11 letter word starting with or

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
orangetawny adjective & noun Deep orange-yellow; dark yellow.
orbiculated adjective Made, or being, in the form of an orb; having a circular, or nearly circular, or a spheroidal, outline.
orbitolites noun A genus of living Foraminifera, forming broad, thin, circular disks, containing numerous small chambers.
orbitonasal adjective Of or pertaining to the orbit and the nose; as, the orbitonasal, or ophthalmic, nerve.
orchestrion noun A large music box imitating a variety of orchestral instruments.
orchidology noun The branch of botany which treats of orchids.
orderliness noun The state or quality of being orderly.
oreographic adjective Of or pertaining to oreography.
organically adverb In an organic manner; by means of organs or with reference to organic functions; hence, fundamentally.
organizable adjective Capable of being organized; esp. (Biol.), capable of being formed into living tissue; as, organizable matter.
organogenic adjective Of or pertaining to organogenesis.
organophyly noun The tribal history of organs, — a branch of morphophyly.
organoscopy noun Phrenology.
orientalism noun Any system, doctrine, custom, expression, etc., peculiar to Oriental people., Knowledge or use of Oriental languages, history, literature, etc.
orientalist noun An inhabitant of the Eastern parts of the world; an Oriental., One versed in Eastern languages, literature, etc.; as, the Paris Congress of Orientalists.
orientality noun The quality or state of being oriental or eastern.
orientalize verb t. to render Oriental; to cause to conform to Oriental manners or conditions.
orientating present participle & vb. noun of Orientate
orientation noun The act or process of orientating; determination of the points of the compass, or the east point, in taking bearings., The tendency of a revolving body, when suspended in a certain way, to bring the axis of rotation into parallelism with the earth’s axis., An aspect or fronting to the east; especially (Arch.), the placing of a church so that the chancel, containing the altar toward which the congregation fronts in worship, will be on the east end., Fig.: A return to first principles; an orderly arrangement.
originalist noun One who is original.
originality noun The quality or state of being original.
originating present participle & vb. noun of Originate
origination noun The act or process of bringing or coming into existence; first production., Mode of production, or bringing into being.
originative adjective Having power, or tending, to originate, or bring into existence; originating.
ornamenting present participle & vb. noun of Ornament
ornitholite noun The fossil remains of a bird., A stone of various colors bearing the figures of birds.
ornithology noun That branch of zoology which treats of the natural history of birds and their classification., A treatise or book on this science.
ornithopoda noun pl. An order of herbivorous dinosaurs with birdlike characteristics in the skeleton, esp. in the pelvis and hind legs, which in some genera had only three functional toes, and supported the body in walking as in Iguanodon. See Illust. in Appendix.
ornithotomy noun The anatomy or dissection of birds.
orthocenter noun That point in which the three perpendiculars let fall from the angles of a triangle upon the opposite sides, or the sides produced, mutually intersect.
orthodromic adjective Of or pertaining to orthodromy.
orthoepical adjective Of or pertaining to orthoepy, or correct pronunciation.
orthography noun The art or practice of writing words with the proper letters, according to standard usage; conventionally correct spelling; also, mode of spelling; as, his orthography is vicious., The part of grammar which treats of the letters, and of the art of spelling words correctly., A drawing in correct projection, especially an elevation or a vertical section.
orthometric adjective Having the axes at right angles to one another; — said of crystals or crystalline forms.
orthopedist noun One who prevents, cures, or remedies deformities, esp. in children.
orthopteran noun One of the Orthoptera.
orthoscopic adjective Giving an image in correct or normal proportions; giving a flat field of view; as, an orthoscopic eyepiece.
orthostichy noun A longitudinal rank, or row, of leaves along a stem.
orthotomous adjective Having two cleavages at right angles with one another.
orthotropal adjective Alt. of Orthotropous
orthotropic adjective Having the longer axis vertical; — said of erect stems.
orthoxylene noun That variety of xylene in which the two methyl groups are in the ortho position; a colorless, liquid, combustible hydrocarbon resembling benzene.
oryctognosy noun Mineralogy.