11 letter word starting with sei

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
seigneurial adjective Of or pertaining to the lord of a manor; manorial., Vested with large powers; independent.
seigniorage noun Something claimed or taken by virtue of sovereign prerogative; specifically, a charge or toll deducted from bullion brought to a mint to be coined; the difference between the cost of a mass of bullion and the value as money of the pieces coined from it., A share of the receipts of a business taken in payment for the use of a right, as a copyright or a patent.
seigniorial adjective Same as Seigneurial.
seigniorize verb t. To lord it over.
seismograph noun An apparatus for registering the shocks and undulatory motions of earthquakes.
seismometer noun An instrument for measuring the direction, duration, and force of earthquakes and like concussions.
seismometry noun The mensuration of such phenomena of earthquakes as can be expressed in numbers, or by their relation to the coordinates of space.
seismoscope noun A seismometer.