12 letter word starting with a

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
abalienation noun The act of abalienating; alienation; estrangement.
abbreviating present participle & vb. noun of Abbreviate
abbreviation noun The act of shortening, or reducing., The result of abbreviating; an abridgment., The form to which a word or phrase is reduced by contraction and omission; a letter or letters, standing for a word or phrase of which they are a part; as, Gen. for Genesis; U.S.A. for United States of America., One dash, or more, through the stem of a note, dividing it respectively into quavers, semiquavers, or demi-semiquavers.
abbreviatory adjective Serving or tending to abbreviate; shortening; abridging.
abbreviature noun An abbreviation; an abbreviated state or form., An abridgment; a compendium or abstract.
aber-de-vine noun The European siskin (Carduelis spinus), a small green and yellow finch, related to the goldfinch.
aberrational adjective Characterized by aberration.
abevacuation noun A partial evacuation.
abirritation noun A pathological condition opposite to that of irritation; debility; want of strength; asthenia.
abirritative adjective Characterized by abirritation or debility.
abjectedness noun A very abject or low condition; abjectness.
abjudication noun Rejection by judicial sentence.
ablaqueation noun The act or process of laying bare the roots of trees to expose them to the air and water.
abligurition noun Prodigal expense for food.
abolitionism noun The principles or measures of abolitionists.
abolitionist noun A person who favors the abolition of any institution, especially negro slavery.
abolitionize verb t. To imbue with the principles of abolitionism.
aboriginally adverb Primarily.
abortiveness noun The quality of being abortive.
about-sledge noun The largest hammer used by smiths.
abraum salts noun A red ocher used to darken mahogany and for making chloride of potassium.
absentaneous adjective Pertaining to absence.
absinthiated adjective Impregnated with wormwood; as, absinthiated wine.
absoluteness noun The quality of being absolute; independence of everything extraneous; unlimitedness; absolute power; independent reality; positiveness.
absolutistic adjective Pertaining to absolutism; absolutist.
absorptivity noun Absorptiveness.
absquatulate verb i. To take one’s self off; to decamp.
abstractedly adverb In an abstracted manner; separately; with absence of mind.
abstractness noun The quality of being abstract.
abstruseness noun The quality of being abstruse; difficulty of apprehension.
academically adverb In an academical manner.
acanthaceous adjective Armed with prickles, as a plant., Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the family of plants of which the acanthus is the type.
acanthopteri noun pl. A group of teleostean fishes having spiny fins. See Acanthopterygii.
accelerating present participle & vb. noun of Accelerate
acceleration noun The act of accelerating, or the state of being accelerated; increase of motion or action; as, a falling body moves toward the earth with an acceleration of velocity; — opposed to retardation.
accelerative adjective Relating to acceleration; adding to velocity; quickening.
acceleratory adjective Accelerative.
accentuality noun The quality of being accentual.
accentuating present participle & vb. noun of Accentuate
accentuation noun Act of accentuating; applications of accent., pitch or modulation of the voice in reciting portions of the liturgy.
acciaccatura noun A short grace note, one semitone below the note to which it is prefixed; — used especially in organ music. Now used as equivalent to the short appoggiatura.
accidentally adverb In an accidental manner; unexpectedly; by chance; unintentionally; casually; fortuitously; not essentially.
acclimatable adjective Capable of being acclimated.
acclimatized imp. & past participle of Acclimatize
accommodable adjective That may be accommodated, fitted, or made to agree.
accommodated imp. & past participle of Accommodate
accommodator noun He who, or that which, accommodates.
accompanable adjective Sociable.
accompanying present participle & vb. noun of Accompany
accompletive adjective Tending to accomplish.
accomplicity noun The act or state of being an accomplice.
accomplished imp. & past participle of Accomplish, Completed; effected; established; as, an accomplished fact., Complete in acquirements as the result usually of training; — commonly in a good sense; as, an accomplished scholar, an accomplished villain.
accomplisher noun One who accomplishes.
accordionist noun A player on the accordion.
accouchement noun Delivery in childbed
account book A book in which accounts are kept.
accouplement noun The act of coupling, or the state of being coupled; union., That which couples, as a tie or brace.
accroachment noun An encroachment; usurpation.
accumulating present participle & vb. noun of Accumulate
accumulation noun The act of accumulating, the state of being accumulated, or that which is accumulated; as, an accumulation of earth, of sand, of evils, of wealth, of honors., The concurrence of several titles to the same proof.
accumulative adjective Characterized by accumulation; serving to collect or amass; cumulative; additional.
accurateness noun The state or quality of being accurate; accuracy; exactness; nicety; precision.
accusatively adverb In an accusative manner., In relation to the accusative case in grammar.
accusatorial adjective Accusatory.
accustomable adjective Habitual; customary; wonted.
accustomably adverb According to custom; ordinarily; customarily.
accustomance noun Custom; habitual use.
acephalocyst noun A larval entozoon in the form of a subglobular or oval vesicle, or hydatid, filled with fluid, sometimes found in the tissues of man and the lower animals; — so called from the absence of a head or visible organs on the vesicle. These cysts are the immature stages of certain tapeworms. Also applied to similar cysts of different origin.
acetaldehyde noun Acetic aldehyde. See Aldehyde.
achlamydeous adjective Naked; having no floral envelope, neither calyx nor corolla.
achromatized imp. & past participle of Achromatize
achromatopsy noun Color blindness; inability to distinguish colors; Daltonism.
acknowledged imp. & past participle of Acknowledge
acknowledger noun One who acknowledges.
acoustically adverb In relation to sound or to hearing.
acquaintable adjective Easy to be acquainted with; affable.
