11 letter word starting with r

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
rabble-rout noun A tumultuous crowd; a rabble; a noisy throng.
racket-tail noun Any one of several species of humming birds of the genus Steganura, having two of the tail feathers very long and racket-shaped.
rack-renter noun One who is subjected to paying rack-rent., One who exacts rack-rent.
radiatiform adjective Having the marginal florets enlarged and radiating but not ligulate, as in the capitula or heads of the cornflower.
radicalness noun Quality or state of being radical.
radiolarian adjective Of or pertaining to the Radiolaria., One of the Radiolaria.
railroading noun The construction of a railroad; the business of managing or operating a railroad.
rallentando adjective Slackening; — a direction to perform a passage with a gradual decrease in time and force; ritardando.
ramiflorous adjective Flowering on the branches.
rammishness noun The quality of being rammish.
rancorously adverb In a rancorous manner.
rapscallion noun A rascal; a good-for-nothing fellow.
rapturously adverb In a rapturous manner.
rarefaction noun The act or process of rarefying; the state of being rarefied; — opposed to condensation; as, the rarefaction of air.
rascalities plural of Rascality
raspatorium noun See Raspatory.
ratiocinate verb i. To reason, esp. deductively; to offer reason or argument.
rationalism noun The doctrine or system of those who deduce their religious opinions from reason or the understanding, as distinct from, or opposed to, revelation., The system that makes rational power the ultimate test of truth; — opposed to sensualism, or sensationalism, and empiricism.
rationalist noun One who accepts rationalism as a theory or system; also, disparagingly, a false reasoner. See Citation under Reasonist.
rationality noun The quality or state of being rational; agreement with reason; possession of reason; due exercise of reason; reasonableness.
rationalize verb t. To make rational; also, to convert to rationalism., To interpret in the manner of a rationalist., To form a rational conception of., To render rational; to free from radical signs or quantities., To use, and rely on, reason in forming a theory, belief, etc., especially in matters of religion: to accord with the principles of rationalism.
rattlemouse noun A bat.
rattlesnake noun Any one of several species of venomous American snakes belonging to the genera Crotalus and Caudisona, or Sistrurus. They have a series of horny interlocking joints at the end of the tail which make a sharp rattling sound when shaken. The common rattlesnake of the Northern United States (Crotalus horridus), and the diamond rattlesnake of the South (C. adamanteus), are the best known. See Illust. of Fang.
rattlewings noun The golden-eye.
ravishingly adverb In a ravishing manner.
reactionary adjective Being, causing, or favoring reaction; as, reactionary movements., One who favors reaction, or seeks to undo political progress or revolution.
reactionist noun A reactionary.
readability noun The state of being readable; readableness.
readmission noun The act of admitting again, or the state of being readmitted; as, the readmission of fresh air into an exhausted receiver; the readmission of a student into a seminary.
realization noun The act of realizing, or the state of being realized.
reanimation noun The act or operation of reanimating, or the state of being reanimated; reinvigoration; revival.
reapportion verb t. To apportion again.
reascension noun The act of reascending; a remounting.
reassertion noun A second or renewed assertion of the same thing.
reassociate verb t. & i. To associate again; to bring again into close relations.
reassurance noun Assurance or confirmation renewed or repeated., Same as Reinsurance.
rebarbarize verb t. To reduce again to barbarism.
rebullition noun The act of boiling up or effervescing.
recantation noun The act of recanting; a declaration that contradicts a former one; that which is thus asserted in contradiction; retraction.
recarbonize verb t. To restore carbon to; as, to recarbonize iron in converting it into steel.
receiptment noun The receiving or harboring a felon knowingly, after the commission of a felony.
recelebrate verb t. To celebrate again, or anew.
receptacula plural of Receptaculum
receptivity noun The state or quality of being receptive., The power or capacity of receiving impressions, as those of the external senses.
recessional adjective Of or pertaining to recession or withdrawal.
recipiangle noun An instrument with two arms that are pivoted together at one end, and a graduated arc, — used by military engineers for measuring and laying off angles of fortifications.
reciprocate verb i. To move forward and backward alternately; to recur in vicissitude; to act interchangeably; to alternate., To give and return mutually; to make return for; to give in return; to interchange; to alternate; as, to reciprocate favors.
reciprocity noun Mutual action and reaction., Reciprocal advantages, obligations, or rights; reciprocation.
reciprocous adjective Reciprocal.
