11 letter word starting with uni

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
unicapsular Having but one capsule to each flower.
unicellular adjective Having, or consisting of, but a single cell; as, a unicellular organism.
unicolorous adjective Having the surface of a uniform color.
unification noun The act of unifying, or the state of being unified.
unifolliate adjective Having only one leaf.
unifromness noun The quality or state of being uniform; uniformity.
unigeniture noun The state of being the only begotten.
unimplicate adjective Not implicated.
unimuscular adjective Having only one adductor muscle, and one muscular impression on each valve, as the oyster; monomyarian.
unipersonal adjective Existing as one, and only one, person; as, a unipersonal God., Used in only one person, especially only in the third person, as some verbs; impersonal.
uniradiated adjective Having but one ray.
unisilicate noun A salt of orthosilicic acid, H4SiO4; — so called because the ratio of the oxygen atoms united to the basic metals and silicon respectively is 1:1; for example, Mg2SiO4 or 2MgO.SiO2.
univalvular adjective Same as Univalve, a.
universally adverb In a universal manner; without exception; as, God’s laws are universally binding on his creatures.
univocation noun Agreement of name and meaning.