11 letter word starting with se

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sea amenone Any one of numerous species of soft-bodied Anthozoa, belonging to the order Actrinaria; an actinian.
sea-blubber noun A jellyfish.
sea cabbage See Sea kale, under Kale.
sea captain The captain of a vessel that sails upon the sea.
sea catfish Alt. of Sea cat
sea compass The mariner’s compass. See under Compass.
sea feather Any gorgonian which branches in a plumelike form.
sea gherkin Alt. of Sea girkin
sea girdles A kind of kelp (Laminaria digitata) with palmately cleft fronds; — called also sea wand, seaware, and tangle.
sea goddess A goddess supposed to live in or reign over the sea, or some part of the sea.
sea gudgeon The European black goby (Gobius niger).
sea lamprey The common lamprey.
sea leopard Any one of several species of spotted seals, especially Ogmorhinus leptonyx, and Leptonychotes Weddelli, of the Antarctic Ocean. The North Pacific sea leopard is the harbor seal.
sea lettuce The green papery fronds of several seaweeds of the genus Ulva, sometimes used as food.
sealing wax A compound of the resinous materials, pigments, etc., used as a material for seals, as for letters, documents, etc.
sea monster Any large sea animal.
seamstressy noun The business of a seamstress.
sea poacher Alt. of Sea poker
sea pudding Any large holothurian.
sea saurian noun Any marine saurian; esp. (Paleon.) the large extinct species of Mosasaurus, Icthyosaurus, Plesiosaurus, and related genera.
sea serpent Any marine snake. See Sea snake., A large marine animal of unknown nature, often reported to have been seen at sea, but never yet captured.
seasickness noun The peculiar sickness, characterized by nausea and prostration, which is caused by the pitching or rolling of a vessel.
sea surgeon A surgeon fish.
sea swallow The common tern., The storm petrel., The gannet., See Cornish chough, under Chough.
sea titling The rock pipit.
sea trumpet A great blackish seaweed of the Southern Ocean, having a hollow and expanding stem and a pinnate frond, sometimes twenty feet long., Any large marine univalve shell of the genus Triton. See Triton.
sea unicorn The narwhal.
sea widgeon The scaup duck., The pintail duck.
secondarily adverb In a secondary manner or degree., Secondly; in the second place.
secondaries plural of Secondary
second-rate adjective Of the second size, rank, quality, or value; as, a second-rate ship; second-rate cloth; a second-rate champion.
secretarial adjective Of or pertaining to a secretary; befitting a secretary.
secretariat noun Alt. of Secretariate
secretaries plural of Secretary
sectionally adverb In a sectional manner.
secularized imp. & past participle of Secularize
secularness noun The quality or state of being secular; worldliness; worldly-minded-ness.
secundation noun Prosperity.
sedentarily adverb In a sedentary manner.
sedimentary adjective Of or pertaining to sediment; formed by sediment; containing matter that has subsided.
seditionary noun An inciter or promoter of sedition.
seductively adverb In a seductive manner.
seek-sorrow noun One who contrives to give himself vexation.
seemingness noun Semblance; fair appearance; plausibility.
segregating present participle & vb. noun of Segregate
segregation noun The act of segregating, or the state of being segregated; separation from others; a parting., Separation from a mass, and gathering about centers or into cavities at hand through cohesive attraction or the crystallizing process.
seigneurial adjective Of or pertaining to the lord of a manor; manorial., Vested with large powers; independent.
seigniorage noun Something claimed or taken by virtue of sovereign prerogative; specifically, a charge or toll deducted from bullion brought to a mint to be coined; the difference between the cost of a mass of bullion and the value as money of the pieces coined from it., A share of the receipts of a business taken in payment for the use of a right, as a copyright or a patent.
seigniorial adjective Same as Seigneurial.
seigniorize verb t. To lord it over.
seismograph noun An apparatus for registering the shocks and undulatory motions of earthquakes.
seismometer noun An instrument for measuring the direction, duration, and force of earthquakes and like concussions.
seismometry noun The mensuration of such phenomena of earthquakes as can be expressed in numbers, or by their relation to the coordinates of space.
seismoscope noun A seismometer.
selachoidei noun pl. Same as Selachii.
selaginella noun A genus of cryptogamous plants resembling Lycopodia, but producing two kinds of spores; also, any plant of this genus. Many species are cultivated in conservatories.
selenhydric adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, hydrogen selenide, H2Se, regarded as an acid analogous to sulphydric acid.
selenitical adjective Of or pertaining to selenite; resembling or containing selenite.
