11 letter word starting with v

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
vaccinating present participle & vb. noun of Vaccinate
vaccination noun The act, art, or practice of vaccinating, or inoculating with the cowpox, in order to prevent or mitigate an attack of smallpox. Cf. Inoculation.
vacillating present participle & vb. noun of Vacillate, Inclined to fluctuate; wavering.
vacillation noun The act of vacillating; a moving one way and the other; a wavering.
vacillatory adjective Inclined to vacillate; wavering; irresolute.
vacuolation noun Formation into, or multiplication of, vacuoles.
vacuousness noun The quality or state of being vacuous; emptiness; vacuity.
vagabondage noun The condition of a vagabond; a state or habit of wandering about in idleness; vagrancy.
vagabondism noun Vagabondage.
vagabondize verb i. To play the vagabond; to wander about in idleness.
vaginervose adjective Having the nerves, or veins, placed in apparent disorder.
vagrantness noun State of being vagrant; vagrancy.
vaishnavism noun The worship of Vishnu.
valediction noun A farewell; a bidding farewell.
valedictory adjective Bidding farewell; suitable or designed for an occasion of leave-taking; as, a valedictory oration., A valedictory oration or address spoken at commencement in American colleges or seminaries by one of the graduating class, usually by the leading scholar.
valentinian noun One of a school of Judaizing Gnostics in the second century; — so called from Valentinus, the founder.
valerianate noun A valerate.
valeritrine noun A base, C15H27N, produced together with valeridine, which it resembles.
valve-shell noun Any fresh-water gastropod of the genus Valvata.
van-courier noun One sent in advance; an avant-courier; a precursor.
vanner hawk The kestrel.
vanquishing present participle & vb. noun of Vanquish
vaporimeter noun An instrument for measuring the volume or the tension of any vapor; specifically, an instrument of this sort used as an alcoholometer in testing spirituous liquors.
vaporizable adjective Capable of being vaporized into vapor.
variability noun The quality or state of being variable; variableness., The power possessed by living organisms, both animal and vegetable, of adapting themselves to modifications or changes in their environment, thus possibly giving rise to ultimate variation of structure or function.
variegating present participle & vb. noun of Variegate
variegation noun The act of variegating or diversifying, or the state of being diversified, by different colors; diversity of colors.
variolation noun Inoculation with smallpox.
vascularity noun The quality or state of being vascular.
vase-shaped adjective Formed like a vase, or like a common flowerpot.
vasodentine noun A modified form of dentine, which is permeated by blood capillaries; vascular dentine.
vasodilator adjective Causing dilation or relaxation of the blood vessels; as, the vasodilator nerves, stimulation of which causes dilation of the blood vessels to which they go. These nerves are also called vaso-inhibitory, and vasohypotonic nerves, since their stimulation causes relaxation and rest.
vaticinator noun One who vaticinates; a prophet.
vaza parrot Any one of several species of parrots of the genus Coracopsis, native of Madagascar; — called also vasa parrot.
vectitation noun The act of carrying, or state of being carried.
vellicating present participle & vb. noun of Vellicate
vellication The act of twitching, or of causing to twitch., A local twitching, or convulsive motion, of a muscular fiber, especially of the face.
vellicative adjective Having the power of vellicating, plucking, or twitching; causing vellication.
velocimeter noun An apparatus for measuring speed, as of machinery or vessels, but especially of projectiles.
venae cavae plural of Vena
vendemiaire noun The first month of the French republican calendar, dating from September 22, 1792.
vendibility noun The quality or state of being vendible, or salable.
venditation noun The act of setting forth ostentatiously; a boastful display.
veneficious adjective Acting by poison; used in poisoning or in sorcery.
venesection noun The act or operation of opening a vein for letting blood; bloodletting; phlebotomy.
vengeancely adverb Extremely; excessively.
ventilating present participle & vb. noun of Ventilate
ventilation noun The act of ventilating, or the state of being ventilated; the art or process of replacing foul air by that which is pure, in any inclosed place, as a house, a church, a mine, etc.; free exposure to air., The act of refrigerating, or cooling; refrigeration; as, ventilation of the blood., The act of fanning, or winnowing, for the purpose of separating chaff and dust from the grain., The act of sifting, and bringing out to view or examination; free discussion; public exposure., The act of giving vent or expression.
ventilative adjective Of or pertaining to ventilation; adapted to secure ventilation; ventilating; as, ventilative apparatus.
ventricular adjective Of or pertaining to a ventricle; bellied.
ventriculus noun One of the stomachs of certain insects., The body cavity of a sponge.
ventriloquy noun Same as Ventriloquism.
ventrimeson noun See Meson.