reclaimable adjective That may be reclaimed.
reclaimless adjective That can not be reclaimed.
reclamation noun The act or process of reclaiming., Representation made in opposition; remonstrance.
reclination noun The act of leaning or reclining, or the state of being reclined., The angle which the plane of the dial makes with a vertical plane which it intersects in a horizontal line., The act or process of removing a cataract, by applying the needle to its anterior surface, and depressing it into the vitreous humor in such a way that the front surface of the cataract becomes the upper one and its back surface the lower one.
recluseness noun Quality or state of being recluse.
recognition noun The act of recognizing, or the state of being recognized; acknowledgment; formal avowal; knowledge confessed or avowed; notice.
recognitory adjective Pertaining to, or connected with, recognition.
recognizing present participle & vb. noun of Recognize
recoilingly adverb In the manner of a recoil.
recollected imp. & past participle of Recollect
recommended imp. & past participle of Recommend
recommender noun One who recommends.
recommittal noun A second or renewed commitment; a renewed reference to a committee.
recompensed imp. & past participle of Recompense
recompenser noun One who recompenses.
recomposing present participle & vb. noun of Recompose
reconciling present participle & vb. noun of Reconcile
reconditory noun A repository; a storehouse.
reconnoiter verb t. Alt. of Reconnoitre
reconnoitre verb t. To examine with the eye to make a preliminary examination or survey of; esp., to survey with a view to military or engineering operations., To recognize.
reconsolate verb t. To console or comfort again.
reconstruct verb t. To construct again; to rebuild; to remodel; to form again or anew.
recordation verb t. Remembrance; recollection; also, a record.
recountment noun Recital.
recourseful adjective Having recurring flow and ebb; moving alternately.
recoverable adjective Capable of being recovered or regained; capable of being brought back to a former condition, as from sickness, misfortune, etc.; obtainable from a debtor or possessor; as, the debt is recoverable; goods lost or sunk in the ocean are not recoverable.
re-creation noun A forming anew; a new creation or formation.
re-creative adjective Creating anew; as, re-creative power.
recremental adjective Recrementitious.
recriminate verb i. To return one charge or accusation with another; to charge back fault or crime upon an accuser., To accuse in return.
recruitment noun The act or process of recruiting; especially, the enlistment of men for an army.
rectangular adjective Right-angled; having one or more angles of ninety degrees.
rectifiable adjective Capable of being rectified; as, a rectifiable mistake., Admitting, as a curve, of the construction of a straight l//e equal in length to any definite portion of the curve.
rectilineal adjective Alt. of Rectilinear
rectilinear adjective Straight; consisting of a straight line or lines; bounded by straight lines; as, a rectineal angle; a rectilinear figure or course.
rectinerved adjective Having the veins or nerves straight; — said of leaves.
rectiserial adjective Arranged in exactly vertical ranks, as the leaves on stems of many kinds; — opposed to curviserial.
recuperable adjective Recoverable.
recuperated imp. &. past participle of Recuperate
recuperator noun Same as Regenerator.
recurvation noun The act of recurving, or the state of being recurved; a bending or flexure backward.
redargution noun The act of redarguing; refutation.
redargutory adjective Pertaining to, or containing, redargution; refutatory.
redemptible adjective Redeemable.
re-demption noun The act of redeeming, or the state of being redeemed; repurchase; ransom; release; rescue; deliverance; as, the redemption of prisoners taken in war; the redemption of a ship and cargo., The liberation of an estate from a mortgage, or the taking back of property mortgaged, upon performance of the terms or conditions on which it was conveyed; also, the right of redeeming and reentering upon an estate mortgaged. See Equity of redemption, under Equity., Performance of the obligation stated in a note, bill, bond, or other evidence of debt, by making payment to the holder., The procuring of God’s favor by the sufferings and death of Christ; the ransom or deliverance of sinners from the bondage of sin and the penalties of God’s violated law.
redhibition noun The annulling of a sale, and the return by the buyer of the article sold, on account of some defect.
redhibitory adjective Of or pertaining to redhibition; as, a redhibitory action or fault.
redisseizin noun A disseizin by one who once before was adjudged to have dassezed the same person of the same lands, etc.; also, a writ which lay in such a case.
redisseizor noun One who redisseizes.
redoubtable adjective Formidable; dread; terrible to foes; as, a redoubtable hero; hence, valiant; — often in contempt or burlesque.
redressible adjective Such as may be redressed.
