11 letter word starting with pi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
piacularity noun The quality or state of being piacular; criminality; wickedness.
pickpennies plural of Pickpenny
picturesque adjective Forming, or fitted to form, a good or pleasing picture; representing with the clearness or ideal beauty appropriate to a picture; expressing that peculiar kind of beauty which is agreeable in a picture, natural or artificial; graphic; vivid; as, a picturesque scene or attitude; picturesque language.
picturizing present participle & vb. noun of Picturize
piecemealed adjective Divided into pieces.
piedmontite noun A manganesian kind of epidote, from Piedmont. See Epidote.
pietistical adjective Of or pertaining to the Pietists; hence, in contempt, affectedly or demonstratively religious.
pietra dura Hard and fine stones in general, such as are used for inlay and the like, as distinguished from the softer stones used in building; thus, a Florentine mosaic is a familiar instance of work in pietra dura, though the ground may be soft marble.
pignoration noun The act of pledging or pawning., The taking of cattle doing damage, by way of pledge, till satisfaction is made.
pignorative adjective Pledging, pawning.
pike-devant noun A pointed beard.
pill-willet noun The willet.
pilocarpine noun An alkaloid extracted from jaborandi (Pilocarpus pennatifolius) as a white amorphous or crystalline substance which has a peculiar effect on the vasomotor system.
pinacotheca noun A picture gallery.
pipe laying The laying of conducting pipes underground, as for water, gas, etc., The act or method of making combinations for personal advantage secretly or slyly; — in this sense, usually written as one word.
piperaceous adjective Of or pertaining to the order of plants (Piperaceae) of which the pepper (Piper nigrum) is the type. There are about a dozen genera and a thousand species, mostly tropical plants with pungent and aromatic qualities.
pipistrelle noun A small European bat (Vesperugo pipistrellus); — called also flittermouse.
pippul tree Same as Peepul tree.
pirouetting present participle & vb. noun of Pirouette
piscatorial adjective Alt. of Piscatory
piscivorous adjective Feeding or subsisting on fish.
pissasphalt noun Earth pitch; a soft, black bitumen of the consistence of tar, and of a strong smell. It is inflammable, and intermediate between petroleum and asphalt.
pitch-black adjective Black as pitch or tar.
pitchblende noun A pitch-black mineral consisting chiefly of the oxide of uranium; uraninite. See Uraninite.
pitcherfuls plural of Pitcherful
pitch-faced adjective Having the arris defined by a line beyond which the rock is cut away, so as to give nearly true edges; — said of squared stones that are otherwise quarry-faced.