11 letter word starting with st

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
stabiliment adjective The act of making firm; firm support; establishment.
stabilitate verb t. To make stable; to establish.
stabulation noun The act of stabling or housing beasts., A place for lodging beasts; a stable.
stack-guard noun A covering or protection, as a canvas, for a stack.
stadtholder noun Formerly, the chief magistrate of the United Provinces of Holland; also, the governor or lieutenant governor of a province.
stageplayer noun An actor on the stage; one whose occupation is to represent characters on the stage; as, Garrick was a celebrated stageplayer.
staggerbush noun An American shrub (Andromeda Mariana) having clusters of nodding white flowers. It grows in low, sandy places, and is said to poison lambs and calves.
staggerwort noun A kind of ragwort (Senecio Jacobaea).
stag-horned adjective Having the mandibles large and palmate, or branched somewhat like the antlers of a stag; — said of certain beetles.
stahlianism noun The Stahlian theoru, that every vital action is function or operation of the soul.
stainlessly adverb In a stainless manner.
stakeholder noun The holder of a stake; one with whom the bets are deposited when a wager is laid.
staktometer noun A drop measurer; a glass tube tapering to a small orifice at the point, and having a bulb in the middle, used for finding the number of drops in equal quantities of different liquids. See Pipette.
stalactical adjective Stalactic.
stalactites plural of Stalactite, A stalactite.
stalactitic adjective Alt. of Stalactitical
stalagmitic adjective Alt. of Stalagmitical
staminodium noun An abortive stamen, or any organ modified from an abortive stamen.
standardize verb t. To reduce to a normal standard; to calculate or adjust the strength of, by means of, and for uses in, analysis.
staphylinid noun Any rove beetle.
startlingly adverb In a startling manner.
statarianly adverb Fixedly; steadly.
stateliness noun The quality or state of being stately.
statemonger noun One versed in politics, or one who dabbles in state affairs.
stateprison See under State, n.
statesmanly adjective Becoming a statesman.
stateswomen plural of Stateswoman
stateswoman noun A woman concerned in public affairs.
statistical adjective Of or pertaining to statistics; as, statistical knowledge, statistical tabulation.
statuminate verb t. To prop or support.
staunchness See Stanch, Stanchly, etc.
staurolitic adjective Of or pertaining to staurolite; resembling or containing staurolite.
stauroscope noun An optical instrument used in determining the position of the planes of light-vibration in sections of crystals.
steadfastly adverb In a steadfast manner; firmly.
stealthlike adjective Stealthy; sly.
stearoptene noun The more solid ingredient of certain volatile oils; — contrasted with elaeoptene.
steerageway noun A rate of motion through the water sufficient to render a vessel governable by the helm.
stegosauria noun pl. An extinct order of herbivorous dinosaurs, including the genera Stegosaurus, Omosaurus, and their allies.
stegosaurus noun A genus of large Jurassic dinosaurs remarkable for a powerful dermal armature of plates and spines.
stelleridan noun Alt. of Stelleridean
stellionate noun Any fraud not distinguished by a more special name; — chiefly applied to sales of the same property to two different persons, or selling that for one’s own which belongs to another, etc.
stelography noun The art of writing or inscribing characters on pillars.
stem-winder noun A stem-winding watch.
stencilling of Stencil
stenography noun The art of writing in shorthand, by using abbreviations or characters for whole words; shorthand.
stentorious adjective Stentorian.
stentoronic adjective Stentorian.
stepbrother noun A brother by the marriage of one’s father with the mother of another, or of one’s mother with the father of another.
stephanotis noun A genus of climbing asclepiadaceous shrubs, of Madagascar, Malaya, etc. They have fleshy or coriaceous opposite leaves, and large white waxy flowers in cymes., A perfume said to be prepared from the flowers of Stephanotis floribunda.
stercobilin noun A coloring matter found in the faeces, a product of the alteration of the bile pigments in the intestinal canal, — identical with hydrobilirubin.