selenograph noun A picture or delineation of the moon’s surface, or of any part of it.
self-abased adjective Humbled by consciousness of inferiority, unworthiness, guilt, or shame.
self-acting adjective Acting of or by one’s self or by itself; — said especially of a machine or mechanism which is made to perform of or for itself what is usually done by human agency; automatic; as, a self-acting feed apparatus; a self-acting mule; a self-acting press.
self-action noun Action by, or originating in, one’s self or itself.
self-active adjective Acting of one’s self or of itself; acting without depending on other agents.
self-deceit noun The act of deceiving one’s self, or the state of being self-deceived; self-deception.
self-denial noun The denial of one’s self; forbearing to gratify one’s own desires; self-sacrifice.
self-esteem noun The holding a good opinion of one’s self; self-complacency.
selfishness noun The quality or state of being selfish; exclusive regard to one’s own interest or happiness; that supreme self-love or self-preference which leads a person to direct his purposes to the advancement of his own interest, power, or happiness, without regarding those of others.
self-mettle noun Inborn mettle or courage; one’s own temper.
self-motion noun Motion given by inherent power, without external impulse; spontaneus or voluntary motion.
self-moving adjective Moving by inherent power, without the aid of external impulse.
self-murder adjective Suicide.
self-praise noun Praise of one’s self.
self-seeker noun One who seeks only his own interest, advantage, or pleasure.
self-taught adjective Taught by one’s own efforts.
self-willed adjective Governed by one’s own will; not yielding to the wishes of others; obstinate.
seltzo-gene noun A gazogene.
semaphorist noun One who manages or operates a semaphore.
semiography noun A description of the signs of disease., Alt. of Semiological
semiiannual adjective Half-yearly.
semiannular adjective Having the figure of a half circle; forming a semicircle.
semichaotic adjective Partially chaotic.
semicircled adjective Semicircular.
semicompact adjective Half compact; imperfectly indurated.
semicubical adjective Of or pertaining to the square root of the cube of a quantity.
semidiurnal adjective Pertaining to, or accomplished in, half a day, or twelve hours; occurring twice every day., Pertaining to, or traversed in, six hours, or in half the time between the rising and setting of a heavenly body; as, a semidiurnal arc.
semilogical adjective Half logical; partly logical; said of fallacies.
semimonthly adjective Coming or made twice in a month; as, semimonthly magazine; a semimonthly payment., Something done or made every half month; esp., a semimonthly periodical., In a semimonthly manner; at intervals of half a month.
semiopacous adjective Semiopaque.
semipalmate adjective Alt. of Semipalmated
semisextile noun An aspect of the planets when they are distant from each other the twelfth part of a circle, or thirty degrees.
semispheric adjective Alt. of Semispherical
semitangent noun The tangent of half an arc.
semitertian adjective Having the characteristics of both a tertian and a quotidian intermittent., An intermittent combining the characteristics of a tertian and a quotidian.
sempervivum noun A genus of fleshy-leaved plants, of which the houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum) is the commonest species.
sempiternal adjective Of neverending duration; everlasting; endless; having beginning, but no end., Without beginning or end; eternal.
sempstressy noun Seamstressy.
senatorious adjective Senatorial.
senatorship noun The office or dignity of a senator.
senectitude noun Old age.
sensational adjective Of or pertaining to sensation; as, sensational nerves., Of or pertaining to sensationalism, or the doctrine that sensation is the sole origin of knowledge., Suited or intended to excite temporarily great interest or emotion; melodramatic; emotional; as, sensational plays or novels; sensational preaching; sensational journalism; a sensational report.
sensibility noun The quality or state of being sensible, or capable of sensation; capacity to feel or perceive., The capacity of emotion or feeling, as distinguished from the intellect and the will; peculiar susceptibility of impression, pleasurable or painful; delicacy of feeling; quick emotion or sympathy; as, sensibility to pleasure or pain; sensibility to shame or praise; exquisite sensibility; — often used in the plural., Experience of sensation; actual feeling., That quality of an instrument which makes it indicate very slight changes of condition; delicacy; as, the sensibility of a balance, or of a thermometer.
sensiferous adjective Exciting sensation; conveying sensation.
sensigenous adjective Causing or exciting sensation.
sensitivity noun The quality or state of being sensitive; — used chiefly in science and the arts; as, the sensitivity of iodized silver.
sensualized imp. & past participle of Sensualize
sensualness noun Sensuality; fleshliness.
sententiary noun One who read lectures, or commented, on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris (1159-1160), a school divine.
