11 letter word starting with sc

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
scabbedness noun Scabbiness.
scaffoldage noun A scaffold.
scaffolding noun A scaffold; a supporting framework; as, the scaffolding of the body., Materials for building scaffolds.
scalariform adjective Resembling a ladder in form or appearance; having transverse bars or markings like the rounds of a ladder; as, the scalariform cells and scalariform pits in some plants., Like or pertaining to a scalaria.
scalpriform adjective Shaped like a chisel; as, the scalpriform incisors of rodents.
scamblingly adverb In a scambling manner; with turbulence and noise; with bold intrusiveness.
scammoniate adjective Made from scammony; as, a scammoniate aperient.
scandalized imp. & past participle of Scandalize
scape-wheel noun The wheel in an escapement (as of a clock or a watch) into the teeth of which the pallets play.
scapholunar adjective Of or pertaining to the scaphoid and lunar bones of the carpus., The scapholunar bone.
scattergood noun One who wastes; a spendthrift.
scatterling noun One who has no fixed habitation or residence; a vagabond.
scenography noun The art or act of representing a body on a perspective plane; also, a representation or description of a body, in all its dimensions, as it appears to the eye.
scepterless adjective Alt. of Sceptreless
sceptreless adjective Having no scepter; without authority; powerless; as, a scepterless king.
schismatize verb i. To take part in schism; to make a breach of communion in the church.
schistosity noun The quality or state of being schistose.
schizocoele noun See Enterocoele.
schizognath noun Any bird with a schizognathous palate.
schizophyte noun One of a class of vegetable organisms, in the classification of Cohn, which includes all of the inferior forms that multiply by fission, whether they contain chlorophyll or not.
scizorhinal adjective Having the nasal bones separate., Having the anterior nostrils prolonged backward in the form of a slit.
scholarlike adjective Scholarly.
scholarship noun The character and qualities of a scholar; attainments in science or literature; erudition; learning., Literary education., Maintenance for a scholar; a foundation for the support of a student.
scholiastic adjective Of or pertaining to a scholiast, or his pursuits.
schoolhouse noun A house appropriated for the use of a school or schools, or for instruction.
schoolma’am noun A schoolmistress.
schottische noun A Scotch round dance in 2-4 time, similar to the polka, only slower; also, the music for such a dance; — not to be confounded with the Ecossaise.
sciatically adverb With, or by means of, sciatica.
scincoidian noun Any one of numerous species of lizards of the family Scincidae or tribe Scincoidea. The tongue is not extensile. The body and tail are covered with overlapping scales, and the toes are margined. See Illust. under Skink.
scintillant adjective Emitting sparks, or fine igneous particles; sparkling.
scintillate verb i. To emit sparks, or fine igneous particles., To sparkle, as the fixed stars.
scintillous adjective Scintillant.
scirrhosity noun A morbid induration, as of a gland; state of being scirrhous.
scleroderma noun A disease of adults, characterized by a diffuse rigidity and hardness of the skin.
sclerometer noun An instrument for determining with accuracy the degree of hardness of a mineral.
sclerotical adjective Sclerotic.
sclerotitis noun Inflammation of the sclerotic coat.
scolopacine adjective Of or pertaining to the Scolopacidae, or Snipe family.
scolopendra noun A genus of venomous myriapods including the centipeds. See Centiped., A sea fish.
scopiferous adjective Bearing a tuft of brushlike hairs.
scorbutical adjective Of or pertaining to scurvy; of the nature of, or resembling, scurvy; diseased with scurvy; as, a scorbutic person; scorbutic complaints or symptoms.
scoriaceous adjective Of or pertaining to scoria; like scoria or the recrement of metals; partaking of the nature of scoria.
scorpaenoid adjective Of or pertaining to the family Scorpaenidae, which includes the scorpene, the rosefish, the California rockfishes, and many other food fishes. [Written also scorpaenid.] See Illust. under Rockfish.
scorpioidal adjective Having the inflorescence curved or circinate at the end, like a scorpion’s tail.
scragginess noun The quality or state of being scraggy; scraggedness.
scrapepenny noun One who gathers and hoards money in trifling sums; a miser.
scratchback noun A toy which imitates the sound of tearing cloth, — used by drawing it across the back of unsuspecting persons.
scratchweed noun Cleavers.
scratchwork noun See Scratch coat.
scribatious adjective Skillful in, or fond of, writing.
scrimpingly adverb In a scrimping manner.
scriptorium noun In an abbey or monastery, the room set apart for writing or copying manuscripts; in general, a room devoted to writing.
scripturian noun A Scripturist.
scripturist noun One who is strongly attached to, or versed in, the Scriptures, or who endeavors to regulate his life by them.
scrobiculae plural of Scrobicula
scrobicular adjective Pertaining to, or surrounding, scrobiculae; as, scrobicular tubercles.
scrumptious adjective Nice; particular; fastidious; excellent; fine.
scruou-lize verb t. To perplex with scruples; to regard with scruples.
scrutinized imp. & past participle of Scrutinize
scrutinizer noun One who scrutinizes.
sculpturing present participle & vb. noun of Sculpture
scuppernong noun An American grape, a form of Vitis vulpina, found in the Southern Atlantic States, and often cultivated.
scutcheoned adjective Emblazoned on or as a shield.
scutellated adjective Formed like a plate or salver; composed of platelike surfaces; as, the scutellated bone of a sturgeon., Having the tarsi covered with broad transverse scales, or scutella; — said of certain birds.
scutibranch adjective Scutibranchiate., One of the Scutibranchiata.
scutiferous adjective Carrying a shield or buckler.
scyphistoma noun The young attached larva of Discophora in the stage when it resembles a hydroid, or actinian.
scyphophori noun pl. An order of fresh-water fishes inhabiting tropical Africa. They have rudimentary electrical organs on each side of the tail.
scythestone noun A stone for sharpening scythes; a whetstone.