lookout on a flank of a battery whence an officer can note the range and effect of the fire.
obsignation noun The act of sealing or ratifying; the state of being sealed or confirmed; confirmation, as by the Holy Spirit.
obsignatory adjective Ratifying; confirming by sealing.
obsolescent adjective Going out of use; becoming obsolete; passing into desuetude.
obstetrical adjective Of or pertaining to midwifery, or the delivery of women in childbed; as, the obstetric art.
obstination noun Obstinacy; stubbornness.
obstipation noun The act of stopping up, as a passage., Extreme constipation.
obstriction noun The state of being constrained, bound, or obliged; that which constrains or obliges; obligation; bond.
obstructing present participle & vb. noun of Obstruct
obstruction noun The act of obstructing, or state of being obstructed., That which obstructs or impedes; an obstacle; an impediment; a hindrance., The condition of having the natural powers obstructed in their usual course; the arrest of the vital functions; death.
obstructive adjective Tending to obstruct; presenting obstacles; hindering; causing impediment., An obstructive person or thing.
obtemperate verb t. To obey.
obtestation noun The act of obtesting; supplication; protestation.
obumbration noun Act of darkening or obscuring.
occasioning present participle & vb. noun of Occasion
occasionate verb t. To occasion.
occidentals nounpl. Western Christians of the Latin rite. See Orientals.
occultation noun The hiding of a heavenly body from sight by the intervention of some other of the heavenly bodies; — applied especially to eclipses of stars and planets by the moon, and to the eclipses of satellites of planets by their primaries., Fig.: The state of being occult.
ochlocratic adjective Alt. of Ochlocratical
octahedrite noun Titanium dioxide occurring in acute octahedral crystals.
octodecimos plural of Octodecimo
octodentate adjective Having eight teeth.
octoedrical adjective See Octahedral.
octolocular adjective Having eight cells for seeds.
octonocular adjective Having eight eyes.
odometrical adjective Of or pertaining to the odometer, or to measurements made with it.
odontoblast noun One of the more or less columnar cells on the outer surface of the pulp of a tooth; an odontoplast. They are supposed to be connected with the formation of dentine., One of the cells which secrete the chitinous teeth of Mollusca.
odontograph noun An instrument for marking or laying off the outlines of teeth of gear wheels.
odontophora nounpl. Same as Cephalophora.
odontophore noun A special structure found in the mouth of most mollusks, except bivalves. It consists of several muscles and a cartilage which supports a chitinous radula, or lingual ribbon, armed with teeth. Also applied to the radula alone. See Radula.
odontoplast noun An odontoblast.
odoriferous adjective Bearing or yielding an odor; perfumed; usually, sweet of scent; fragrant; as, odoriferous spices, particles, fumes, breezes.
oeconomical adjective See Economical.
oecumenical adjective See Ecumenical.
oenanthylic adjective Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, oenanthyl; specifically, designating an acid formerly supposed to be identical with the acid in oenanthic ether, but now known to be identical with heptoic acid.
oenophilist noun A lover of wine.
oenothionic adjective Pertaining to an acid now called sulphovinic, / ethyl sulphuric, acid.
oesophageal adjective Same as Esophagus, Esophageal, etc.
oestruation noun The state of being under oestrual influence, or of having sexual desire.
offenseless adjective Unoffending; inoffensive.
offertories plural of Offertory
officialism noun The state of being official; a system of official government; also, adherence to office routine; red-tapism.
officialily noun See Officialty.
officiating present participle & vb. noun of Officiate
offscouring noun That which is scoured off; hence, refuse; rejected matter; that which is vile or despised.
offuscation See Obfuscate, Obfuscation.
old-maidish adjective Like an old maid; prim; precise; particular.
old-maidism noun The condition or characteristics of an old maid.
olfactories plural of Olfactory
oligandrous adjective Having few stamens.
oliganthous adjective Having few flowers.
oligarchist noun An advocate or supporter of oligarchy.
oligarchies plural of Oligarchy
oligochaeta noun pl. An order of Annelida which includes the earthworms and related species.