sententious adjective Abounding with sentences, axioms, and maxims; full of meaning; terse and energetic in expression; pithy; as, a sententious style or discourse; sententious truth., Comprising or representing sentences; sentential.
sentimental adjective Having, expressing, or containing a sentiment or sentiments; abounding with moral reflections; containing a moral reflection; didactic., Inclined to sentiment; having an excess of sentiment or sensibility; indulging the sensibilities for their own sake; artificially or affectedly tender; — often in a reproachful sense., Addressed or pleasing to the emotions only, usually to the weaker and the unregulated emotions.
sentinelled of Sentinel
sentineling present participle & vb. noun of Sentinel
separatical adjective Of or pertaining to separatism in religion; schismatical.
sepidaceous adjective Like or pertaining to the cuttlefishes of the genus Sepia.
septangular adjective Heptagonal.
septemberer noun A Setembrist.
septembrist noun An agent in the massacres in Paris, committed in patriotic frenzy, on the 22d of September, 1792.
septentrial adjective Septentrional.
septentrion noun The north or northern regions., Alt. of Septentrional
septicaemia noun A poisoned condition of the blood produced by the absorption into it of septic or putrescent material; blood poisoning. It is marked by chills, fever, prostration, and inflammation of the different serous membranes and of the lungs, kidneys, and other organs.
septiferous adjective Bearing a partition; — said of the valves of a capsule., Conveying putrid poison; as, the virulence of septiferous matter.
septifluous adjective Flowing in seven streams; septemfluous.
septifragal adjective Breaking from the partitions; — said of a method of dehiscence in which the valves of a pod break away from the partitions, and these remain attached to the common axis.
septinsular adjective Consisting of seven islands; as, the septinsular republic of the Ionian Isles.
sepulchered imp. & past participle of Sepulchre
sepulchring of Sepulchre
sequestered imp. & past participle of Sequester, Retired; secluded.
sequestrate verb t. To sequester.
seraphicism noun The character, quality, or state of a seraph; seraphicalness.
sergeancies plural of Sergeancy
sericterium noun A silk gland, as in the silkworms.
sericulture noun The raising of silkworms.
serio-comic adjective Alt. of Serio-comical
sermonizing present participle & vb. noun of Sermonize
serpentaria adjective The fibrous aromatic root of the Virginia snakeroot (Aristolochia Serpentaria).
serpiginous adjective Creeping; — said of lesions which heal over one portion while continuing to advance at another.
serrulation noun The state of being notched minutely, like a fine saw., One of the teeth in a serrulate margin.
sertularian noun Any species of Sertularia, or of Sertularidae, a family of hydroids having branched chitinous stems and simple sessile hydrothecae. Also used adjectively.
serviceable adjective Doing service; promoting happiness, interest, advantage, or any good; useful to any end; adapted to any good end use; beneficial; advantageous., Prepared for rendering service; capable of, or fit for, the performance of duty; hence, active; diligent.
servileness noun Quality of being servile; servility.
sesquialter adjective Sesquialteral., Alt. of Sesquialtera
sesquibasic adjective Containing, or acting as, a base in the proportions of a sesqui compound.
sesquioxide noun An oxide containing three atoms of oxygen with two atoms (or radicals) of some other substance; thus, alumina, Al2O3 is a sesquioxide.
sesquipedal adjective Alt. of Sesquipedalian
settledness noun The quality or state of being settled; confirmed state.
seventeenth adjective Next in order after the sixteenth; coming after sixteen others., Constituting or being one of seventeen equal parts into which anything is divided., The next in order after the sixteenth; one coming after sixteen others., The quotient of a unit divided by seventeen; one of seventeen equal parts or divisions of one whole., An interval of two octaves and a third.
sevres blue A very light blue.
sevres ware Porcelain manufactured at Sevres, France, ecpecially in the national factory situated there.
sexagesimal adjective Pertaining to, or founded on, the number sixty., A sexagesimal fraction.
sexdigitism noun The state of having six fingers on a hand, or six toes on a foot.
sexdigitist noun One who has six fingers on a hand, or six toes on a foot.
sexennially adverb Once in six years.
sextodecimo adjective Having sixteen leaves to a sheet; of, or equal to, the size of one fold of a sheet of printing paper when folded so as to make sixteen leaves, or thirty-two pages; as, a sextodecimo volume., A book composed of sheets each of which is folded into sixteen leaves; hence, indicating, more or less definitely, a size of a book; — usually written 16mo, or 16ยก.