11 letter word starting with squ

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
squab-chick noun A young chicken before it is fully fledged.
squalidness noun Quality or state of being squalid.
squamaceous adjective Squamose.
squamellate adjective Furnished or covered with little scales; squamulose.
squandering present participle & vb. noun of Squander
square-toed noun Having the toe square.
square-toes noun A precise person; — used contemptuously or jocularly.
squarrulose adjective Somewhat squarrose; slightly squarrose.
squashiness noun The quality or state of being squashy, or soft.
squeakingly adverb In a squeaking manner.
squeasiness noun Queasiness.
squint-eyed adjective Having eyes that quint; having eyes with axes not coincident; cross-eyed., Looking obliquely, or asquint; malignant; as, squint-eyed praise; squint-eyed jealousy.
squintifego adjective Squinting.