oligomerous adjective Having few members in each set of organs; as, an oligomerous flower.
oligotokous adjective Producing few young.
omnifarious adjective Of all varieties, forms, or kinds.
omniformity noun The condition or quality of having every form.
omniparient adjective Producing or bringing forth all things; all-producing.
omnipatient adjective Capable of enduring all things.
omnipotence noun Alt. of Omnipotency
omnipotency noun The state of being omnipotent; almighty power; hence, one who is omnipotent; the Deity., Unlimited power of a particular kind; as, love’s omnipotence.
omnipresent adjective Present in all places at the same time; ubiquitous; as, the omnipresent Jehovah.
omniscience noun The quality or state of being omniscient; — an attribute peculiar to God.
omnisciency noun Omniscience.
omphalocele noun A hernia at the navel.
omphalopter noun Alt. of Omphaloptic
omphaloptic noun An optical glass that is convex on both sides.
omphalotomy noun The operation of dividing the navel-string.
onagraceous adjective Alt. of Onagrarieous
oneiromancy noun Divination by means of dreams.
oneiroscopy noun The interpretation of dreams.
onirocritic adjective See Oneirocritic.
onomantical adjective Of or pertaining to onomancy.
onomasticon noun A collection of names and terms; a dictionary; specif., a collection of Greek names, with explanatory notes, made by Julius Pollux about A.D.180.
onomatechny noun Prognostication by the letters of a name.
onomatology noun The science of names or of their classification.
ontogenesis noun Alt. of Ontogeny
ontogenetic adjective Of or pertaining to ontogenesis; as, ontogenetic phenomena.
ontological adjective Of or pertaining to ontology.
onychomancy noun Divination by the nails.
onychophora noun pl. Malacopoda.
oophoridium noun The macrosporangium or case for the larger kind of spores in heterosporous flowerless plants.
oosporangia plural of Oosporangium
opalescence noun A reflection of a milky or pearly light from the interior of a mineral, as in the moonstone; the state or quality of being opalescent.
opeidoscope noun An instrument, consisting of a tube having one end open and the other end covered with a thin flexible membrance to the center of which is attached a small mirror. It is used for exhibiting upon a screen, by means of rays reflected from the mirror, the vibratory motions caused by sounds produced at the open end of the tube, as by speaking or singing into it.
open-handed adjective Generous; liberal; munificent.
open-headed adjective Bareheaded.
operatively adverb In an operative manner.
operculated adjective Closed by a lid or cover, as the capsules of the mosses., Having an operculum, or an apparatus for protecting the gills; — said of shells and of fishes.
opertaneous adjective Concealed; private.
ophiologist noun One versed in the natural history of serpents.
ophiomorpha noun pl. An order of tailless amphibians having a slender, wormlike body with regular annulations, and usually with minute scales imbedded in the skin. The limbs are rudimentary or wanting. It includes the caecilians. Called also Gymnophiona and Ophidobatrachia.
ophiophagus noun A genus of venomous East Indian snakes, which feed on other snakes. Ophiophagus elaps is said to be the largest and most deadly of poisonous snakes.
ophiuroidea noun pl. A class of star-shaped echinoderms having a disklike body, with slender, articulated arms, which are not grooved beneath and are often very fragile; — called also Ophiuroida and Ophiuridea. See Illust. under Brittle star.
ophthalmite noun An eyestalk; the organ which bears the compound eyes of decapod Crustacea.
opiniatrety noun Obstinacy in opinious.
opinionable adjective Being, or capable of being, a matter of opinion; that can be thought; not positively settled; as, an opinionable doctrine.
opinionated adjective Stiff in opinion; firmly or unduly adhering to one’s own opinion or to preconceived notions; obstinate in opinion.
opinionator noun An opinionated person; one given to conjecture.
opisthodome noun A back chamber; especially, that part of the naos, or cella, farthest from the main entrance, sometimes having an entrance of its own, and often used as a treasury.
opitulation noun The act of helping or aiding; help.