redressless adjective Not having redress; such as can not be redressed; irremediable.
redressment noun The act of redressing; redress.
reductively adverb By reduction; by consequence.
redundantly adverb In a refundant manner.
reduplicate adjective Double; doubled; reduplicative; repeated., Valvate with the margins curved outwardly; — said of the /stivation of certain flowers., To redouble; to multiply; to repeat., To repeat the first letter or letters of (a word). See Reduplication, 3.
reemergence noun Act of reemerging.
reenactment noun The enacting or passing of a law a second time; the renewal of a law.
reencourage verb t. To encourage again.
reenjoyment noun Renewed enjoyment.
reestablish verb t. To establish anew; to fix or confirm again; to restore; as, to reestablish a covenant; to reestablish health.
reexpulsion noun Renewed or repeated expulsion.
refectories plural of Refectory
referendary noun One to whose decision a cause is referred; a referee., An officer who delivered the royal answer to petitions., Formerly, an officer of state charged with the duty of procuring and dispatching diplomas and decrees.
referential adjective Containing a reference; pointing to something out of itself; as, notes for referential use.
reflectible adjective Capable of being reflected, or thrown back; reflexible.
refocillate verb t. To refresh; to revive.
reforestize verb t. To convert again into a forest; to plant again with trees.
reformalize verb i. To affect reformation; to pretend to correctness.
reformation noun The act of reforming, or the state of being reformed; change from worse to better; correction or amendment of life, manners, or of anything vicious or corrupt; as, the reformation of manners; reformation of the age; reformation of abuses., Specifically (Eccl. Hist.), the important religious movement commenced by Luther early in the sixteenth century, which resulted in the formation of the various Protestant churches.
reformative adjective Forming again; having the quality of renewing form; reformatory.
reformatory adjective Tending to produce reformation; reformative., An institution for promoting the reformation of offenders.
refractable adjective Capable of being refracted.
refrainment noun Act of refraining.
refrangible adjective Capable of being refracted, or turned out of a direct course, in passing from one medium to another, as rays of light.
refrenation verb t. The act of refraining.
refreshment noun The act of refreshing, or the state of being refreshed; restoration of strength, spirit, vigor, or liveliness; relief after suffering; new life or animation after depression., That which refreshes; means of restoration or reanimation; especially, an article of food or drink.
refrication noun A rubbing up afresh; a brightening.
refrigerant adjective Cooling; allaying heat or fever., That which makes to be cool or cold; specifically, a medicine or an application for allaying fever, or the symptoms of fever; — used also figuratively.
refrigerate verb t. To cause to become cool; to make or keep cold or cool.
refrigerium noun Cooling refreshment; refrigeration.
refringency noun The power possessed by a substance to refract a ray; as, different substances have different refringencies.
regenerator noun One who, or that which, regenerates., A device used in connection with hot-air engines, gas-burning furnaces, etc., in which the incoming air or gas is heated by being brought into contact with masses of iron, brick, etc., which have been previously heated by the outgoing, or escaping, hot air or gas.
regerminate verb i. To germinate again.
regimenting present participle & vb. noun of Regiment
regimentals noun pl. The uniform worn by the officers and soldiers of a regiment; military dress; — formerly used in the singular in the same sense.
registering present participle & vb. noun of Register, Recording; — applied to instruments; having an apparatus which registers; as, a registering thermometer. See Recording.
regredience noun A going back; a retrogression; a return.
regularness noun Regularity.
regurgitate verb t. To throw or pour back, as from a deep or hollow place; to pour or throw back in great quantity., To be thrown or poured back; to rush or surge back.
reichsstand noun A free city of the former German empire.
reimbursing present participle & vb. noun of Reimburse
reimportune verb t. To importune again.
reinsertion noun The act of reinserting.
reinstation noun Reinstatement.
reinsurance noun Insurance a second time or again; renewed insurance., A contract by which an insurer is insured wholly or in part against the risk he has incurred in insuring somebody else. See Reassurance.
reintegrate verb t. To renew with regard to any state or quality; to restore; to bring again together into a whole, as the parts off anything; to reestablish; as, to reintegrate a nation.
reintroduce verb t. To introduce again.
reiterating present participle & vb. noun of Reiterate
reiteration noun The act of reiterating; that which is reiterated.
reiterative noun A word expressing repeated or reiterated action., A word formed from another, or used to form another, by repetition; as, dillydally.
rejoicement noun Rejoicing.