venturesome adjective Inclined to venture; not loth to run risk or danger; venturous; bold; daring; adventurous; as, a venturesome boy or act.
veraciously adverb In a veracious manner.
verbalizing present participle & vb. noun of Verbalize
verbenating present participle & vb. noun of Verbenate
verberation noun The act of verberating; a beating or striking., The impulse of a body; which causes sound.
verbosities plural of Verbosity
verdureless adjective Destitute of verdure.
verecundity noun The quality or state of being verecund; modesty.
verfication noun The act of verifying, or the state of being verified; confirmation; authentication., Confirmation by evidence., A formal phrase used in concluding a plea.
veriloquent adjective Speaking truth; truthful.
verisimilar adjective Having the appearance of truth; probable; likely.
versimilous adjective Verisimilar.
vermiculate verb t. To form or work, as by inlaying, with irregular lines or impressions resembling the tracks of worms, or appearing as if formed by the motion of worms., Wormlike in shape; covered with wormlike elevations; marked with irregular fine lines of color, or with irregular wavy impressed lines like worm tracks; as, a vermiculate nut., Crawling or creeping like a worm; hence, insinuating; sophistical.
vermiculite noun A group of minerals having, a micaceous structure. They are hydrous silicates, derived generally from the alteration of some kind of mica. So called because the scales, when heated, open out into wormlike forms.
vermiculose adjective Alt. of Vermiculous
vermiculous adjective Containing, or full of, worms; resembling worms.
vermiformia noun pl. A tribe of worms including Phoronis. See Phoronis.
vermination noun The generation or breeding of vermin., A griping of the bowels.
verminously adverb In a verminous manner.
vermiparous adjective Producing or breeding worms.
vermivorous adjective Devouring worms; feeding on worms; as, vermivorous birds.
vernaculous adjective Vernacular., Scoffing; scurrilous.
verriculate adjective Having thickset tufts of parallel hairs, bristles, or branches.
verruciform adjective Shaped like a wart or warts.
verruculose adjective Minutely verrucose; as, a verruculose leaf or stalk.
versability noun The quality or state of being versable.
versatility noun The quality or state of being versatile; versatileness.
versemonger noun A writer of verses; especially, a writer of commonplace poetry; a poetaster; a rhymer; — used humorously or in contempt.
vertebrally adverb At or within a vertebra or vertebrae; — distinguished from interverterbrally.
vertebrated adjective Having a backbone, or vertebral column, containing the spinal marrow, as man, quadrupeds, birds, amphibia, and fishes., Contracted at intervals, so as to resemble the spine in animals., Having movable joints resembling vertebrae; — said of the arms ophiurans., Of or pertaining to the Vertebrata; — used only in the form vertebrate.
verticality noun The quality or state of being vertical; verticalness.
verticillus noun A whorl; a verticil.
vertiginate adjective Turned round; giddy.
vertiginous adjective Turning round; whirling; rotary; revolving; as, vertiginous motion., Affected with vertigo; giddy; dizzy.
vertilinear adjective Straight; rectilinear.
vesicularia noun Any one of numerous species of marine Bryozoa belonging to Vesicularia and allied genera. They have delicate tubular cells attached in clusters to slender flexible stems.
vespertilio noun A genus of bats including some of the common small insectivorous species of North America and Europe.
vespertinal adjective Vespertine.
vesuvianite noun A mineral occurring in tetragonal crystals, and also massive, of a brown to green color, rarely sulphur yellow and blue. It is a silicate of alumina and lime with some iron magnesia, and is common at Vesuvius. Also called idocrase.
vexillation noun A company of troops under one vexillum.
vibratility noun The quality or state of being vibratile; disposition to vibration or oscillation.
vicariously adverb In a vicarious manner.
vicegerency noun The office of a vicegerent.
viceroyalty noun The dignity, office, or jurisdiction of a viceroy.
viceroyship noun Viceroyalty.
vichy water A mineral water found at Vichy, France. It is essentially an effervescent solution of sodium, calcium, and magnetism carbonates, with sodium and potassium chlorides; also, by extension, any artificial or natural water resembling in composition the Vichy water proper. Called also, colloquially, Vichy.
vicissitude noun Regular change or succession from one thing to another; alternation; mutual succession; interchange., Irregular change; revolution; mutation.
victimizing present participle & vb. noun of Victimize
victualling of Victual
villanizing present participle & vb. noun of Villanize
villanously noun Alt. of Villanousness
vinaigrette noun A sauce, made of vinegar, oil, and other ingredients, — used esp. for cold meats., A small perforated box for holding aromatic vinegar contained in a sponge, or a smelling bottle for smelling salts; — called also vinegarette., A small, two-wheeled vehicle, like a Bath chair, to be drawn or pushed by a boy or man.
