11 letter word starting with po

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
pock-broken adjective Broken out, or marked, with smallpox; pock-fretten.
pocketknife noun A knife with one or more blades, which fold into the handle so as to admit of being carried in the pocket.
pock-pitted adjective Pockmarked; pitted.
pococurante noun A careless person; a trifler.
podophyllin noun A brown bitter gum extracted from the rootstalk of the May apple (Podophyllum peltatum). It is a complex mixture of several substances.
podophyllum noun A genus of herbs of the Barberry family, having large palmately lobed peltate leaves and solitary flower. There are two species, the American Podohyllum peltatum, or May apple, the Himalayan P. Emodi., The rhizome and rootlet of the May apple (Podophyllum peltatum), — used as a cathartic drug.
podostomata noun pl. An order of Bryozoa of which Rhabdopleura is the type. See Rhabdopleura.
poecilopoda noun pl. Originally, an artificial group including many parasitic Entomostraca, together with the horseshoe crabs (Limuloidea)., By some recent writers applied to the Merostomata.
poikilocyte noun An irregular form of corpuscle found in the blood in cases of profound anaemia, probably a degenerated red blood corpuscle.
point-blank noun The white spot on a target, at which an arrow or other missile is aimed., With all small arms, the second point in which the natural line of sight, when horizontal, cuts the trajectory., With artillery, the point where the projectile first strikes the horizontal plane on which the gun stands, the axis of the piece being horizontal., Directed in a line toward the object aimed at; aimed directly toward the mark., Hence, direct; plain; unqualified; — said of language; as, a point-blank assertion., In a point-blank manner.
pointlessly adverb Without point.
polarimeter noun An instrument for determining the amount of polarization of light, or the proportion of polarized light, in a partially polarized ray.
polarimetry noun The art or process of measuring the polarization of light.
polariscope noun An instrument consisting essentially of a polarizer and an analyzer, used for polarizing light, and analyzing its properties.
polariscopy noun The art or rocess of making observations with the polariscope.
polarizable adjective Susceptible of polarization.
polemoscope noun An opera glass or field glass with an oblique mirror arranged for seeing objects do not lie directly before the eye; — called also diagonal, / side, opera glass.
politically adverb In a political manner., Politicly; artfully.
pollenizing present participle & vb. noun of Pollenize
polt-footed adjective Having a distorted foot, or a clubfoot or clubfeet.
poltroonery noun Cowardice; want of spirit; pusillanimity.
poltroonish adjective Resembling a poltroon; cowardly.
polyactinia noun pl. An old name for those Anthozoa which, like the actinias, have numerous simple tentacles.
polyandrian adjective Polyandrous.
polyandrous adjective Belonging to the class Polyandria; having many stamens, or any number above twenty, inserted in the receptacle.
polyarchist noun One who advocates polyarchy; — opposed to monarchist.
polybromide noun A bromide containing more than one atom of bromine in the molecule.
polycarpous adjective Bearing fruit repeatedly, or year after year., Having several pistils in one flower.
polychroism noun Same as Pleochroism.
polychroite noun The coloring matter of saffron; — formerly so called because of the change of color on treatment with certain acids; — called also crocin, and safranin.
polychromic adjective Polychromatic., Pertaining to, or designating, any one of several acids (known only in their salts) which contain more than one atom of chromium.
polycrotism noun That state or condition of the pulse in which the pulse curve, or sphygmogram, shows several secondary crests or elevations; — contrasted with monocrotism and dicrotism.
polycystina noun pl. A division of Radiolaria including numerous minute marine species. The skeleton is composed of silica, and is often very elegant in form and sculpture. Many have been found in the fossil state.
polycystine adjective Pertaining to the Polycystina., One of the Polycystina.
polygastric adjective Having several bellies; — applied to muscles which are made up of several bellies separated by short tendons., Pertaining to the Polygastrica., One of the Polygastrica.
polygenesis noun Alt. of Polygeny
polygenetic adjective Having many distinct sources; originating at various places or times., Of or pertaining to polygenesis; polyphyletic.
polygordius noun A genus of marine annelids, believed to be an ancient or ancestral type. It is remarkable for its simplicity of structure and want of parapodia. It is the type of the order Archiannelida, or Gymnotoma. See Loeven’s larva.
polygraphic adjective Alt. of Polygraphical
polygrooved adjective Having many grooves; as, a polygrooved rifle or gun (referring to the rifling).
polyhedrons plural of Polyhedron
polyhedrous adjective Polyhedral.
polyloquent adjective Garrulous; loquacious.
polymastism noun The condition of having more than two mammae, or breasts.
polymathist noun One versed in many sciences; a person of various learning.
polymorphic adjective Polymorphous.
polymyodous adjective Polymyoid.
polynesians noun pl. The race of men native in Polynesia.
polynuclear adjective Containing many nuclei.
polyonomous adjective Having many names or titles; polyonymous.
polyonymous adjective Polyonomous.
polyphagous adjective Eating, or subsisting on, many kinds of food; as, polyphagous animals.
polyphonism noun Polyphony.
polyphonist noun A proficient in the art of multiplying sounds; a ventriloquist., A master of polyphony; a contrapuntist.
