11 letter word starting with pe

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
pearlaceous adjective Resembling pearl or mother-of-pearl; pearly in quality or appearance.
pear-shaped adjective Of the form of a pear.
peasantlike adjective Rude; clownish; illiterate.
pebblestone A pebble; also, pebbles collectively.
peccability noun The state or quality of being peccable; lability to sin.
peccadillos plural of Peccadillo
pectinately adverb In a pectinate manner.
pectination noun The state of being pectinated; that which is pectinated., The act of combing; the combing of the head., Comblike toothing.
pectiniform adjective Comblike in form.
pectostraca noun pl. A degenerate order of Crustacea, including the Rhizocephala and Cirripedia.
peculiarity noun The quality or state of being peculiar; individuality; singularity., That which is peculiar; a special and distinctive characteristic or habit; particularity., Exclusive possession or right.
pecularized imp. & past participle of Peculiarize
peculiarize verb t. To make peculiar; to set appart or assign, as an exclusive possession.
pecuniarily adverb In a pecuniary manner; as regards money.
pedagogical adjective Of or pertaining to a pedagogue; suited to, or characteristic of, a pedagogue.
pedestrious adjective Going on foot; not winged.
pedetentous adjective Proceeding step by step; advancing cautiously.
pedicellate adjective Having a pedicel; supported by a pedicel.
pedicellina noun A genus of Bryozoa, of the order Entoprocta, having a bell-shaped body supported on a slender pedicel. See Illust. under Entoprocta.
pedipalpous adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, the pedipalps.
pedobaptism noun The baptism of infants or of small children.
pedobaptist noun One who advocates or practices infant baptism.
pedunculata noun pl. A division of Cirripedia, including the stalked or goose barnacles.
pedunculate adjective Alt. of Pedunculated
peepul tree A sacred tree (Ficus religiosa) of the Buddhists, a kind of fig tree which attains great size and venerable age. See Bo tree.
peevishness noun The quality of being peevish; disposition to murmur; sourness of temper.
pelagianism noun The doctrines of Pelagius.
pelargonium noun A large genus of plants of the order Geraniaceae, differing from Geranium in having a spurred calyx and an irregular corolla.
pellucidity noun Alt. of Pellucidness
penanceless adjective Free from penance.
pencillated adjective Shaped like a pencil; penicillate.
pendulosity noun The state or quality of being pendulous.
pendulously adverb In a pendulous manner.
penetrating present participle & vb. noun of Penetrate, Having the power of entering, piercing, or pervading; sharp; subtile; penetrative; as, a penetrating odor., Acute; discerning; sagacious; quick to discover; as, a penetrating mind.
penetration noun The act or process of penetrating, piercing, or entering; also, the act of mentally penetrating into, or comprehending, anything difficult., Acuteness; insight; sharp discoverment; sagacity; as, a person of singular penetration.
penetrative adjective Tending to penetrate; of a penetrating quality; piercing; as, the penetrative sun., Having the power to affect or impress the mind or heart; impressive; as, penetrative shame., Acute; discerning; sagacious; as, penetrative wisdom.
penicillate adjective Having the form of a pencil; furnished with a pencil of fine hairs; ending in a tuft of hairs like a camel’s-hair brush, as the stigmas of some grasses.
peninsulate verb t. To form into a peninsula.
penitential adjective Of or pertaining to penitence, or to penance; expressing penitence; of the nature of penance; as, the penitential book; penitential tears., A book formerly used by priests hearing confessions, containing rules for the imposition of penances; — called also penitential book.
pennigerous adjective Bearing feathers or quills.
penninerved adjective Pinnately veined or nerved.
pennipotent adjective Strong of wing; strong on the wing.
pennoncelle noun See Pencel.
pennyweight noun A troy weight containing twenty-four grains, or the twentieth part of an ounce; as, a pennyweight of gold or of arsenic. It was anciently the weight of a silver penny, whence the name.
penological adjective Of or pertaining to penology.
pensileness noun State or quality of being pensile; pendulousness.
pensiveness noun The state of being pensive; serious thoughtfulness; seriousness.
pentaconter noun See Penteconter.
pentacrinin noun A red and purple pigment found in certain crinoids of the genus Pentacrinus.
pentacrinus noun A genus of large, stalked crinoids, of which several species occur in deep water among the West Indies and elsewhere.
pentadactyl adjective Alt. of Pentadactyle
pentadecane noun A hydrocarbon of the paraffin series, (C15H32) found in petroleum, tar oil, etc., and obtained as a colorless liquid; — so called from the fifteen carbon atoms in the molecule.