rejoicingly adverb With joi or exultation.
rejournment noun Adjournment.
relatedness noun The state or condition of being related; relationship; affinity.
relationist noun A relative; a relation.
releasement noun The act of releasing, as from confinement or obligation.
reliability noun The state or quality of being reliable; reliableness.
relievement noun The act of relieving, or the state of being relieved; relief; release.
religionary adjective Relating to religion; pious; as, religionary professions., Alt. of Religioner
religionism noun The practice of, or devotion to, religion., Affectation or pretense of religion.
religionist noun One earnestly devoted or attached to a religion; a religious zealot.
religionize verb t. To bring under the influence of religion.
religiosity noun The quality of being religious; religious feeling or sentiment; religiousness.
religiously adverb In a religious manner.
reliquidate verb t. To liquidate anew; to adjust a second time.
reluctantly adverb In a reluctant manner.
reluctation noun Repugnance; resistance; reluctance.
remasticate verb t. To chew or masticate again; to chew over and over, as the cud.
remembering present participle & vb. noun of Remember
remembrance noun The act of remembering; a holding in mind, or bringing to mind; recollection., The state of being remembered, or held in mind; memory; recollection., Something remembered; a person or thing kept in memory., That which serves to keep in or bring to mind; a memorial; a token; a memento; a souvenir; a memorandum or note of something to be remembered., Something to be remembered; counsel; admoni//on; instruction., Power of remembering; reach of personal knowledge; period over which one’s memory extends.
remigration noun Migration back to the place from which one came.
reminiscent adjective Recalling to mind, or capable of recalling to mind; having remembrance; reminding one of something., One who is addicted to indulging, narrating, or recording reminiscences.
remonstrant adjective Inclined or tending to remonstrate; expostulatory; urging reasons in opposition to something., One who remonstrates, one of the Arminians who remonstrated against the attacks of the Calvinists in 1610, but were subsequently condemned by the decisions of the Synod of Dort in 1618. See Arminian.
remonstrate verb t. To point out; to show clearly; to make plain or manifest; hence, to prove; to demonstrate., To present and urge reasons in opposition to an act, measure, or any course of proceedings; to expostulate; as, to remonstrate with a person regarding his habits; to remonstrate against proposed taxation.
remorseless adjective Being without remorse; having no pity; hence, destitute of sensibility; cruel; insensible to distress; merciless.
remunerable adjective Admitting, or worthy, of remuneration.
remunerated imp. & past participle of Remunerate
renaissance noun A new birth, or revival., The transitional movement in Europe, marked by the revival of classical learning and art in Italy in the 15th century, and the similar revival following in other countries., The style of art which prevailed at this epoch.
renewedness noun The state of being renewed.
renovelance noun Renewal.
reparteeing present participle & vb. noun of Repartee
repartotion noun Another, or an additional, separation into parts.
repentantly adverb In a repentant manner.
repentingly adverb With repentance; penitently.
repercussed imp. & past participle of Repercuss
repetitious adjective Repeating; containing repetition.
replaceable adjective Capable or admitting of being put back into a place., Admitting of having its place supplied by a like thing or an equivalent; as, the lost book is replaceable., Capable of being replaced (by), or of being exchanged (for); as, the hydrogen of acids is replaceable by metals or by basic radicals.
replacement noun The act of replacing., The removal of an edge or an angle by one or more planes.
replantable adjective That may be planted again.
replenished imp. & past participle of Replenish
replenisher noun One who replenishes.
repleteness noun The state of being replete.
repleviable adjective Capable of being replevied.
replication noun An answer; a reply., The reply of the plaintiff, in matters of fact, to the defendant’s plea., Return or repercussion, as of sound; echo., A repetition; a copy.
reportingly adverb By report or common fame.
reportorial adjective Of or pertaining to a reporter or reporters; as, the reportorial staff of a newspaper.
reprehended imp. & past participle of Reprehend
reprehender noun One who reprehends.
representer noun One who shows, exhibits, or describes., A representative.
repressible adjective Capable of being repressed.
reprimanded imp. & past participle of Reprimand
reprimander noun One who reprimands.
reproaching present participle & vb. noun of Reproach
reproachful adjective Expressing or containing reproach; upbraiding; opprobrious; abusive., Occasioning or deserving reproach; shameful; base; as, a reproachful life.
reprobating present participle & vb. noun of Reprobate
reprobation noun The act of reprobating; the state of being reprobated; strong disapproval or censure., The predestination of a certain number of the human race as reprobates, or objects of condemnation and punishment.