acquaintance noun A state of being acquainted, or of having intimate, or more than slight or superficial, knowledge; personal knowledge gained by intercourse short of that of friendship or intimacy; as, I know the man; but have no acquaintance with him., A person or persons with whom one is acquainted.
acquiescence noun A silent or passive assent or submission, or a submission with apparent content; — distinguished from avowed consent on the one hand, and on the other, from opposition or open discontent; quiet satisfaction., Submission to an injury by the party injured., Tacit concurrence in the action of another.
acquiescency noun The quality of being acquiescent; acquiescence.
acroamatical adjective Communicated orally; oral; — applied to the esoteric teachings of Aristotle, those intended for his genuine disciples, in distinction from his exoteric doctrines, which were adapted to outsiders or the public generally. Hence: Abstruse; profound.
acrocephalic adjective Characterized by a high skull.
acrodactylum noun The upper surface of the toes, individually.
acrostically adverb After the manner of an acrostic.
acroteleutic noun The end of a verse or psalm, or something added thereto, to be sung by the people, by way of a response.
actinometric adjective Pertaining to the measurement of the intensity of the solar rays, either (a) heating, or (b) actinic.
actinotrocha noun pl. A peculiar larval form of Phoronis, a genus of marine worms, having a circle of ciliated tentacles.
acustumaunce noun See Accustomance.
acute-angled adjective Having acute angles; as, an acute-angled triangle, a triangle with every one of its angles less than a right angle.
acutifoliate adjective Having sharp-pointed leaves.
adambulacral adjective Next to the ambulacra; as, the adambulacral ossicles of the starfish.
adam’s apple See under Adam.
adaptability noun Alt. of Adaptableness
adaptiveness noun The quality of being adaptive; capacity to adapt.
ad captandum A phrase used adjectively sometimes of meretricious attempts to catch or win popular favor.
addictedness noun The quality or state of being addicted; attachment.
additionally adverb By way of addition.
addle-headed adjective Alt. of Addle-pated
adelocodonic adjective Applied to sexual zooids of hydroids, that have a saclike form and do not become free; — opposed to phanerocodonic.
adenographic adjective Pertaining to adenography.
adenological adjective Pertaining to adenology.
adenophorous adjective Producing glands.
adequateness noun The quality of being adequate; suitableness; sufficiency; adequacy.
adessenarian noun One who held the real presence of Christ’s body in the eucharist, but not by transubstantiation.
adhesiveness noun The quality of sticking or adhering; stickiness; tenacity of union., Propensity to form and maintain attachments to persons, and to promote social intercourse.
ad infinitum Without limit; endlessly.
adjectitious Added; additional.
adjectivally adverb As, or in the manner of, an adjective; adjectively.
adjudicating present participle & vb. noun of Adjudicate
adjudication noun The act of adjudicating; the act or process of trying and determining judicially., A deliberate determination by the judicial power; a judicial decision or sentence., The decision upon the question whether the debtor is a bankrupt., A process by which land is attached security or in satisfaction of a debt.
adjudicative adjective Adjudicating.
adjudicature noun Adjudication.
adjunctively adverb In an adjunctive manner.
adminiculary adjective Adminicular.
administered imp. & past participle of Administer
administrant adjective Executive; acting; managing affairs., One who administers.
administrate verb t. To administer.
admirability noun Admirableness.
admonishment noun Admonition.
admonitioner noun Admonisher.
admonitorial adjective Admonitory.
adorableness noun The quality of being adorable, or worthy of adoration.
adosculation noun Impregnation by external contact, without intromission.
adscititious adjective Supplemental; additional; adventitious; ascititious.
adulterating present participle & vb. noun of Adulterate
adulteration noun The act of adulterating; corruption, or debasement (esp. of food or drink) by foreign mixture., An adulterated state or product.
adulterously adverb In an adulterous manner.
advantageous adjective Being of advantage; conferring advantage; gainful; profitable; useful; beneficial; as, an advantageous position; trade is advantageous to a nation.
adventitious adjective Added extrinsically; not essentially inherent; accidental or causal; additional; supervenient; foreign., Out of the proper or usual place; as, adventitious buds or roots., Accidentally or sparingly spontaneous in a country or district; not fully naturalized; adventive; — applied to foreign plants., Acquired, as diseases; accidental.
adventureful adjective Given to adventure.
adverbiality noun The quality of being adverbial.
adverbialize verb t. To give the force or form of an adverb to.
adversarious adjective Hostile.
advisability noun The quality of being advisable; advisableness.
advocateship noun Office or duty of an advocate.
aerification noun The act of combining air with another substance, or the state of being filled with air., The act of becoming aerified, or of changing from a solid or liquid form into an aeriform state; the state of being aeriform.
aerodynamics noun The science which treats of the air and other gaseous bodies under the action of force, and of their mechanical effects.
aeronautical adjective Pertaining to aeronautics, or aerial sailing.
aerosiderite noun A mass of meteoric iron.
aerostatical adjective Of or pertaining to aerostatics; pneumatic., Aeronautic; as, an aerostatic voyage.
aestheticism noun The doctrine of aesthetics; aesthetic principles; devotion to the beautiful in nature and art.
aetheogamous adjective Propagated in an unusual way; cryptogamous.
aethrioscope noun An instrument consisting in part of a differential thermometer. It is used for measuring changes of temperature produced by different conditions of the sky, as when clear or clouded.
aetiological adjective Pertaining to aetiology; assigning a cause.
affamishment noun Starvation.
affectedness noun Affectation.
affectionate adjective Having affection or warm regard; loving; fond; as, an affectionate brother., Kindly inclined; zealous., Proceeding from affection; indicating love; tender; as, the affectionate care of a parent; affectionate countenance, message, language., Strongly inclined; — with to.