pentagonous adjective Pentagonal.
pentagynian adjective Alt. of Pentagynous
pentagynous adjective Of or pertaining to plants of the order Pentagyna; having five styles.
pentahedral adjective Having five sides; as, a pentahedral figure.
pentahedron noun A solid figure having five sides.
pentamerous adjective Divided into, or consisting of, five parts; also, arranged in sets, with five parts in each set, as a flower with five sepals, five petals, five, or twice five, stamens, and five pistils., Belonging to the Pentamera.
pentandrian adjective Alt. of Pentandrous
pentandrous adjective Of or pertaining to the class Pentadria; having five stamens.
pentangular adjective Having five corners or angles.
pentavalent adjective Having a valence of five; — said of certain atoms and radicals.
penteconter noun A Grecian vessel with fifty oars.
pentecostal adjective Of or pertaining to Pentecost or to Whitsuntide.
pentecoster noun An officer in the Spartan army commanding fifty men.
pentremites noun A genus of crinoids belonging to the Blastoidea. They have five petal-like ambulacra.
penultimate adjective Last but one; as, the penultimate syllable, the last syllable but one of a word., The penult.
pepperbrand noun See 1st Bunt.
peppergrass noun Any herb of the cruciferous genus Lepidium, especially the garden peppergrass, or garden cress, Lepidium sativum; — called also pepperwort. All the species have a pungent flavor., The common pillwort of Europe (Pilularia globulifera). See Pillwort.
peptogenous adjective Capable of yielding, or being converted into, peptone.
peptotoxine noun A toxic alkaloid found occasionally associated with the peptones formed from fibrin by pepsinhydrochloric acid.
peragration noun The act or state of passing through any space; as, the peragration of the moon in her monthly revolution.
perambulate verb t. To walk through or over; especially, to travel over for the purpose of surveying or examining; to inspect by traversing; specifically, to inspect officially the boundaries of, as of a town or parish, by walking over the whole line., To walk about; to ramble; to stroll; as, he perambulated in the park.
percarburet noun A percarbide.
perceivable adjective Capable of being perceived; perceptible.
perceivance noun Power of perceiving.
perceptible adjective Capable of being perceived; cognizable; discernible; perceivable.
perchlorate noun A salt of perchloric acid.
perchloride noun A chloride having a higher proportion of chlorine than any other chloride of the same substance or series.
perciformes noun pl. An extensive tribe or suborder of fishes, including the true perches (Percidae); the pondfishes (Centrarchidae); the sciaenoids (Sciaenidae); the sparoids (Sparidae); the serranoids (Serranidae), and some other related families.
percipience noun Alt. of Percipiency
percipiency noun The faculty, act or power of perceiving; perception.
percolating present participle & vb. noun of Percolate
percolation noun The act or process of percolating, or filtering; filtration; straining. Specifically (Pharm.), the process of exhausting the virtues of a powdered drug by letting a liquid filter slowly through it.
percomorphi noun pl. A division of fishes including the perches and related kinds.
perduellion noun Treason.
perduration noun Long continuance.
peregrinate verb i. To travel from place to place, or from one country to another; hence, to sojourn in foreign countries., Having traveled; foreign.
peregrinity noun Foreignness; strangeness., Travel; wandering.
perennially adverb In a perennial manner.
pererration noun A wandering, or rambling, through various places.
perfectible adjective Capable of becoming, or being made, perfect.
perfectness noun The quality or state of being perfect; perfection.
perforating present participle & vb. noun of Perforate
perforation noun The act of perforating, or of boring or piercing through., A hole made by boring or piercing; an aperture.
perforative adjective Having power to perforate or pierce.
performable adjective Admitting of being performed, done, or executed; practicable.
performance noun The act of performing; the carrying into execution or action; execution; achievement; accomplishment; representation by action; as, the performance of an undertaking of a duty., That which is performed or accomplished; a thing done or carried through; an achievement; a deed; an act; a feat; esp., an action of an elaborate or public character.
perfumatory adjective Emitting perfume; perfuming.
perfunctory adjective Done merely to get rid of a duty; performed mechanically and as a thing of rote; done in a careless and superficial manner; characterized by indifference; as, perfunctory admonitions., Hence: Mechanical; indifferent; listless; careless.
pergamenous adjective Alt. of Pergamentaceous
perianthium noun The perianth.
