11 letter word starting with pas

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
pasigraphic adjective Alt. of Pasigraphical
passacaglia noun Alt. of Passacaglio
passacaglio noun An old Italian or Spanish dance tune, in slow three-four measure, with divisions on a ground bass, resembling a chaconne.
passeriform adjective Like or belonging to the Passeres.
passibility noun The quality or state of being passible; aptness to feel or suffer; sensibility.
passionless adjective Void of passion; without anger or emotion; not easily excited; calm.
passiontide noun The last fortnight of Lent.
passiveness noun The quality or state of being passive; unresisting submission.
pass-parole noun An order passed from front to rear by word of mouth.
pastureless adjective Destitute of pasture.