reprobative adjective Of or pertaining to reprobation; expressing reprobation.
reprobatory adjective Reprobative.
reprovingly adverb In a reproving manner.
republicate verb t. To make public again; to republish.
republished imp. & past participle of Republish
republisher noun One who republishes.
repudiating present participle & vb. noun of Repudiate
repudiation noun The act of repudiating, or the state of being repuddiated; as, the repudiation of a doctrine, a wife, a debt, etc., One who favors repudiation, especially of a public debt.
repugnantly adverb In a repugnant manner.
repullulate verb i. To bud again.
repulseless adjective Not capable of being repulsed.
requirement noun The act of requiring; demand; requisition., That which is required; an imperative or authoritative command; an essential condition; something needed or necessary; a need.
requisition noun The act of requiring, as of right; a demand or application made as by authority., A formal demand made by one state or government upon another for the surrender or extradition of a fugitive from justice., A notarial demand of a debt., A demand by the invader upon the people of an invaded country for supplies, as of provision, forage, transportation, etc., A formal application by one officer to another for things needed in the public service; as, a requisition for clothing, troops, or money., That which is required by authority; especially, a quota of supplies or necessaries., A written or normal call; an invitation; a summons; as, a reqisition for a public meeting., To make a reqisition on or for; as, to requisition a district for forage; to requisition troops., To present a requisition to; to summon request; as, to requisition a person to be a candidate.
requisitive adjective Expressing or implying demand., One who, or that which, makes requisition; a requisitionist.
requisitory adjective Sought for; demanded.
requitement noun Requital
rescindable adjective Capable of being rescinded.
rescindment noun The act of rescinding; rescission.
rescription noun A writing back; the answering of a letter.
rescriptive adjective Pertaining to, or answering the purpose of, a rescript; hence, deciding; settling; determining.
researchful adjective Making researches; inquisitive.
resemblable adjective Admitting of being compared; like.
resemblance noun The quality or state of resembling; likeness; similitude; similarity., That which resembles, or is similar; a representation; a likeness., A comparison; a simile., Probability; verisimilitude.
resentiment noun Resentment.
resentingly adverb With deep sense or strong perception., With a sense of wrong or affront; with resentment.
reservation noun The act of reserving, or keeping back; concealment, or withholding from disclosure; reserve., Something withheld, either not expressed or disclosed, or not given up or brought forward., A tract of the public land reserved for some special use, as for schools, for the use of Indians, etc., The state of being reserved, or kept in store., A clause in an instrument by which some new thing is reserved out of the thing granted, and not in esse before., A proviso., The portion of the sacramental elements reserved for purposes of devotion and for the communion of the absent and sick., A term of canon law, which signifies that the pope reserves to himself appointment to certain benefices.
reservative adjective Tending to reserve or keep; keeping; reserving.
reservatory verb t. A place in which things are reserved or kept.
residential adjective Of or pertaining to a residence or residents; as, residential trade., Residing; residentiary.
resignation noun The act of resigning or giving up, as a claim, possession, office, or the like; surrender; as, the resignation of a crown or comission., The state of being resigned or submissive; quiet or patient submission; unresisting acquiescence; as, resignation to the will and providence of God.
resinaceous adjective Having the quality of resin; resinous.
resourceful adjective Full of resources.
respectable adjective Worthy of respect; fitted to awaken esteem; deserving regard; hence, of good repute; not mean; as, a respectable citizen., Moderate in degree of excellence or in number; as, a respectable performance; a respectable audience.
respectless adjective Having no respect; without regard; regardless.
respectuous adjective Respectful; as, a respectuous silence., Respectable.
respiration noun The act of respiring or breathing again, or catching one’s breath., Relief from toil or suffering: rest., Interval; intermission., The act of resping or breathing; the act of taking in and giving out air; the aggregate of those processes bu which oxygen is introduced into the system, and carbon dioxide, or carbonic acid, removed.
respirative adjective Of or pertaining to respiration; as, respirative organs.
respiratory adjective Of or pertaining to respiration; serving for respiration; as, the respiratory organs; respiratory nerves; the respiratory function; respiratory changes.
respiteless adjective Without respite.
resplendent adjective Shining with brilliant luster; very bright.
respondence noun Alt. of Respondency
respondency noun The act of responding; the state of being respondent; an answering.