pericambium noun A layer of thin-walled young cells in a growing stem, in which layer certain new vessels originate.
pericardiac adjective Alt. of Pericardial
pericardial adjective Of or pertaining to pericardium; situated around the heart.
pericardian adjective Pericardiac.
pericardium noun The double baglike fold of serous membrane which incloses the heart.
pericarpial adjective Alt. of Pericarpic
perichaetia plural of Perichaetium
perichordal adjective Around the notochord; as, a perichordal column. See Epichordal.
periclasite noun A grayish or dark green mineral, consisting essentially of magnesia (magnesium oxide), occurring in granular forms or in isometric crystals.
periclinium noun The involucre which surrounds the common receptacle in composite flowers.
periclitate verb t. To endanger.
pericranial adjective Of or pertaining to the pericranium.
pericranium noun The periosteum which covers the cranium externally; the region around the cranium.
perienteron noun The primitive perivisceral cavity.
perigastric adjective Surrounding the stomach; — applied to the body cavity of Bryozoa and various other Invertebrata.
perigenesis noun A theory which explains inheritance by the transmission of the type of growth force possessed by one generation to another.
perigenetic adjective Of or pertaining to perigenesis.
perineurial adjective Surrounding nerves or nerve fibers; of or pertaining to the perineurium.
perineurium noun The connective tissue sheath which surrounds a bundle of nerve fibers. See Epineurium, and Neurilemma.
perinuclear adjective Of or pertaining to a nucleus; situated around a nucleus; as, the perinuclear protoplasm.
periodicity noun The quality or state of being periodical, or regularly recurrent; as, the periodicity in the vital phenomena of plants.
periodontal adjective Surrounding the teeth.
perioecians noun pl. Those who live on the same parallel of latitude but on opposite meridians, so that it is noon in one place when it is midnight in the other. Compare Antoeci.
periostitis noun Inflammation of the periosteum.
periostraca plural of Periostracum
peripatetic adjective Walking about; itinerant., Of or pertaining to the philosophy taught by Aristotle (who gave his instructions while walking in the Lyceum at Athens), or to his followers., One who walks about; a pedestrian; an itinerant., A disciple of Aristotle; an Aristotelian.
peripheries plural of Periphery
periphrased imp. & past participle of Periphrase
periphrases plural of Periphrasis
periphrasis noun See Periphrase.
peripterous adjective Peripteral., Feathered all around.
perispheric adjective Alt. of Perispherical
perispomena plural of Perispomenon
perissology noun Superfluity of words.
peristalsis noun Peristaltic contraction or action.
peristaltic adjective Applied to the peculiar wormlike wave motion of the intestines and other similar structures, produced by the successive contraction of the muscular fibers of their walls, forcing their contents onwards; as, peristaltic movement.
peristerion noun The herb vervain (Verbena officinalis).
peristerite noun A variety of albite, whitish and slightly iridescent like a pigeon’s neck.
peristomata plural of Peristoma
peristomial adjective Of or pertaining to a peristome.
peristomium noun Same as Peristome.
perisystole noun The interval between the diastole and systole of the heart. It is perceptible only in the dying.
perithecium noun An organ in certain fungi and lichens, surrounding and enveloping the masses of fructification.
peritonaeum noun Same as Peritoneum.
peritonitis noun Inflammation of the peritoneum.
peritropous adjective Peritropal.
periuterine adjective Surrounding the uterus.
permanently adverb In a permanent manner.
permanganic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, one of the higher acids of manganese, HMnO4, which forms salts called permanganates.
permiscible adjective Capable of being mixed.
permissible adjective That may be permitted; allowable; admissible.
permittance noun The act of permitting; allowance; permission; leave.
permutation noun The act of permuting; exchange of the thing for another; mutual transference; interchange., The arrangement of any determinate number of things, as units, objects, letters, etc., in all possible orders, one after the other; — called also alternation. Cf. Combination, n., 4., Any one of such possible arrangements., Barter; exchange.
pernyi moth A silk-producing moth (Attacus Pernyi) which feeds upon the oak. It has been introduced into Europe and America from China.
peroxidized imp. & past participle of Peroxidize
perpendicle noun Something hanging straight down; a plumb line.
perpetrable adjective Capable of being perpetrated.
perpetrated imp. & past participle of Perpetrate
perpetrator noun One who perpetrates; esp., one who commits an offense or crime.
perpetuable adjective Capable of being perpetuated or continued.
perpetually adverb In a perpetual manner; constantly; continually.