opobalsamum noun The old name of the aromatic resinous juice of the Balsamodendron opobalsamum, now commonly called balm of Gilead. See under Balm.
oppignerate verb i. To pledge; to pawn.
opportunism noun The art or practice of taking advantage of opportunities or circumstances, or of seeking immediate advantage with little regard for ultimate consequences.
opportunist noun One who advocates or practices opportunism.
opportunity noun Fit or convenient time; a time or place favorable for executing a purpose; a suitable combination of conditions; suitable occasion; chance., Convenience of situation; fitness., Importunity; earnestness.
opprobrious adjective Expressive of opprobrium; attaching disgrace; reproachful; scurrilous; as, opprobrious language., Infamous; despised; rendered hateful; as, an opprobrious name.
oppugnation noun Opposition.
orangetawny adjective & noun Deep orange-yellow; dark yellow.
orbiculated adjective Made, or being, in the form of an orb; having a circular, or nearly circular, or a spheroidal, outline.
orbitolites noun A genus of living Foraminifera, forming broad, thin, circular disks, containing numerous small chambers.
orbitonasal adjective Of or pertaining to the orbit and the nose; as, the orbitonasal, or ophthalmic, nerve.
orchestrion noun A large music box imitating a variety of orchestral instruments.
orchidology noun The branch of botany which treats of orchids.
orderliness noun The state or quality of being orderly.
oreographic adjective Of or pertaining to oreography.
organically adverb In an organic manner; by means of organs or with reference to organic functions; hence, fundamentally.
organizable adjective Capable of being organized; esp. (Biol.), capable of being formed into living tissue; as, organizable matter.
organogenic adjective Of or pertaining to organogenesis.
organophyly noun The tribal history of organs, — a branch of morphophyly.
organoscopy noun Phrenology.
orientalism noun Any system, doctrine, custom, expression, etc., peculiar to Oriental people., Knowledge or use of Oriental languages, history, literature, etc.
orientalist noun An inhabitant of the Eastern parts of the world; an Oriental., One versed in Eastern languages, literature, etc.; as, the Paris Congress of Orientalists.
orientality noun The quality or state of being oriental or eastern.
orientalize verb t. to render Oriental; to cause to conform to Oriental manners or conditions.
orientating present participle & vb. noun of Orientate
orientation noun The act or process of orientating; determination of the points of the compass, or the east point, in taking bearings., The tendency of a revolving body, when suspended in a certain way, to bring the axis of rotation into parallelism with the earth’s axis., An aspect or fronting to the east; especially (Arch.), the placing of a church so that the chancel, containing the altar toward which the congregation fronts in worship, will be on the east end., Fig.: A return to first principles; an orderly arrangement.
originalist noun One who is original.
originality noun The quality or state of being original.
originating present participle & vb. noun of Originate
origination noun The act or process of bringing or coming into existence; first production., Mode of production, or bringing into being.
originative adjective Having power, or tending, to originate, or bring into existence; originating.
ornamenting present participle & vb. noun of Ornament
ornitholite noun The fossil remains of a bird., A stone of various colors bearing the figures of birds.
ornithology noun That branch of zoology which treats of the natural history of birds and their classification., A treatise or book on this science.
ornithopoda noun pl. An order of herbivorous dinosaurs with birdlike characteristics in the skeleton, esp. in the pelvis and hind legs, which in some genera had only three functional toes, and supported the body in walking as in Iguanodon. See Illust. in Appendix.
ornithotomy noun The anatomy or dissection of birds.
orthocenter noun That point in which the three perpendiculars let fall from the angles of a triangle upon the opposite sides, or the sides produced, mutually intersect.
orthodromic adjective Of or pertaining to orthodromy.
orthoepical adjective Of or pertaining to orthoepy, or correct pronunciation.
orthography noun The art or practice of writing words with the proper letters, according to standard usage; conventionally correct spelling; also, mode of spelling; as, his orthography is vicious., The part of grammar which treats of the letters, and of the art of spelling words correctly., A drawing in correct projection, especially an elevation or a vertical section.