responsible adjective Liable to respond; likely to be called upon to answer; accountable; answerable; amenable; as, a guardian is responsible to the court for his conduct in the office., Able to respond or answer for one’s conduct and obligations; trustworthy, financially or otherwise; as, to have a responsible man for surety., Involving responsibility; involving a degree of accountability on the part of the person concerned; as, a responsible office.
rest-harrow noun A European leguminous plant (Ononis arvensis) with long, tough roots.
restiffness noun Restiveness.
restinction noun Act of quenching or extingishing.
restinguish verb t. To quench or extinguish.
restitution verb The act of restoring anything to its rightful owner, or of making good, or of giving an equivalent for any loss, damage, or injury; indemnification., That which is offered or given in return for what has been lost, injured, or destroved; compensation., The act of returning to, or recovering, a former state; as, the restitution of an elastic body., The movement of rotetion which usually occurs in childbirth after the head has been delivered, and which causes the latter to point towards the side to which it was directed at the beginning of labor.
restoration noun The act of restoring or bringing back to a former place, station, or condition; the fact of being restored; renewal; reestablishment; as, the restoration of friendship between enemies; the restoration of peace after war., The state of being restored; recovery of health, strength, etc.; as, restoration from sickness., That which is restored or renewed.
restorative adjective Of or pertaining to restoration; having power to restore., Something which serves to restore; especially, a restorative medicine.
restoratory adjective Restorative.
restorement noun Restoration.
restraining present participle & vb. noun of Restrain
restricting present participle & vb. noun of Restrict
restriction noun The act of restricting, or state of being restricted; confinement within limits or bounds., That which restricts; limitation; restraint; as, restrictions on trade.
restrictive adjective Serving or tending to restrict; limiting; as, a restrictive particle; restrictive laws of trade., Astringent or styptic in effect.
restringing present participle & vb. noun of Restringe
restringent adjective Restringing; astringent; styptic., A restringent medicine.
resupinated adjective Resupinate.
resuscitant noun One who, or that which resuscitates. Also used adjectively.
resuscitate adjective Restored to life., To revivify; to revive; especially, to recover or restore from apparent death; as, to resuscitate a drowned person; to resuscitate withered plants., To come to life again; to revive.
retaliating present participle & vb. noun of Retaliate
retaliation noun The act of retaliating, or of returning like for like; retribution; now, specifically, the return of evil for evil; e.g., an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
retaliative adjective Same as Retaliatory.
retaliatory adjective Tending to, or involving, retaliation; retaliative; as retaliatory measures.
retardation noun The act of retarding; hindrance; the act of delaying; as, the retardation of the motion of a ship; — opposed to acceleration., That which retards; an obstacle; an obstruction., The keeping back of an approaching consonant chord by prolonging one or more tones of a previous chord into the intermediate chord which follows; — differing from suspension by resolving upwards instead of downwards., The extent to which anything is retarded; the amount of retarding or delay.
retardative adjective Tending, or serving, to retard.
retentively adverb In a retentive manner.
retentivity noun The power of retaining; retentive force; as, the retentivity of a magnet.
reticularia noun pl. An extensive division of rhizopods in which the pseudopodia are more or less slender and coalesce at certain points, forming irregular meshes. It includes the shelled Foraminifera, together with some groups which lack a true shell.
reticularly adverb In a reticular manner.
reticulated adjective Resembling network; having the form or appearance of a net; netted; as, a reticulated structure., Having veins, fibers, or lines crossing like the threads or fibers of a network; as, a reticulate leaf; a reticulated surface; a reticulated wing of an insect.
retinaculum noun A connecting band; a fraenum; as, the retinacula of the ileocaecal and ileocolic valves., One of the annular ligaments which hold the tendons close to the bones at the larger joints, as at the wrist and ankle., One of the retractor muscles of the proboscis of certain worms., A small gland or process to which bodies are attached; as, the glandular retinacula to which the pollinia of orchids are attached, or the hooks which support the seeds in many acanthaceous plants.
retinophora noun One of group of two to four united cells which occupy the axial part of the ocelli, or ommatidia, of the eyes of invertebrates, and contain the terminal nerve fibrillae. See Illust. under Ommatidium.
retinoscopy noun The study of the retina of the eye by means of the ophthalmoscope.
retractable adjective Capable of being retracted; retractile.
retractible adjective Retractable.
retransform verb t. To transform anew or back.
retranslate verb t. To translate anew; especially, to translate back into the original language.
