11 letter word starting with qu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
quack grass See Quitch grass.
quacksalver noun One who boasts of his skill in medicines and salves, or of the efficacy of his prescriptions; a charlatan; a quack; a mountebank.
quadrennial adjective Comprising four years; as, a quadrennial period., Occurring once in four years, or at the end of every four years; as, quadrennial games.
quadrennium noun A space or period of four years.
quadribasic adjective Same as Tetrabasic.
quadrillion noun According to the French notation, which is followed also upon the Continent and in the United States, a unit with fifteen ciphers annexed; according to the English notation, the number produced by involving a million to the fourth power, or the number represented by a unit with twenty-four ciphers annexed. See the Note under Numeration.
quadrilobed adjective Having four lobes; as, a quadrilobate leaf.
quadrinodal adjective Possessing four nodes; as, quadrinodal curves.
quadrivalve adjective Dehiscent into four similar parts; four-valved; as, a quadrivalve pericarp., A door, shutter, or the like, having four folds.
quadrupedal adjective Having four feet; of or pertaining to a quadruped.
quadrupling present participle & vb. noun of Quadruple
qualifiable adjective Capable of being qualified; abatable; modifiable.
qualifiedly adverb In the way of qualification; with modification or qualification.
qualitative adjective Relating to quality; having the character of quality.
quarantined imp. & past participle of Quarantine
quarrelling of Quarrel
quarrellous adjective Quarrelsome.
quarrelsome adjective Apt or disposed to quarrel; given to brawls and contention; easily irritated or provoked to contest; irascible; choleric.
quartenylic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an acid of the acrylic acid series, metameric with crotonic acid, and obtained as a colorless liquid; — so called from having four carbon atoms in the molecule. Called also isocrotonic acid.
quarterfoil noun An ornamental foliation having four lobes, or foils.
quarterhung adjective Having trunnions the axes of which lie below the bore; — said of a cannon.
quarterlies plural of Quarterly
quarterpace noun A platform of a staircase where the stair turns at a right angle only. See Halfpace.
queenliness noun The quality of being queenly; the; characteristic of a queen; stateliness; eminence among women in attractions or power.
queen truss A truss framed with queen-posts; a queen-post truss.
quermonious adjective Complaining; querulous; apt to complain.
querquedule noun A teal., The pintail duck.
questioning present participle & vb. noun of Question
questionary adjective Inquiring; asking questions; testing., One who makes it his business to seek after relics and carry them about for sale.
questionist noun A questioner; an inquirer., A candidate for honors or degrees who is near the time of his examination.
questmonger noun One who lays informations, and encourages petty lawsuits.
questorship noun The office, or the term of office, of a questor.
quibblingly adverb Triflingly; evasively.
quicksilver adjective The metal mercury; — so called from its resemblance to liquid silver.
quiescently adverb In a quiescent manner.
quincuncial Having the form of a quincunx., Having the leaves of a pentamerous calyx or corolla so imbricated that two are exterior, two are interior, and the other has one edge exterior and one interior; as, quincuncial aestivation.
quindecagon noun A plane figure with fifteen angles, and consequently fifteen sides.
quindecylic noun Pertaining to, or designating, an acid of the fatty acid series, containing fifteen atoms of carbon; called also pentadecylic acid.
quinhydrone noun A green crystalline substance formed by the union of quinone with hydroquinone, or as an intermediate product in the oxidation of hydroquinone or the reduction of quinone.
quinologist noun One who is versed in quinology.
quinoxaline noun Any one of a series of complex nitrogenous bases obtained by the union of certain aniline derivatives with glyoxal or with certain ketones.
quinquereme noun A galley having five benches or banks of oars; as, an Athenian quinquereme.
quinquevirs plural of Quinquevir
quinqueviri plural of Quinquevir
quintupling present participle & vb. noun of Quintuple
quiritation noun A crying for help.
quitclaimed imp. & past participle of Quitclaim
quiveringly adverb With quivering motion.