affinitative adjective Of the nature of affinity.
afflictively adverb In an afflictive manner.
affluentness noun Great plenty.
afforciament noun See Afforcement.
affrightedly adverb With fright.
affrightment noun Affright; the state of being frightened; sudden fear or alarm.
affrontingly adverb In an affronting manner.
aforethought adjective Premeditated; prepense; previously in mind; designed; as, malice aforethought, which is required to constitute murder., Premeditation.
after-dinner noun The time just after dinner., Following dinner; post-prandial; as, an after-dinner nap.
after-eatage noun Aftergrass.
afterthought noun Reflection after an act; later or subsequent thought or expedient.
after-witted adjective Characterized by after-wit; slow-witted.
agalmatolite noun A soft, compact stone, of a grayish, greenish, or yellowish color, carved into images by the Chinese, and hence called figure stone, and pagodite. It is probably a variety of pinite.
agamogenesis noun Reproduction without the union of parents of distinct sexes: asexual reproduction.
agamogenetic noun Reproducing or produced without sexual union.
aggeneration noun The act of producing in addition.
agglomerated imp. & past participle of Agglomerate, Collected into a ball, heap, or mass., Collected into a rounded head of flowers.
agglutinated imp. & past participle of Agglutinate
aggrandizing present participle & vb. noun of Aggrandize
agnomination noun A surname., Paronomasia; also, alliteration; annomination.
agnus castus A species of Vitex (V. agnus castus); the chaste tree.
agreeability noun Easiness of disposition., The quality of being, or making one’s self, agreeable; agreeableness.
agricolation noun Agriculture.
agricultural adjective Of or pertaining to agriculture; connected with, or engaged in, tillage; as, the agricultural class; agricultural implements, wages, etc.
agrostologic adjective Alt. of Agrostological
aich’s metal A kind of gun metal, containing copper, zinc, and iron, but no tin.
aids-de-camp plural of Aid-de-camp
albification noun The act or process of making white.
albumenizing present participle & vb. noun of Albumenize
albuminoidal adjective Of the nature of an albuminoid.
alchemically adverb In the manner of alchemy.
alcoholature noun An alcoholic tincture prepared with fresh plants.
alcoholizing present participle & vb. noun of Alcoholize
alcoholmeter noun An instrument for determining the strength of spirits, with a scale graduated so as to indicate the percentage of pure alcohol, either by weight or volume. It is usually a form of hydrometer with a special scale.
alcohometric adjective Same as Alcoholometer, Alcoholometric.
aldermanlike adjective Like or suited to an alderman.
aldermanship noun The condition, position, or office of an alderman.
alen/on lace See under Lace.
alexipharmac adjective & noun Alt. of Alexipharmacal
alexipharmic adjective Alt. of Alexipharmical, An antidote against poison or infection; a counterpoison.
alexipyretic adjective Serving to drive off fever; antifebrile., A febrifuge.
alexiterical adjective Resisting poison; obviating the effects of venom; alexipharmic.
alhambresque adjective Made or decorated after the fanciful style of the ornamentation in the Alhambra, which affords an unusually fine exhibition of Saracenic or Arabesque architecture.
alienability noun Capability of being alienated.
aliethmoidal adjective Pertaining to expansions of the ethmoid bone or cartilage.
alike-minded adjective Like-minded.
alimentation noun The act or process of affording nutriment; the function of the alimentary canal., State or mode of being nourished.
alkalescence noun Alt. of Alkalescency
alkalescency noun A tendency to become alkaline; or the state of a substance in which alkaline properties begin to be developed, or to predominant.
alkalifiable adjective Capable of being alkalified, or converted into an alkali.
alkalimetric adjective Alt. of Alkalimetrical
alkalization noun The act rendering alkaline by impregnating with an alkali; a conferring of alkaline qualities.
allegorizing present participle & vb. noun of Allegorize
allhallowmas noun The feast of All Saints.
alliteration noun The repetition of the same letter at the beginning of two or more words immediately succeeding each other, or at short intervals; as in the following lines: –
alliterative adjective Pertaining to, or characterized by, alliteration; as, alliterative poetry.
allomorphism noun The property which constitutes an allomorph; the change involved in becoming an allomorph.
allotropical adjective Of or pertaining to allotropism.
allusiveness noun The quality of being allusive.
almightiness noun Omnipotence; infinite or boundless power; unlimited might.
alphabetical adjective Pertaining to, furnished with, expressed by, or in the order of, the letters of the alphabet; as, alphabetic characters, writing, languages, arrangement., Literal.
alterability noun The quality of being alterable; alterableness.
altiloquence noun Lofty speech; pompous language.
alto-relievo noun Alto-rilievo.
alto-rilievo noun High relief; sculptured work in which the figures project more than half their thickness; as, this figure is an alto-rilievo or in alto-rilievo.
amalgamating present participle & vb. noun of Amalgamate
amalgamation noun The act or operation of compounding mercury with another metal; — applied particularly to the process of separating gold and silver from their ores by mixing them with mercury., The mixing or blending of different elements, races, societies, etc.; also, the result of such combination or blending; a homogeneous union.
amalgamative adjective Characterized by amalgamation.
amazon stone noun A variety of feldspar, having a verdigris-green color.
ambassadress noun A female ambassador; also, the wife of an ambassador.
ambidextrous adjective Having the faculty of using both hands with equal ease., Practicing or siding with both parties.
ambitionless adjective Devoid of ambition.
amboyna wood A beautiful mottled and curled wood, used in cabinetwork. It is obtained from the Pterocarpus Indicus of Amboyna, Borneo, etc.
ambulatorial adjective Ambulatory; fitted for walking.