orthometric adjective Having the axes at right angles to one another; — said of crystals or crystalline forms.
orthopedist noun One who prevents, cures, or remedies deformities, esp. in children.
orthopteran noun One of the Orthoptera.
orthoscopic adjective Giving an image in correct or normal proportions; giving a flat field of view; as, an orthoscopic eyepiece.
orthostichy noun A longitudinal rank, or row, of leaves along a stem.
orthotomous adjective Having two cleavages at right angles with one another.
orthotropal adjective Alt. of Orthotropous
orthotropic adjective Having the longer axis vertical; — said of erect stems.
orthoxylene noun That variety of xylene in which the two methyl groups are in the ortho position; a colorless, liquid, combustible hydrocarbon resembling benzene.
oryctognosy noun Mineralogy.
oscillating present participle & vb. noun of Oscillate, That oscillates; vibrating; swinging.
oscillation noun The act of oscillating; a swinging or moving backward and forward, like a pendulum; vibration., Fluctuation; variation; change back and forth.
oscillative adjective Tending to oscillate; vibratory.
oscillatory adjective Moving, or characterized by motion, backward and forward like a pendulum; swinging; oscillating; vibratory; as, oscillatory motion.
ossiculated adjective Having small bones.
ossifragous adjective Serving to break bones; bone-breaking.
ostensively adverb In an ostensive manner.
ostensorium noun Alt. of Ostensory
ostentation noun The act of ostentating or of making an ambitious display; unnecessary show; pretentious parade; — usually in a detractive sense., A show or spectacle.
osteoclasis noun The operation of breaking a bone in order to correct deformity.
osteocommas plural of Osteocomma
osteography noun The description of bones; osteology.
osteologist noun One who is skilled in osteology; an osteologer.
osteoplasty noun An operation or process by which the total or partial loss of a bone is remedied.
osteotomist noun One skilled in osteotomy.
ostracizing present participle & vb. noun of Ostracize
ostracoidea noun pl. An order of Entomostraca possessing hard bivalve shells. They are of small size, and swim freely about.
ostreaceous adjective Of or pertaining to an oyster, or to a shell; shelly.
ostriferous adjective Producing oysters; containing oysters.
ostrogothic adjective Of or pertaining to the Ostrogoths.
otherwhiles adverb At another time, or other times; sometimes; /ccasionally.
outbreaking noun The act of breaking out., That which bursts forth.
outbuilding present participle & vb. noun of Outbuild, A building separate from, and subordinate to, the main house; an outhouse.
outfangthef verb t. A thief from without or abroad, taken within a lord’s fee or liberty., The privilege of trying such a thief.
outmaneuver verb t. Alt. of Outmanoeuvre
out-of-door adjective Being out of the house; being, or done, in the open air; outdoor; as, out-of-door exercise. See Out of door, under Out, adv.
outparamour verb t. To exceed in the number of mistresses.
out-patient noun A patient who is outside a hospital, but receives medical aid from it.
outscouring noun That which is scoured out o/ washed out.
outstanding adjective That stands out; undischarged; uncollected; not paid; as, outstanding obligations.
outstripped imp. & past participle of Outstrip
overagitate verb t. To agitate or discuss beyond what is expedient.
overanxiety noun The state of being overanxious; excessive anxiety.
overanxious adjective Anxious in an excessive or needless degree.
overbalance verb t. To exceed equality with; to outweigh., To cause to lose balance or equilibrium., Excess of weight or value; something more than an equivalent; as, an overbalance of exports.
overbearing adjective Overpowering; subduing; repressing., Aggressively haughty; arrogant; domineering; tyrannical; dictatorial; insolent.
overbookish adjective Excessively bookish.
overcapable adjective Too capable.
overcareful adjective Too careful.
overcarking adjective Too anxious; too full of care.
overcunning adjective Exceedingly or excessively cunning.
overcurious adjective Too curious.
overdrawing present participle & vb. noun of Overdraw
overearnest adjective Too earnest.
overelegant adjective Too elegant.