perpetualty noun The state or condition of being perpetual.
perpetuance noun Perpetuity.
perpetuated imp. & past participle of Perpetuate
perpotation noun The act of drinking excessively; a drinking bout.
perquisited adjective Supplied with perquisites.
persecuting present participle & vb. noun of Persecute
persecution noun The act or practice of persecuting; especially, the infliction of loss, pain, or death for adherence to a particular creed or mode of worship., The state or condition of being persecuted., A carrying on; prosecution.
persecutrix noun A woman who persecutes.
perseverant adjective Persevering.
persevering present participle & vb. noun of Persevere, Characterized by perseverance; persistent.
persistence noun Alt. of Persistency
persistency noun The quality or state of being persistent; staying or continuing quality; hence, in an unfavorable sense, doggedness; obstinacy., The continuance of an effect after the cause which first gave rise to it is removed, The persistence of motion., Visual persistence, or persistence of the visual impression; auditory persistence, etc.
personalism noun The quality or state of being personal; personality.
personality noun That which constitutes distinction of person; individuality., Something said or written which refers to the person, conduct, etc., of some individual, especially something of a disparaging or offensive nature; personal remarks; as, indulgence in personalities., That quality of a law which concerns the condition, state, and capacity of persons.
personalize verb t. To make personal.
personating present participle & vb. noun of Personate
personation noun The act of personating, or conterfeiting the person or character of another.
personifier noun One who personifies.
personified imp. & past participle of Personify
perspective noun Of or pertaining to the science of vision; optical., Pertaining to the art, or in accordance with the laws, of perspective., A glass through which objects are viewed., That which is seen through an opening; a view; a vista., The effect of distance upon the appearance of objects, by means of which the eye recognized them as being at a more or less measurable distance. Hence, aerial perspective, the assumed greater vagueness or uncertainty of outline in distant objects., The art and the science of so delineating objects that they shall seem to grow smaller as they recede from the eye; — called also linear perspective., A drawing in linear perspective.
perspicable adjective Discernible.
perspicuity noun The quality or state of being transparent or translucent., The quality of being perspicuous to the understanding; clearness of expression or thought., Sagacity; perspicacity.
perspicuous adjective Capable of being through; transparent; translucent; not opaque., Clear to the understanding; capable of being clearly understood; clear in thought or in expression; not obscure or ambiguous; as, a perspicuous writer; perspicuous statements.
perspirable adjective Capable of being perspired., Emitting perspiration; perspiring.
persuadable adjective That may be persuaded.
persuasible adjective Capable of being persuaded; persuadable., Persuasive.
persulphate noun A sulphate of the peroxide of any base.
persulphide noun A sulphide containing more sulphur than some other compound of the same elements; as, iron pyrites is a persulphide; — formerly called persulphuret.
pertinacity noun The quality or state of being pertinacious; obstinacy; perseverance; persistency.
pertinately adverb Pertinaciously.
perturbable adjective Liable to be perturbed or agitated; liable to be disturbed or disquieted.
perturbance noun Disturbance; perturbation.
perturbator noun A perturber.
perversedly adverb Perversely.
pervertible adjective Capable of being perverted.
pervicacity noun Obstinacy; pervicaciousness.
pessimistic adjective Of or pertaining to pessimism; characterized by pessimism; gloomy; foreboding.
pestiferous adjective Pest-bearing; pestilential; noxious to health; malignant; infectious; contagious; as, pestiferous bodies., Noxious to peace, to morals, or to society; vicious; hurtful; destructive; as, a pestiferous demagogue.
pestilently adverb In a pestilent manner; mischievously; destructively.
pestilation noun The act of pounding and bruising with a pestle in a mortar.
petiolulate adjective Supported by its own petiolule.
petitioning present participle & vb. noun of Petition, The act of presenting apetition; a supplication.
petitionary adjective Supplicatory; making a petition., Containing a petition; of the nature of a petition; as, a petitionary epistle.
petrescence noun The process of changing into stone; petrification.
petrificate verb t. To petrify.
petroglyphy noun The art or operation of carving figures or inscriptions on rock or stone.
petrography noun The art of writing on stone., The scientific description of rocks; that department of science which investigates the constitution of rocks; petrology.
petrologist noun One who is versed in petrology.
petromyzont noun A lamprey.
pettifogged imp. & past participle of Pettifog
pettifogger noun A lawyer who deals in petty cases; an attorney whose methods are mean and tricky; an inferior lawyer.