ambulatories plural of Ambulatory
ameliorating present participle & vb. noun of Ameliorate
amelioration noun The act of ameliorating, or the state of being ameliorated; making or becoming better; improvement; melioration.
ameliorative adjective Tending to ameliorate; producing amelioration or improvement; as, ameliorative remedies, efforts.
amenableness noun The quality or state of being amenable; liability to answer charges; answerableness.
amenorrhoeal adjective Pertaining to amenorrhoea.
amentiferous adjective Bearing catkins.
americanizer imp. & past participle of Americanize
amianthiform adjective Resembling amianthus in form.
amicableness noun The quality of being amicable; amicability.
amissibility The quality of being amissible; possibility of being lost.
ammonitoidea noun pl. An extensive group of fossil cephalopods often very abundant in Mesozoic rocks. See Ammonite.
ammunitioned imp. & past participle of Ammunition
amortisation noun Alt. of Amortisement
amortisement noun Same as Amortize, Amortization, etc.
amortization noun The act or right of alienating lands to a corporation, which was considered formerly as transferring them to dead hands, or in mortmain., The extinction of a debt, usually by means of a sinking fund; also, the money thus paid.
amortizement noun Same as Amortization.
amour propre Self-love; self-esteem.
amphibiology noun A treatise on amphibious animals; the department of natural history which treats of the Amphibia.
amphibiotica noun pl. A division of insects having aquatic larvae.
amphibiously adverb Like an amphibious being.
amphiblastic adjective Segmenting unequally; — said of telolecithal ova with complete segmentation.
amphicarpous adjective Producing fruit of two kinds, either as to form or time of ripening.
amphicoelian adjective Alt. of Amphicoelous
amphicoelous adjective Having both ends concave; biconcave; — said of vertebrae.
amphictyonic adjective Of or pertaining to the Amphictyons or their League or Council; as, an Amphictyonic town or state; the Amphictyonic body.
amphigenesis noun Sexual generation; amphigony.
amphistomous adjective Having a sucker at each extremity, as certain entozoa, by means of which they adhere.
amphitheater noun Alt. of Amphitheatre
amphitheatre noun An oval or circular building with rising tiers of seats about an open space called the arena., Anything resembling an amphitheater in form; as, a level surrounded by rising slopes or hills, or a rising gallery in a theater.
amphitropous adjective Having the ovule inverted, but with the attachment near the middle of one side; half anatropous.
amphopeptone noun A product of gastric digestion, a mixture of hemipeptone and antipeptone.
ampullaceous adjective Like a bottle or inflated bladder; bottle-shaped; swelling.
amygdaloidal adjective Almond-shaped., Pertaining to, or having the nature of, the rock amygdaloid.
anabaptistic adjective Alt. of Anabaptistical
anabaptistry noun The doctrine, system, or practice, of Anabaptists.
anacathartic adjective Producing vomiting or expectoration., An anacathartic medicine; an expectorant or an emetic.
anachronical adjective Characterized by, or involving, anachronism; anachronistic.
anaerobiotic adjective Related to, or of the nature of, anaerobies.
anaesthetize verb t. To render insensible by an anaesthetic.
anaglyphical adjective Pertaining to the art of chasing or embossing in relief; anaglyptic; — opposed to diaglyptic or sunk work.
anagrammatic adjective Alt. of Anagrammatical
anallagmatic adjective Not changed in form by inversion.
analogically adverb In an analogical sense; in accordance with analogy; by way of similitude.
analytically adverb In an analytical manner.
anamorphosis noun A distorted or monstrous projection or representation of an image on a plane or curved surface, which, when viewed from a certain point, or as reflected from a curved mirror or through a polyhedron, appears regular and in proportion; a deformation of an image., Same as Anamorphism, 2., A morbid or monstrous development, or change of form, or degeneration.
anaphrodisia noun Absence of sexual appetite.
anaphroditic adjective Produced without concourse of sexes.
anapodeictic adjective Not apodeictic; undemonstrable.
anarthropoda noun pl. One of the divisions of Articulata in which there are no jointed legs, as the annelids; — opposed to Arthropoda.
anastomosing present participle & vb. noun of Anastomose
anathematism noun Anathematization.
anathematize verb t. To pronounce an anathema against; to curse. Hence: To condemn publicly as something accursed.
anatomically adverb In an anatomical manner; by means of dissection.
anchoretical adjective Pertaining to an anchoret or hermit; after the manner of an anchoret.
anchovy pear A West Indian fruit like the mango in taste, sometimes pickled; also, the tree (Grias cauliflora) bearing this fruit.
androphagous adjective Anthropophagous.
anemographic adjective Produced by an anemograph; of or pertaining to anemography.
anencephalic adjective Alt. of Anencephalous
angiocarpous adjective Having fruit inclosed within a covering that does not form a part of itself; as, the filbert covered by its husk, or the acorn seated in its cupule., Having the seeds or spores covered, as in certain lichens.
angiosporous adjective Having spores contained in cells or thecae, as in the case of some fungi.
angiostomous adjective With a narrow mouth, as the shell of certain gastropods.
anguilliform adjective Eel-shaped.
animadversal noun The faculty of perceiving; a percipient.
animadverted imp. & past participle of Animadvert
animadverter noun One who animadverts; a censurer; also [Obs.], a chastiser.
animalculine adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, animalcules.
animalculism noun The theory which seeks to explain certain physiological and pathological phenomena by means of animalcules.
animalculist noun One versed in the knowledge of animalcules., A believer in the theory of animalculism.
anisodactyla noun pl. Alt. of Anisodactyls
anisodactyls noun pl. A group of herbivorous mammals characterized by having the hoofs in a single series around the foot, as the elephant, rhinoceros, etc., A group of perching birds which are anisodactylous.