stereograph noun Any picture, or pair of pictures, prepared for exhibition in the stereoscope. Stereographs are now commonly made by means of photography.
stereometer noun An instrument for measuring the solid contents of a body, or the capacity of a vessel; a volumenometer., An instrument for determining the specific gravity of liquid bodies, porous bodies, and powders, as well as solids.
stereometry noun The art of measuring and computing the cubical contents of bodies and figures; — distinguished from planimetry.
stereoplasm noun The solid or insoluble portion of the cell protoplasm. See Hygroplasm.
stereoscope noun An optical instrument for giving to pictures the appearance of solid forms, as seen in nature. It combines in one, through a bending of the rays of light, two pictures, taken for the purpose from points of view a little way apart. It is furnished with two eyeglasses, and by refraction or reflection the pictures are superimposed, so as to appear as one to the observer.
stereoscopy noun The art or science of using the stereoscope, or of constructing the instrument or the views used with it.
stereotomic adjective Alt. of Stereotomical
stereotyped imp. & past participle of Stereotype, Formed into, or printed from, stereotype plates., Fig.: Formed in a fixed, unchangeable manner; as, stereotyped opinions.
stereotyper noun One who stereotypes; one who makes stereotype plates, or works in a stereotype foundry.
stereotypic adjective Of or pertaining to stereotype, or stereotype plates.
sterilizing present participle & vb. noun of Sterilize
sternohyoid adjective Of or pertaining to the sternum and the hyoid bone or cartilage.
stern-wheel adjective Having a paddle wheel at the stern; as, a stern-wheel steamer.
sterrometal noun Any alloy of copper, zinc, tin, and iron, of which cannon are sometimes made.
stertorious adjective Stertorous.
stethograph noun See Pneumatograph.
stethometer noun An apparatus for measuring the external movements of a given point of the chest wall, during respiration; — also called thoracometer.
stethoscope noun An instrument used in auscultation for examining the organs of the chest, as the heart and lungs, by conveying to the ear of the examiner the sounds produced in the thorax., To auscultate, or examine, with a stethoscope.
stethoscopy noun The art or process of examination by the stethoscope.
stewardship noun The office of a steward.
stibiconite noun A native oxide of antimony occurring in masses of a yellow color.
stichomancy noun Divination by lines, or passages of books, taken at hazard.
stichometry noun Measurement of books by the number of lines which they contain., Division of the text of a book into lines; especially, the division of the text of books into lines accommodated to the sense, — a method of writing manuscripts used before punctuation was adopted.
stickleback verb t. Any one of numerous species of small fishes of the genus Gasterosteus and allied genera. The back is armed with two or more sharp spines. They inhabit both salt and brackish water, and construct curious nests. Called also sticklebag, sharpling, and prickleback.
stick-tight noun Beggar’s ticks.
stigmatical adjective Marked with a stigma, or with something reproachful to character., Impressing with infamy or reproach., Of or pertaining to a stigma or stigmata.
stigmatized imp. & past participle of Stigmatize
stilettoing present participle & vb. noun of Stiletto
stimulating present participle & vb. noun of Stimulate
stimulation noun The act of stimulating, or the state of being stimulated., The irritating action of various agents (stimuli) on muscles, nerves, or a sensory end organ, by which activity is evoked; especially, the nervous impulse produced by various agents on nerves, or a sensory end organ, by which the part connected with the nerve is thrown into a state of activity; irritation.
stimulative adjective Having the quality of stimulating., That which stimulates.
stintedness noun The state of being stinted.
stipendiary adjective Receiving wages, or salary; performing services for a stated price or compensation., One who receives a stipend.
stipendiate verb t. To provide with a stipend, or salary; to support; to pay.
stipendless adjective Having no stipend.
stipitiform adjective Having the shape of a stalk; stalklike.
