11 letter word starting with pu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
publication noun The act of publishing or making known; notification to the people at large, either by words, writing, or printing; proclamation; divulgation; promulgation; as, the publication of the law at Mount Sinai; the publication of the gospel; the publication of statutes or edicts., The act of offering a book, pamphlet, engraving, etc., to the public by sale or by gratuitous distribution., That which is published or made known; especially, any book, pamphlet, etc., offered for sale or to public notice; as, a daily or monthly publication., An act done in public.
publishable adjective Capable of being published; suitable for publication.
publishment noun The act or process of making publicly known; publication., A public notice of intended marriage, required by the laws of some States.
puddle-ball noun The lump of pasty wrought iron as taken from the puddling furnace to be hammered or rolled.
puerileness noun The quality of being puerile; puerility.
puerilities plural of Puerility
puff-legged adjective Having a conspicuous tuft of feathers on the legs.
pulchritude noun That quality of appearance which pleases the eye; beauty; comeliness; grace; loveliness., Attractive moral excellence; moral beauty.
pullman car A kind of sleeping car; also, a palace car; — often shortened to Pullman.
pullulation noun A germinating, or budding.
pulmonarian noun Any arachnid that breathes by lunglike organs, as the spiders and scorpions. Also used adjectively.
pulmonifera noun pl. Same as Pulmonata.
pulverizing present participle & vb. noun of Pulverize
pulverulent adjective Consisting of, or reducible to, fine powder; covered with dust or powder; powdery; dusty.
punchinello noun A punch; a buffoon; originally, in a puppet show, a character represented as fat, short, and humpbacked.
puncticular adjective Comprised in, or like, a point; exact.
punctilious adjective Attentive to punctilio; very nice or exact in the forms of behavior, etiquette, or mutual intercourse; precise; exact in the smallest particulars.
punctualist noun One who is very exact in observing forms and ceremonies.
punctuality noun The quality or state of being punctual; especially, adherence to the exact time of an engagement; exactness.
punctuating present participle & vb. noun of Punctuate
punctuation noun The act or art of punctuating or pointing a writing or discourse; the art or mode of dividing literary composition into sentences, and members of a sentence, by means of points, so as to elucidate the author’s meaning.
punctuative adjective Of or belonging to points of division; relating to punctuation.
punctulated adjective Marked with small spots.
pupillarity noun The period before puberty, or from birth to fourteen in males, and twelve in females.
purchasable adjective Capable of being bought, purchased, or obtained for a consideration; hence, venal; corrupt.
purgatively adverb In a purgative manner.
purgatorial adjective Alt. of Purgatorian
purgatorian adjective Of or pertaining to purgatory; expiatory., One who holds to the doctrine of purgatory.
purificator noun One who, or that which, purifies; a purifier.
puritanical adjective Of or pertaining to the Puritans, or to their doctrines and practice., Precise in observance of legal or religious requirements; strict; overscrupulous; rigid; — often used by way of reproach or contempt.
puritanized imp. & past participle of Puritanize
purpleheart noun A strong, durable, and elastic wood of a purplish color, obtained from several tropical American leguminous trees of the genus Copaifera (C. pubiflora, bracteata, and officinalis). Used for decorative veneering. See Copaiba.
purportless adjective Without purport or meaning.
purposeless adjective Having no purpose or result; objectless.
purpresture noun Wrongful encroachment upon another’s property; esp., any encroachment upon, or inclosure of, that which should be common or public, as highways, rivers, harbors, forts, etc.
purse-proud adjective Affected with purse pride; puffed up with the possession of riches.
pursiveness noun Pursiness.
purveiaunce noun Purveyance.
pustulation noun The act of producing pustules; the state of being pustulated.
putredinous adjective Proceeding from putrefaction, or partaking of the putrefactive process; having an offensive smell; stinking; rotten.
putrescence noun The state of being putrescent; putrescent matter.
putrescible adjective Capable of putrefaction; liable to become putrid; as, putrescible substances., A substance, usually nitrogenous, which is liable to undergo decomposition when in contact with air and moisture at ordinary temperatures.
putrifacted adjective Putrefied.
putty-faced adjective White-faced; — used contemptuously.