anisosthenic adjective Of unequal strength.
anisotropous adjective Anisotropic.
annihilating present participle & vb. noun of Annihilate
annihilation noun The act of reducing to nothing, or nonexistence; or the act of destroying the form or combination of parts under which a thing exists, so that the name can no longer be applied to it; as, the annihilation of a corporation., The state of being annihilated.
annihilative adjective Serving to annihilate; destructive.
annihilatory adjective Annihilative.
annomination noun Paronomasia; punning., Alliteration.
announcement noun The act of announcing, or giving notice; that which announces; proclamation; publication.
annumeration noun Addition to a former number.
annunciating present participle & vb. noun of Annunciate
annunciation noun The act of announcing; announcement; proclamation; as, the annunciation of peace., The announcement of the incarnation, made by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary., The festival celebrated (March 25th) by the Church of England, of Rome, etc., in memory of the angel’s announcement, on that day; Lady Day.
annunciative adjective Pertaining to annunciation; announcing.
annunciatory adjective Pertaining to, or containing, announcement; making known.
anorthoscope noun An optical toy for producing amusing figures or pictures by means of two revolving disks, on one of which distorted figures are painted.
anseriformes noun pl. A division of birds including the geese, ducks, and closely allied forms.
antagonistic adjective Alt. of Antagonistical
antagonozing present participle & vb. noun of Antagonize
antanaclasis noun A figure which consists in repeating the same word in a different sense; as, Learn some craft when young, that when old you may live without craft., A repetition of words beginning a sentence, after a long parenthesis; as, Shall that heart (which not only feels them, but which has all motions of life placed in them), shall that heart, etc.
antarchistic adjective Alt. of Antarchistical
antarthritic adjective Counteracting or alleviating gout., A remedy against gout.
antasthmatic adjective Opposing, or fitted to relieve, asthma., A remedy for asthma.
antecedently adverb Previously; before in time; at a time preceding; as, antecedently to conversion.
antediluvial adjective Before the flood, or Deluge, in Noah’s time.
antediluvian adjective Of or relating to the period before the Deluge in Noah’s time; hence, antiquated; as, an antediluvian vehicle., One who lived before the Deluge.
antemeridian adjective Being before noon; in or pertaining to the forenoon. (Abbrev. a. m.)
antephialtic adjective Good against nightmare., A remedy nightmare.
antepileptic adjective Good against epilepsy., A medicine for epilepsy.
anteposition noun The placing of a before another, which, by ordinary rules, ought to follow it.
anteprandial adjective Preceding dinner.
anthelmintic adjective Good against intestinal worms., An anthelmintic remedy.
antherozooid noun One of the mobile male reproductive bodies in the antheridia of cryptogams.
anthocarpous adjective Having some portion of the floral envelopes attached to the pericarp to form the fruit, as in the checkerberry, the mulberry, and the pineapple.
anthological adjective Pertaining to anthology; consisting of beautiful extracts from different authors, especially the poets.
anthophagous adjective Eating flowers; — said of certain insects.
anthophorous adjective Flower bearing; supporting the flower.
anthraconite noun A coal-black marble, usually emitting a fetid smell when rubbed; — called also stinkstone and swinestone.
anthropogeny noun The science or study of human generation, or the origin and development of man.
anthropoglot noun An animal which has a tongue resembling that of man, as the parrot.
anthropoidal adjective Anthropoid.
anthropoidea noun pl. The suborder of primates which includes the monkeys, apes, and man.
anthropolite noun A petrifaction of the human body, or of any portion of it.
anthropology noun The science of the structure and functions of the human body., The science of man; — sometimes used in a limited sense to mean the study of man as an object of natural history, or as an animal., That manner of expression by which the inspired writers attribute human parts and passions to God.
anthropotomy noun The anatomy or dissection of the human body; androtomy.
antialbumose noun See Albumose.
antibacchius noun A foot of three syllables, the first two long, and the last short (#).
antibrachial adjective Of or pertaining to the antibrachium, or forearm.
antibrachium noun That part of the fore limb between the brachium and the carpus; the forearm.
anticausodic adjective & noun Same as Anticausotic.
anticausotic adjective Good against an inflammatory fever., A remedy for such a fever.
antichronism noun Deviation from the true order of time; anachronism.
antichthones plural of Antichthon
anticipating present participle & vb. noun of Anticipate
anticipation noun The act of anticipating, taking up, placing, or considering something beforehand, or before the proper time in natural order., Previous view or impression of what is to happen; instinctive prevision; foretaste; antepast; as, the anticipation of the joys of heaven., Hasty notion; intuitive preconception., The commencing of one or more tones of a chord with or during the chord preceding, forming a momentary discord.
anticipative adjective Anticipating, or containing anticipation.
anticipatory adjective Forecasting; of the nature of anticipation.
anticlinoria plural of Anticlinorium
antifriction noun Something to lessen friction; antiattrition., Tending to lessen friction.
antigalastic adjective Causing a diminution or a suppression of the secretion of milk.
antihydropic adjective Good against dropsy., A remedy for dropsy.
antihypnotic adjective Tending to prevent sleep., An antihypnotic agent.
antihysteric adjective Counteracting hysteria., A remedy for hysteria.
antilegomena noun pl. Certain books of the New Testament which were for a time not universally received, but which are now considered canonical. These are the Epistle to the Hebrews, the Epistles of James and Jude, the second Epistle of Peter, the second and third Epistles of John, and the Revelation. The undisputed books are called the Homologoumena.
antimacassar noun A cover for the back or arms of a chair or sofa, etc., to prevent them from being soiled by macassar or other oil from the hair.
antimalarial adjective Good against malaria.