retreatment noun The act of retreating; specifically, the Hegira.
retrenching present participle & vb. noun of Retrench
retribution noun The act of retributing; repayment., That which is given in repayment or compensation; return suitable to the merits or deserts of, as an action; commonly, condign punishment for evil or wrong., Specifically, reward and punishment, as distributed at the general judgment.
retributive adjective Alt. of Retributory
retributory adjective Of or pertaining to retribution; of the nature of retribution; involving retribution or repayment; as, retributive justice; retributory comforts.
retrievable adjective That may be retrieved or recovered; admitting of retrieval.
retroaction noun Action returned, or action backward., Operation on something past or preceding.
retroactive adjective Fitted or designed to retroact; operating by returned action; affecting what is past; retrospective.
retrocedent adjective Disposed or likely to retrocede; — said of diseases which go from one part of the body to another, as the gout.
retroflexed adjective Reflexed; bent or turned abruptly backward.
retrograded imp. & past participle of Retrograde
retroverted imp. & past participle of Retrovert, In a state of retroversion.
revaccinate verb t. To vaccinate a second time or again.
revalescent adjective Growing well; recovering strength.
revaluation noun A second or new valuation.
revendicate verb t. To reclaim; to demand the restoration of.
revengeable adjective Capable of being revenged; as, revengeable wrong.
revengeance noun Vengeance; revenge.
revengeless adjective Unrevenged.
revengement noun Revenge.
reverberant adjective Having the quality of reverberation; reverberating.
reverberate adjective Reverberant., Driven back, as sound; reflected., To return or send back; to repel or drive back; to echo, as sound; to reflect, as light, as light or heat., To send or force back; to repel from side to side; as, flame is reverberated in a furnace., Hence, to fuse by reverberated heat., To resound; to echo., To be driven back; to be reflected or repelled, as rays of light; to be echoed, as sound.
reverencing present participle & vb. noun of Reverence
reverential adjective Proceeding from, or expressing, reverence; having a reverent quality; reverent; as, reverential fear or awe.
reverseless adjective Irreversible.
reversioner noun One who has a reversion, or who is entitled to lands or tenements, after a particular estate granted is terminated.
revindicate verb t. To vindicate again; to reclaim; to demand and take back.
revisionary adjective Of or pertaining to revision; revisory.
reviviscent adjective Able or disposed to revive; reviving.
revolvement noun Act of revolving.
rhabarbarin noun Alt. of Rhabarbarine
rhabdocoela noun pl. A suborder of Turbellaria including those that have a simple cylindrical, or saclike, stomach, without an intestine.
rhabdomancy noun Same as Rabdomancy.
rhabdophora noun pl. An extinct division of Hydrozoa which includes the graptolities.
rhachialgia noun See Rachialgia.
rhachiodont adjective Having gular teeth formed by a peculiar modification of the inferior spines of some of the vertebrae, as certain South African snakes (Dasypeltis) which swallow birds’ eggs and use these gular teeth to crush them.
rhamnaceous adjective Of or pertaining to a natural order of shrubs and trees (Rhamnaceae, or Rhamneae) of which the buckthorn (Rhamnus) is the type. It includes also the New Jersey tea, the supple-jack, and one of the plants called lotus (Zizyphus).
rhapsodized imp. & past participle of Rhapsodize
rhetoricate verb i. To play the orator.
rhetorician noun One well versed in the rules and principles of rhetoric., A teacher of rhetoric., An orator; specifically, an artificial orator without genuine eloquence; a declaimer., Suitable to a master of rhetoric.
rhetorizing present participle & vb. noun of Rhetorize
rhinocerial adjective Alt. of Rhinocerical
rhinocerote noun A rhinoceros.
rhinologist noun One skilled in rhinology.
rhinolophid noun Any species of the genus Rhinilophus, or family Rhinolophidae, having a horseshoe-shaped nasal crest; a horseshoe bat.
rhinoplasty noun Plastic surgery of the nose to correct deformity or to replace lost tissue. Tissue may be transplanted from the patient’s cheek, forehead, arm, etc., or even from another person.
rhinoscopic adjective Of or pertaining to rhinoscopy.
rhinothecae plural of Rhinotheca
rhipipteran noun Same as Rhipipter.
rhizanthous adjective Producing flowers from a rootstock, or apparently from a root.
rhizomatous adjective Having the nature or habit of a rhizome or rootstock.
rhizopodous adjective Of or pertaining to the rhizopods.
