11 letter word starting with par

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
parablastic adjective Of or pertaining to the parablast; as, the parablastic cells.
parabolical adjective Of the nature of a parable; expressed by a parable or figure; allegorical; as, parabolical instruction., Having the form or nature of a parabola; pertaining to, or resembling, a parabola; as, a parabolic curve., Generated by the revolution of a parabola, or by a line that moves on a parabola as a directing curve; as, a parabolic conoid.
paracelsian adjective Of, pertaining to, or in conformity with, the practice of Paracelsus, a Swiss physician of the 15th century., A follower of Paracelsus or his practice or teachings.
paracelsist noun A Paracelsian.
paracentric adjective Alt. of Paracentrical
parachordal adjective Situated on either side of the notochord; — applied especially to the cartilaginous rudiments of the skull on each side of the anterior part of the notochord., A parachordal cartilage.
paracmastic adjective Gradually decreasing; past the acme, or crisis, as a distemper.
paracorolla noun A secondary or inner corolla; a corona, as of the Narcissus.
paracrostic noun A poetical composition, in which the first verse contains, in order, the first letters of all the verses of the poem.
paradactyla plural of Paradactylum
paradisical adjective Paradisiacal.
paradoxical adjective Of the nature of a paradox., Inclined to paradoxes, or to tenets or notions contrary to received opinions.
paradoxides noun A genus of large trilobites characteristic of the primordial formations.
paragenesis noun The science which treats of minerals with special reference to their origin.
paraglossae plural of Paraglossa
paragnathus noun One of the two lobes which form the lower lip, or metastome, of Crustacea., One of the small, horny, toothlike jaws of certain annelids.
paragogical adjective Of, pertaining to, or constituting, a paragoge; added to the end of, or serving to lengthen, a word.
paragraphed imp. & past participle of Paragraph
paragrapher noun A writer of paragraphs; a paragraphist.
paragraphic adjective Alt. of Paragraphical
paraldehyde noun A polymeric modification of aldehyde obtained as a white crystalline substance.
paraleipsis noun A pretended or apparent omission; a figure by which a speaker artfully pretends to pass by what he really mentions; as, for example, if an orator should say, “I do not speak of my adversary’s scandalous venality and rapacity, his brutal conduct, his treachery and malice.”
parallactic adjective Alt. of Parallactical
paralleling present participle & vb. noun of Parallel
parallelism noun The quality or state of being parallel., Resemblance; correspondence; similarity., Similarity of construction or meaning of clauses placed side by side, especially clauses expressing the same sentiment with slight modifications, as is common in Hebrew poetry; e. g.: –//At her feet he bowed, he fell:/Where he bowed, there he fell down dead. Judg. v. 27.
parallelize verb t. To render parallel.
paralogical adjective Containing paralogism; illogical.
paralogized imp. & past participle of Paralogize
paralytical adjective See Paralytic.
paramastoid adjective Situated beside, or near, the mastoid portion of the temporal bone; paroccipital; — applied especially to a process of the skull in some animals.
paramountly adverb In a paramount manner.
paranucleus noun Some as Nucleolus.
paranymphal adjective Bridal; nuptial.
parapeptone noun An albuminous body formed in small quantity by the peptic digestion of proteids. It can be converted into peptone by pancreatic juice, but not by gastric juice.
paraphernal adjective Of or pertaining to paraphernalia; as, paraphernal property.
paraphrased imp. & past participle of Paraphrase
paraphraser noun One who paraphrases.
parapleurae plural of Parapleura
parascenium noun One of two apartments adjoining the stage, probably used as robing rooms.
paraselenae plural of Paraselene
parasitical adjective Of the nature of a parasite; fawning for food or favors; sycophantic., Of or pertaining to parasites; living on, or deriving nourishment from, some other living animal or plant. See Parasite, 2 & 3.
parasolette noun A small parasol.
parasynaxis noun An unlawful meeting.
paraventure adverb Peradventure; perchance.
paraxanthin noun A crystalline substance closely related to xanthin, present in small quantity in urine.
parbuckling present participle & vb. noun of Parbuckle
parcel-mele adverb By parcels or parts.
parchedness noun The state of being parched.
paremptosis noun Same as Parembole.
parenchymal adjective Of, pertaining to, or consisting of, parenchyma.
parenetioal adjective Hortatory; encouraging; persuasive.
parentation noun Something done or said in honor of the dead; obsequies.
parentheses plural of Parenthesis
parenthesis noun A word, phrase, or sentence, by way of comment or explanation, inserted in, or attached to, a sentence which would be grammatically complete without it. It is usually inclosed within curved lines (see def. 2 below), or dashes., One of the curved lines () which inclose a parenthetic word or phrase.
parenthetic adjective Alt. of Parenthetical
paripinnate adjective Pinnate with an equal number of leaflets on each side; having no odd leaflet at the end.
parishional adjective Of or pertaining to a parish; parochial.
parishioner noun One who belongs to, or is connected with, a parish.
parochially adverb In a parochial manner; by the parish, or by parishes.
paronomasia noun A play upon words; a figure by which the same word is used in different senses, or words similar in sound are set in opposition to each other, so as to give antithetical force to the sentence; punning.
paroophoron noun A small mass of tubules near the ovary in some animals, and corresponding with the parepididymis of the male.
partibility noun The quality or state of being partible; divisibility; separability; as, the partibility of an inherttance.
participant adjective Sharing; participating; having a share of part., A participator; a partaker.
participate adjective Acting in common; participating., To have a share in common with others; to take a part; to partake; — followed by in, formely by of; as, to participate in a debate., To partake of; to share in; to receive a part of., To impart, or give, or share of.
participial adjective Having, or partaking of, the nature and use of a participle; formed from a participle; as, a participial noun., A participial word.
particulate verb t. & i. To particularize., Having the form of a particle., Referring to, or produced by, particles, such as dust, minute germs, etc.
partitioned imp. & past participle of Partition
partitively adverb In a partitive manner.
partnership noun The state or condition of being a partner; as, to be in partnership with another; to have partnership in the fortunes of a family or a state., A division or sharing among partners; joint possession or interest., An alliance or association of persons for the prosecution of an undertaking or a business on joint account; a company; a firm; a house; as, to form a partnership., A contract between two or more competent persons for joining together their money, goods, labor, and skill, or any or all of them, under an understanding that there shall be a communion of profit between them, and for the purpose of carrying on a legal trade, business, or adventure., See Fellowship, n., 6.
parturiency noun Parturition.
parturition noun The act of bringing forth, or being delivered of, young; the act of giving birth; delivery; childbirth., That which is brought forth; a birth.
parturitive adjective Pertaining to parturition; obstetric.
parvanimity noun The state or quality of having a little or ignoble mind; pettiness; meanness; — opposed to magnanimity.