11 letter word starting with th

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
thallophyte noun Same as Thallogen.
thamnophile noun A bush shrike.
thanatology noun A description, or the doctrine, of death.
thanatopsis noun A view of death; a meditation on the subject of death.
thanksgiver noun One who gives thanks, or acknowledges a kindness.
thankworthy adjective Deserving thanks; worthy of gratitude; mreitorious.
thaumatrope noun An optical instrument or toy for showing the presistence of an impression upon the eyes after the luminous object is withdrawn.
thaumaturge noun A magician; a wonder worker.
thaumaturgy noun The act or art of performing something wonderful; magic; legerdemain.
theanthropy noun Theanthropism.
theatricals noun pl. Dramatic performances; especially, those produced by amateurs.
thecodactyl noun Any one of a group of lizards of the Gecko tribe, having the toes broad, and furnished with a groove in which the claws can be concealed.
thecodontia noun pl. A group of fossil saurians having biconcave vertebrae and the teeth implanted in sockets.
thecosomata noun pl. An order of Pteropoda comprising those species which have a shell. See Pteropoda.
thelphusian noun One of a tribe of fresh-water crabs which live in or on the banks of rivers in tropical countries.
thelytokous adjective Producing females only; — said of certain female insects.
thenceforth adverb From that time; thereafter.
theobromine noun An alkaloidal ureide, C7H8N4O2, homologous with and resembling caffeine, produced artificially, and also extracted from cacao and chocolate (from Theobroma Cacao) as a bitter white crystalline substance; — called also dimethyl xanthine.
theodolitic adjective Of or pertaining to a theodolite; made by means of a theodolite; as, theodolitic observations.
theological adjective Of or pertaining to theology, or the science of God and of divine things; as, a theological treatise.
theologized imp. & past participle of Theologize
theologizer noun One who theologizes; a theologian.
theomachist noun One who fights against the gods; one who resists God of the divine will.
theopneusty noun Divine inspiration; the supernatural influence of the Divine Spirit in qualifying men to receive and communicate revealed truth.
theorematic adjective Alt. of Theorematical
theoretical adjective Pertaining to theory; depending on, or confined to, theory or speculation; speculative; terminating in theory or speculation: not practical; as, theoretical learning; theoretic sciences.
theorically adverb In a theoretic manner.
theosophism noun Belief in theosophy.
theosophist noun One addicted to theosophy.
theosophize verb i. To practice theosophy.
therapeutae noun pl. A name given to certain ascetics said to have anciently dwelt in the neighborhood of Alexandria. They are described in a work attributed to Philo, the genuineness and credibility of which are now much discredited.
therapeutic adjective Alt. of Therapeutical, One of the Therapeutae.
thereabouts adverb Near that place., Near that number, degree, or quantity; nearly; as, ten men, or thereabouts., Concerning that; about that.
there-anent adverb Concerning that.
therebefore adverb Alt. of Therebiforn
therebiforn adverb Before that time; beforehand.
theretofore adverb Up to that time; before then; — correlative with heretofore.
therewithal adverb Over and above; besides; moreover., With that or this; therewith; at the same time.
theriodonta noun pl. Same as Theriodontia.
thermogenic adjective Relating to heat, or to the production of heat; producing heat; thermogenous; as, the thermogenic tissues.
thermograph noun An instrument for automatically recording indications of the variation of temperature.
thermolysis noun The resolution of a compound into parts by heat; dissociation by heat.
thermometer noun An instrument for measuring temperature, founded on the principle that changes of temperature in bodies are accompained by proportional changes in their volumes or dimensions.
thermometry noun The estimation of temperature by the use of a thermometric apparatus.
thermoscope noun An instrument for indicating changes of temperature without indicating the degree of heat by which it is affected; especially, an instrument contrived by Count Rumford which, as modified by Professor Leslie, was afterward called the differential thermometer.
thermotaxic adjective Pertaining to, or connected with, the regulation of temperature in the animal body; as, the thermotaxic nervous system.
thermotical adjective Of or pertaining to heat; produced by heat; as, thermotical phenomena.
