11 letter word starting with sh

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
shadowiness noun The quality or state of being shadowy.
shad-spirit noun See Shadbird (a)
shad-waiter noun A lake whitefish; the roundfish. See Roundfish.
shag-haired adjective Having shaggy hair.
shallowness noun Quality or state of being shallow.
shame-proof noun Shameless.
shanghaiing present participle & vb. noun of Shanghai
shapeliness noun The quality or state of being shapely.
shard-borne adjective Borne on shards or scaly wing cases.
sharebroker noun A broker who deals in railway or other shares and securities.
shareholder noun One who holds or owns a share or shares in a joint fund or property.
sheep-faced adjective Over-bashful; sheepish.
sheepmaster noun A keeper or feeder of sheep; also, an owner of sheep.
sheep’s-eye noun A modest, diffident look; a loving glance; — commonly in the plural.
sheet cable The cable belonging to the sheet anchor.
sheet chain A chain sheet cable.
shelterless adjective Destitute of shelter or protection.
shepherding present participle & vb. noun of Shepherd
shepherdess noun A woman who tends sheep; hence, a rural lass.
shepherdias plural of Shepherdia
shepherdish noun Resembling a shepherd; suiting a shepherd; pastoral.
shepherdism noun Pastoral life or occupation.
sheriffalty noun Alt. of Sheriffwick
sheriffship noun Alt. of Sheriffwick
sheriffwick noun The office or jurisdiction of sheriff. See Shrievalty.
shielddrake noun A sheldrake.
shiningness noun Brightness.
shinplaster noun Formerly, a jocose term for a bank note greatly depreciated in value; also, for paper money of a denomination less than a dollar.
shipbuilder noun A person whose occupation is to construct ships and other vessels; a naval architect; a shipwright.
ship-rigged adjective Rigged like a ship, that is, having three masts, each with square sails.
shipwrecked imp. & past participle of Shipwreck
shittlecock noun A shuttlecock.
shittleness noun Instability; inconstancy.
shiveringly adverb In a shivering manner.
shiver-spar noun A variety of calcite, so called from its slaty structure; — called also slate spar.
shoplifting noun Larceny committed in a shop; the stealing of anything from a shop.
shorlaceous adjective See Schorl, Schorlaceous.
shortcoming noun The act of falling, or coming short, The failure of a crop, or the like., Neglect of, or failure in, performance of duty.
short-dated adjective Having little time to run from the date.
shortened / imp. & past participle of Shorten
short-lived adjective Not living or lasting long; being of short continuance; as, a short-lived race of beings; short-lived pleasure; short-lived passion.
short-wited adjective Having little wit; not wise; having scanty intellect or judgment.
shouldering present participle & vb. noun of Shoulder
shovelboard noun A board on which a game is played, by pushing or driving pieces of metal or money to reach certain marks; also, the game itself. Called also shuffleboard, shoveboard, shovegroat, shovelpenny., A game played on board ship in which the aim is to shove or drive with a cue wooden disks into divisions chalked on the deck; — called also shuffleboard.
showeriness noun Quality of being showery.
shrinkingly adverb In a shrinking manner.
shrivelling of Shrivel
shroud-laid adjective Composed of four strands, and laid right-handed with a heart, or center; — said of rope. See Illust. under Cordage.
shrubberies plural of Shrubbery
shrubbiness noun Quality of being shrubby.
shufflewing noun The hedg sparrow.
shuttlecock noun A cork stuck with feathers, which is to be struck by a battledoor in play; also, the play itself., To send or toss to and fro; to bandy; as, to shuttlecock words.
shuttlecork noun See Shuttlecock.
shuttlewise adverb Back and forth, like the movement of a shuttle.