antimephitic adjective Good against mephitic or deleterious gases., A remedy against mephitic gases.
antimetabole noun A figure in which the same words or ideas are repeated in transposed order.
antimoniated adjective Combined or prepared with antimony; as, antimoniated tartar.
antinational adjective Antagonistic to one’s country or nation, or to a national government.
antiorgastic adjective Tending to allay venereal excitement or desire; sedative.
antiparallel adjective Running in a contrary direction.
antipathetic adjective Alt. of Antipathetical
antiperiodic noun A remedy possessing the property of preventing the return of periodic paroxysms, or exacerbations, of disease, as in intermittent fevers.
antipetalous adjective Standing before a petal, as a stamen.
antiphrastic adjective Alt. of Antiphrastical
antiphthisic adjective Relieving or curing phthisis, or consumption., A medicine for phthisis.
antiphysical adjective Contrary to nature; unnatural., Relieving flatulence; carminative.
antipodagric adjective Good against gout., A medicine for gout.
antirachitic adjective Good against the rickets.
antiscoletic adjective Alt. of Antiscolic
antisepalous adjective Standing before a sepal, or calyx leaf.
antiseptical adjective Counteracting or preventing putrefaction, or a putrescent tendency in the system; antiputrefactive.
antistrophic adjective Of or pertaining to an antistrophe.
antistrophon noun An argument retorted on an opponent.
antistrumous adjective Good against scrofulous disorders.
antithetical adjective Pertaining to antithesis, or opposition of words and sentiments; containing, or of the nature of, antithesis; contrasted.
antivenereal adjective Good against venereal poison; antisyphilitic.
antonomastic adjective Pertaining to, or characterized by, antonomasia.
aparithmesis noun Enumeration of parts or particulars.
apathistical adjective Apathetic; une motional.
aphidivorous Devouring aphides; aphidophagous.
aphorismatic adjective Alt. of Aphorismic
aphoristical adjective In the form of, or of the nature of, an aphorism; in the form of short, unconnected sentences; as, an aphoristic style.
apocalyptist noun The writer of the Apocalypse.
apocryphally adverb In an apocryphal manner; mythically; not indisputably.
apocynaceous adjective Alt. of Apocyneous
apodeictical adjective Alt. of Apodictical
apogeotropic adjective Bending away from the ground; — said of leaves, etc.
apollinarian adjective In honor of Apollo; as, the Apollinarian games., A follower of Apollinaris, Bishop of Laodicea in the fourth century, who denied the proper humanity of Christ.
apologetical adjective Defending by words or arguments; said or written in defense, or by way of apology; regretfully excusing; as, an apologetic essay.
apomecometer noun An instrument for measuring the height of objects.
apomecometry noun The art of measuring the distance of objects afar off.
aponeurotomy noun Dissection of aponeuroses.
apoplectical adjective Relating to apoplexy; affected with, inclined to, or symptomatic of, apoplexy; as, an apoplectic person, medicine, habit or temperament, symptom, fit, or stroke.
apostatizing present participle & vb. noun of Apostatize
apostemation noun The formation of an aposteme; the process of suppuration.
apostematous adjective Pertaining to, or partaking of the nature of, an aposteme.
a posteriori Characterizing that kind of reasoning which derives propositions from the observation of facts, or by generalizations from facts arrives at principles and definitions, or infers causes from effects. This is the reverse of a priori reasoning., Applied to knowledge which is based upon or derived from facts through induction or experiment; inductive or empirical.
apostolicism noun Alt. of Apostolicity
apostolicity noun The state or quality of being apostolical.
apostrophize present participle & vb. noun To address by apostrophe., To contract by omitting a letter or letters; also, to mark with an apostrophe (‘) or apostrophes., To use the rhetorical figure called apostrophe.
apothecaries plural of Apothecary
apothegmatic adjective Alt. of Apothegmatical
apparaillyng verb Preparation.
apparentness noun Plainness to the eye or the mind; visibleness; obviousness.
apparitional adjective Pertaining to an apparition or to apparitions; spectral.
appendicitis noun Inflammation of the vermiform appendix.
appendicular adjective Relating to an appendicle; appendiculate.
apperception noun The mind’s perception of itself as the subject or actor in its own states; perception that reflects upon itself; sometimes, intensified or energetic perception.
appertaining present participle & vb. noun of Appertain
appertinance noun Alt. of Appertinence
appertinence noun See Appurtenance.
appetibility noun The quality of being desirable.
apple-squire noun A pimp; a kept gallant.
appoggiatura noun A passing tone preceding an essential tone, and borrowing the time it occupies from that; a short auxiliary or grace note one degree above or below the principal note unless it be of the same harmony; — generally indicated by a note of smaller size, as in the illustration above. It forms no essential part of the harmony.
apportioning present participle & vb. noun of Apportion
appositional adjective Pertaining to apposition; put in apposition syntactically.
appraisement noun The act of setting the value; valuation by an appraiser; estimation of worth.
appreciating present participle & vb. noun of Appreciate
appreciation noun A just valuation or estimate of merit, worth, weight, etc.; recognition of excellence., Accurate perception; true estimation; as, an appreciation of the difficulties before us; an appreciation of colors., A rise in value; — opposed to depreciation.
appreciative adjective Having or showing a just or ready appreciation or perception; as, an appreciative audience.
appreciatory adjective Showing appreciation; appreciative; as, appreciatory commendation.
apprehending present participle & vb. noun of Apprehend
apprehension noun The act of seizing or taking hold of; seizure; as, the hand is an organ of apprehension., The act of seizing or taking by legal process; arrest; as, the felon, after his apprehension, escaped., The act of grasping with the intellect; the contemplation of things, without affirming, denying, or passing any judgment; intellection; perception., Opinion; conception; sentiment; idea., The faculty by which ideas are conceived; understanding; as, a man of dull apprehension., Anticipation, mostly of things unfavorable; distrust or fear at the prospect of future evil.
