11 letter word starting with sy

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sybaritical adjective Of or pertaining to the Sybarites; resembling the Sybarites; luxurious; wanton; effeminate.
sycophantcy noun Sycophancy.
sycophantic adjective Alt. of Sycophantical
sycophantry noun Sycophancy.
syllabarium noun A syllabary.
syllabicate verb t. To form or divide into syllables; to syllabify.
syllabified imp. & past participle of Syllabify
sylleptical adjective Of or pertaining to a syllepsis; containing syllepsis.
syllogistic adjective Alt. of Syllogistical
syllogizing present participle & vb. noun of Syllogize
sylvestrian adjective Sylvan.
sylvicoline adjective Of or pertaining to the family of warblers (Sylvicolidae). See Warbler.
symbolistic adjective Alt. of Symbolistical
symbolizing present participle & vb. noun of Symbolize
symbologist noun One who practices, or who is versed in, symbology.
symbranchii noun pl. An order of slender eel-like fishes having the gill openings confluent beneath the neck. The pectoral arch is generally attached to the skull, and the entire margin of the upper jaw is formed by the premaxillary. Called also Symbranchia.
symmetrical adjective Involving or exhibiting symmetry; proportional in parts; having its parts in due proportion as to dimensions; as, a symmetrical body or building., Having the organs or parts of one side corresponding with those of the other; having the parts in two or more series of organs the same in number; exhibiting a symmetry. See Symmetry, 2., Having an equal number of parts in the successive circles of floral organs; — said of flowers., Having a likeness in the form and size of floral organs of the same kind; regular., Having a common measure; commensurable., Having corresponding parts or relations.
symmetrized imp. & past participle of Symmetrize
sympathetic adjective Inclined to sympathy; sympathizing., Produced by, or expressive of, sympathy., Produced by sympathy; — applied particularly to symptoms or affections. See Sympathy., Of or relating to the sympathetic nervous system or some of its branches; produced by stimulation on the sympathetic nervious system or some part of it; as, the sympathetic saliva, a modified form of saliva, produced from some of the salivary glands by stimulation of a sympathetic nerve fiber.
sympathized imp. & past participle of Sympathize
sympathizer noun One who sympathizes.
sympetalous adjective Having the petals united; gamopetalous.
symphonious adjective Agreeing in sound; accordant; harmonious., Symphonic.
symphonized imp. & past participle of Symphonize
symposiarch noun The master of a feast.
symptomatic adjective Alt. of Symptomatical
synagogical adjective Of or pertaining to a synagogue.
synallaxine adjective Having the outer and middle toes partially united; — said of certain birds related to the creepers.
synanthesis noun The simultaneous maturity of the anthers and stigmas of a blossom.
synanthrose noun A variety of sugar, isomeric with sucrose, found in the tubers of the Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), in the dahlia, and other Compositae.
synapticula noun One of numerous calcareous processes which extend between, and unite, the adjacent septa of certain corals, especially of the fungian corals.
synchoresis noun A concession made for the purpose of retorting with greater force.
synchronism noun The concurrence of events in time; simultaneousness., The tabular arrangement of historical events and personages, according to their dates., A representation, in the same picture, of two or events which occured at different times.
synchronize verb i. To agree in time; to be simultaneous., To assign to the same date or period of time; as, to synchronize two events of Greek and Roman history., To cause to agree in time; as, to synchronize the movements of different machines; to synchronize clocks.
synchronous adjective Happening at the same time; simultaneous.
synclinical adjective Synclinal.
synclinoria plural of Synclinorium
syncopating present participle & vb. noun of Syncopate
syncopation noun The act of syncopating; the contraction of a word by taking one or more letters or syllables from the middle; syncope., The act of syncopating; a peculiar figure of rhythm, or rhythmical alteration, which consists in welding into one tone the second half of one beat with the first half of the beat which follows.
syndactylic adjective Syndactilous.
syndesmoses plural of Syndesmosis
syndesmosis noun An articulation formed by means of ligaments.
syndyasmian adjective Pertaining to the state of pairing together sexually; — said of animals during periods of procreation and while rearing their offspring.
synergistic adjective Of or pertaining to synergism., Cooperating; synergetic.
syngenesian adjective Alt. of Syngenesious
synneuroses plural of Synneorosis
synneorosis noun Syndesmosis.
synodically adverb In a synodical manner; in a synod; by the authority of a synod.
synonymally adverb Synonymously.
synonymical adjective Of or pertaining to synonyms, or synonymic; synonymous.
synonymicon noun A dictionary of synonyms.
synonymized imp. & past participle of Synonymize
synosteoses plural of Synosteosis
synosteosis noun Union by means of bone; the complete closing up and obliteration of sutures.
synsepalous adjective Having united sepals; gamosepalous.
syntactical adjective Of or pertaining to syntax; according to the rules of syntax, or construction.
synteretics noun That department of medicine which relates to the preservation of health; prophylaxis.
synthetical adjective Of or pertaining to synthesis; consisting in synthesis or composition; as, the synthetic method of reasoning, as opposed to analytical., Artificial. Cf. Synthesis, 2., Comprising within itself structural or other characters which are usually found only in two or more diverse groups; — said of species, genera, and higher groups. See the Note under Comprehensive, 3.
syphiloderm noun A cutaneous affection due to syphilis.
syphilology noun That branch of medicine which treats of syphilis.
syringotome noun A small blunt-pointed bistoury, — used in syringotomy.
syringotomy noun The operation of cutting for anal fistula.
syrphus fly Any one of numerous species of dipterous flies of the genus Syrphus and allied genera. They are usually bright-colored, with yellow bands, and hover around plants. The larvae feed upon plant lice, and are, therefore, very beneficial to agriculture.
syssarcosis noun The junction of bones by intervening muscles.
systematism noun The reduction of facts or principles to a system.
systematist noun One who forms a system, or reduces to system., One who adheres to a system.
systematize verb t. To reduce to system or regular method; to arrange methodically; to methodize; as, to systematize a collection of plants or minerals; to systematize one’s work; to systematize one’s ideas.
systemizing present participle & vb. noun of Systemize