11 letter word starting with si

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
siderealize verb t. To elevate to the stars, or to the region of the stars; to etherealize.
sideromancy noun Divination by burning straws on red-hot iron, and noting the manner of their burning.
sideroscope noun An instrument for detecting small quantities of iron in any substance by means of a very delicate combination of magnetic needles.
sideroxylon noun A genus of tropical sapotaceous trees noted for their very hard wood; ironwood.
side-taking noun A taking sides, as with a party, sect, or faction.
sightliness noun The state of being sightly; comeliness; conspicuousness.
sigillative adjective Fit to seal; belonging to a seal; composed of wax.
sigmoidally adverb In a sigmoidal manner.
signalizing present participle & vb. noun of Signalize
signaturist noun One who holds to the doctrine of signatures impressed upon objects, indicative of character or qualities.
significant adjective Fitted or designed to signify or make known somethingl having a meaning; standing as a sign or token; expressive or suggestive; as, a significant word or sound; a significant look., Deserving to be considered; important; momentous; as, a significant event., That which has significance; a sign; a token; a symbol.
significate noun One of several things signified by a common term.
signiorship noun State or position of a signior.
silicifying present participle & vb. noun of Silicify
silicioidea noun pl. Same as Silicoidea.
siliqyiform adjective Having the form of a silique.
sillimanite noun Same as Fibrolite.
silverberry noun A tree or shrub (Elaeagnus argentea) with silvery foliage and fruit.
silver-gray adjective Having a gray color with a silvery luster; as, silver-gray hair.
silveriness noun The state of being silvery.
silverizing present participle & vb. noun of Silverize
silversides noun Any one of several species of small fishes of the family Atherinidae, having a silvery stripe along each side of the body. The common species of the American coast (Menidia notata) is very abundant. Called also silverside, sand smelt, friar, tailor, and tinker.
silversmith noun One whose occupation is to manufacture utensils, ornaments, etc., of silver; a worker in silver.
simperingly adverb In a simpering manner.
simplifying present participle & vb. noun of Simplify
sincereness noun Same as Sincerity.
single-foot noun An irregular gait of a horse; — called also single-footed pace. See Single, v. i.
singlestick noun In England and Scotland, a cudgel used in fencing or fighting; a backsword., The game played with singlesticks, in which he who first brings blood from his adversary’s head is pronounced victor; backsword; cudgeling.
singularist noun One who affects singularity.
singularity noun The quality or state of being singular; some character or quality of a thing by which it is distinguished from all, or from most, others; peculiarity., Anything singular, rare, or curious., Possession of a particular or exclusive privilege, prerogative, or distinction., Celibacy.
singularize verb t. To make singular or single; to distinguish.
sinistrally adverb Toward the left; in a sinistral manner.
sinistrorse adjective Turning to the left (of the spectator) in the ascending line; — the opposite of dextrorse. See Dextrorse.
sinological adjective Relating to the Chinese language or literature.
sinuosities plural of Sinuosity
siphonopoda noun pl. A division of Scaphopoda including those in which the foot terminates in a circular disk.
siphorhinal adjective Having tubular nostrils, as the petrels.
siphuncular adjective Of or pertaining to the siphuncle.
sipunculoid adjective Pertaining to the Sipunculoidea., One of the Sipunculoidea.
sisal grass Alt. of Sisal hemp
sivatherium noun A genus of very large extinct ruminants found in the Tertiary formation of India. The snout was prolonged in the form of a proboscis. The male had four horns, the posterior pair being large and branched. It was allied to the antelopes, but very much larger than any exsisting species.
six-shooter noun A pistol or other firearm which can be fired six times without reloading especially, a six-chambered revolver.
silkensides noun Same as Slickensides.