rhodeoretin noun Same as Convolvuln.
rhopalocera noun pl. A division of Lepidoptera including all the butterflies. They differ from other Lepidoptera in having club-shaped antennae.
rhyncholite noun A fossil cephalopod beak.
ribaudequin noun An engine of war used in the Middle Ages, consisting of a protected elevated staging on wheels, and armed in front with pikes. It was (after the 14th century) furnished with small cannon., A huge bow fixed on the wall of a fortified town for casting javelins.
ricinoleate noun A salt of ricinoleic acid; — formerly called palmate.
ricochetted imp. & past participle of Ricochet
right-about noun A turning directly about by the right, so as to face in the opposite direction; also, the quarter directly opposite; as, to turn to the right-about.
righteoused adjective Made righteous.
righteously adverb In a righteous manner; as, to judge righteously.
right-lined adjective Formed by right lines; rectilineal; as, a right-lined angle.
right whale The bowhead, Arctic, or Greenland whale (Balaena mysticetus), from whose mouth the best whalebone is obtained., Any other whale that produces valuable whalebone, as the Atlantic, or Biscay, right whale (Balaena cisarctica), and the Pacific right whale (B. Sieboldii); a bone whale.
rightwisely adverb Righteously.
rimau dahan The clouded tiger cat (Felis marmorata) of Southern Asia and the East Indies.
rinforzando adjective Increasing; strengthening; — a direction indicating a sudden increase of force (abbreviated rf., rfz.) Cf. Forzando, and Sforzando.
ringlestone noun The ringed dotterel, or ring plover.
ring-necked adjective Having a well defined ring of color around the neck.
ringstraked adjective Ring-streaked.
ring-tailed adjective Having the tail crossed by conspicuous bands of color.
ritualistic adjective Pertaining to, or in accordance with, a ritual; adhering to ritualism.
rodomontade noun Vain boasting; empty bluster or vaunting; rant., To boast; to brag; to bluster; to rant.
rodomontado noun Rodomontade.
rolling-pin noun A cylindrical piece of wood or other material, with which paste or dough may be rolled out and reduced to a proper thickness.
rolly-pooly noun A game in which a ball, rolling into a certain place, wins.
romanticaly adverb In a romantic manner.
romanticism noun A fondness for romantic characteristics or peculiarities; specifically, in modern literature, an aiming at romantic effects; — applied to the productions of a school of writers who sought to revive certain medi/val forms and methods in opposition to the so-called classical style.
romanticist noun One who advocates romanticism in modern literature.
rosicrucian noun One who, in the 17th century and the early part of the 18th, claimed to belong to a secret society of philosophers deeply versed in the secrets of nature, — the alleged society having existed, it was stated, several hundred years., Of or pertaining to the Rosicrucians, or their arts.
roughcaster noun One who roughcasts.
roughing-in noun The first coat of plaster laid on brick; also, the process of applying it.
roughsetter noun A mason who builds rough stonework.
rouly-pouly noun See Rolly-pooly.
roundheaded adjective Having a round head or top.
rubblestone noun See Rubble, 1 and 2.
rubefacient adjective Making red., An external application which produces redness of the skin.
rubefaction noun The act or process of making red.
rubicundity noun The quality or state of being rubicund; ruddiness.
ruby-tailed adjective Having the tail, or lower part of the body, bright red.
rudderstock noun The main part or blade of the rudder, which is connected by hinges, or the like, with the sternpost of a vessel.
rudesheimer noun A German wine made near Rudesheim, on the Rhine.
rudimentary adjective Of or pertaining to rudiments; consisting in first principles; elementary; initial; as, rudimental essays., Very imperfectly developed; in an early stage of development; embryonic.
ruffianlike adjective Ruffianly.
rule-monger noun A stickler for rules; a slave of rules
rupturewort noun Same as Burstwort., A West Indian plant (Alternanthera polygonoides) somewhat resembling burstwort.
ruridecanal adjective Of or pertaining to a rural dean; as, a ruridecanal district; the ruridecanal intellect.
rushbuckler noun A bullying and violent person; a braggart; a swashbuckler.
russophobia noun Morbid dread of Russia or of Russian influence.
rusticating present participle & vb. noun of Rusticate
rustication noun The act of rusticating, or the state of being rusticated; specifically, the punishment of a student for some offense, by compelling him to leave the institution for a time., Rustic work.
rypophagous adjective Eating, or subsisting on, filth.