stipulating present participle & vb. noun of Stipulate
stipulation noun The act of stipulating; a contracting or bargaining; an agreement., That which is stipulated, or agreed upon; that which is definitely arranged or contracted; an agreement; a covenant; a contract or bargain; also, any particular article, item, or condition, in a mutual agreement; as, the stipulations of the allied powers to furnish each his contingent of troops., A material article of an agreement; an undertaking in the nature of bail taken in the admiralty courts; a bargain., The situation, arrangement, and structure of the stipules.
stock-blind adjective Blind as a stock; wholly blind.
stockbroker noun A broker who deals in stocks.
stockholder noun One who is a holder or proprietor of stock in the public funds, or in the funds of a bank or other stock company.
stockjobber noun One who speculates in stocks for gain; one whose occupation is to buy and sell stocks. In England a jobber acts as an intermediary between brokers.
stock-still adjective Still as a stock, or fixed post; perfectly still.
stomachical adjective Of or pertaining to the stomach; as, stomachic vessels., Strengthening to the stomach; exciting the action of the stomach; stomachal; cordial.
stomachless adjective Being without a stomach., Having no appetite.
stomatopoda noun pl. Same as Stomapoda.
stone-blind adjective As blind as a stone; completely blind.
stonecutter noun One whose occupation is to cut stone; also, a machine for dressing stone.
stone-horse noun Stallion.
stonerunner noun The ring plover, or the ringed dotterel., The dotterel.
stone-still adjective As still as a stone.
storekeeper noun A man in charge of stores or goods of any kind; as, a naval storekeeper., One who keeps a “store;” a shopkeeper. See 1st Store, 3.
straighting present participle & vb. noun of Straighten
straightway adverb Immediately; without loss of time; without delay.
straitening present participle & vb. noun of Straiten
stramineous adjective Strawy; consisting of straw., Chaffy; like straw; straw-colored.
strangeness noun The state or quality of being strange (in any sense of the adjective).
strangulate adjective Strangulated.
strappadoes plural of Strappado
strategetic adjective Alt. of Strategetical
strategical adjective Of or pertaining to strategy; effected by artifice.
stratifying present participle & vb. noun of Stratify
stratocracy noun A military government; government by military chiefs and an army.
streaminess noun The state of being streamy; a trailing.
strengthful adjective Abounding in strength; full of strength; strong.
strengthing noun A stronghold.
strengthner noun See Strengthener.
strepitores noun pl. A division of birds, including the clamatorial and picarian birds, which do not have well developed singing organs.
strepsipter noun Alt. of Strepsipteran
stridulator noun That which stridulates.
strigillose adjective Set with stiff, slender bristles.
stringboard noun Same as Stringpiece.
stringiness noun Quality of being stringy.
stringpiece noun A long piece of timber, forming a margin or edge of any piece of construction; esp.:, One of the longitudinal pieces, supporting the treads and rises of a flight or run of stairs.
stroboscope noun An instrument for studying or observing the successive phases of a periodic or varying motion by means of light which is periodically interrupted., An optical toy similar to the phenakistoscope. See Phenakistoscope.
strongyloid adjective Like, or pertaining to, Strongylus, a genus of parasitic nematode worms of which many species infest domestic animals. Some of the species, especially those living in the kidneys, lungs, and bronchial tubes, are often very injurious., A strongyloid worm.
structurist noun One who forms structures; a builder; a constructor.
struthiones plural of Struthio, A division, or order, of birds, including only the African ostriches., In a wider sense, an extensive group of birds including the ostriches, cassowaries, emus, moas, and allied birds incapable of flight. In this sense it is equivalent to Ratitae, or Dromaeognathae.
stubbedness noun The quality or state of being stubbed.
studentship noun The state of being a student.
stultifying present participle & vb. noun of Stultify
stultiloquy noun Foolish talk; silly discource; babbling.
stumblingly adverb In a stumbling manner.
styliferous adjective Bearing one or more styles.
stylography noun A mode of writing or tracing lines by means of a style on cards or tablets.
stylopodium noun An expansion at the base of the style, as in umbelliferous plants.