apprehensive adjective Capable of apprehending, or quick to do so; apt; discerning., Knowing; conscious; cognizant., Relating to the faculty of apprehension., Anticipative of something unfavorable’ fearful of what may be coming; in dread of possible harm; in expectation of evil., Sensible; feeling; perceptive.
apprenticing present participle & vb. noun of Apprentice
approachable adjective Capable of being approached; accessible; as, approachable virtue.
approachless adjective Impossible to be approached.
approachment noun Approach.
appropriable adjective Capable of being appropriated, set apart, sequestered, or assigned exclusively to a particular use.
appropriated imp. & past participle of Appropriate
appropriator noun One who appropriates., A spiritual corporation possessed of an appropriated benefice; also, an impropriator.
approximated imp. & past participle of Approximate
approximator noun One who, or that which, approximates.
appurtenance noun That which belongs to something else; an adjunct; an appendage; an accessory; something annexed to another thing more worthy; in common parlance and legal acceptation, something belonging to another thing as principal, and which passes as incident to it, as a right of way, or other easement to land; a right of common to pasture, an outhouse, barn, garden, or orchard, to a house or messuage. In a strict legal sense, land can never pass as an appurtenance to land.
apron string The string of an apron.
aquapuncture noun The introduction of water subcutaneously for the relief of pain.
araeosystyle adjective & noun See Intercolumniation.
arbitrarious adjective Arbitrary; despotic.
arbor dianae A precipitation of silver, in a beautiful arborescent form.
arborescence noun The state of being arborescent; the resemblance to a tree in minerals, or crystallizations, or groups of crystals in that form; as, the arborescence produced by precipitating silver.
arborization noun The appearance or figure of a tree or plant, as in minerals or fossils; a dendrite.
archaeologic Alt. of Archaeological
archdeaconry noun The district, office, or residence of an archdeacon. See Benefice.
archetypally adverb With reference to the archetype; originally. “Parts archetypally distinct.”
archetypical adjective Relating to an archetype; archetypal.
archilochian adjective Of or pertaining to the satiric Greek poet Archilochus; as, Archilochian meter.
archipelagic adjective Of or pertaining to an archipelago.
architective adjective Used in building; proper for building.
architecture noun The art or science of building; especially, the art of building houses, churches, bridges, and other structures, for the purposes of civil life; — often called civil architecture., Construction, in a more general sense; frame or structure; workmanship.
architeuthis noun A genus of gigantic cephalopods, allied to the squids, found esp. in the North Atlantic and about New Zealand.
arcubalister noun A crossbowman; one who used the arcubalist.
areometrical adjective Pertaining to, or measured by, an areometer.
argillaceous adjective Of the nature of clay; consisting of, or containing, argil or clay; clayey.
argumentable adjective Admitting of argument.
aristarchian adjective Severely critical.
aristocratic adjective Alt. of Aristocratical
aristophanic adjective Of or pertaining to Aristophanes, the Athenian comic poet.
aristotelian adjective Of or pertaining to Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher (384-322 b. c.)., A follower of Aristotle; a Peripatetic. See Peripatetic.
arithmetical adjective Of or pertaining to arithmetic; according to the rules or method of arithmetic.
arithmomancy noun Arithmancy.
arithmometer noun A calculating machine.
armor-bearer noun One who carries the armor or arms of another; an armiger.
armor-plated adjective Covered with defensive plates of metal, as a ship of war; steel-clad.
arrenotokous adjective Producing males from unfertilized eggs, as certain wasps and bees.
arreptitious adjective Snatched away; seized or possessed, as a demoniac; raving; mad; crack-brained.
arrhaphostic adjective Seamless.
arrogantness noun Arrogance.
arsenicating present participle & vb. noun of Arsenicate
arseniferous adjective Containing or producing arsenic.
arseniureted adjective Combined with arsenic; — said some elementary substances or radicals; as, arseniureted hydrogen.
arsenopyrite noun A mineral of a tin-white color and metallic luster, containing arsenic, sulphur, and iron; — also called arsenical pyrites and mispickel.
arterialized imp. & past participle of Arterialize
arthrogastra noun pl. A division of the Arachnida, having the abdomen annulated, including the scorpions, harvestmen, etc.; pedipalpi.
arthrography noun The description of joints.
arthropleura noun The side or limb-bearing portion of an arthromere.
arthropomata noun pl. One of the orders of Branchiopoda. See Branchiopoda.
arthrostraca noun pl. One of the larger divisions of Crustacea, so called because the thorax and abdomen are both segmented; Tetradecapoda. It includes the Amphipoda and Isopoda.
articulating present participle & vb. noun of Articulate
articulately adverb After the manner, or in the form, of a joint., Article by article; in distinct particulars; in detail; definitely., With distinct utterance of the separate sounds.
articulation noun A joint or juncture between bones in the skeleton., The connection of the parts of a plant by joints, as in pods., One of the nodes or joints, as in cane and maize., One of the parts intercepted between the joints; also, a subdivision into parts at regular or irregular intervals as a result of serial intermission in growth, as in the cane, grasses, etc., The act of putting together with a joint or joints; any meeting of parts in a joint., The state of being jointed; connection of parts., The utterance of the elementary sounds of a language by the appropriate movements of the organs, as in pronunciation; as, a distinct articulation., A sound made by the vocal organs; an articulate utterance or an elementary sound, esp. a consonant.
articulative adjective Of or pertaining to articulation.
artificially adverb In an artificial manner; by art, or skill and contrivance, not by nature., Ingeniously; skillfully., Craftily; artfully.