polyphonous adjective Same as Polyphonic.
polyplastic adjective Assuming, or having the power of assuming, many forms; as, a polyplastic element which does not preserve its original shape.
polyrhizous adjective Having numerous roots, or rootlets.
polysilicic adjective Of or pertaining to compounds formed by the condensation of two or more molecules of silicic acid.
polysporous adjective Containing many spores.
polystomata noun pl. A division of trematode worms having more two suckers. Called also Polystomea and Polystoma.
polytechnic adjective Comprehending, or relating to, many arts and sciences; — applied particularly to schools in which many branches of art and science are taught with especial reference to their practical application; also to exhibitions of machinery and industrial products.
polythelism noun The condition of having more than two teats, or nipples.
polyzoarium noun Same as Polyzoary.
pomegranate noun The fruit of the tree Punica Granatum; also, the tree itself (see Balaustine), which is native in the Orient, but is successfully cultivated in many warm countries, and as a house plant in colder climates. The fruit is as large as an orange, and has a hard rind containing many rather large seeds, each one separately covered with crimson, acid pulp., A carved or embroidered ornament resembling a pomegranate.
pomological adjective Of or pertaining to pomology.
pomposities plural of Pomposity
ponderation noun The act of weighing.
ponderosity noun The quality or state of being ponderous; weight; gravity; heaviness, ponderousness; as, the ponderosity of gold.
ponderously adverb In a ponderous manner.
pontificate noun The state or dignity of a high priest; specifically, the office of the pope., The term of office of a pontiff., To perform the duty of a pontiff.
pontificial adjective Papal; pontifical.
pontifician adjective Of or pertaining to the pontiff or pope., One who adheres to the pope or papacy; a papist.
poor-willie noun The bar-tailed godwit.
popularized imp. & past participle of Popularize
popularizer noun One who popularizes.
popularness noun The quality or state of being popular; popularity.
porcelanite noun A semivitrified clay or shale, somewhat resembling jasper; — called also porcelain jasper.
porcelanous adjective Alt. of Porcellanous
pornerastic adjective Lascivious; licentious.
pornography noun Licentious painting or literature; especially, the painting anciently employed to decorate the walls of rooms devoted to bacchanalian orgies., A treatise on prostitutes, or prostitution.
porphyritic adjective Relating to, or resembling, porphyry, that is, characterized by the presence of distinct crystals, as of feldspar, quartz, or augite, in a relatively fine-grained base, often aphanitic or cryptocrystalline.
portability noun The quality or state of being portable; fitness to be carried.
porterhouse noun A house where porter is sold.
portionless adjective Having no portion.
portmanteau noun A bag or case, usually of leather, for carrying wearing apparel, etc., on journeys.
portraitist noun A portrait painter.
portraiture noun A portrait; a likeness; a painted resemblance; hence, that which is copied from some example or model., Pictures, collectively; painting., The art or practice of making portraits., To represent by a portrait, or as by a portrait; to portray.
posological adjective Pertaining to posology.
possessival adjective Of or pertaining to the possessive case; as, a possessival termination.
possibility noun The quality or state of being possible; the power of happening, being, or existing., That which is possible; a contingency; a thing or event that may not happen; a contingent interest, as in real or personal estate.
posteriorly adverb Subsequently in time; also, behind in position.
postfrontal adjective Situated behind the frontal bone or the frontal region of the skull; — applied especially to a bone back of and below the frontal in many animals., A postfrontal bone.
postglenoid adjective Situated behind the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone.
postillator noun One who postillates; one who expounds the Scriptures verse by verse.
postmarking present participle & vb. noun of Postmark
post-mortem adjective After death; as, post-mortem rigidity.
postnuptial adjective Being or happening after marriage; as, a postnuptial settlement on a wife.
post office noun See under 4th Post.
postorbital adjective Situated behind the orbit; as, the postorbital scales of some fishes and reptiles., A postorbital bone or scale.
postponence noun The act of postponing, in sense 2.
postscapula noun The part of the scapula behind or below the spine, or mesoscapula.
postscenium noun The part of a theater behind the scenes; the back part of the stage of a theater.
post-tragus noun A ridge within and behind the tragus in the ear of some animals.
postulating present participle & vb. noun of Postulate
postulation noun The act of postulating, or that which is postulated; assumption; solicitation; suit; cause.
postulatory adjective Of the nature of a postulate.
potableness noun The quality of being drinkable.
potassamide noun A yellowish brown substance obtained by heating potassium in ammonia.
pot-bellied adjective Having a protuberant belly, like the bottom of a pot.
potentially adverb With power; potently., In a potential manner; possibly, not positively.
potentiated imp. & past participle of Potentiate
potentizing present participle & vb. noun of Potentize
potestative adjective Authoritative.
pot-valiant adjective Having the courage given by drink.
pouchet box See Pouncet box.
pouch-shell noun A small British and American pond snail (Bulinus hypnorum).
pouncet box A box with a perforated lid, for sprinkling pounce, or for holding perfumes.
pourparties plural of Pourparty
poursuivant noun See Pursuivant.
pourveyance noun See Purveyance.
powderflask noun A flask in which gunpowder is carried, having a charging tube at the end.