overfatigue noun Excessive fatigue., To fatigue to excess; to tire out.
overfeeding present participle & vb. noun of Overfeed
overflowing present participle & vb. noun of Overflow, An overflow; that which overflows; exuberance; copiousness.
overflutter verb t. To flutter over.
overforward adjective Forward to excess; too forward.
overfraught of Overfreight
overfreight verb t. To put too much freight in or upon; to load too full, or too heavily; to overload.
overgrassed adjective Overstocked, or overgrown, or covered, with grass.
overgrowing present participle & vb. noun of Overgrow
overhanging present participle & vb. noun of Overhang
overhauling of Overhaul, A strict examination with a view to correction or repairs.
overhearing present participle & vb. noun of Overhear
overhipping present participle & vb. noun of Overhip
overjealous adjective Excessively jealous; too jealous.
overknowing adjective Too knowing or too cunning.
overlabored imp. & past participle of Overlabor
overlashing noun Excess; exaggeration.
overlearned adjective Too learned.
overleather noun Upper leather.
overliberal adjective Too liberal.
overloading present participle & vb. noun of Overload
overlogical adjective Excessively logical; adhering too closely to the forms or rules of logic.
overlooking present participle & vb. noun of Overlook
overmagnify verb t. To magnify too much.
overmeasure verb t. To measure or estimate too largely., Excessive measure; the excess beyond true or proper measure; surplus.
overpassing present participle & vb. noun of Overpass
overpatient adjective Patient to excess.
overpicture verb t. To surpass nature in the picture or representation of.
overpowered imp. & past participle of Overpower
overprovoke verb t. To provoke excessively.
overreached imp. & past participle of Overreach
overreacher noun One who overreaches; one who cheats; a cheat.
overrunning present participle & vb. noun of Overrun
overscented adjective Scented excessively., Covered or concealed by a different odor.
overselling present participle & vb. noun of Oversell
oversetting present participle & vb. noun of Overset
overshadowy adjective Overshadowing.
overstating present participle & vb. noun of Overstate
overstaying present participle & vb. noun of Overstay
overstepped imp. & past participle of Overstep
overstocked imp. & past participle of Overstock
oversubtile adjective Excessively subtile.
overtedious adjective Too tedious.
overtopping present participle & vb. noun of Overtop
overtrading noun The act or practice of buying goods beyond the means of payment; a glutting of the market.
overturning present participle & vb. noun of Overturn
overvaluing present participle & vb. noun of Overvalue
overweather verb t. To expose too long to the influence of the weather.
overweening adjective Unduly confident; arrogant; presumptuous; conceited., Conceit; arrogance.
overwhelmed imp. & past participle of Overwhelm
overwrought of Overwork, Wrought upon excessively; overworked; overexcited.
overworking present participle & vb. noun of Overwork
overwrestle verb t. To subdue by wrestling.
overzealous adjective Too zealous.
ovipositing present participle & vb. noun of Oviposit, Alt. of Oviposition
oviposition noun The depositing of eggs, esp. by insects.
ovuliferous adjective Producing ovules.
oxaluramide noun Same as Oxalan.
oxidability noun Capability of being converted into an oxide.
oxidizement noun Oxidation.
oxychloride noun A ternary compound of oxygen and chlorine; as, plumbic oxychloride.
oxygenating present participle & vb. noun of Oxygenate
oxygenation noun The act or process of combining or of treating with oxygen; oxidation.
oxygenizing p pr. & vb. noun of Oxygenize
oxyhydrogen adjective Of or pertaining to a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen; as, oxyhydrogen gas.
oxymuriatic adjective Pertaining to, or consisting of, oxygen and muriatic acid, that is, hydrochloric acid.
oxyrrhodine noun A mixture of two parts of the oil of roses with one of the vinegar of roses.
oxysulphide noun A ternary compound of oxygen and sulphur.
ozonization noun Ozonation.
ozonometric adjective Pertaining to, or used for, the determination of the amount of ozone; of or relating to ozonometry.
ozonoscopic adjective Serving to indicate the presence or the amount of ozone.