11 letter word starting with ro

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
rodomontade noun Vain boasting; empty bluster or vaunting; rant., To boast; to brag; to bluster; to rant.
rodomontado noun Rodomontade.
rolling-pin noun A cylindrical piece of wood or other material, with which paste or dough may be rolled out and reduced to a proper thickness.
rolly-pooly noun A game in which a ball, rolling into a certain place, wins.
romanticaly adverb In a romantic manner.
romanticism noun A fondness for romantic characteristics or peculiarities; specifically, in modern literature, an aiming at romantic effects; — applied to the productions of a school of writers who sought to revive certain medi/val forms and methods in opposition to the so-called classical style.
romanticist noun One who advocates romanticism in modern literature.
rosicrucian noun One who, in the 17th century and the early part of the 18th, claimed to belong to a secret society of philosophers deeply versed in the secrets of nature, — the alleged society having existed, it was stated, several hundred years., Of or pertaining to the Rosicrucians, or their arts.
roughcaster noun One who roughcasts.
roughing-in noun The first coat of plaster laid on brick; also, the process of applying it.
roughsetter noun A mason who builds rough stonework.
rouly-pouly noun See Rolly-pooly.
roundheaded adjective Having a round head or top.