artilleryman noun A man who manages, or assists in managing, a large gun in firing.
artiodactyla noun pl. One of the divisions of the ungulate animals. The functional toes of the hind foot are even in number, and the third digit of each foot (corresponding to the middle finger in man) is asymmetrical and paired with the fourth digit, as in the hog, the sheep, and the ox; — opposed to Perissodactyla.
artiodactyle noun One of the Artiodactyla.
artocarpeous adjective Alt. of Artocarpous
arundiferous adjective Producing reeds or canes.
ascertaining present participle & vb. noun of Ascertain
ascidiozooid noun One of the individual members of a compound ascidian. See Ascidioidea.
asparaginous adjective Pertaining or allied to, or resembling, asparagus; having shoots which are eaten like asparagus; as, asparaginous vegetables.
asphyxiation noun The act of causing asphyxia; a state of asphyxia.
assassinated imp. & past participle of Assassinate
assassinator noun An assassin.
assecuration noun Assurance; certainty.
assessorship noun The office or function of an assessor.
asseverating present participle & vb. noun of Asseverate
asseveration noun The act of asseverating, or that which is asseverated; positive affirmation or assertion; solemn declaration.
asseverative adjective Characterized by asseveration; asserting positively.
asseveratory adjective Asseverative.
assibilation noun Change of a non-sibilant letter to a sibilant, as of -tion to -shun, duke to ditch.
assimilating present participle & vb. noun of Assimilate
assimilation noun The act or process of assimilating or bringing to a resemblance, likeness, or identity; also, the state of being so assimilated; as, the assimilation of one sound to another., The conversion of nutriment into the fluid or solid substance of the body, by the processes of digestion and absorption, whether in plants or animals.
assimilative adjective Tending to, or characterized by, assimilation; that assimilates or causes assimilation; as, an assimilative process or substance.
assimilatory adjective Tending to assimilate, or produce assimilation; as, assimilatory organs.
assimulation noun Assimilation.
assuefaction noun The act of accustoming, or the state of being accustomed; habituation.
astipulation noun Stipulation; agreement.
astonishedly adverb In an astonished manner.
astonishment noun The condition of one who is stunned. Hence: Numbness; loss of sensation; stupor; loss of sense., Dismay; consternation., The overpowering emotion excited when something unaccountable, wonderful, or dreadful is presented to the mind; an intense degree of surprise; amazement., The object causing such an emotion.
astringently adverb In an astringent manner.
astrological adjective Of or pertaining to astrology; professing or practicing astrology.
astronomical adjective Of or pertaining to astronomy; in accordance with the methods or principles of astronomy.
asymmetrical adjective Incommensurable., Not symmetrical; wanting proportion; esp., not bilaterally symmetrical.
atheological adjective Opposed to theology; atheistic.
atheromatous adjective Of, pertaining to, or having the nature of, atheroma.
atmolyzation noun Separation by atmolysis.
atrabilarian adjective Alt. of Atrabilarious, A person much given to melancholy; a hypochondriac.
attemperance noun Temperance; attemperament.
attemperment noun Attemperament.
attitudinize verb i. To assume affected attitudes; to strike an attitude; to pose.
attorneyship noun The office or profession of an attorney; agency for another.
attractivity noun The quality or degree of attractive power.
attrectation noun Frequent handling or touching.
attributable adjective Capable of being attributed; ascribable; imputable.
augmentation noun The act or process of augmenting, or making larger, by addition, expansion, or dilation; increase., The state of being augmented; enlargement., The thing added by way of enlargement., A additional charge to a coat of arms, given as a mark of honor., The stage of a disease in which the symptoms go on increasing., In counterpoint and fugue, a repetition of the subject in tones of twice the original length.
augmentative adjective Having the quality or power of augmenting; expressing augmentation., A word which expresses with augmented force the idea or the properties of the term from which it is derived; as, dullard, one very dull. Opposed to diminutive.
aurichalcite noun A hydrous carbonate of copper and zinc, found in pale green or blue crystalline aggregations. It yields a kind of brass on reduction.
aurochloride noun The trichloride of gold combination with the chloride of another metal, forming a double chloride; — called also chloraurate.
auscultation noun The act of listening or hearkening to., An examination by listening either directly with the ear (immediate auscultation) applied to parts of the body, as the abdomen; or with the stethoscope (mediate auscultation), in order to distinguish sounds recognized as a sign of health or of disease.
auscultatory adjective Of or pertaining to auscultation.
australasian adjective Of or pertaining to Australasia; as, Australasian regions., A native or an inhabitant of Australasia.
authenticate verb t. To render authentic; to give authority to, by the proof, attestation, or formalities required by law, or sufficient to entitle to credit., To prove authentic; to determine as real and true; as, to authenticate a portrait.
authenticity noun The quality of being authentic or of established authority for truth and correctness., Genuineness; the quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original.
authorizable adjective Capable of being authorized.
authochthons plural of Autochthon
autochthones plural of Autochthon
autochthonal adjective Alt. of Autochthonous
autocratical adjective Of or pertaining to autocracy or to an autocrat; absolute; holding independent and arbitrary powers of government.
autocratship noun The office or dignity of an autocrat.
autogenously adverb In an autogenous manner; spontaneously.
automorphism noun Automorphic characterization.
autoptically adverb By means of ocular view, or one’s own observation.
availability noun The quality of being available; availableness., That which is available.
averruncator noun An instrument for pruning trees, consisting of two blades, or a blade and a hook, fixed on the end of a long rod.
awe-stricken adjective Awe-struck.
ayuntamiento noun In Spain and Spanish America, a corporation or body of magistrates in cities and towns, corresponding to mayor and aldermen.