vincibility noun The quality or state of being vincible, vincibleness.
vindicating present participle & vb. noun of Vindicate
vindication noun The act of vindicating, or the state of being vindicated; defense; justification against denial or censure; as, the vindication of opinions; his vindication is complete., The claiming a thing as one’s own; the asserting of a right or title in, or to, a thing.
vindicative adjective Tending to vindicate; vindicating; as, a vindicative policy., Revengeful; vindictive.
vindicatory adjective Tending or serving to vindicate or justify; justificatory; vindicative., Inflicting punishment; avenging; punitory.
vinedresser noun One who cultivates, prunes, or cares for, grapevines; a laborer in a vineyard.
vinegarette noun See Vinaigrette, n., 2.
vineyardist noun One who cultivates a vineyard.
vingt et un A game at cards, played by two or more persons. The fortune of each player depends upon obtaining from the dealer such cards that the sum of their pips, or spots, is twenty-one, or a number near to it.
viniculture noun The cultivation of the vine, esp. for making wine; viticulture.
violaniline noun A dyestuff of the induline group, made from aniline, and used as a substitute for indigo in dyeing wool and silk a violet-blue or a gray-blue color.
violoncello noun A stringed instrument of music; a bass viol of four strings, or a bass violin with long, large strings, giving sounds an octave lower than the viola, or tenor or alto violin.
virgouleuse noun An old French variety of pear, of little value.
virgularian noun Any one of numerous species of long, slender Alcyonaria belonging to Virgularia and allied genera of the family Virgularidae. These corals are allied to the sea-pens, but have a long rodlike rhachis inclosing a slender, round or square, calcareous axis. The polyps are arranged in transverse rows or clusters along each side of the rhachis.
viridescent adjective Slightly green; greenish.
viscerating present participle & vb. noun of Viscerate
viscountess noun The wife of a viscount.
visionaries plural of Visionary
vitellogene noun A gland secreting the yolk of the eggs in trematodes, turbellarians, and some other helminths.
viticulture noun The cultivation of the vine; grape growing.
vitiousness noun See Vicious, Viciously, Viciousness.
vitrescence noun The quality or state of being vitreous; glassiness, or the quality of being vitrescent; capability of conversion into glass; susceptibility of being formed into glass.
vitrescible adjective That may be vitrified; vitrifiable.
vitrifiable adjective Capable of being vitrified, or converted into glass by heat and fusion; as, flint and alkalies are vitrifiable.
vitrificate verb t. To convert into glass; to vitrify.
vitriolated imp. & past participle of Vitriolate, Changed into a vitriol or a sulphate, or subjected to the action of sulphuric acid or of a sulphate; as, vitriolated potash, i. e., potassium sulphate.
vituperable adjective Liable to, or deserving, vituperation, or severe censure.
vituperator noun One who vituperates, or censures abusively.
vivisection noun The dissection of an animal while alive, for the purpose of making physiological investigations.
vizier-azem noun A grand vizier. See under Vizier.
vociferance noun Vociferation; noise; clamor.
vociferated imp. & past participle of Vociferate
vociferator noun One who vociferates, or is clamorous.
volatilized imp. & past participle of Volatilize
vol-au-vent noun A light puff paste, with a raised border, filled, after baking, usually with a ragout of fowl, game, or fish.
volborthite noun A mineral occurring in small six-sided tabular crystals of a green or yellow color. It is a hydrous vanadate of copper and lime.
volcanicity noun Quality or state of being volcanic; volcanic power.
volcanizing present participle & vb. noun of Volcanize
volkslieder plural of Volkslied
voltagraphy noun In electrotypy, the act or art of copying, in metals deposited by electrolytic action, a form or pattern which is made the negative electrode.
volumescope noun An instrument consisting essentially of a glass tube provided with a graduated scale, for exhibiting to the eye the changes of volume of a gas or gaseous mixture resulting from chemical action, and the like.
voluntarily adverb In a voluntary manner; of one’s own will; spontaneously.
voluntaries plural of Voluntary
volunteered imp. & past participle of Volunteer
vorticellas plural of Vorticella
vorticellae plural of Vorticella
vortiginous adjective Moving rapidly round a center; vortical.
vouchsafing present participle & vb. noun of Vouchsafe
vulcanicity noun Volcanicity.
vulcanizing present participle & vb. noun of Vulcanize
vulcanology noun The science which treats of phenomena due to plutonic action, as in volcanoes, hot springs, etc.
vulgarizing present participle & vb. noun of Vulgarize
vulneration noun The act of wounding, or the state of being wounded.