theromorpha noun pl. See Theriodonta.
thesmothete noun A lawgiver; a legislator; one of the six junior archons at Athens.
thimblefuls plural of Thimbleful
thimbleweed noun Any plant of the composite genus Rudbeckia, coarse herbs somewhat resembling the sunflower; — so called from their conical receptacles.
thiocyanate noun Same as Sulphocyanate.
thiophthene noun A double thiophene nucleus, C6H4S2, analogous to thionaphthene, and the base of a large series of compounds.
third-penny noun A third part of the profits of fines and penalties imposed at the country court, which was among the perquisites enjoyed by the earl.
thirstiness noun The state of being thirsty; thirst.
thitherward adverb To ward that place; in that direction.
thoracotomy noun The operation of opening the pleural cavity by incision.
thoroughpin noun A disease of the hock (sometimes of the knee) of a horse, caused by inflammation of the synovial membrane and a consequent excessive secretion of the synovial fluid; — probably so called because there is usually an oval swelling on each side of the leg, appearing somewhat as if a pin had been thrust through.
thoroughwax noun An umbelliferous plant (Bupleurum rotundifolium) with perfoliate leaves., Thoroughwort.
thoughtless adverb Lacking thought; careless; inconsiderate; rash; as, a thoughtless person, or act., Giddy; gay; dissipated., Deficient in reasoning power; stupid; dull.
thrall-less adjective Having no thralls., Not enslaved; not subject to bonds.
thrall-like adjective Resembling a thrall, or his condition, feelings, or the like; slavish.
thrasonical adjective Of or pertaining to Thraso; like, or becoming to, Thraso; bragging; boastful; vainglorious.
threadiness noun Quality of being thready.
threatening present participle & vb. noun of Threaten, a. & n. from Threaten, v.
three-lobed adjective Having three lobes.
three-piled adjective Having the quality of three-pile; best; most costly., Fig.: Extravagant; exaggerated; high-flown., Accustomed to wearing three-pile; hence, of high rank, or wealth.
three-score adjective Thrice twenty; sixty.
three-sided adjective Having three sides, especially three plane sides; as, a three-sided stem, leaf, petiole, peduncle, scape, or pericarp.
threnetical adjective Pertaining to a threne; sorrowful; mournful.
threpsology noun The doctrine of nutrition; a treatise on nutrition.
thresh-fold noun Threshold.
thriftiness noun The quality or state of being thrifty; thrift.
throatlatch noun A strap of a bridle, halter, or the like, passing under a horse’s throat.
throw-crook noun An instrument used for twisting ropes out of straw.
thunderbird noun An Australian insectivorous singing bird (Pachycephala gutturalis). The male is conspicuously marked with black and yellow, and has a black crescent on the breast. Called also white-throated thickhead, orange-breasted thrust, black-crowned thrush, guttural thrush, and black-breasted flycatcher.
thunderbolt noun A shaft of lightning; a brilliant stream of electricity passing from one part of the heavens to another, or from the clouds to the earth., Something resembling lightning in suddenness and effectiveness., Vehement threatening or censure; especially, ecclesiastical denunciation; fulmination., A belemnite, or thunderstone.
thunderclap noun A sharp burst of thunder; a sudden report of a discharge of atmospheric electricity.
thunderfish noun A large European loach (Misgurnus fossilis).
thunderhead noun A rounded mass of cloud, with shining white edges; a cumulus, — often appearing before a thunderstorm.
thunderless adjective Without thunder or noise.
thunderworm noun A small, footless, burrowing, snakelike lizard (Rhineura Floridana) allied to Amphisbaena, native of Florida; — so called because it leaves its burrows after a thundershower.
thuriferous adjective Producing or bearing frankincense.
thwartingly adverb In a thwarting or obstructing manner; so as to thwart.
thyine wood The fragrant and beautiful wood of a North African tree (Callitris quadrivalvis), formerly called Thuja articulata. The tree is of the Cedar family, and furnishes a balsamic resin called sandarach.
thysanopter noun One of the Thysanoptera.
thysanurous adjective Of or pertaining to the Thysanura.